changeset 4 32704c33136d
child 23 09e5ea190d07
child 25 98b66e4fb0be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/source/makesislib/packageparser.cpp	Tue Jan 26 12:06:03 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2207 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* handles parsing of PKG file
+* Note: This file may contain code to generate corrupt files for test purposes.
+* Such code is excluded from production builds by use of compiler defines;
+* it is recommended that such code should be removed if this code is ever published publicly.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable: 4786)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "packageparser.h"
+#include "utility_interface.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#define EOF_TOKEN			 0
+#define NUMERIC_TOKEN		 1
+#define ALPHA_TOKEN			 2
+#define AND_TOKEN			 4
+#define OR_TOKEN			 5
+#define NOT_TOKEN			 6
+#define EXISTS_TOKEN		 7
+#define DEVCAP_TOKEN		 8
+#define APPCAP_TOKEN		 9
+#define GE_TOKEN			 10
+#define LE_TOKEN			 11
+#define NE_TOKEN			 12
+#define IF_TOKEN			 13
+#define ELSEIF_TOKEN		 14
+#define ELSE_TOKEN			 15
+#define ENDIF_TOKEN			 16
+#define TYPE_TOKEN			 17
+#define KEY_TOKEN			 18
+#define VERSION_TOKEN		 19
+#define LAST_TOKEN			 20
+TDuplicates CPackageParser::iSrcFiles;
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+// Set up the cout stream so that we can use it with either narrow or wide
+// chars at build time
+#ifndef _UNICODE
+#error _UNICODE expected
+#endif // _UNICODE
+// Parse options lookups
+const SParseOpt KHeaderOptions[] =
+	{
+		{L"IU", EInstIsUnicode},
+		{L"SH", EInstShutdownApps},
+		{L"NC", EInstNoCompress},
+		{L"IUNICODE",		EInstIsUnicode},
+		{L"SHUTDOWNAPPS",	EInstShutdownApps},
+		{L"NOCOMPRESS",		EInstNoCompress},
+		{L"NR",				EInstNonRemovable},
+		{L"NONREMOVABLE",	EInstNonRemovable},
+		{L"RU",				EInstROMUpgrade},
+ 		{L"ROMUPGRADE",		EInstROMUpgrade},
+ 		{L"H",				EInstHide},
+ 		{L"HIDE",			EInstHide}
+	};
+#define NUMHEADEROPTIONS (sizeof(KHeaderOptions)/sizeof(SParseOpt))
+// Parse options lookups
+#define MAXTOKENLEN	30
+struct SParseToken
+	{
+	DWORD dwOpt;
+	};
+const SParseToken KTokens[] =
+	{
+		{L"if",			IF_TOKEN},
+		{L"elseif",		ELSEIF_TOKEN},
+		{L"else",		ELSE_TOKEN},
+		{L"endif",		ENDIF_TOKEN},
+		{L"exists",		EXISTS_TOKEN},
+		{L"devcap",		DEVCAP_TOKEN},
+		{L"appcap",		APPCAP_TOKEN},
+		{L"package",	DEVCAP_TOKEN},
+		{L"appprop",	APPCAP_TOKEN},
+		{L"not",		NOT_TOKEN},
+		{L"and",		AND_TOKEN},
+		{L"or",			OR_TOKEN},
+		{L"type",		TYPE_TOKEN},
+		{L"key",		KEY_TOKEN},
+		{L"version",	VERSION_TOKEN},
+		{L"supported_language",SUPPORTED_LANG_TOKEN},
+	};
+#define NUMPARSETOKENS (sizeof(KTokens)/sizeof(SParseToken))
+// ===========================================================================
+// CPackageParser
+// ===========================================================================
+CPackageParser::CPackageParser(MParserObserver& aObserver) :
+				iValidSISFile(true),
+				iMakeStub(false),
+				iReportInterpretSisError(false),
+				iEnoughForStub(false),
+				iIsHeaderDefined(false),
+				iUniqueVendorName (false),
+				iLocalisedVendorNames (false),
+				iPkgChar(0),
+				iLineNo(0),	   		// The line we are currently on
+				iCurrentLang(0),	// If we are in a lang/lang file block - which lang are we processing
+				iToken(0),
+				iFileHandle(0),
+				iObserver(aObserver)
+	{
+	memset((void *)iSearchDir, 0x0000, PATHMAX * sizeof(wchar_t));
+	}
+void CPackageParser::SetSearchDirectory(LPCWSTR pszPath)
+// Purpose  : Sets the search directory
+// Inputs   : pszPath  - The directory path (including trailing backslash!)
+	{
+	wcsncpy(iSearchDir, pszPath, PATHMAX - 1);
+	DWORD len=wcslen(iSearchDir);
+	wchar_t *pBuffer = iSearchDir;
+	wchar_t *pCurrent = pBuffer;
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'\\')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'/';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		} 
+	if(len>0 && iSearchDir[len - 1] != '/')
+		{
+		iSearchDir[len] = '/';
+		iSearchDir[len+1] = '\0';
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::MakeSis(const wchar_t* aPkgFileName, const wchar_t* aSisFileName, bool aMakeStub, bool aReportInterpretSisError)
+	{
+	iMakeStub = aMakeStub;
+	iReportInterpretSisError = aReportInterpretSisError;
+	ParseL(aPkgFileName);
+	// Turn off line number output
+	iObserver.SetLineNumber(0);
+	if (iMakeStub)
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Generating SIS stub file...");
+	else
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Generating SIS installation file...");
+	if (iValidSISFile)
+		{
+		iSISXWriter.WriteSIS (aSisFileName);
+		}
+	}
+HANDLE CPackageParser::OpenPackageFile(const wchar_t* aPkgFileName)
+	{
+	bool fResult = true;
+	wchar_t pszTempSource [PATHMAX];
+	bool converted = true;
+	HANDLE hFile = 0;
+	TEncodingScheme encScheme;
+	if (!FileIsUnicode(aPkgFileName,encScheme))
+		{
+		if ( EUtf8 != encScheme )
+			iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Byte order marker not detected. Assuming UTF-8 encoding");
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme: UTF8");
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource,ConvertFileToUnicode(aPkgFileName,encScheme));
+		}
+	else if (encScheme == EUcs2BE && sizeof(WCHAR) == 2)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme: UCS2 (BE)");
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource,ConvertUCS2FileToLittleEndianUnicode(aPkgFileName));
+		}
+	/*
+		Linux first needs conversion to little endian and then into ucs-4
+		Linux has wchar in 4 bytes and processing of .pkg file happens based on wchar
+		so need conversion here from ucs2 to ucs4
+	*/
+	else if (encScheme == EUcs2BE && sizeof(WCHAR) == 4)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme: UCS2 (BE)");
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource,ConvertUCS2FileToLittleEndianUnicode(aPkgFileName));
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource,ConvertUCS2FileToUCS4(pszTempSource));
+		}
+	else if (encScheme == EUcs2LE && sizeof(WCHAR) == 2)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme: UCS2 (LE)");
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource, aPkgFileName);
+		converted = false;
+		}
+	// Convert UCS2 file to UCS4 for Linux
+	else if (encScheme == EUcs2LE && sizeof(WCHAR) == 4)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme: UCS2 (LE)");
+		wcscpy(pszTempSource,ConvertUCS2FileToUCS4(aPkgFileName));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"Encoding scheme not supported");
+		throw ErrCannotOpenFile;
+		}
+	hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile(pszTempSource,GENERIC_READ,OPEN_EXISTING);
+		{
+		throw ErrCannotOpenFile;
+		}
+	if(encScheme == EUtf8)
+		{
+		UnicodeMarker(hFile);
+		}
+	if(converted)
+		{
+		_wunlink(pszTempSource);
+		}
+	return hFile;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseL (const wchar_t* aPkgFileName)
+// Purpose  : Check the contents of an input line and defers parsing to the appropriate ParseXXXL()
+//			  method
+// Inputs   : m_pkgPtr - The line to process
+	{
+	iValidSISFile = true;
+	iFileHandle = OpenPackageFile(aPkgFileName);
+	assert(iFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+	iEnoughForStub = false;
+	iSISXWriter.SetDefaultContent ();
+	iObserver.SetLineNumber(++iLineNo);
+	// Make sure we're at the beginning of the file
+	::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+	GetNextChar();
+	// skip unicode marker if present
+	if(iPkgChar==0xFEFF) GetNextChar();
+	GetNextToken ();
+	while(iToken!=EOF_TOKEN && !(iMakeStub && iEnoughForStub))
+		{
+		ParseEmbeddedBlockL (iSISXWriter.InstallBlock ());
+		switch (iToken)
+			{
+			case '&':
+				// Pkg file keyword check is disabled here 
+ 				// to avoid conflicts with the language code 
+ 				// (e.g. "IF - International French").
