changeset 25 98b66e4fb0be
parent 1 c42dffbd5b4f
child 29 26b6f0522fd8
--- a/appinstaller/AppinstUi/Daemon/Src/daemonbehaviour.cpp	Fri Mar 19 09:33:35 2010 +0200
+++ b/appinstaller/AppinstUi/Daemon/Src/daemonbehaviour.cpp	Fri Apr 16 15:05:20 2010 +0300
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
+#include <usif/scr/scr.h>
+#include <usif/scr/scrcommon.h>
+#include <usif/scr/screntries.h>
+#include <apgcli.h>    //RApaSession
+//TODO enable apparc support
+//#include <appinfo.h> //TAppInfo
 #include "daemonbehaviour.h"
 #include "swispubsubdefs.h"
 #include "recsisx.h"
@@ -22,275 +29,452 @@
 #include "SWInstDebug.h"
 #include "sisregistryentry.h"
+using namespace Swi;
-namespace Swi
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDaemonBehaviour* CDaemonBehaviour::NewL( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
+    CDaemonBehaviour* self = NewLC( aMainStatus );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::NewLC
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDaemonBehaviour* CDaemonBehaviour::NewLC( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
+    {
+    CDaemonBehaviour* self = new (ELeave) CDaemonBehaviour;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL( aMainStatus );
+    return self;  
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::ConstructL( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+    User::LeaveIfError(iFs.ShareProtected());
     // For uninstaller
-    CDaemonBehaviour* CDaemonBehaviour::NewL( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
-        {
-        CDaemonBehaviour* self = NewLC( aMainStatus );
-        CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-        return self;
-        }
-    CDaemonBehaviour* CDaemonBehaviour::NewLC( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
-        {
-        CDaemonBehaviour* self = new (ELeave) CDaemonBehaviour;
-        CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-        self->ConstructL( aMainStatus );
-        return self;  
-        }
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::ConstructL( CProgramStatus& aMainStatus )
+    iSisInstaller = CSisInstaller::NewL( this, aMainStatus );
+    // Create plugin
+    TRAP_IGNORE( iSwiDaemonPlugin = CSwiDaemonPlugin::NewL() );   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::~CDaemonBehaviour
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin )
-        User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
-        User::LeaveIfError(iFs.ShareProtected());
-        // For uninstaller
-        iSisInstaller = CSisInstaller::NewL( this, aMainStatus );
-        // Create plugin
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iSwiDaemonPlugin = CSwiDaemonPlugin::NewL() );   
-        }
-    CDaemonBehaviour::~CDaemonBehaviour()
+        delete iSwiDaemonPlugin;
+        REComSession::FinalClose();
+        }   
+    delete iSisInstaller;
+    iSisInstaller = NULL;
+    iFs.Close();  
+    iDriveArray.Close();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::StartupL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CDaemonBehaviour::StartupL()
+    {
+    // Return state of Startup
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::MediaChangeL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::MediaChangeL(TInt aDrive, TChangeType aChangeType)
+    {
+    FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: Media change %d"), aDrive );
+    RSisRegistryWritableSession registrySession;
+    User::LeaveIfError( registrySession.Connect() );
+    CleanupClosePushL( registrySession );
+    if ( aChangeType==EMediaInserted )
-        if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin )
+        FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media inserted") ); 
+        // Notify SCR and AppArc for media change.
+        UpdateComponentStatusL( aChangeType, aDrive );
+        // We need call sis registry since this call will
+        // activate sis registry to clean uninstalled components
+        // from inserted media.
+        registrySession.AddDriveL(aDrive);
+        // Scan directory on the card and run pre-installed through SWIS
+        FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media change: Process preinstalled files") );
+        ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(aDrive);            
+        // Add inserted media drive to drive array.                     
+        if ( iDriveArray.Find(aDrive) == KErrNotFound )
+            {                
+            iDriveArray.AppendL(aDrive); 
+            }           
+        }
+    else if (aChangeType==EMediaRemoved)
+        {
+        FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media removed") );       
+        // Notify SCR and AppArc for media change.
