changeset 48 364021cecc90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smartinstaller/adm/inc/ADMStateMachine.h	Wed Jun 30 11:01:26 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     State machine
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include "ADMAppUi.h"
+#include "ADMInstallManager.h"
+#include "ADMPackageInfo.h"
+#include "ADMSisParser.h"
+#include "ADMXmlParser.h"
+// Forward declarations
+class TState;
+class CStateMachine;
+enum TStatePanic
+	{
+	EPanicStateIndexOutOfBounds = 1000,
+	EPanicStateImplementationMissing,
+	EPanicStateInvalidBootstrapVersion,
+	EPanicStateInvalidMachineUid,
+	EPanicStateFetchStatus,
+	EPanicStateFetchPackageNull,
+	EPanicStateUnexpectedPackage,
+	EPanicStateUnexpectedRootPackage,
+	EPanicStateWrapperNotInstalled
+	};
+const TInt KUnknownState = -40000;
+// Timeout for waiting for download deletion. Default 2 s.
+const TInt KDlDeletingTimeout = 2*1000*1000;
+class CStateFactory : public CBase
+	{
+	enum TAppState
+		{
+		EStateSetup = 0,                   // 0
+		EStateSetupParsing,
+		EStateBuildDepTree,
+		EStateDownloadChangesFile,
+		EStateParseChangesFile,
+		EStateDownloadDepFile,             // 5
+		EStateParseDepFile,
+		EStateBuildFetchList,
+		EStateVerifyAvailableDiskSpace,
+		EStateConfirmDownload,
+		EStateConfirmRoamingDownload,      // 10
+		EStateStartDependencyDownload,
+		EStateDownloadDependency,
+		EStateInstallDependency,
+		EStateInstallAppSis,
+		EStateUninstallDependency,         // 15
+		EStatePrepareExitWithError,
+		EStateLaunchApp,
+		EStateExit,
+		EStateLast
+		};
+	TState& GetState(const TAppState aState) const;
+	TInt StateIndex(const TState* aState) const;
+	inline CStateMachine& StateMachine() const { return iStateMachine; }
+	static CStateFactory* NewL(CStateMachine& aStateMachine);
+	~CStateFactory();
+	CStateFactory(CStateMachine& aStateMachine);
+	void ConstructL();
+	TFixedArray<TState*, EStateLast> iStates;
+	CStateMachine&   iStateMachine;
+	};
+// Base class for a state
+class TState
+	{
+	//friend class CStateFactory;
+	//friend class CStateMachine;
+	TState(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	// Change of states
+	virtual void Enter() const;
+	virtual void Exit() const;
+	// Events from UI
+	virtual void UserAccepted();
+	virtual void UserRejected();
+	virtual void UserCancelled();
+	// Events from DownloadManager
+	virtual void DownloadInProgress(const TInt aAlreadyDownloaded, const TInt aDownloadSize, const TReal32 aAvgDlSpeed);
+	virtual void DownloadCompleted(const TInt aBytesDownloaded);
+	virtual void DownloadFailed();
+	virtual void DownloadCancelled();
+	// Events from InstallManager
+	virtual void InstallInProgress();
+	virtual void InstallCompleted(TInt aStatus);
+	virtual void InstallationCancelled();
+	void DownloadFailed(const CStateFactory::TAppState aState);
+	void PanicInState(TStatePanic aPanic) const;
+	const CStateFactory& iFactory;
+	CStateMachine& iStateMachine;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateSetup : public TState
+	{
+	TStateSetup(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateSetupParsing : public TState
+	{
+	TStateSetupParsing(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateDownloadDepFile : public TState
+	{
+	TStateDownloadDepFile(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void DownloadCompleted(const TInt aBytesDownloaded);
+	void DownloadFailed();
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateParseDepFile : public TState
+	{
+	TStateParseDepFile(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateBuildDepTree : public TState
+	{
+	TStateBuildDepTree(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateDownloadChangesFile : public TState
+	{
+	TStateDownloadChangesFile(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void DownloadCompleted(const TInt aBytesDownloaded);
+	void DownloadFailed();
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateParseChangesFile : public TState
+	{
+	TStateParseChangesFile(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateBuildFetchList : public TState
+	{
+	TStateBuildFetchList(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateVerifyAvailableDiskSpace : public TState
+	{
+	TStateVerifyAvailableDiskSpace(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateConfirmDownload : public TState
+	{
+	TStateConfirmDownload(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void UserAccepted();
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateConfirmRoamingDownload : public TState
+	{
+	TStateConfirmRoamingDownload(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void UserAccepted();
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateStartDependencyDownload : public TState
+	{
+	TStateStartDependencyDownload(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateDownloadDependency : public TState
+	{
+	TStateDownloadDependency(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void DownloadCompleted(const TInt aBytesDownloaded);
+	void DownloadInProgress(const TInt aAlreadyDownloaded, const TInt aDownloadSize, const TReal32 aAvgDlSpeed);
+	void DownloadFailed();
+	TBool iRetryDownload; // Set to true, if we're retrying download
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateInstallDependency : public TState
+	{
+	TStateInstallDependency(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void Exit() const;