+ 				GetNextToken (1);
+				ParseLanguagesL();
+				break;
+			case '#':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseHeaderL();
+				break;
+			case '%':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseVendorNameL();
+				break;
+			case '=':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseLogoL();
+				break;
+			case '(':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseDependencyL();
+				break;
+			case '*':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseSignatureL();
+				break;
+			case ':':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseVendorUniqueNameL();
+				break;
+			case '[':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseTargetDeviceL();
+				break;
+			case EOF_TOKEN:
+				break;
+			default :
+				{
+				throw ErrUnknownLine;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (! iUniqueVendorName && ! iLocalisedVendorNames)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoMsg(L"No vendor names found.\n");
+		}
+	else if (! iLocalisedVendorNames)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoMsg(L"Localised vendor names not found.\n");
+		}
+	else if (! iUniqueVendorName)
+		{
+		iObserver.DoMsg(L"Unique vendor name not found.\n");
+		}
+	if (iFileHandle)
+		{
+		::CloseHandle(iFileHandle);
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseEmbeddedBlockL (CSISInstallBlock& aInstall)
+	{
+	while(iToken!=EOF_TOKEN)
+		{
+		switch (iToken)
+			{
+				ParseFileL (aInstall);
+				break;
+			case '@':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParsePackageL (aInstall);
+				break;
+			case '!':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseOptionsBlockL();
+				break;
+			case '{':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseLanguageBlockL (aInstall);
+				break;
+			case '+':
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParsePropertyL ();
+				break;
+			case IF_TOKEN:
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ParseIfBlockL (aInstall);
+				break;
+			case ';' :
+				ParseCommentL ();
+				break;
+			default :
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseLanguagesL()
+// Parses the language definition line
+// Updated to support "dialects"
+// Dialect definition syntax is: <language>["("<dialect-code>")"]
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing languages");
+	if (iSISXWriter.AreLanguagesSpecified ())
+		throw ErrLanguagesAlreadyDefined;
+	CSISLanguage::TDialect dialect (0);
+	while (true)
+		{
+		if (iToken==ALPHA_TOKEN)
+			{
+			dialect = CSISLanguage::IdentifyLanguage (iTokenValue.pszString);
+			if (dialect == CSISLanguage::ELangNone) throw ErrUnknownLanguagesId;
+			}
+		else if (iToken==NUMERIC_TOKEN && iTokenValue.dwNumber>=0 && iTokenValue.dwNumber<=1000)
+			{
+			dialect = static_cast <CSISLanguage::TDialect> (iTokenValue.dwNumber);
+			}
+		else
+			throw ErrUnknownLanguagesId;
+		GetNextToken ();
+		// Check if a dialect is defined
+		if (iToken == '(')
+			{
+			GetNumericToken();
+			// Modify the last added language code, combining it with dialect code
+			if (dialect) dialect = dialect + static_cast <CSISLanguage::TDialect> (iTokenValue.dwNumber);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			if (iToken != ')')
+				throw ErrUnexpectedToken;
+			GetNextToken ();
+			}
+		iSISXWriter.AddLanguage (dialect);
+		dialect=0;
+		if (iToken!=',')
+			return;
+		GetNextToken (1);
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseHeaderL()
+// Parses the pkg header line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing header");
+	// Default type
+	std::wstring interpretType = L"SA";
+	bool isNonRemovable = false;
+	// By default the ROM Upgradeable flag (RU) is FALSE.
+	bool isROMUpgrade = false;
+	if (iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderAlreadyDefined;
+	if (! iSISXWriter.AreLanguagesSpecified ())
+		{
+		iObserver.DoVerbage (L"No languages defined, assuming English.");
+		}
+	// process application names
+	ExpectToken('{');
+	for (WORD wNumLangs = 0; wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages(); wNumLangs++)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		iSISXWriter.AddName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages() -1 )
+			{
+			ExpectToken(',');
+			}
+		}
+	ExpectToken('}');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	DWORD dwFlags = 0;
+	DWORD dwType = 0;
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken('(');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISUid::TUid uid = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(')');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISVersion::TMajor major = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISVersion::TMinor minor = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISVersion::TBuild build = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ValidateVersion(major,minor,build);
+	// Parse any options
+	bool narrow=false;
+	while (iToken==',')
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (iToken==TYPE_TOKEN)
+			{
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken('=');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			interpretType = iTokenValue.pszString;
+			iSISXWriter.InterpretType (iTokenValue.pszString);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			DWORD option=ParseOption(KHeaderOptions,NUMHEADEROPTIONS,&dwFlags);
+			narrow=(option==0);
+			switch (option)
+				{
+			case EInstShutdownApps:
+				iSISXWriter.AddInstallFlag(CSISInfo::EInstFlagShutdownApps);
+				break;
+			case EInstNonRemovable:
+				isNonRemovable = true;
+				iSISXWriter.AddInstallFlag(CSISInfo::EInstFlagNonRemovable);
+				break;			
+			case EInstROMUpgrade:
+				isROMUpgrade = true;
+				iSISXWriter.AddInstallFlag(CSISInfo::EInstFlagROMUpgrade);
+				break;
+			case EInstHide:
+				iSISXWriter.AddInstallFlag(CSISInfo::EInstFlagHide);
+			#endif				
+				break;
+				}			
+			}
+		}
+	//ROM Upgrade is applicable only for SA, PU & SP, reject package file if RU is coupled 
+ 	//with anything other than these three install types. 
