changeset 48 364021cecc90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smartinstaller/adm/inc/ADMPackageInfo.h	Wed Jun 30 11:01:26 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     Declares the various classes required to maintain the Package Info and Dependency Tree for ADM application.
+#ifndef __PACKAGEINFO_H__
+#define __PACKAGEINFO_H__
+const TInt NOT_VISITED = 0;
+const TInt BEING_VISITED = 1;
+const TInt DONE_VISITED = 2;
+// Forward Declaration
+class CXmlParser;
+class CPackageInfo;
+class CADMAppUi;
+class RFileLogger;
+class Edge : public CBase
+	static Edge* NewL(CPackageInfo *aVtx1, CPackageInfo *aVtx2);
+	static Edge* NewLC(CPackageInfo *aVtx1, CPackageInfo *aVtx2);
+	~Edge(){}
+	inline CPackageInfo *GetVertexOrg() const;
+	inline CPackageInfo *GetVertexDst() const;
+	void ConstructL();
+	Edge(CPackageInfo *aVtx1, CPackageInfo *aVtx2);
+	friend class CPackageInfo;
+	CPackageInfo *iVertexOrg;
+	CPackageInfo *iVertexDst;
+	TDblQueLink iEdgeDlink;
+enum PackageStatus
+	{
+	EPackageStatusUnknown,
+	EPackageInstalled,
+	EPackageToBeFetched,
+	EPackageToBeUpgraded,
+	EPackageFetchedInstalled,
+	EPackageRootToBeInstalled,
+	EPackageRootInstalled
+	//EPackageToBeInstalled,
+	//EPackageInstallationFailed
+	};
+// Class for storing Depfile data
+class CPackageInfo: public CBase
+	{
+	static CPackageInfo* NewL();
+	static CPackageInfo* NewLC();
+	~CPackageInfo();
+	// Sort Order By Drive Priority
+	static const TLinearOrder<CPackageInfo> KSortOrderByDrivePriority;
+	//Comparator Function for sort by name
+	static TInt CompareByDrivePriority( const CPackageInfo& aPackageOne,const CPackageInfo& aPackageTwo );
+	void AddEdgeL(CPackageInfo* aDest);
+	void VisitL(CDepTree *aDepTree);
+	void SetDepFileNameL(const TDesC& aName);
+	void SetChangesFileNameL();
+	void SetSisFileNameL(const TDesC& aName);
+	HBufC8* GetDownloadUrlL();
+	inline HBufC8* GetURL() const
+		{
+		return iUrl;
+		};
+	inline HBufC* GetChangesFileName() const
+		{
+		return iChangesFileName;
+		}
+	inline HBufC* GetDepFileName() const
+		{
+		return iDepFileName;
+		}
+	inline HBufC* GetPackageName() const
+		{
+		return iPackageName;
+		};
+	inline HBufC* GetSisPackageName() const
+		{
+		return iSisPackageName;
+		};
+	inline PackageStatus GetPackageStatus() const
+		{
+		return iPackageStatus;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetPackageUid() const
+		{
+		return iPackageUid;
+		}
+	inline void SetPackageStatus(const PackageStatus& aStatus)
+		{
+		iPackageStatus = aStatus;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetDownloadSize() const
+		{
+		return iDownloadSize;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetInstallSize() const
+		{
+		return iInstalledSize;
+		}
+	inline TVersion GetPackageVersion() const
+		{
+		return iVersion;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetDrivePriority() const
+		{
+		return iDrivePriority;
+		}
+	inline void SetInstallDrive(const TChar aDrive)
+		{
+		iInstallDrive = aDrive;
+		}
+	inline TChar GetInstallDrive() const
+		{
+		return iInstallDrive;
+		}
+	inline TChar GetMandatoryInstallDrive() const
+		{
+		return iMandatoryInstallDrive;
+		}
+	void ConstructL();
+	CPackageInfo();
+	friend class CXmlParser;
+	friend class CDepTree;
+	friend class CSisParser;
+	// Mandatory fields
+	TUint32 iPackageUid;
+	TVersion iDepVersion;
+	// Optional Fields
+	HBufC* iPackageName;
+	HBufC* iVendor;
+	HBufC* iDateOfSubmission;//the input was a separate day,month, year format. This should've been converted into a string??
