--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/appinstaller/AppinstUi/Plugin/SisxUI/Src/SisxUIResult.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file contains the implementation of CSisxUI
+* class member functions.
+#include <SWInstDefs.h>
+#include "SisxUIResult.h"
+using namespace SwiUI;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : iResult( EUiResultNoResult ), iDetailedErrorCode( 0 )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult( const TSisxResultCode& aResult )
+ : iResult( aResult ), iDetailedErrorCode( 0 )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult( const Swi::TRevocationDialogMessage& aResult )
+ {
+ switch ( aResult )
+ {
+ case Swi::EInvalidRevocationServerUrl:
+ iResult = EUiResultInvalidRevocationServerUrl;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUnableToObtainCertificateStatus:
+ iResult = EUiResultUnableToObtainCertificateStatus;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EResponseSignatureValidationFailure:
+ iResult = EUiResultResponseSignatureValidationFailure;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EInvalidRevocationServerResponse:
+ iResult = EUiResultInvalidRevocationServerResponse;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EInvalidCertificateStatusInformation:
+ iResult = EUiResultInvalidCertificateStatusInformation;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ECertificateStatusIsUnknown:
+ iResult = EUiResultCertificateStatusIsUnknown;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ECertificateStatusIsRevoked:
+ iResult = EUiResultCertificateStatusIsRevoked;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ECertificateStatusIsUnknownSelfSigned:
+ iResult = EUiResultCertificateStatusIsUnknownSelfSigned;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iResult = EUiResultGeneralError;
+ iDetailedErrorCode = aResult;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult( const Swi::TSignatureValidationResult& aResult )
+ {
+ switch ( aResult )
+ {
+ case Swi::ESignatureNotPresent:
+ iResult = EUiResultSignatureNotPresent;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ENoCertificate:
+ iResult = EUiResultNoCertificate;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ECertificateValidationError:
+ iResult = EUiResultCertificateValidationError;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ENoCodeSigningExtension:
+ iResult = EUiResultNoCodeSigningExtension;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ENoSupportedPolicyExtension:
+ iResult = EUiResultNoSupportedPolicyExtension;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ESignatureCouldNotBeValidated:
+ iResult = EUiResultSignatureCouldNotBeValidated;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EMandatorySignatureMissing:
+ iResult = EUiResultMandatorySignatureMissing;
+ break;
+ case Swi::ESignatureSelfSigned:
+ iResult = EUiResultSignatureSelfSigned;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iResult = EUiResultGeneralError;
+ iDetailedErrorCode = aResult;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSisxUIResult::TSisxUIResult( const Swi::TErrorDialog& aResult )
+ {
+ switch ( aResult )
+ {
+ case Swi::EUiAlreadyInRom:
+ iResult = EUiResultAlreadyInRom;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiMissingDependency:
+ iResult = EUiResultMissingDependency;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiRequireVer:
+ iResult = EUiResultRequireVer;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiRequireVerOrGreater:
+ iResult = EUiResultRequireVerOrGreater;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiFileCorrupt:
+ iResult = EUiResultFileCorrupt;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiDiskNotPresent:
+ iResult = EUiResultDiskNotPresent;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiCannotRead:
+ iResult = EUiResultCannotRead;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiCannotDelete:
+ iResult = EUiResultCannotDelete;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiInvalidFileName:
+ iResult = EUiResultInvalidFileName;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiFileNotFound:
+ iResult = EUiResultFileNotFound;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiInsufficientSpaceOnDrive:
+ case Swi::EUiNoMemoryInDrive:
+ iResult = EUiResultInsufficientSpaceOnDrive;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiCapabilitiesCannotBeGranted:
+ iResult = EUiResultCapabilitiesCannotBeGranted;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiUnknownFile:
+ iResult = EUiResultUnknownFile;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiMissingBasePackage:
+ iResult = EUiResultMissingBasePackage;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiConstraintsExceeded:
+ iResult = EUiResultConstraintsExceeded;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiSIDViolation:
+ iResult = EUiResultSIDViolation;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiVIDViolation:
+ iResult = EUiResultVIDViolation;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiUIDPackageViolation:
+ iResult = EUiResultUIDPackageViolation;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiBlockingEclipsingFile:
+ iResult = EUiResultBlockingEclipsingFile;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiOSExeViolation:
+ iResult = EUiResultOSExeViolation;
+ break;
+ case Swi::EUiSIDMismatch:
+ iResult = EUiResultSIDMismatch;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iResult = EUiResultGeneralError;
+ iDetailedErrorCode = aResult;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TSisxUIResult::CommonResult
+// Returns the common SWInst result code for this result.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt TSisxUIResult::CommonResult() const
+ {
+ TInt result( KErrNone );
+ switch ( iResult )
+ {
+ case EUiResultOk:
+ result = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultCancelled:
+ result = KSWInstErrUserCancel;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultAlreadyInRom:
+ case EUiResultUnableToOverwrite:
+ case EUiResultCannotDelete:
+ result = KSWInstErrFileInUse;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultUnknownFile:
+ case EUiResultFileNotFound:
+ case EUiResultInvalidFileName:
+ case EUiResultFileCorrupt:
+ case EUiResultCannotRead:
+ result = KSWInstErrFileCorrupted;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultInsufficientMemory:
+ case EUiResultInsufficientSpaceOnDrive:
+ result = KSWInstErrInsufficientMemory;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultNoCertificate:
+ case EUiResultCertificateValidationError:
+ case EUiResultSignatureNotPresent:
+ case EUiResultSignatureCouldNotBeValidated:
+ case EUiResultNoCodeSigningExtension:
+ case EUiResultNoSupportedPolicyExtension:
+ case EUiResultMandatorySignatureMissing:
+ case EUiResultInvalidRevocationServerResponse:
+ case EUiResultInvalidRevocationServerUrl:
+ case EUiResultUnableToObtainCertificateStatus:
+ case EUiResultResponseSignatureValidationFailure:
+ case EUiResultInvalidCertificateStatusInformation:
+ case EUiResultCertificateStatusIsUnknown:
+ case EUiResultCertificateStatusIsRevoked:
+ case EUiResultCertificateStatusIsUnknownSelfSigned:
+ case EUiResultCertificateExpired:
+ case EUiResultCertificateValidInFuture:
+ case EUiResultSignatureSelfSigned:
+ case EUiResultCapabilitiesCannotBeGranted:
+ case EUiResultSIDViolation:
+ case EUiResultVIDViolation:
+ case EUiResultConstraintsExceeded:
+ case EUiResultUIDPackageViolation:
+ case EUiResultSIDMismatch:
+ result = KSWInstErrSecurityFailure;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultAccessDenied:
+ case EUiResultCannotUninstallPartialUpgrade:
+ case EUiResultOSExeViolation:
+ result = KSWInstErrAccessDenied;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultMissingDependency:
+ case EUiResultRequireVer:
+ case EUiResultRequireVerOrGreater:
+ case EUiResultMissingBasePackage:
+ result = KSWInstErrMissingDependency;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultInvalidUpgrade:
+ case EUiResultBlockingEclipsingFile:
+ result = KSWInstUpgradeError;
+ break;
+ case EUiResultGeneralError:
+ case EUiResultDiskNotPresent:
+ case EUiResultNoResult:
+ default:
+ result = KSWInstErrGeneralError;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// End of File