+ 	if(isROMUpgrade && ((interpretType != L"SA") && (interpretType != L"PU") && (interpretType != L"SP")))
+ 		{ 		
+		throw ErrInvalidInstallFlagOption;
+ 		}		
+	// Reject package types PA-PP if marked non-removable
+	if (isNonRemovable && (interpretType == L"PA" || interpretType == L"PP"))
+		{
+		throw ErrHeaderRejectPreInstalledNonRemovable;
+		}
+	if (InterpretSis() && (interpretType == L"PP"))
+		{
+		ReportInterpretSisError(ErrInvalidAppType);
+		}
+	// if narrow not explicitly set default to unicode
+	if (!narrow) dwFlags|=EInstIsUnicode;
+   	iSISXWriter.SetVersionInfo (uid, TVersion (major, minor, build), dwType, dwFlags);
+	iIsHeaderDefined = true;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseVendorNameL ()
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing vendor name");
+	ExpectToken('{');
+	for (WORD wNumLangs = 0; wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages(); wNumLangs++)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		iSISXWriter.AddVendorName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages() -1 )
+			{
+			ExpectToken(',');
+			}
+		}
+	ExpectToken('}');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	iLocalisedVendorNames = true;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseLogoL ()
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing logo");
+	std::wstring file (iTokenValue.pszString);
+	const wchar_t *pBuffer = file.c_str();
+	wchar_t *pCurrent = const_cast<wchar_t*>(pBuffer);
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'\\')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'/';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	std::wstring mime (iTokenValue.pszString);
+	pBuffer = mime.c_str();
+	pCurrent = const_cast<wchar_t*>(pBuffer);
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'\\')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'/';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	std::wstring target;
+	if (iToken==',')
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		target = iTokenValue.pszString;
+		}
+	iSISXWriter.SetLogo (file, mime, target);
+	const CSISLogo& logo = iSISXWriter.SISContent().Controller().Logo();
+	CSISFileDescription& fd = const_cast<CSISFileDescription&>(logo.FileDesc());
+	ComputeAndSetHash(fd);
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseFileL (CSISInstallBlock& aInstall)
+// Parses a file definition line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing file");
+	bool fileProblem = false;
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	std::wstring sourceFile (iTokenValue.pszString);
+	// Linux and windows both support forward slashes so if source path is given '\' need to convert
+	// in forward slash for compatibility.
+	const wchar_t *pBuffer = sourceFile.c_str();
+	wchar_t *pCurrent = const_cast<wchar_t*>(pBuffer);
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'\\')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'/';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		}
+	TUint64 size;
+	TUint64 compressedSize = 0;
+	bool isFileNameEmpty = sourceFile.empty ();
+	if(CSISContents::IsPreInstalledApp() && isFileNameEmpty)
+		{
+		fileProblem = true;
+		iObserver.DoMsg(L" Error : Source file is missing for PreInstalled APP : ");
+		CSISException::ThrowIf (fileProblem ,
+							CSISException::EFileProblem,
+							std::wstring (L"Source file is missing for PreInstalled APP "));
+		}
+	if(! isFileNameEmpty && ! DoesFileExist (sourceFile, size))
+		{
+		wchar_t msg[255];
+		wcscpy(msg, L"Cannot find file : ");
+		wcscat(msg, sourceFile.c_str());
+		wcsncat(msg, L"\n", 1);
+		iObserver.DoErrMsg(msg);
+		fileProblem = true;
+		}
+	CSISException::ThrowIf (fileProblem ,
+							CSISException::EFileProblem,
+							std::wstring (L"cannot find ") + sourceFile);
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken('-');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	// BAW-5CQEA5 Check for invalid destination (i.e starts with ':')
+	if ((sourceFile.size () > 0) && (sourceFile [0] == ':'))
+		throw ErrBadDestinationPath;
+	std::wstring destinationFile (iTokenValue.pszString);
+	// SWI only supports backward slashesh so need to convert destination path in backward slash if
+	// user gives '/' in Linux.
+	pBuffer = destinationFile.c_str();
+	pCurrent = const_cast<wchar_t*>(pBuffer);
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'/')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'\\';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		}
+	// SWI only supports backward slashesh so need to convert destination path in backward slash if
+	// user gives '/' in Linux.
+	pBuffer = destinationFile.c_str();
+	pCurrent = const_cast<wchar_t*>(pBuffer);
+	while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'/')) != NULL)
+		{
+		*pCurrent = L'\\';
+		pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		} 	
+	bool bNewFile = true;
+	// CSisFileDescription is allocated on the heap, since the compiler does not support well
+	// its allocation on the stack combined with exceptions (DEF108815)
+	std::auto_ptr<CSISFileDescription> fd(new CSISFileDescription);
+	TUint32 fileIndex = Find((wchar_t*)sourceFile.c_str(),*fd);
+	if ( fileIndex == -1 )
+		{
+		aInstall.AddFileDescription ();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aInstall.AddFileDescription (*fd);
+		bNewFile = false;
+		}
+	if (! isFileNameEmpty)
+		{
+		if ( bNewFile )
+			{
+			TUint64 size = 0;
+			fileIndex = iSISXWriter.LoadFile (sourceFile, &size);
+			aInstall.SetFileIndex (fileIndex);
+			aInstall.ExtractCapabilities(sourceFile);
+			aInstall.SetLengths (size, iSISXWriter.CompressedSize ());
+			ComputeAndSetHash(aInstall.FileDescription());
+			Set(sourceFile,aInstall.FileDescription());
+			}
+		}
+	aInstall.SetTarget (destinationFile);
+	GetNextToken ();
+	if ( !bNewFile )
+		{
+		CSISFileDescription& fdLast = aInstall.FileDescription();
+		fdLast.SetOperation(0);
+		fdLast.SetOptions(0);
+		}
+	// Test for options
+	if (iToken!=',')
+		{
+		aInstall.SetOperation (CSISFileDescription::EOpInstall);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		CSISFileDescription::TSISInstOption type = aInstall.InterpretOption (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (type == CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType)
+			{
+			ExpectToken (',');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken (QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN);
+			aInstall.SetMimeType (iTokenValue.pszString);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			}
+		if (iToken==',')
+			{
+			do
+				{
+				GetNextToken ();
+				aInstall.InterpretOption (iTokenValue.pszString);
+				//if the next token is a comma , then continue.
+				GetNextToken ();
+				} while (iToken == ',');
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParsePackageL (CSISInstallBlock& aInstall)
+// Parses a package (component SIS file) line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing embedded package file");
+	if (InterpretSis())
+		{
+		ReportInterpretSisError(ErrEmbeddedSisNotSupported);
+		}
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	wcscpy(pszFile,iTokenValue.pszString);
+	std::wstring fileName;
+	std::wstring name;
+	//check whether search directory is specified.