+	void InstallCompleted(TInt aStatus);
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateInstallAppSis : public TState
+	{
+	TStateInstallAppSis(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void InstallCompleted(TInt aStatus);
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateUninstallDependency : public TState
+	{
+	TStateUninstallDependency(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void InstallCompleted(TInt aStatus);
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStatePrepareExitWithError : public TState
+	{
+	TStatePrepareExitWithError(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	TInt CreateInstallationResumeInfo() const;
+	void BackupFilesL() const;
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateLaunchApp : public TState
+	{
+	TStateLaunchApp(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void UserAccepted();
+	void UserRejected();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TStateExit : public TState
+	{
+	TStateExit(const CStateFactory& aFactory);
+	void Enter() const;
+	void RemoveResumeFiles() const;
+	void Report() const;
+	void DownloadInProgress(const TInt /* aAlreadyDownloaded */, const TInt /* aDownloadSize */, const TReal32 /* aAvgDlSpeed */);
+	void DownloadCompleted(const TInt /* aBytesDownloaded */);
+	void DownloadFailed();
+	void DownloadCancelled();
+	};
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class CStateMachine : public CActive,
+	public CInstallManager::MInstallClient,
+	public CDownloadHandler::MDownloadClient
+	{
+	friend class TState;
+	friend class TStateBuildDepTree;
+	friend class TStateBuildFetchList;
+	friend class TStateConfirmDownload;
+	friend class TStateConfirmRoaming;
+	friend class TStateDownloadChangesFile;
+	friend class TStateDownloadDepFile;
+	friend class TStateDownloadDependency;
+	friend class TStateExit;
+	friend class TStateInstallAppSis;
+	friend class TStateInstallDependency;
+	friend class TStateLaunchApp;
+	friend class TStateParseChangesFile;
+	friend class TStateParseDepFile;
+	friend class TStateParseSisFile;
+	friend class TStatePrepareExitWithError;
+	friend class TStateSetup;
+	friend class TStateSetupParsing;
+	friend class TStateStartDependencyDownload;
+	friend class TStateUninstallDependency;
+	friend class TStateVerifyAvailableDiskSpace;
+	friend class TStateWaitForUserConfirmation;
+	static CStateMachine* NewL(CADMAppUi& aAppUi, const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	~CStateMachine();
+	void Start();
+	void Stop();
+	void SetStartState(const CStateFactory::TAppState aState);
+	void SetState(const CStateFactory::TAppState aState);
+	TInt StateIndex() const;
+	// Interfacing for ADM
+	// Called when user has made a selection in a query dialog
+	void SetIAP(TUint32 aIAP);
+	void HandleUserResponse(TInt aResponse);
+	CStateFactory::TAppState FailedState() const { return iFailedState; }
+	inline TInt32 TotalDownloadSize() const { return iDepTree->GetTotalDownloadSize(); }
+	inline HBufC* LaunchCaption() const
+		{
+			CPackageInfo* root = iDepTree->GetRootNode();
+			if (root)
+				return root->GetPackageName();
+			else
+				return NULL;
+		}
+	RFileLogger& Log() const { return iAppUi.iLog; }
+	// Interface to ADM
+	inline TBool ResumeRequired() const { return iAppUi.iIsResumeRequired; }
+	inline TInt MachineUid() const { return iAppUi.iMachineUid; }
+	inline TInt BootstrapVersion() const { return iAppUi.iBootstrapVersion; }
+	inline TBool RegisteredRoaming() const { return iAppUi.RegisteredRoaming(); }
+	inline TBool UsingWLAN() const { return iAppUi.UsingWLAN(); }
+	inline TBool OviStoreRunning() const { return iAppUi.iOviStoreRunning; }
+	inline TBool ResumingInstallation() const { return iAppUi.iResumingInstallation; }
+	inline HBufC* DepFilename() const { return iAppUi.iDepFileName; }
+	inline HBufC* SisFilename() const { return iAppUi.iSisFileName; }
+	inline HBufC8* ConfigUrl() const { return iAppUi.iConfigUrl; }
+	inline TUid& WrapperPackageUid() const { return (TUid&)iAppUi.iWrapperPackageUid; }
+	inline RFs& FsSession() const { return iAppUi.EikonEnv()->FsSession(); }
+	inline void SetSilentInstallationOk(const TBool aOk) { iAppUi.iSilentInstallationOk = aOk; }
+	inline void SetNonSilentInstallation(const TBool aVal) { iAppUi.iNonSilentInstallation = aVal; }
+	inline void SetAppLaunch(const TBool aSuccess) { iAppUi.iAppLaunch = aSuccess; }
+	inline TBool AppLaunch() const { return iAppUi.iAppLaunch; }
+	inline TInt ExitReason() const { return iAppUi.iExitReason; }
+	void UpdateProgressBar(const TInt aStartValue, const TInt aEndValue);
+	void StopProgressBar() const;
+	void SetFailureReason(TExitReason aReason);
+	void ShowDownloadQueryL(const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aInfoResourceId = -1);
+	void ShowWaitNoteL(const TInt aResourceId);
+	void ShowInstallingWaitNoteL(const TInt aCurrent, const TInt aLast);
+	void ShowProgressBarL(const TInt aStartValue, const TInt aEndValue, const TInt aCurrent = -1, const TInt aLast = -1);
+	void StopWaitNote();
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	TInt RunError(const TInt aError);
+	void SetState(TState& aState);
+	//From MInstallClient
+	void HandleInstallCompletedL(TInt aStatus);
+	//From MDownloadClient
+	/**
+	 * Called by Download Manager when IAP has changed.
