changeset 4 32704c33136d
child 19 7ca52d38f8c3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/appinstaller/AppMngr2/group/appmngr2.mmp	Tue Jan 26 12:06:03 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Project specification for AppMngr2
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
+TARGET              appmngr2.exe
+EPOCSTACKSIZE       0x5000
+TARGETTYPE          exe
+UID                 0x100039CE 0x101F8512
+CAPABILITY          CAP_APPLICATION AllFiles ProtServ TrustedUI
+SOURCEPATH          ../src
+SOURCE              appmngr2app.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2appui.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2document.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2model.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2pluginholder.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2listview.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2installedview.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2packagesview.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2listcontainer.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2installedcontainer.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2packagescontainer.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2scanner.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2scannerdir.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2filerecognizer.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2infoarray.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2appinfoarray.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2packageinfoarray.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2infomaker.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2appinfomaker.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2packageinfomaker.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2log.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2logpopuplist.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2logdatabase.cpp
+SOURCE              appmngr2logdatabaseentry.cpp
+START RESOURCE      ../data/appmngr2.rss
+START RESOURCE      ../aif/appmngr2_reg.rss
+DEPENDS AppMngr2.rsg
+TARGETPATH          /private/10003a3f/apps
+USERINCLUDE         ../inc
+LIBRARY             euser.lib                       // Base
+LIBRARY             apparc.lib                      // App Framework
+LIBRARY             cone.lib                        // App Framework
+LIBRARY             apgrfx.lib                      // App Framework
+LIBRARY             apmime.lib                      // App Framework (TDataType)
+LIBRARY             avkon.lib                       // S60 UI Framework
+LIBRARY             eikcore.lib                     // S60 UI Framework
+LIBRARY             eikcoctl.lib                    // S60 UI Framework
+LIBRARY             eikctl.lib                      // S60 UI Framework
+LIBRARY             efsrv.lib                       // File Server
+LIBRARY             ws32.lib                        // Window Server
+LIBRARY             bafl.lib                        // Descriptor arrays
+LIBRARY             commonengine.lib                // StringLoader
+LIBRARY             featmgr.lib                     // FeatureManager
+LIBRARY             hlplch.lib                      // HlpLauncher
+LIBRARY             aknskins.lib                    // AknsUtils
+LIBRARY             egul.lib                        // CGulIcon
+LIBRARY             centralrepository.lib           // CRepository
+LIBRARY             edbms.lib                       // DBMS Database (for log)
+LIBRARY             platformenv.lib                 // DriveInfo
+LIBRARY             appmngr2pluginapi.lib           // AppMngr2 Runtime API
+LIBRARY             ecom.lib                        // ECom
+LIBRARY             caf.lib                         // Content Access Framework
+DEBUGLIBRARY        flogger.lib                     // RFileLogger