+	if(iSearchDir[0] != '\0')
+		{
+		if ((wcslen (iSearchDir) + wcslen (pszFile)) < PATHMAX - 1)
+			{
+			WCHAR pszNewPath[PATHMAX];
+			wcscpy(pszNewPath, iSearchDir);
+			wcscat(pszNewPath, pszFile);
+			fileName.append(pszNewPath);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		name = iTokenValue.pszString;
+		}
+	// Test that the file exists
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken('(');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISUid::TUid uid = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(')');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	if(iSearchDir[0] != '\0')
+		{
+		iSISXWriter.EmbedFile (fileName, uid, aInstall );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iSISXWriter.EmbedFile (name, uid, aInstall );
+		}
+	}
+TVersion CPackageParser::ParseVersion()
+// Parse version information for dependency lines
+	{
+	CSISVersion::TMajor major;
+	GetNextToken();
+	if (iToken == '*')
+		{
+		major = -1;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		major = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		}
+	GetNextToken();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	CSISVersion::TMinor minor;
+	GetNextToken();
+	if (iToken == '*')
+		{
+		minor = -1;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		minor = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		}
+	GetNextToken();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	CSISVersion::TBuild build;
+	GetNextToken();
+	if (iToken == '*')
+		{
+		build = -1;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		build = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		}
+	GetNextToken();
+	ValidateVersion(major, minor, build);
+	return TVersion(major, minor, build);
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseDependencyL()
+// Parses a dependency line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing dependency");
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISUid::TUid uid = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(')');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	TVersion from = ParseVersion();
+	TVersion to(-1,-1,-1);
+	if (iToken == '~')
+		{
+		to = ParseVersion();
+		ExpectToken(',');
+		}
+	else if (iToken == ',')
+		{
+		to = TVersion(KIrrelevant, KIrrelevant, KIrrelevant);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iObserver.DoErrMsg(L"Expected '-' or ',' in dependency line");
+		throw ErrUnexpectedToken;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken('{');
+	iSISXWriter.AddDependency (uid, from, to);
+		// must do this before adding language strings
+	for (TUint16 numLangs = 0; numLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages (); ++numLangs)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		iSISXWriter.AddDependencyName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (numLangs < (iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages() - 1))
+			ExpectToken(',');
+		}
+	ExpectToken('}');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseTargetDeviceL()
+// Parses a target device line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing target device");
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISUid::TUid uid = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(']');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	TVersion from = ParseVersion();
+	TVersion to(-1,-1,-1);
+	if (iToken == '~')
+		{
+		to = ParseVersion();
+		ExpectToken(',');
+		}
+	else if (iToken == ',')
+		{
+		to = TVersion(KIrrelevant, KIrrelevant, KIrrelevant);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iObserver.DoErrMsg(L"Expected '-' or ',' in dependency line");
+		throw ErrUnexpectedToken;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken('{');
+	iSISXWriter.AddTarget (uid, from, to);
+		// must do this before adding language strings
+	for (TUint16 numLangs = 0; numLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages (); ++numLangs)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		iSISXWriter.AddTargetName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (numLangs < (iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages() - 1))
+			ExpectToken(',');
+		}
+	ExpectToken('}');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseSignatureL()
+	// Parses the package-signature
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing signature");
+	// MAKESIS ignore the Signature,this option is deprecated.
+	iObserver.DoMsg(L"Signature ignored,this option is deprecated...\n");
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	// If generating a stub file then once have signature line don't need to
+	// process rest of PKG file
+	iEnoughForStub=true;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	GetNextToken ();
+	//check for optional items (password)
+	if (iToken==',')
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (iToken==KEY_TOKEN)
+			{
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken('=');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			GetNextToken ();
+			}
+		}
+void CPackageParser::ParseVendorUniqueNameL()
+	// Parses the package-signature
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing unique vendor name");
+	iSISXWriter.SetVendorUniqueName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+	iUniqueVendorName = true;
+	GetNextToken ();
+void CPackageParser::ParsePropertyL ()
+// Parses a capability line
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing property");
+	CSISProperty::TKey key;
+	CSISProperty::TValue value;
+	ExpectToken('(');
+	do
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		key = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken('=');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		value = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		iSISXWriter.AddProperty (key, value);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		} while (iToken==',');
+	ExpectToken(')');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseOptionsBlockL ()
+// To parse an options block
+	{
+	WORD wNumLangs;
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing options block");
+	ExpectToken('(');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	if (InterpretSis())
+		{
+		ReportInterpretSisError(ErrUserOptionsNotSupported);
+		}
+	for (;;)
+		{
+		ExpectToken('{');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		iSISXWriter.AddOption ();
+		wNumLangs = 0;
+		while (wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages())
+			{
+			iSISXWriter.AddOptionName (iTokenValue.pszString);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			if (wNumLangs < iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages() - 1)
+				{
+				ExpectToken(',');
+				GetNextToken ();
+				}
+			wNumLangs++;
+			}
+		ExpectToken('}');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (iToken!=',') break;
+		GetNextToken ();
+		}
+	ExpectToken(')');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseLanguageBlockL (CSISInstallBlock& aInstall)
+// To parse the start of a language block
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing language block");
+	if (! iIsHeaderDefined)
+		throw ErrHeaderNotDefined;
+	bool packages=(iToken=='@');
+	unsigned languageCount = iSISXWriter.GetNoLanguages ();
+	std::vector <unsigned> fileIndex (languageCount);
+	std::vector <TUint64> fileSize (languageCount);
+	std::vector <TUint64> compressedSize (languageCount);
+	std::vector <CSISHash> hashes (languageCount);
+	for (DWORD iCurrentLang = 0; iCurrentLang < languageCount; iCurrentLang++)
+		{
+		if (iCurrentLang == 0)
+			{
+			aInstall.AddIf ();
+			aInstall.If ().Expression ().SetLanguageComparision (iSISXWriter.Language (iCurrentLang));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aInstall.If ().AddElseIf ();
+			aInstall.If ().ElseIf ().Expression ().SetLanguageComparision (iSISXWriter.Language (iCurrentLang));
+		}
+		if (packages)
+			{
+			ExpectToken ('@');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			if (iCurrentLang == 0)
+				{
+				iSISXWriter.EmbedPackage (aInstall.If ().InstallBlock (), iTokenValue.pszString, 0);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iSISXWriter.EmbedPackage (aInstall.If ().ElseIf ().InstallBlock (), iTokenValue.pszString, 0);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			CSISFileDescription fd;
+			wchar_t *pBuffer = iTokenValue.pszString;
+            wchar_t *pCurrent = pBuffer;
+            while (pBuffer && *pBuffer && (pCurrent = wcschr(pBuffer,L'\\')) != NULL)
+		    {
+      		*pCurrent = L'/';
