changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/installationservices/switestfw/test/autotesting/	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# Created by Relja Arandjelovic
+# Used to check for occurrences of "C: , EDriveC and [<index>]='C' and report warnings about it into HTML file
+# -exclude=exclude.txt -excludedir=/common/generic/security/caf2/ -log=logfilename.htm path1 path2 ...
+# log is created in $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\
+# add -mytest option if the log should be stored in the execution directory
+# (for example, if you are not using the script during overnight builds)
+# exclude contains items formated as as follows (new line corresponds to new line in file):
+# filename
+# line content
+# comment about why the warning should be excluded (may be in several lines, but with no line with only whice characters)
+# line with only white characters
+# NB: paths in argumetns and filename in exclude list should be absolute paths
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Find;
+my @ListOfFiles=();
+my @FileIsTest=();
+my $nTests=0;
+my %Exclude=();
+my $exclude="";
+my $excludedir="_no_dir_";
+my $LogFileName="";
+sub TypeOfWarning($$$$){
+	my ($FileName,$FileIsTest,$linetext,$Warning)=@_;
+	$linetext=~ s/^\s*//; $linetext=~ s/\s*$//;
+	$$Warning="warning";
+	if ($FileIsTest==1){
+		$$Warning="test";
+	} else {
+		# check if in include list
+		my $ExcludeLine;
+		foreach $ExcludeLine (@{$Exclude{$FileName}}){
+			if ($linetext eq $ExcludeLine) {
+				$$Warning="ignoredwarning";
+				last;
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+my $FirstWarning=1;
+my $PrevFileName="_no_file_";
+sub printHTML($$$$){
+	my ($FileName,$linenumber,$linetext,$Warning)=@_;
+	$linetext=~ s/^\s*//; $linetext=~ s/\s*$//;
+	# convert special characters to HTML format
+	$linetext=~ s/&/&amp;/sg;
+	$linetext=~ s/</&lt;/sg;
+	$linetext=~ s/>/&gt;/sg;
+	if ($FileName ne $PrevFileName){
+		print HTML "
+<tr><td colspan=\"4\" height=\"20\">&nbsp;</td></tr>
+	<tr><td width=\"20\"></td><td colspan=\"3\">
+		$FileName
+	</td></tr>	
+	}
+	print HTML "
+<tr><td colspan=\"4\" height=\"10\">&nbsp;</td></tr>
+		<tr class=\"$Warning\"><td width=\"20\"></td><td width=\"60\"></td><td colspan=\"2\">
+			Line number: $linenumber
+		</td></tr>
+			<tr class=\"$Warning\"><td width=\"20\"></td><td width=\"60\"></td><td width=\"80\"></td><td>
+			</td></tr>
+	$PrevFileName=$FileName;
+	$FirstWarning=0;
+my $prevDir="_no_previous_dir_";
+my $isTest=0;
+sub MakeList(){
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /^$excludedir/) { return; }
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /test/i) { return; }
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /examples/i) { return; }
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /tpkcs10/i) { return; }
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /tocsp/i) { return; }
+	if (lc($File::Find::dir) =~ /dumpswicertstoretool/i) { return; }
+	if (!(lc($File::Find::name) =~ /\.(cpp|cxx|c\+\+|c|h)$/)){ return; }
+	# include in list of files to be searched only if not test code
+	# ie distribution policy doesn't include Reference/Test
+	if ($prevDir ne lc($File::Find::dir)){ # new dir => search for distribution.policy	
+		$isTest=0;
+		my $policy="".($File::Find::dir)."/distribution.policy";
+		if (-e $policy){
+			open (POLICY , "<$policy" );
+			while (<POLICY>){
+				if ($_ =~ /Reference\/Test/){
+					$isTest=1;
+					last;
+				}
+			}
+			close (POLICY);
+		}
+	}
+	push(@ListOfFiles,lc($File::Find::name));
+	push(@FileIsTest,$isTest);	
+	if ($isTest) { $nTests++; }
+	$prevDir=lc($File::Find::dir);
+sub FindC($$$$){
+	my ($FileName,$FileIsTest,$count,$countunique)=@_;
+	open(SOURCE,"<$FileName") or die ("Could not open file: $FileName");
+	my $prevCount=$$count;
+	my $line; my $templine; my $linenumber=1;
+	my $MultiLineComment=0;
+	my $MadeChangeDueToComments;
+	my $FirstLine=0;
+	my $HTMLFirstWarning=1;