+	 * @param aIAP IAP ID
+	 */
+	void HandleIapChanged(const TUint32 aIAP);
+	/**
+	 * Called by Download Manager when downloading of a packet is completed.
+	 * @param aDlFileName Name of the downloaded file.
+	 * @param aResponseType Download type.
+	 * @param aDownloadSize Total number of bytes downloaded.
+	 */
+	void HandleHttpFetchCompleted( const TDesC& aDlFilename, const TInt aDownloadType, const TInt32 aBytesDownloaded, const TReal32 aAvgDlSpeed, const TInt64 aDlTime );
+	/**
+	 * Called when download manager has retrieved a packet from the network.
+	 * Required for updating the progress bar.
+	 */
+	void HandleHttpFetchInProgress(const TInt32 aAlreadyDownloaded, const TInt32 aDownloadSize, const TReal32 aAvgDlSpeed);
+	/**
+	 * Called when download manager encounters a problem while downloading
+	 */
+	void HandleHttpFetchFailure( const TDesC& aDlFilename, const TInt aGlobalErrorId, const TInt aErrorId, const TInt aFetchType );
+	/**
+	 * Called when download manager is deleting the download.
+	 */
+	void HandleDownloadDeleting();
+	// State machine required functions
+	//void HandleFailure();
+	//TBool VerifyAvailableDiskSpace();
+	//void SilentInstallDownloadedPackageL();
+	CStateMachine(CADMAppUi& aAppUi);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aDownloadPath);
+	CADMAppUi&			iAppUi;
+	CStateFactory*		iStateFactory;     //< owns
+	CInstallManager*	iInstallManager;   //< owns
+	CDownloadHandler*	iDownloadHandler;  //< owns
+	CXmlParser*			iXmlParser; //< owns
+	CSisParser*			iSisParser; //< owns
+	CDepTree*			iDepTree;   //< owns
+	CPackageInfo*		iCurrentPackage;
+	/**
+	 * Path to the downloaded file. Updated after each finishing each
+	 * download (completed or failed).
+	 */
+	HBufC*              iDownloadedFile;   //< owns
+	/**
+	 * Current state.
+	 */
+	TState*             iState;
+	/**
+	 * The state that experienced failure that causes ADM to exit.
+	 */
+	CStateFactory::TAppState    iFailedState;
+	/**
+	 * Number of dependency tree nodes processed so far.
+	 */
+	TInt   iNodesProcessed;
+	/**
+	 * Progress bar current value.
+	 */
+	TInt32 iProgressCurrentValue;
+	/**
+	 * Progress bar maximum value. Stays constant after being set.
+	 */
+	TInt32 iProgressMaxValue;
+	/**
+	 * Current package # being downloaded/installed.
+	 */
+	TInt iCounterCurrent;
+	/**
+	 * Total number of packages being downloaded/installed.
+	 */
+	TInt iCounterMax;
+	/**
+	 * Total size of the packages to be downloaded in bytes.
+	 * Used in progress bar update.
+	 */
+	TInt32 iDownloadSize;
+	/**
+	 * Downloaded bytes so far.
+	 * Used in progress bar update.
+	 */
+	TInt32 iCumulativeDepDownloaded;
+	/**
+	 * Total number of bytes downloaded during session. Includes all
+	 * dependency XML file downloads and .sis file downloads.
+	 */
+	TInt32 iCumulativeDownloaded;
+	/**
+	 * Time in microseconds used in downloading, used for calculating average download speed.
+	 */
+	TInt64 iDownloadTime;
+	/**
+	 * Drive in which wrapper is installed.
+	 */
+	TChar iWrapperInstalledDrive;
+	/**
+	 * Restart Attempt for Download Failure
+	 */
+	TInt iRestartAttempt;
+	/**
+	 * App Launch name
+	 */
+	TFileName iLaunchName;
+	TFileName iLaunchIconFilename;
+	TApaAppCaption iLaunchCaption;
+	/**
+	 * Semaphore for signalling download deleting.
+	 */
+	RSemaphore iDlDeletingSemaphore;
+	};
+#endif /* ADMSTATEMACHINE_H_ */