+        	pBuffer = pCurrent + 1;
+		    }
+			TUint32 index = Find(iTokenValue.pszString,fd);
+			if ( index == -1 )
+				{
+				HANDLE  hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile (iTokenValue.pszString, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+				if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+				{
+				// If we are using a search directory
+			 	if(iSearchDir[0] != '\0')		
+					{
+					if (wcslen (iSearchDir) + wcslen (iTokenValue.pszString) < PATHMAX - 1)
+						{
+						WCHAR pszNewPath[PATHMAX];
+						wcscpy(pszNewPath, iSearchDir);
+						wcscat(pszNewPath, iTokenValue.pszString);
+						HANDLE hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile(pszNewPath, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+						if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) wcscpy(iTokenValue.pszString, pszNewPath);
+						::CloseHandle(hFile);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				::CloseHandle(hFile);
+				fileIndex [iCurrentLang] = iSISXWriter.LoadFile (iTokenValue.pszString, &fileSize [iCurrentLang]);
+				compressedSize [iCurrentLang] = iSISXWriter.CompressedSize ();
+				fd.SetFileIndex(fileIndex[iCurrentLang]);
+				fd.SetLengths (fileSize [iCurrentLang], compressedSize [iCurrentLang]);
+				ComputeAndSetHash(fd);
+				hashes [iCurrentLang] = fd.Hash();
+				// Add new file to the map
+				std::wstring newfile(iTokenValue.pszString);
+				Set(newfile,fd);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				fileIndex [iCurrentLang] = fd.FileIndex();
+				fileSize [iCurrentLang] = fd.UncompressedLength();
+				compressedSize [iCurrentLang] = fd.Length();
+				hashes [iCurrentLang] = fd.Hash();
+				}
+			}
+		GetNextToken ();
+		}
+	ExpectToken('}');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	if(!packages)
+		{
+		ExpectToken('-');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		// Get the destination & options
+		CSISFileDescription file;
+		file.SetTarget (iTokenValue.pszString);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		if (iToken==',')
+			{
+			GetNextToken ();
+			CSISFileDescription::TSISInstOption type = file.InterpretOption (iTokenValue.pszString);
+			GetNextToken();
+			if (type == CSISFileDescription::EInstFileRunOptionByMimeType)
+				{
+				ExpectToken(',');
+				GetNextToken ();
+				ExpectToken(QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN);
+				file.SetMimeType (iTokenValue.pszString);
+				GetNextToken ();
+				}
+			else
+			if (iToken==',')
+				{
+				do
+					{
+					GetNextToken ();
+					file.InterpretOption (iTokenValue.pszString);
+					GetNextToken ();
+					} while (iToken == ',');
+				}
+			}
+		for (unsigned index = 0; index < languageCount; index++)
+			{
+			if (index == 0)
+				{
+				aInstall.If ().InstallBlock ().AddFileDescription (file);
+				aInstall.If ().InstallBlock ().SetFileIndex (fileIndex [index]);
+				aInstall.If ().InstallBlock ().SetLengths (fileSize [index], compressedSize [index]);
+				aInstall.If ().InstallBlock ().SetHash (hashes[index]);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				aInstall.If ().ElseIf (index - 1).InstallBlock ().AddFileDescription (file);
+				aInstall.If ().ElseIf (index - 1).InstallBlock ().SetFileIndex (fileIndex [index]);
+				aInstall.If ().ElseIf (index - 1).InstallBlock ().SetLengths (fileSize [index], compressedSize [index]);
+				aInstall.If ().ElseIf (index - 1).InstallBlock ().SetHash (hashes[index]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ExpectToken(',');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken('(');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+		GetNextToken ();
+		ExpectToken(')');
+		GetNextToken ();
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseIfBlockL (CSISInstallBlock& aInstall)
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing IF block");
+	aInstall.AddIf ();
+	ParseLogicalOp (aInstall.If ().Expression ());
+	ParseEmbeddedBlockL (aInstall.If ().InstallBlock ());
+	while (iToken==ELSEIF_TOKEN)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		aInstall.If ().AddElseIf ();
+		ParseLogicalOp (aInstall.If ().ElseIfExpression ());
+		ParseEmbeddedBlockL (aInstall.If ().ElseIf ().InstallBlock ());
+		}
+	if (iToken==ELSE_TOKEN)
+		{
+		GetNextToken ();
+		aInstall.If ().AddElse ();
+		// elseif true
+		ParseEmbeddedBlockL(aInstall.If ().ElseIf ().InstallBlock ());
+		}
+	ExpectToken(ENDIF_TOKEN);
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseCommentL()
+// Purpose  : Parses a comment line (Does nothing, just throws the line away)
+// Inputs   : m_pkgPtr - The string to parse
+// Returns  : Success or failure
+	{
+	iObserver.DoVerbage(L"processing comment");
+	// parse to end of line
+	while (iPkgChar && (iPkgChar!='\n')) GetNextChar();
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseLogicalOp (CSISExpression& aExpression)
+	{
+	CSISExpression left;
+	if (InterpretSis())
+		{
+		std::wstring aOption = iTokenValue.pszString;
+		for(size_t i = 0; i < aOption.length(); ++i)
+ = towupper(;
+		if (aOption.find(L"OPTION",0) != std::string::npos)
+			{
+			ReportInterpretSisError(ErrUserOptionsNotSupported);
+			}
+		}
+    ParseRelation (left);
+	switch (iToken)
+		{
+		case AND_TOKEN:
+		case OR_TOKEN:
+			{
+			if (iToken==AND_TOKEN)
+				aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::ELogOpAnd, left);
+			else
+				aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::ELogOpOr, left);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseLogicalOp (aExpression.RHS ());
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			aExpression = left;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseRelation(CSISExpression& aExpression)
+	{
+	CSISExpression left;
+    ParseUnary (left);
+	switch (iToken)
+		{
+		case '=':
+		case '>':
+		case '<':
+		case GE_TOKEN:
+		case LE_TOKEN:
+		case NE_TOKEN:
+			{
+			switch (iToken)
+				{
+				case '=':
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpEqual, left);
+					break;
+				case '>':
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpGreaterThan, left);
+					break;
+				case '<':
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpLessThan, left);
+					break;
+				case GE_TOKEN:
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpGreaterThanOrEqual, left);
+					break;
+				case LE_TOKEN:
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpLessThanOrEqual, left);
+					break;
+				case NE_TOKEN:
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EBinOpNotEqual, left);
+					break;
+				}
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseUnary (aExpression.RHS ());
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			aExpression = left;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseUnary(CSISExpression& aExpression)
+	{
+    switch (iToken)
+		{
+		case NOT_TOKEN:
+			aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EUnaryOpNot);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseUnary (aExpression.RHS ());
+			break;
+			{	// 2 arg function
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken('(');
+			aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EFuncAppProperties);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseUnary (aExpression.LHS ());
+			ExpectToken(',');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseUnary (aExpression.RHS ());
+//			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken(')');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			break;
+			}
+			{	// 1 arg function
+			TOKEN token=iToken;
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken('(');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			if (token==EXISTS_TOKEN)
+				{
+				aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EFuncExists);
+				ExpectToken(QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN);
+				GetNextToken ();
+				aExpression.SetValue (std::wstring (iTokenValue.pszString));
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EFuncDevProperties);
+				ParseUnary (aExpression.RHS ());
+				}
+			ExpectToken(')');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			break;
+			}
+			{
+			/**
+			CR1125 - VERSION() function to allow for the evaluation of installed package versions
+			The functions arguments are parsed and formatted into an argument string within 
+			CPackageParser::ParseVersionArgs(). The SISString is then stored within the SISExpression
+			using the CSISExpression::EFuncExists TOperator enumeration for compatibility with old
+			versions of the SWI Server.