+        UpdateComponentStatusL( aChangeType, aDrive );
+        // Get Installer state.                   
+        TBool installerRunning = iSisInstaller->IsInstalling();
+        // Cancel all requests for install
+        iSisInstaller->Cancel();                       
+        // Notify plugin
+        if(iSwiDaemonPlugin)
-            delete iSwiDaemonPlugin;
-            REComSession::FinalClose();
-            }   
-        delete iSisInstaller;
-        iSisInstaller = NULL;
-        iFs.Close();  
-        iDriveArray.Close();
+            TInt index = iDriveArray.Find(aDrive);
+            iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaRemoved(index);
+            }
+        // Get index of removed drive from array
+        TInt index = iDriveArray.Find(aDrive);
+        if ( index > KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            iDriveArray.Remove(index); 
+            iDriveArray.Compress();   
+            }
+        // Continue installing from other drives if needed.
+        if ( installerRunning )
+            {                                     
+            // Get count of inserted drives.
+            TInt count = iDriveArray.Count();
+            if ( count )            
+                {                             
+                for(index = 0; index < count; index++ )
+                    {                                        
+                    ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(iDriveArray[index]);
+                    iSisInstaller->StartInstallingL();                
+                    }
+                }                
+            }                      
-    // from MDaemonBehaviour
-    TBool CDaemonBehaviour::StartupL()
-        {
-        // Return state of Startup
-        return ETrue;
-        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&registrySession);
+    }
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::MediaChangeL(TInt aDrive, TChangeType aChangeType)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(TInt aDrive)
+    {
+//    _LIT( KDaemonPrivatePath,":\\private\\10202dce\\" );
+    // NOTE this is only for testing since we can not use
+    // Daemon's private folder. Sifserver do not have allfiles
+    // capability currently.
+    _LIT( KDaemonPrivatePath,":\\installs\\swidaemon\\" );
+    iSisInstaller->Cancel();
+    // For uninstaller
+    // Set on installing mode.
+    iGeneralProcessStatus = EStateInstalling; 
+    FLOG_1( _L("[CDaemonBehaviour] iGeneralProcessStatus = %d"), 
+    iGeneralProcessStatus );
+    ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(aDrive, KDaemonPrivatePath);
+    iStartNotified = EFalse;
+    iDrive = aDrive;    
+    iSisInstaller->StartInstallingL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(TInt aDrive, const TDesC& aDirectory)
+    {
+    FLOG( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL") );
+    TPath preInstalledPath;
+    TChar drive;
+    RFs::DriveToChar(aDrive, drive);
+    preInstalledPath.Append(drive);
+    preInstalledPath.Append(aDirectory);
+    FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL Getting dir %S"), &preInstalledPath );
+    CDir* dir = NULL;
+    TInt err = iFs.GetDir(preInstalledPath, KEntryAttNormal, ESortNone, dir); 
+    if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrPathNotFound)
-        FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: Media change %d"), aDrive );
-        RSisRegistryWritableSession registrySession;
-        User::LeaveIfError(registrySession.Connect());
-        CleanupClosePushL(registrySession);
-        if (aChangeType==EMediaInserted)
+        FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL GetDir with error %d"), err );
+        User::Leave(err);
+        }
+    if(dir)
+        {
+        // dir will only exist if GetDir succeeded
+        CleanupStack::PushL(dir);
+        for(TInt i = 0; i < dir->Count(); i++)
-            FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media inserted") );  
-            FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media change: Update sis registry") );            
-            // notify IAR
-            // Error ou1cimx1#212652
-            // Note SWI Daemon needs to notify sis registry from
-            // media change. Otherwice registry is not updated
-            // and e.g. IsPresentL function will give false results.
-            // Note also that this function should be called before
-            // ProcessPreinstalledFilesL in SWI Daemon.            
-            registrySession.AddDriveL(aDrive);
-            // Scan directory on the card and run pre-installed through SWIS
-            FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media change: Process preinstalled files") );
-            ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(aDrive);            
-            // Add inserted media drive to drive array.                     
