changeset 5 3eebb1e54d3a
parent 3 127731b7107d
child 6 aba6b8104af3
--- a/secureswitools/swisistools/source/xmlparser/xerces/include/xercesc/internal/XSObjectFactory.hpp	Fri Jan 22 09:56:12 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id: XSObjectFactory.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
- */
-#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSConstants.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/RefHashTableOf.hpp>
-class XSObject;
-class XSAttributeUse;
-class XSAttributeDeclaration;
-class XSModel;
-class XSElementDeclaration;
-class XSSimpleTypeDefinition;
-class XSComplexTypeDefinition;
-class XSModelGroupDefinition;
-class XSAttributeGroupDefinition;
-class XSWildcard;
-class XSParticle;
-class XSAnnotation;
-class XSNamespaceItem;
-class XSNotationDeclaration;
-class SchemaAttDef;
-class SchemaElementDecl;
-class DatatypeValidator;
-class ContentSpecNode;
-class ComplexTypeInfo;
-class XercesGroupInfo;
-class XercesAttGroupInfo;
-class XSIDCDefinition;
-class IdentityConstraint;
-class XMLNotationDecl;
- * Factory class to create various XSObject(s)
- * Used by XSModel
- */
-class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XSObjectFactory : public XMemory
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Constructors and Destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    XSObjectFactory(MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    ~XSObjectFactory();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Unimplemented constructors and destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    XSObjectFactory(const XSObjectFactory&);
-    XSObjectFactory& operator=(const XSObjectFactory&);
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  factory methods
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    XSParticle* createModelGroupParticle
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const node
-        , XSModel* const             xsModel
-    );
-    XSAttributeDeclaration* addOrFind
-    (
-        SchemaAttDef* const attDef
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-        , XSComplexTypeDefinition* const enclosingTypeDef = 0
-    );
-    XSSimpleTypeDefinition* addOrFind
-    (
-        DatatypeValidator* const validator
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-        , bool isAnySimpleType = false
-    );
-    XSElementDeclaration* addOrFind
-    (
-        SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-        , XSComplexTypeDefinition* const enclosingTypeDef = 0
-    );
-    XSComplexTypeDefinition* addOrFind
-    (
-        ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSIDCDefinition* addOrFind
-    (
-        IdentityConstraint* const ic
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSNotationDeclaration* addOrFind
-    (
-        XMLNotationDecl* const notDecl
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSAttributeUse* createXSAttributeUse
-    (
-        XSAttributeDeclaration* const xsAttDecl
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSWildcard* createXSWildcard
-    (
-        SchemaAttDef* const attDef
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSWildcard* createXSWildcard
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSModelGroupDefinition* createXSModelGroupDefinition
-    (
-        XercesGroupInfo* const groupInfo
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    XSAttributeGroupDefinition* createXSAttGroupDefinition
-    (
-        XercesAttGroupInfo* const attGroupInfo
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Helper methods
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // creates a particle corresponding to an element
-    XSParticle* createElementParticle
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode
-        , XSModel* const             xsModel
-    );
-    // creates a particle corresponding to a wildcard
-    XSParticle* createWildcardParticle
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode
-        , XSModel* const             xsModel
-    );
-    XSAnnotation* getAnnotationFromModel
-    (
-        XSModel* const xsModel
-        , const void* const key
-    );
-    void buildAllParticles
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode
-        , XSParticleList* const particleList
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    void buildChoiceSequenceParticles
-    (
-        const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode
-        , XSParticleList* const particleList
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-    );
-    void putObjectInMap
-    (
-        void* key
-        , XSObject* const object
-    );
-    XSObject* getObjectFromMap
-    (
-        void* key
-    );
-    void processFacets
-    (
-        DatatypeValidator* const dv
-        , XSModel* const xsModel
-        , XSSimpleTypeDefinition* const xsST
-    );
-    void processAttUse
-    (
-        SchemaAttDef* const attDef
-        , XSAttributeUse* const xsAttUse
-    );
-    bool isMultiValueFacetDefined(DatatypeValidator* const dv);
-    // make XSModel our friend
-    friend class XSModel;
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Private Data Members
-    //
-    //  fMemoryManager
-    //      The memory manager used to create various XSObject(s).
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    MemoryManager*            fMemoryManager;
-    RefHashTableOf<XSObject>* fXercesToXSMap;
-    RefVectorOf<XSObject>*    fDeleteVector;
-inline XSObject* XSObjectFactory::getObjectFromMap(void* key)
-    return fXercesToXSMap->get(key);