+			**/  
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ExpectToken('(');
+			aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EFuncExists);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			aExpression.SetValue (ParseVersionArgs());
+			ExpectToken(')');
+			GetNextToken ();
+			break;
+			}
+		// Block to handle Supported_Language token used in package file
+		// This block sets the SISExpression with the corresponding fields
+		// like Operator = EFuncExists, Value = "/sys/install/supported_language/?10" 
+		// (language ID for the example given below), 
+		// Eg:supported_language = 10
+			{
+			GetNextToken();
+			ExpectToken('=');
+			aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EFuncExists);
+			GetNextToken ();
+			aExpression.SetValue (ParseSupportedLangArgs());
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			ParseFactor (aExpression);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ParseFactor(CSISExpression& aExpression)
+	{
+    switch (iToken) {
+		case '(':
+			{
+			GetNextToken ();
+			ParseLogicalOp (aExpression);
+			ExpectToken(')');
+			}
+			break;
+		case ALPHA_TOKEN:
+			{
+			switch (iToken)
+				{
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EPrimTypeString);
+					aExpression.SetValue (std::wstring (iTokenValue.pszString));
+					break;
+				case ALPHA_TOKEN:
+					{
+					if(!CompareNString(iTokenValue.pszString,L"option",6))
+						{
+						WCHAR *temp,*end;
+						temp=&iTokenValue.pszString[6];
+						DWORD optionNum = wcstol(temp, &end, 10);
+						if (end==temp || errno==ERANGE)
+							throw ErrUnknownVariable;
+						aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EPrimTypeOption);
+						aExpression.SetValue (optionNum);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						aExpression.SetVariable (std::wstring (iTokenValue.pszString));
+						}
+					}
+					break;
+				case NUMERIC_TOKEN:
+					aExpression.SetOperator (CSISExpression::EPrimTypeNumber);
+					aExpression.SetValue (iTokenValue.dwNumber);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			throw ErrBadCondFormat;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	}
+// Additional Functionality Provided By CR1125
+std::wstring CPackageParser::ParseVersionArgs()
+	{
+	std::wstring agrsString;
+	TInt32 vMaj = 0;
+	TInt32 vMin = 0;
+	TInt32 vBld = 0;
+	wchar_t* relation;
+	TVersion version;
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	CSISUid::TUid pUid = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	GetNextToken ();
+	switch (iToken)
+		{
+		case '=':
+			relation = L"ET";
+			break;
+		case '>':
+			relation = L"GT";
+			break;
+		case '<':
+			relation = L"LT";
+			break;
+		case GE_TOKEN:
+			relation = L"GE";
+			break;
+		case LE_TOKEN:
+			relation = L"LE";
+			break;
+		case NE_TOKEN:
+			relation = L"NE";
+			break;
+		default:
+			throw ErrVersionInvalidRelationalOperator;
+		}
+	GetNextToken ();
+	ExpectToken(',');
+	version = ParseVersion();
+	vMaj = version.Major();
+	vMin = version.Minor();
+	vBld = version.Build();
+	if(vMaj == -1 || vMin == -1 || vBld == -1)
+		{
+		// If a wildcard has been specified, throw a bad condition
+		throw ErrVersionWildcardsNotSupported;
+		}
+	else if(vMaj < 0 || vMin < 0 || vBld < 0)
+		{
+		// If a negative version component has been specified, throw a bad condition
+		throw ErrVersionNegativesNotSupported; 
+		}
+	// Integer to String Conversions
+	std::wstring pUidStr;
+	pUidStr = ConvertToString(pUid,std::hex);	 
+	std::wstring vMajStr;
+	vMajStr = ConvertToString(vMaj,std::dec);
+	std::wstring vMinStr;
+	vMinStr = ConvertToString(vMin,std::dec);
+	std::wstring vBldStr;
+	vBldStr = ConvertToString(vBld,std::dec);
+	// Construct the formatted argument string
+	agrsString = L"\\sys\\install\\pkgversion\\?";
+	agrsString += L"0x";
+	agrsString += pUidStr;
+	agrsString += L",";
+	agrsString += relation;
+	agrsString += L",";
+	agrsString += vMajStr;
+	agrsString += L",";
+	agrsString += vMinStr;
+	agrsString += L",";
+	agrsString += vBldStr;
+	return agrsString;
+	}
+// Function added to parse the supported language token(suppoted_language) and 
+// provide the appropriate value string, which is set onto SISExpression.