-            if ( iDriveArray.Find(aDrive) == KErrNotFound )
-                {                
-                iDriveArray.AppendL(aDrive); 
-                }      
+            const TEntry &entry = (*dir)[i];
+            if(!entry.IsDir())
+                {
+                TFileName fileName(preInstalledPath);
+                fileName.Append(entry.iName);
+                iSisInstaller->AddFileToInstallL(fileName);
+                }
-        else if (aChangeType==EMediaRemoved)
-            {
-            FLOG( _L("Daemon: Media removed") ); 
-#ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE     
-            // Get Installer state.                   
-            TBool installerRunning = iSisInstaller->IsInstalling();                        
-#ifndef SYMBIAN_UNIVERSAL_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK                                           
-            // notify IAR
-            // Note SWI Daemon need to notify sis registry from
-            // media change.            
-            registrySession.RemoveDriveL(aDrive);
-            // Cancel all requests for install
-            iSisInstaller->Cancel();
-            // Notify plugin
-            if(iSwiDaemonPlugin)
-                {
-                TInt index = iDriveArray.Find(aDrive);
-                iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaRemoved(index);
-                }
-            // Notify plugin
-            if(iSwiDaemonPlugin)
-                {
-                iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaRemoved(aDrive);
-                }
-#endif //RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE            
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dir);
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::GetProcessStatus
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt& CDaemonBehaviour::GetProcessStatus()
+    {
+    return iGeneralProcessStatus;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::SetProcessStatus
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::SetProcessStatus( TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    iGeneralProcessStatus = aStatus;
+    }     
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::DoNotifyMediaProcessingComplete
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::DoNotifyMediaProcessingComplete()
+    {
+    if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin && iStartNotified )
+        {
+        iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaProcessingComplete();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::IsPlugin
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// For plugin support
+TBool CDaemonBehaviour::IsPlugin()
+    {        
+    if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin )
+        {
+        return ETrue;
+        }        
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::NotifyPlugin
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// For plugin support
+void CDaemonBehaviour::NotifyPlugin()
+    {
+    FLOG( _L("Daemon: NotifyPlugin"));
+    if ( !iStartNotified )
+        {
+        FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: MediaProcessingStart for drive = %d"), iDrive );
+        iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaProcessingStart( iDrive );
+        iStartNotified = ETrue;
+        }    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::RequestPluginInstall
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::RequestPluginInstall( TDesC& aSisFile )
+    {
+    // Note We will open file in here but that is only because
+    // plug-in interface has been designed this way. Original
+    // Symbian SWI daemon did use RApaLsSession for installing
+    // and thus RFile was open already. 
+    // Since current SWI Daemon does use SWI API it doesn't 
+    // open files and thus we need to open the file in here.        
+    FLOG( _L("Daemon: RequestPluginInstall "));
+    RFile file;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( 
+            iFs, aSisFile, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly ) );
+    CleanupClosePushL( file );
+    iSwiDaemonPlugin->RequestInstall( file );
+    // close file, original SWI Daemon do not leave file open.
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDaemonBehaviour::UpdateComponentStatusL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDaemonBehaviour::UpdateComponentStatusL( 
+   TChangeType aChangeType, 
+   TInt aDrive )
+    {
+    FLOG( _L("Daemon: UpdateComponentStatus") ); 
+    Usif::RSoftwareComponentRegistry scrServer; 
+    User::LeaveIfError( scrServer.Connect() );
+    CleanupClosePushL( scrServer );
+    // Filter all other component types except sisx.
+    Usif::CComponentFilter* filter = Usif::CComponentFilter::NewLC();        
+    filter->SetSoftwareTypeL( Usif::KSoftwareTypeNative );
-            // Get index of removed drive from array
-            TInt index = iDriveArray.Find(aDrive);
-            if ( index > KErrNotFound )
-                {
-                iDriveArray.Remove(index); 
-                iDriveArray.Compress();   
-                }
-            // Continue installing from other drives if needed.
-            if ( installerRunning )
-                {                                     
-                // Get count of inserted drives.