+	while ($line=<SOURCE>){
+		$templine=$line;
+		$linenumber++;
+		$FirstLine=0;
+		# process comments
+		do {
+			$MadeChangeDueToComments=0;
+			if ($MultiLineComment==0){
+				# remove text in // coments 
+				$templine=~ s/(.*?)\/\/.*$/$1/;
+				# remove /* */ comments found in one line
+				$templine=~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
+				# if only /* then remove text after it and mark the start of comment
+				if ($templine=~ /^(.*?)\/\*/){
+					$templine=$1;
+					$MultiLineComment=1;
+					$MadeChangeDueToComments=1;
+					$FirstLine=1;
+				}
+			} else {	# $MultiLineComment==1
+				# if */ end comment
+				if ($templine=~ /\*\/(.*)$/){
+					$templine=$1;
+					$MultiLineComment=0;
+					$MadeChangeDueToComments=1;				
+				}
+			}
+		} while ($MadeChangeDueToComments==1);
+		# end of processing comments
+		if ($MultiLineComment==1 && $FirstLine==0) { next; } # skip checking if in comment
+		if (
+			$templine=~ /["'][cC]:/	|| # '" # need comment for correct highlighting in codewarrior
+			$templine=~ /EDriveC/		||
+			$templine=~ /\[.+\]\s*=\s*'[cC]':/
+			){
+				my $Warning;
+				TypeOfWarning($FileName,$FileIsTest,$line,\$Warning);
+				printHTML($FileName,$linenumber,$line,$Warning);
+				if ($Warning eq "warning") { $$count++; }
+			}
+	}
+	close(SOURCE);
+	if ($prevCount<$$count) { $$countunique++; }
+sub ReadExcludeList(){
+	#print "\n";
+	if ($exclude eq ""){
+		#print "Exclude list file not specified\nCarrying on without an exclude list\n";
+		return;
+	} elsif (!(-e $exclude)){
+		#print "Exclude list file doesn't exist!\nCarrying on without an exclude list\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	my $line; my $FileName; my $LineText; my $justification;
+	open (EXCLUDE,"<$exclude");
+	while (1){
+		$line=<EXCLUDE> or last;
+		$line=~ s/^(\s*)//g; $line=~ s/(\s*)$//g;
+		$line=~ s/\\/\//g;
+		$FileName=lc($line);
+		$line=<EXCLUDE>; $line=~ s/^(\s*)//g; $line=~ s/(\s*)$//g;
+		$LineText=$line;
+		$justification=0;
+		while($line=<EXCLUDE>){
+			$line=~ s/^(\s*)//g; $line=~ s/(\s*)$//g;
+			if ($line eq "") { last;}
+			$justification=1;
+		}
+		if ($justification==0){
+			#print "Not added to the excludion list since no justification found for:\n$FileName\n$LineText\n";
+		} else {		
+			push(@{$Exclude{$FileName}},$LineText);
+		}
+	}
+	close(EXCLUDE);
+######## Main
+	my $MyTest=0;
+	GetOptions(
+			"exclude=s" => \$exclude ,
+			"excludedir=s" => \$excludedir, # one dir to be excluded from scaning (along wih its subdirs)
+			"log=s" => \$LogFileName,
+			"mytest" => \$MyTest # inteded for my personal testing (so that path is not the one for overnight testing)
+				);
+	$excludedir=~ s/\\/\//g; # convert \ into / so that it matches perl's path form
+	ReadExcludeList();
+	if ($MyTest==0){ # overnight
+		$LogFileName = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\".$LogFileName;
+	}
+	my $iArgv;
+	for ($iArgv=0;$iArgv<@ARGV;$iArgv++){
+		$ARGV[$iArgv]=~ s/\\/\//g; # convert \ into / so that it matches perl's path form
+		find(\&MakeList, ($ARGV[$iArgv]) );
+	}
+	open(HTML,">$LogFileName");
+	print HTML "
+	<title>CDrive warnings</title>
+	<style type=\'text/css\'>
+.warning {
+	background-color: #FFAAAA;
+.ignoredwarning {
+	background-color: #90ffff;
+	background-color: #ffc060;
+	</style>
+	<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
+	my $count=0; my $countunique=0;
+	my $iList; my $nList=@ListOfFiles;
+	for ($iList=0;$iList<$nList;$iList++){
+		FindC($ListOfFiles[$iList],$FileIsTest[$iList],\$count,\$countunique);
+	}
+	print HTML "\n</table>\n";
+	my $total=$nList-$nTests;
+	# workaround in order to be reported to the standardised system	
+	print HTML "<br><center>$countunique tests failed out of $total\n</center>\n";	
+	print HTML "
+	";
+	#print "\n\tNumber of files:\t$nList\n";
+	#print "\n\tNumber of warnings:\t$count\n";
+	#print "\n\tNumber of unique warnings:\t$countunique\n";
+	close(HTML);
+######## end-Main