+// It returns a string like "\sys\install\supported_langauge\?01" if the parsed 
+// token is like "(((01)))"
+std::wstring CPackageParser::ParseSupportedLangArgs()
+	{
+	std::wstring argsString;
+	TInt32 langId = 0;
+	TInt32 parenthesisCount = 0;
+	while ( iToken == '(' )
+		{
+		GetNextToken();
+		parenthesisCount++;
+		}
+	ExpectToken(NUMERIC_TOKEN);
+	langId = iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	while ( iToken == ')' && parenthesisCount)
+			{
+			GetNextToken();
+			parenthesisCount--;
+			}
+	if (!(0 == parenthesisCount))
+		{
+		throw ErrUnBalancedParenthesis;
+		}
+	std::wstring vLangIdStr;
+	vLangIdStr = ConvertToString(langId,std::dec);
+	// Construct the formatted argument string
+	argsString = L"\\sys\\install\\supportedlanguage\\?";
+	argsString += vLangIdStr;
+	return argsString;
+	}
+std::wstring CPackageParser::ConvertToString(const TInt32 aValue, std::ios_base& (*aBase)(std::ios_base&))
+	{
+	std::wostringstream wOutStream;
+	if((wOutStream << aBase << aValue).fail())
+		{
+		throw ErrBadIntegerToStringConversion;
+		};
+	return wOutStream.str();
+	}
+DWORD CPackageParser::ParseOption(const SParseOpt* options, DWORD dwNumOptions, DWORD* pdwOptions)
+// Parse the options part of an input line
+	{
+	DWORD option=0;
+	ExpectToken(ALPHA_TOKEN);
+	// Look for the option
+	for(WORD wLoop = 0; wLoop < dwNumOptions; wLoop++)
+		{
+		if(CompareTwoString(iTokenValue.pszString,(wchar_t*) options[wLoop].pszOpt) == 0)
+			{
+			option=options[wLoop].dwOpt;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if(wLoop == dwNumOptions)
+		throw ErrBadOption;
+	*pdwOptions |= option;
+	GetNextToken ();
+	return option;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ExpectToken(TOKEN aToken)
+	{
+	if (iToken!=aToken)
+		{
+		wchar_t msg[255]=L"Expected ";
+		if (aToken<=LAST_TOKEN)
+			wcsncat(msg,GetTokenText(aToken),wcslen(GetTokenText(aToken)));
+		else
+			{
+			wchar_t tmp[2]={(wchar_t)aToken,0};
+			wcsncat(msg,tmp,wcslen(tmp));
+			}
+		wcsncat(msg,L" read ",wcslen(L" read "));
+		if (iToken<=LAST_TOKEN)
+			wcsncat(msg,GetTokenText(iToken), wcslen(GetTokenText(iToken)));
+		else
+			{
+			wchar_t tmp[2]={(wchar_t)iToken,0};
+			wcsncat(msg,tmp,wcslen(tmp));
+			}
+		iObserver.DoErrMsg(msg);
+		throw ErrUnexpectedToken;
+		}
+	}
+const _TCHAR* CPackageParser::GetTokenText(TOKEN aToken)
+	{
+	switch(aToken)
+		{
+			return L"numeric value";
+		case ALPHA_TOKEN:
+			return L"alphanumeric value";
+			return L"quoted string";
+		case AND_TOKEN:
+			return L"AND";
+		case OR_TOKEN:
+			return L"OR";
+		case NOT_TOKEN:
+			return L"NOT";
+			return L"EXISTS";
+		case GE_TOKEN:
+			return L">=";
+		case LE_TOKEN:
+			return L"<=";
+		case NE_TOKEN:
+			return L"<>";
+		case IF_TOKEN:
+			return L"IF";
+			return L"ELSEIF";
+		case ELSE_TOKEN:
+			return L"ELSE";
+		case ENDIF_TOKEN:
+			return L"ENDIF";
+		default:
+			return L"?";
+		}
+	}
+void CPackageParser::GetNextToken (const TBool aDisablePkgKeywordCheck)
+// lexical analyzer
+	{
+	// skip any white space & newLine's
+	while (iPkgChar == '\n' || isspace(iPkgChar) || iPkgChar == 0xA0)
+		{
+		if (iPkgChar == '\n')
+			{
+			iObserver.SetLineNumber(++iLineNo);
+			}
+		GetNextChar();
+		}
+	if (iPkgChar == '\0')
+		iToken=EOF_TOKEN;
+	else if (IsNumericToken())
+		{
+		GetNumericToken();
+		}
+	else if (isalpha(iPkgChar))
+		{ // have some alphanumeric text
+		GetAlphaNumericToken();
+		iToken=ALPHA_TOKEN;
+		// check if it is a PKG keyword only when the keyword check is not 
+ 		// disabled by setting the paramter "aDisablePkgKeywordCheck"
+		if (!aDisablePkgKeywordCheck)
+			{
+			for(WORD wLoop = 0; wLoop < NUMPARSETOKENS; wLoop++)
+				{
+				if(CompareTwoString(iTokenValue.pszString, (wchar_t*)KTokens[wLoop].pszOpt) == 0)
+					{
+					iToken=KTokens[wLoop].dwOpt;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else if (iPkgChar == '\"')
+		{ // have a quoted string
+		GetStringToken();
+		}
+	else if (iPkgChar == '>')
+		{
+		GetNextChar();
+		if (iPkgChar == '=')
+			{
+			iToken=GE_TOKEN;
+			GetNextChar();
+			}
+		else
+			iToken='>';
+		}
+	else if (iPkgChar == '<')
+		{
+		// check if start of an escaped string, e.g. <123>"abc"
+		if (GetStringToken())
+		else
+			{
+			GetNextChar();
+			if (iPkgChar == '=')
+				{
+				iToken=LE_TOKEN;
+				GetNextChar();
+				}
+			else if (iPkgChar == '>')
+				{
+				iToken=NE_TOKEN;
+				GetNextChar();
+				}
+			else
+				iToken='<';
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iToken = iPkgChar;
+		GetNextChar();
+		}
+	}
+bool CPackageParser::GetStringToken()
+// Purpose  : Parse a quoted string from the input line
+// Inputs   : m_pkgPtr    - The string to parse
+//			  pszString   - The output string
+//            wMaxLength  - The max length of pszString
+	{
+	DWORD wCount = 0;
+	bool done=false;
+	bool finished=false;
+	DWORD escapeChars = 0;
+	while (!finished)
+		{
+		if (iPkgChar == '\"')
+			{
+			GetNextChar();
+			while(iPkgChar && iPkgChar != '\"')
+				{
+				if(wCount < (MAX_STRING - 1))
+					iTokenValue.pszString[wCount++] = iPkgChar;
+				else //We dont want the string with length greater than MAX_STRING to be cut off silently
+					throw ErrBadString;
+				GetNextChar();
+				}
+			if(iPkgChar == '\0')
+				throw ErrBadString;
+			GetNextChar();
+			done=true;
+			}
+		if (iPkgChar == '<')
+			{
+			iTokenValue.pszString[wCount] = L'\0';
+			escapeChars=ParseEscapeChars();
+			if (escapeChars>0)
+				{
+				done=true;
+				wCount+=escapeChars;
+				if (wCount>=MAX_STRING) wCount=MAX_STRING-1;
+				}
+			}
+		if (escapeChars==0 || iPkgChar != '\"')
+			finished=true;
+		}
+	iTokenValue.pszString[wCount] = L'\0';
+	return done;
+	}
+WORD CPackageParser::ParseEscapeChars()
+	{
+	WORD found=0;
+	while (iPkgChar == '<')
+		{
+		wcscpy(temp,iTokenValue.pszString);
+		DWORD fileOffset=::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, 0L, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
+		try
+			{
+			GetNextChar();
+			GetNumericToken();
+			if (iPkgChar=='>')
+				found++;
+			else
+				{
+				::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, fileOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		catch (TParseException)
+			{
+			wcscpy(iTokenValue.pszString,temp);
+			::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, fileOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+			break;
+			}
+		DWORD num=iTokenValue.dwNumber;
+		// watch for CP1252 escapes which aren't appropriate for UNICODE
+		if (num>=0x80 && num<=0x9F) throw ErrInvalidEscape;
+		DWORD len=wcslen(temp);
+		wcscpy(iTokenValue.pszString,temp);
+		if (len+2<=MAX_STRING)
+			{
+			iTokenValue.pszString[len]=(WCHAR)num;
+			len++;
+			iTokenValue.pszString[len]='\0';
+			}