-                TInt count = iDriveArray.Count();
-                if ( count )            
-                    {                             
-                    for(index = 0; index < count; index++ )
-                        {                                        
-                        ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(iDriveArray[index]);
-                        iSisInstaller->StartInstallingL();                
-                        }
-                    }                
-                }           
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&registrySession);
-        }
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(TInt aDrive)
+    RArray<Usif::TComponentId> componentIdList;
+    CleanupClosePushL( componentIdList );
+    // Get list of all native (sisx) installed packages. 
+    scrServer.GetComponentIdsL( componentIdList, filter  );
+    FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: componentIdList count: %d"),componentIdList.Count() ); 
+    if ( componentIdList.Count() )
-        _LIT(KDaemonPrivatePath,":\\private\\10202dce\\");
-        iSisInstaller->Cancel();
-        // For uninstaller
-        // Set on installing mode.
-        iGeneralProcessStatus = EStateInstalling; 
-        FLOG_1( _L("[CDaemonBehaviour] iGeneralProcessStatus = %d"), 
-        iGeneralProcessStatus );
-        ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(aDrive, KDaemonPrivatePath);
-        iStartNotified = EFalse;
-        iDrive = aDrive;    
-        iSisInstaller->StartInstallingL();
-        }
+// TODO Enabloi AppArcin päivitys. 
+// TODO Hae TAppInfon headeri includeen.        
+//            RArray<TAppInfo> appinfoArray;
+//            CleanupClosePushL( appinfoArray );
+        // Convert the given target drive number to drive letter.
+        TChar targetDrive;
+        iFs.DriveToChar( aDrive, targetDrive );
+        FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: targetDrive: 0x%x"), TUint( targetDrive ) ); 
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::ProcessPreinstalledFilesL(TInt aDrive, const TDesC& aDirectory)
-        {
-        FLOG( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL") );
-        TPath preInstalledPath;
-        TChar drive;
-        RFs::DriveToChar(aDrive, drive);
-        preInstalledPath.Append(drive);
-        preInstalledPath.Append(aDirectory);
-        FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL Getting dir %S"), &preInstalledPath );
-        CDir* dir = NULL;
-        TInt err = iFs.GetDir(preInstalledPath, KEntryAttNormal, ESortNone, dir); 
-        if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrPathNotFound)
-            {
-            FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: ProcessPreInstalledFilesL GetDir with error %d"), err );
-            User::Leave(err);
-            }
-        if(dir)
-            {
-            // dir will only exist if GetDir succeeded
-            CleanupStack::PushL(dir);
-            for(TInt i = 0; i < dir->Count(); i++)
-                {
-                const TEntry &entry = (*dir)[i];
-                if(!entry.IsDir())
+        FLOG( _L("Daemon: Check all SCR native components") ); 
+        // Check all components in SCR. If media is removed/inserted
+        // change status flag in SCR and in AppArc.
+        for ( TInt index=0; index < componentIdList.Count(); index++ )
+            {                       
+            Usif::CComponentEntry* entry = Usif::CComponentEntry::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
+            Usif::TComponentId componentId( componentIdList[index] );
+            FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: componentId: %d"), componentId ); 
+            scrServer.GetComponentL( componentId, 
+                                     *entry, 
+                                     Usif::KUnspecifiedLocale ); 
+// TODO poista ei tarvetta jos filter toimii.
+            //if ( entry->SoftwareType() == Usif::KSoftwareTypeNative  )
+            // Get all component drives.
+            TDriveList driveList;                
+            driveList = entry->InstalledDrives();
+            TBool isInTargetDrive = EFalse;
+            FLOG( _L("Daemon: Check all drives for this component") ); 
+            // Go through all drives which have files for 
+            // this component.
+            for ( TInt i = 0; i < KMaxDrives; i++ )
+                {                
+                if ( driveList[i] != 0 )
-                    TFileName fileName(preInstalledPath);
-                    fileName.Append(entry.iName);
-                    iSisInstaller->AddFileToInstallL(fileName);
+                    TChar installDrive = 
+                            static_cast<TChar>( driveList[i] );
+                    FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: driveList index: %d"), i ); 
+                    FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: installDrive: 0x%x"), TUint( installDrive ) ); 
+                    if ( targetDrive == installDrive )
+                        {
+                        // Ok we have files in this target drive.
