--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/source/rscparser/barsreadimpl.cpp Fri Apr 16 15:05:20 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Resource reader
+* @file BaRsReadImpl.cpp
+* @internalComponent
+* @released
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <string>
+#include "barsreadimpl.h"
+#include "barsc2.h"
+#define REINTERPRET_CAST(type,exp) (reinterpret_cast<type>(exp))
+/** @internalComponent
+An error will be issued at compile time if the class size is not KRsReaderImplSize. */
+TResourceReaderImpl::TResourceReaderImpl() :
+ iBuffer(NULL),
+ iCurrentPtr(NULL)
+ {
+ //TResourceReaderImpl size. It should be 8 because of the BC reasons.
+ //8 is the size of TResourceReader class.
+ enum
+ {
+ KRsReaderImplSize = 8
+ };
+ assert(sizeof(TResourceReaderImpl) == KRsReaderImplSize);
+ }
+/** Sets the buffer containing the resource data.
+The current position within the buffer is set to the start of the buffer so
+that subsequent calls to the interpreting functions, for example ReadInt8(),
+start at the beginning of this buffer.
+@param aBuffer Pointer to an 8 bit non-modifiable buffer containing
+or representing resource data.
+@param aResourceId The numeric id of the resource to be read.
+@post Buffer pointer is initialized.
+@post Buffer current position pointer is initialized. */
+void TResourceReaderImpl::SetBuffer(const Ptr8* aBuffer)
+ iBuffer=aBuffer;
+ iCurrentPtr= (TUint8*)iBuffer->GetPtr();
+/** Sets the buffer and current position to NULL.
+@post Buffer pointer is set to NULL.
+@post Buffer current position pointer is set to NULL. */
+void TResourceReaderImpl::ResetBuffer()
+ {
+ iBuffer=NULL;
+ iCurrentPtr=NULL;
+ }
+/** Returns the current position within the resource buffer.
+The function makes no assumption about the type of data in the buffer at the
+current position.
+@return A pointer to the current position within the resource buffer. */
+const TAny* TResourceReaderImpl::Ptr()
+ {
+ return(iCurrentPtr);
+ }
+/** Updates iCurrentPtr with a new value.
+@pre iBuffer is not NULL.
+@pre aPtr is not NULL.
+@param aPtr The new value of iCurrentPtr.
+@post iCurrentPtr is updated.
+@leave KErrOff The new iCurrentPtr points beyond the buffer end. */
+void TResourceReaderImpl::MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr)
+ {
+ assert(iBuffer != NULL);
+ assert(aPtr != NULL);
+ if(aPtr > ((TUint8*)( iBuffer->GetPtr() + iBuffer->GetLength() )))
+ {
+ std::string errMsg= "Failed : Trying to access pointer beyond valid range for registrationFile";
+ throw CResourceFileException(errMsg);
+ }
+ iCurrentPtr=aPtr;
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data
+and constructs a 16 bit heap buffer containing a copy of this data.
+The data is interpreted as:
+a byte value defining the number of 16 bit text characters
+(the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
+followed by:
+the 16 bit text characters.
+If the value of the leading byte is zero, the function assumes that no data
+follows the leading byte and returns a NULL pointer.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+Do not use this explicit 16 bit variant when the resource contains binary
+data; use the explicit 8 bit variant instead. If the resource contains text,
+use the build independent variant ReadHBufCL().
+@pre The same as for ReadTPtrC16L().
+@return Pointer to the 16bit heap buffer containing a
+copy of the data following the leading byte count at
+the current position within the resource buffer. The
+pointer can be NULL.
+@post iCurrentPtr is updated.
+@leave The same as ReadTPtrC16L().
+@see ReadTPtrC16L() */
+Ptr16* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadHBufCL()
+ {
+ PtrC16* ucode = ReadTPtrC16L();
+ if(NULL==ucode)
+ return NULL;
+ Ptr16* unicode = new Ptr16(ucode->iMaxLength);
+ memcpy(unicode->GetPtr(),ucode->iPtr,ucode->iMaxLength*2);
+ unicode->UpdateLength(ucode->iMaxLength);
+ return unicode;
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data
+and constructs an 8 bit non modifiable pointer to represent this data.
+The data is interpreted as:
+a byte value defining the number of text characters or the length of binary
+data (the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
+followed by:
+the 8 bit text characters or binary data.
+If the value of the leading byte is zero, calling Length() on the returned
+TPtrC8 returns zero.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+Use this explicit 8 bit variant when the resource contains binary data. If
+the resource contains text, then use the build independent variant ReadTPtrC().
+In general, this type of resource data corresponds to one of the following:
+a LTEXT type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+a variable length array within a STRUCT declaration which includes the LEN
+BYTE keywords.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return 8bit non modifiable pointer representing
+the data following the leading byte count at the
+current position within the resource buffer.
+@post iCurrentPtr is updated.