+		GetNextChar();
+		}
+	return found;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::GetAlphaNumericToken()
+// Purpose  : Parse an alphanumeric string from the input line
+// Inputs   : m_pkgPtr    - The string to parse
+//			  pszString   - The output string
+//            wMaxLength  - The max length of pszString
+	{
+	WORD wCount = 0;
+	while(iPkgChar && (isalnum(iPkgChar) || ((iPkgChar) == '_')))
+		{
+		if(wCount < (MAX_STRING - 1))
+			iTokenValue.pszString[wCount++] = iPkgChar;
+		GetNextChar();
+		}
+	iTokenValue.pszString[wCount] = L'\0';
+	}
+bool CPackageParser::IsNumericToken()
+// Purpose : Determines if the next lexeme is a numeric token
+	{
+	bool lexemeIsNumber = false;
+	if (iswdigit(iPkgChar))
+		lexemeIsNumber = true;
+	else if (iPkgChar == '+' || iPkgChar == '-')
+		{
+		// we may have a number but we must look ahead one char to be certain
+		WCHAR oldChar = iPkgChar;
+		DWORD fileOffset=::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, 0L, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
+		GetNextChar();
+		lexemeIsNumber = iswdigit(iPkgChar) != FALSE;
+		iPkgChar = oldChar;
+		::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle,fileOffset,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);
+		}
+	return lexemeIsNumber;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::GetNumericToken()
+// Purpose  : Parse a number from the input line
+// Inputs   : m_pkgPtr    - The string to parse
+//			  pdwNumber  - The output number
+	{
+	LPWSTR end;
+	bool hexString = false;
+	DWORD dwBytesRead;
+	DWORD fileOffset=::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, 0L, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
+	temp[0]=iPkgChar;
+	if (!::ReadFile(iFileHandle, &temp[1], (MAX_STRING-2)*sizeof(WCHAR), &dwBytesRead, NULL) ||
+		dwBytesRead==0)
+		throw ErrReadFailed;
+	temp[1+dwBytesRead/sizeof(WCHAR)]='\0';
+	hexString = (!CompareNString(temp, L"0x", 2) || !CompareNString(&temp[1], L"0x", 2));
+	iTokenValue.dwNumber = wcstoul(temp, &end, (hexString) ? 16 : 10);
+	if (end==temp) throw ErrReadFailed;
+	if (errno==ERANGE)
+		throw ErrNumberOutOfRange;
+	::SetFilePointer(iFileHandle, fileOffset+(end-temp-1)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+	GetNextChar();
+	}
+void CPackageParser::GetNextChar()
+	{
+	DWORD dwBytesRead;
+	if (!::ReadFile(iFileHandle, (LPVOID)&iPkgChar, sizeof(WCHAR), &dwBytesRead, NULL) ||
+		dwBytesRead!=sizeof(WCHAR))
+		iPkgChar='\0';
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ValidateVersion(TInt32& major, TInt32 &minor, TInt32 &build)
+	{
+	if((major > 127) || (minor > 99) || (build > 32767))
+		{
+		iObserver.DoMsg(L"Warning : The valid version number ranges are : (Major: 0..127) (Minor: 0..99 ) (Build: 0..32,767).");
+		}
+	}
+bool CPackageParser::DoesExist(LPWSTR pszFile, DWORD *pdwSize)
+// Purpose  : Attempt to determine whether the file exists (w. or W.out the search path), and gets
+//		      it's file size.
+// Inputs   : pszFile	-	The file to find (as a UNICODE string)
+//			  pdwSize   - store its size here (set to zero if not found)
+// Returns  : Yes or No
+	{
+	bool fFound = false;
+	*pdwSize = 0;
+	try
+		{
+		HANDLE hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile(pszFile, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+			{
+			*pdwSize = ::GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
+			::CloseHandle(hFile);
+			fFound = true;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If we are using a search directory
+			if(iSearchDir[0] != '\0')
+				{
+				if (wcslen (iSearchDir) + wcslen (pszFile) < PATHMAX - 1)
+					{
+					wchar_t pszNewPath[PATHMAX];
+					wcscpy(pszNewPath, iSearchDir);
+					wcscat(pszNewPath, pszFile);
+					HANDLE hFile = MakeSISOpenFile(pszNewPath, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+					if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+						{
+						*pdwSize = ::GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
+						CloseHandle(hFile);
+						wcscpy(pszFile, pszNewPath);
+						fFound = true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	catch (TUtilsException excp)
+		{
+		// ignore error if writing a stub file
+		if (!iMakeStub) throw excp;
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"warning :file does not exist");
+		fFound=true;
+		}
+	return fFound;
+	}
+bool CPackageParser::DoesFileExist (std::wstring& aFileName, TUint64& aSize)
+	{
+	if (aFileName.empty ()) return false;
+	bool found = false;
+	aSize = 0;
+	try
+		{
+		HANDLE hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile (aFileName.c_str (), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+			{
+			// If we are using a search directory
+			if(iSearchDir[0] != '\0')
+				{
+				std::wstring newPath (std::wstring (iSearchDir) + aFileName);
+				hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile (newPath.c_str (), GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
+				if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) aFileName = newPath;
+				}
+			}
+			{
+			aSize  = GetSizeOfFile(hFile);
+			found = true;
+			}
+		}
+	catch (TUtilsException excp)
+		{
+		// ignore error if writing a stub file
+		if (!iMakeStub) throw excp;
+		iObserver.DoVerbage(L"warning :file does not exist");
+		found=true;
+		}
+	return found;
+	}
+TUint32 CPackageParser::Find(wchar_t* aWhat, CSISFileDescription& aFileDesciption)
+	{
+	TUint32 ret = -1;
+	if ( iSrcFiles.find(aWhat) != iSrcFiles.end() )
+		{
+		aFileDesciption = iSrcFiles[aWhat];
+		ret = aFileDesciption.FileIndex();
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::Set(std::wstring& aWhat, CSISFileDescription& aData)
+	{
+	iSrcFiles[aWhat] = aData;
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ReportInterpretSisError(TInterpretSisException aException)
+	{
+	iValidSISFile = false;
+	iObserver.AddInterpretSisError(aException);
+	}
+void CPackageParser::ComputeAndSetHash(CSISFileDescription& aFileDesc)
+	{
+	const CSISDataUnit& dataUnit = iSISXWriter.DataUnit();
+	const CSISFileData& fileData  = dataUnit.FileData(aFileDesc.FileIndex());
+	// Compute the hash data for the file. 
+	CSISHash tempSisHash;	  	
+	TUint8 digest [SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+	memset (&digest, 0, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+	if (CSISFieldRoot::IsBugToBeCreated (CSISFieldRoot::EBugHashError))
+		{
+		for (unsigned index = 0; index < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; index++)
+			{
+			digest [index] = static_cast <TUint8> (rand () & 0xFF);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		SHA1 (fileData.Data (), fileData.UncompressedSize (), digest);
+		}
+ 	aFileDesc.SetHash(digest, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+	}