+	HBufC* iDateOfModification;//the input was a separate day,month, year format. This should've been converted into a string??
+	TUint32 iDownloadSize;
+	TUint32 iInstalledSize;
+	TVersion iVersion;
+	HBufC8* iUrl;
+	HBufC8* iDownloadUrl;
+	HBufC* iDepFileName;
+	//HBufC8 iDepUrl;
+	HBufC* iChangesFileName;
+	HBufC* iSisPackageName;
+	PackageStatus iPackageStatus;
+	TUint32 iDrivePriority; //priority to set as 'C' drive (for now)
+	TChar iInstallDrive; //drive in which the package needs to be installed
+	TChar iMandatoryInstallDrive; //mandatory drive specified in the changes file of the package.
+	//This is for Edges management in a package
+	TUint32 iVisited;
+	TDblQue<Edge>     iEdgeDlinkHdr;
+	TDblQueIter<Edge> iEdgeDlinkIter;
+	//This is the link for added packages connection
+	TDblQueLink iPackageDlink;
+	};
+class CDepTree: public CBase
+	{
+	static CDepTree* NewL(RFileLogger& aLogger, const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	static CDepTree* NewLC(RFileLogger& aLogger, const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	CDepTree(RFileLogger& aLogger);
+	RFileLogger& iLog; ///< Not owned
+	static CDepTree* NewL(const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	static CDepTree* NewLC(const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	CDepTree();
+	~CDepTree();
+	TBool SetDriveInfo();
+	void GetDriveListL(RFs& aRFs, RArray<TChar>& aDriveLetters, RArray<TInt64>& aDriveSpaces);
+	void AddPackageInfo(CPackageInfo *aPackageInfo);
+	void AddFetchPackageInfo(CPackageInfo *aPackageInfo);
+	CPackageInfo* LocatePackageInDepTree(const TUint32& aDepPackageUid);
+	CPackageInfo* GetNextNode();
+	CPackageInfo* GetFetchNode( TInt nodeLocation);
+	CPackageInfo* GetNextFetchNode();
+	CPackageInfo* GetNextSortedNode();
+	CPackageInfo* GetPreviousFetchNode();
+	inline void SetMachineId(TUint32 machineId)
+		{
+		iMachineId = machineId;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetMachineId()
+		{
+		return iMachineId;
+		}
+	inline CPackageInfo* GetCurrentFetchNode() const
+		{
+		return iFetchList[iCurrentPackage];
+		}
+	inline TInt NodesCount() const
+		{
+		return iFetchList.Count();
+		}
+	inline TInt CountDownloadNodes() const
+		{
+		// -1 is because iSortedlist contains also the root package
+		// which is not actually downloaded
+		if (iSortedList.Count() > 0)
+			return iSortedList.Count() - 1;
+		else
+			return 0;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetTotalDownloadSize() const
+		{
+		return iTotalDownloadSize;
+		}
+	inline TUint32 GetMaxDownloadSize() const
+		{
+		return iMaxDownloadSize;
+		}
+	TBool ConstructFetchListL();
+	TBool IsDepTreeEmpty() const;
+	TBool IsCyclePresent() const;
+	TPtrC GetDownloadPath() const;
+	CPackageInfo* GetRootNode();
+	void RemoveDownloadedFiles(RFs& aRfs);
+	void DeleteFile(RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aFilePath );
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	friend class CPackageInfo;
+	HBufC* iDownloadPath;
+	RPointerArray<CPackageInfo> iFetchList; //Fetch list - the order in which the packages need to be fetched.
+	//Cannot sort Fetchlist, as that would collapse the fetch order.
+	RPointerArray<CPackageInfo> iSortedList; //The sorted fetch list based on drive priority
+	TInt iCurrentPackage;
+	TInt iSortedPackage;
+	TBool iCyclePresent;
+	// This is for added Packages in a Dep Tree
+	TDblQue<CPackageInfo> iPackageDlinkHdr;
+	// This is used for traversal of the tree to get the next pkg to be updated
+	TDblQueIter<CPackageInfo> iPackageDlinkFetchIter;
+	//Include the device info.
+	TUint32 iTotalDownloadSize;
+	TUint32 iMaxDownloadSize;
+	TUint32 iMachineId;
+	TChar iDownloadDrive; //drive in which the package needs to be downloaded
+	};
+#endif //__PACKAGEINFO_H__