+                        isInTargetDrive = ETrue;
+                        FLOG( _L("Daemon: SW in target drive.") ); 
+                        }
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dir);
-            }
-        }
-    // For uninstaller
-    TInt& CDaemonBehaviour::GetProcessStatus()
-        {
-        return iGeneralProcessStatus;
-        }
-    // For uninstaller
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::SetProcessStatus( TInt aStatus )
-        {
-        iGeneralProcessStatus = aStatus;
-        }     
-    // For plugin support
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::DoNotifyMediaProcessingComplete()
-        {
-        if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin && iStartNotified )
-            {
-            iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaProcessingComplete();
-            }
-        }
-    // For plugin support
-    TBool CDaemonBehaviour::IsPlugin()
-        {        
-        if ( iSwiDaemonPlugin )
-            {
-            return ETrue;
-            }        
-        return EFalse;
-        }
+            // Check if component or part of it is in the media.
+            if ( isInTargetDrive )
+                {
+                FLOG( _L("Daemon: Set component status to SCR") ); 
+//                    TAppInfo appInfo;                     
+//                    appInfo.iAppUid = componentId;
+                if ( aChangeType == EMediaInserted )
+                    {  
+                    // Update component flag to SCR.
+                    scrServer.SetIsComponentPresentL( componentId, 
+                                                      ETrue );
+                    FLOG( _L("Daemon: Set component present = TRUE") );                             
+                    // Set app status for AppArc. AppArc sees this 
+                    // as new component.
+//                        appInfo.iAppUid = TAppInfo::ENewApp;
+                    }
+                else if ( aChangeType==EMediaRemoved )
+                    {
+                   // Update component flag to SCR.
+                    scrServer.SetIsComponentPresentL( componentId, 
+                                                      EFalse );
+                    FLOG( _L("Daemon: Set component present = FALSE") );                            
+                    // Set app status for AppArc. AppArc sees this 
+                    // component as removed.
+//                        appInfo.iAppUid = TAppInfo::ERemoveApp;
+                    }
+                // Add component info to array.
+//                    appinfoArray.Append( appInfo );                    
+                }                     
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
+            entry = NULL;
+            } // for
+//TODO enable AppArc support when TAppInfo is available.            
+         FLOG( _L("Daemon: Set component status to AppArc") ); 
+         // Update AppArc list after we have all components in array.               
+         RApaLsSession appArcSession;
+         TInt err = appArcSession.Connect();
+         if ( !err )
+             {
+             CleanupClosePushL(appArcSession);
+             appArcSession.UpdateAppListL( appinfoArray );
+             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();                   
+             }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appinfoArray );
+        } // if componentList.Count()
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &componentIdList ); //componentIDList.Close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filter ); 
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &scrServer );  
+    FLOG( _L("Daemon: UpdateComponentStatus END") ); 
+    }       
-    // For plugin support
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::NotifyPlugin()
-        {
-        FLOG( _L("Daemon: NotifyPlugin"));
-        if ( !iStartNotified )
-            {
-            FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: MediaProcessingStart for drive = %d"), iDrive );
-            iSwiDaemonPlugin->MediaProcessingStart( iDrive );
-            iStartNotified = ETrue;
-            }    
-        }
-    // For plugin support
-    void CDaemonBehaviour::RequestPluginInstall( TDesC& aSisFile )
-        {
-        // Note We will open file in here but that is only because
-        // plug-in interface has been designed this way. Original
-        // Symbian SWI daemon did use RApaLsSession for installing
-        // and thus RFile was open already. 
-        // Since current SWI Daemon does use SWI API it doesn't 
-        // open files and thus we need to open the file in here.        
-        FLOG( _L("Daemon: RequestPluginInstall "));
-        RFile file;
-        User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( 
-                iFs, aSisFile, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly ) );
-        CleanupClosePushL( file );
-        iSwiDaemonPlugin->RequestInstall( file );
-        // close file, original SWI Daemon do not leave file open.
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file ); 
-        }
-    } // namespace Swi