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+PtrC8* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC8L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;//TUint8 pointer is used, which means that the
+ //resource string length is limited to 255 characters max.
+ const TInt strLen=*currentPtr;
+ ++currentPtr;
+ PtrC8* unicode = new PtrC8;
+ if(!strLen)
+ unicode = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ unicode ->iMaxLength = strLen;
+ unicode ->iPtr = currentPtr;
+ }
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+strLen);
+ return unicode;
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as leading byte count data
+and constructs a 16 bit non modifiable pointer to represent this data.
+The data is interpreted as:
+a byte value defining the number of 16 bit text characters
+(the resource string/binary data length is limited to 255 characters max)
+followed by:
+the 16 bit text characters.
+If the value of the leading byte is zero, calling Length() on the returned
+TPtrC16 returns zero.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+Do not use this explicit 16 bit variant when the resource contains binary
+data; use the explicit 8 bit variant instead. If the resource contains text,
+use the build independent variant ReadTPtrC().
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return Pointer to an 8bit variant flat array.
+@post iCurrentPtr is updated.
+@leave KErrCorrupt The resource is a unicode string and it is not properly aligned.
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+PtrC16* TResourceReaderImpl::ReadTPtrC16L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;//TUint8 pointer is used, which means that the
+ //resource string length is limited to 255 characters max.
+ const TInt unicodeLength=*currentPtr;
+ ++currentPtr;
+ if (unicodeLength!=0)
+ {
+ if (REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint,currentPtr)&0x1)
+ {
+ // The resource compiler puts out a padding byte (arbitrarily 0xab)
+ // to ensure the alignment of Unicode strings within each resource.
+ if(*currentPtr!=0xab)
+ {
+ std::string errMsg= "Failed : Trying to access invalid registrationFile";
+ throw CResourceFileException(errMsg);
+ }
+ ++currentPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unicodeLength ==0)
+ {
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PtrC16* unicode = new PtrC16;
+ unicode ->iMaxLength = unicodeLength;
+ unicode ->iPtr = (TUint16*) currentPtr;
+ currentPtr+=unicodeLength*sizeof(TText16);
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr);
+ return unicode;
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt8 type and returns
+the value as a TInt.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+In general, a TInt8 corresponds to a BYTE type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+Note that in Symbian OS, a TInt is at least as big as a TInt8.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return The TInt8 value taken from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt8L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt8));
+ return(*(TInt8*)currentPtr);
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint8 type and returns
+the value as a TUint.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+In general, a TUint8 corresponds to a BYTE type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+Note that in Symbian OS, a TUint is at least as big as a TUint8.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return The TUint8 value taken from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+TUint32 TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint8L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TUint8));
+ return(*(TUint8*)currentPtr);
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt16 type and returns
+the value as a TInt.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+In general, a TInt16 corresponds to a WORD type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+Note that in Symbian OS, a TInt is at least as big as a TInt16.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return The TInt16 value taken from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt16L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ if (((TUint32)iCurrentPtr)%2)
+ {
+ TInt16 ret;
+ ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt16));
+ return(*(TInt16*)currentPtr);
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TInt32 type and returns
+the value as a TInt.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+In general, a TInt32 corresponds to a LONG type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+Note that in Symbian OS, TInt and TInt32 are the same size.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return The TInt32 value taken from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+TInt TResourceReaderImpl::ReadInt32L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ if (((TUint)iCurrentPtr)%4)
+ {
+ TInt32 ret;
+ ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TInt32));
+ return(*(TInt32*)currentPtr);
+ }
+/** Interprets the data at the current buffer position as a TUint32 type and returns
+the value as a TUint.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+In general, a TUint32 corresponds to a LONG type in a resource STRUCT declaration.
+Note that in Symbian OS a TUint is the same size as a TUint32.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@return The TUint32 value taken from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+TUint32 TResourceReaderImpl::ReadUint32L()
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ if (((TUint32)iCurrentPtr)%4)
+ {
+ TUint32 ret;
+ ReadL(&ret,sizeof(ret));
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+sizeof(TUint32));
+ return(*(TUint32*)currentPtr);
+ }
+/** Copies a specified length of data from the resource buffer, starting at the
+current position within the buffer, into the location pointed to by a specified
+pointer. No assumption is made about the type of data at being read.
+The current position within the resource buffer is updated.
+@pre iCurrentPtr != NULL.
+@pre The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@param aPtr Pointer to the target location for data copied from the resource buffer.
+@param aLength The length of data to be copied from the resource buffer.
+@post The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@leave The same as MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr).
+@see MovePtrL(const TUint8* aPtr) */
+void TResourceReaderImpl::ReadL(TAny* aPtr,TInt aLength)
+ {
+ assert(iCurrentPtr != NULL);
+ const TUint8* currentPtr=iCurrentPtr;
+ MovePtrL(currentPtr+aLength);
+ memcpy(aPtr,currentPtr,aLength);
+ }
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