changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ncdengine/provider/client/src/ncdinstalloperationproxy.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implements CNcdInstallOperationProxy
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#include "ncdinstalloperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdinstalloperationobserver.h"
+#include "catalogsdebug.h"
+#include "catalogsclientserver.h"
+#include "ncdnodeproxy.h"
+#include "ncdnodemanagerproxy.h"
+#include "ncdinstallationservice.h"
+#include "ncddeviceinteractionfactory.h"
+#include "catalogsutils.h"
+#include "catalogsconstants.h"
+#include "ncdfileinfo.h"
+#include "ncdinstallinfo.h"
+#include "ncdpanics.h"
+#include "ncdoperationproxyremovehandler.h"
+#include "ncderrors.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdInstallOperationProxy* CNcdInstallOperationProxy::NewLC( 
+    MCatalogsClientServer& aSession,
+    TInt aHandle,
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* aRemoveHandler,
+    CNcdNodeProxy* aNode,
+    CNcdNodeManagerProxy* aNodeManager,
+    MNcdInstallOperationObserver* aObserver,
+    MNcdInstallationService& aInstallationService )
+    {
+    CNcdInstallOperationProxy* self =
+        new( ELeave ) CNcdInstallOperationProxy( aInstallationService );
+    self->AddRef();
+    CleanupReleasePushL( *self );    
+    self->ConstructL( aSession, aHandle, aRemoveHandler, aNode, aNodeManager,
+        aObserver );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MNcdInstallOperation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdInstallOperationProxy::FileCount()
+    {
+    return iFileCount;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MNcdInstallOperation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CurrentFile()
+    {
+    return iCurrentFile;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MNcdOperation
+// Starts the operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::StartOperationL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( OperationStateL() != MNcdOperation::EStateStopped )
+        {
+        DLINFO(("Already running"));
+        return;
+        }
+    else if ( !iFileCount ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(( "No files to install"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    // Inform the install report that the install operation has
+    // been started.
+    StartInstallReportL();
+    SetInstallationErrorCode( KErrNone );
+    SetState( MNcdOperation::EStateRunning );        
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    SetActive();
+    TRequestStatus* ptr = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( ptr, KErrNone );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MNcdOperation
+// Cancels the operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CancelOperation()
+        {
+        DLTRACEIN((""));
+        // Set the installation error value as KErrCancel here. The child
+        // classes may change this in their DoCancel function. So, the correct
+        // value is available after Cancel is called below.
+        SetInstallationErrorCode( KErrCancel );
+        Cancel();
+        iInstaller = NULL;
+        // Use the installation error code here. It may be set by the child class
+        // if installation result is checked. In some cases, the installation may 
+        // have been completed even if the cancel was called.
+        TRAP_IGNORE( CompleteInstallReportL( InstallationErrorCode() ) );
+        if ( iObserver != NULL )
+            {
+            // According to the MNcdOperation interface
+            // OperationComplete() will be called for each observer with KErrCancel
+            // as the error parameter when CancelOperation is called. So, inform observer.
+            iObserver->OperationComplete( *this, KErrCancel );            
+            }
+        DLTRACEOUT((""));        
+        }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MNcdOperation
+// Operation type getter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TNcdInterfaceId CNcdInstallOperationProxy::OperationType() const
+    {
+    return static_cast<TNcdInterfaceId>(MNcdInstallOperation::KInterfaceUid);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    MNcdInstallationService& aInstallationService )
+    : CNcdOperation< MNcdInstallOperation >( NULL ),
+      iInstaller( &aInstallationService ), iFileCount( 1 ), iCurrentFile( 0 )
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(( "" ));
+    Cancel();     
+    iInstaller = NULL;    
+    iMimeTypes.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iPurposes.Reset();
+    delete iCurrentInfo;
+    iFileHandle.Close();
+    if ( iRemoveHandler )
+        iRemoveHandler->RemoveOperationProxy( *this );
+    DLTRACEOUT(( "" ));    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::ConstructL( MCatalogsClientServer& aSession,
+    TInt aHandle,
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* aRemoveHandler,
+    CNcdNodeProxy* aNode,
+    CNcdNodeManagerProxy* aNodeManager,
+    MNcdInstallOperationObserver* aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(( "" ));
+    CNcdBaseOperationProxy::ConstructL( aSession, aHandle, aRemoveHandler,
+        aNode, aNodeManager );
+    // Copy data id
+    iObserver = aObserver;
+    // Initialize the operation
+    // Notice, that this will create also the install report in the server side.
+    InitializeOperationL();
+    DLTRACEOUT(( "" ));    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle progress callback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::ProgressCallback()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN( ( "" ) );
+    DASSERT( 0 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle query received callback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::QueryReceivedCallback( CNcdQuery* /* aQuery */ )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN( ( "" ) );
+    DASSERT( 0 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle operation complete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CompleteCallback( TInt aError )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN( ( "Error: %d", aError ) );
+    (void) aError; // suppress warning
+    DASSERT( 0 );
+    // NOTICE:
+    // If this function will be called in some future versions, then the
+    // code below may be required.
+    // Because the operation is completed, insert the completion time
+    // and the error code into the purchase history.
+    /*
+    DLINFO(("Update purchase history"));
+    TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateOperationInfoToPurchaseHistoryL( aError ) );
+    TRAP_IGNORE( NodeManager()->InternalizeRelatedNodesL( *NodeProxy() ) );
+    */
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create initialization data sent to the server-side
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CreateInitializationBufferL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // The default implementation: return an empty buffer to be sent
+    // if there's no input value to send in the message
+    return HBufC8::NewL( 0 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle initialization callback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::InitializationCallback( 
+    RReadStream& aReadStream, TInt /* aDataLength */ )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN( ( "" ) );
+    TRAPD( ignore, 
+        {
+        // Read file count from the stream
+        iFileCount = aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
+        DLTRACE(("done"));
+        });
+    DLTRACEOUT( ( "Ignored error: %d", ignore ) );
+    ignore = ignore; // to suppress compiler warning
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles callbacks from the installation service
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::InstallationCompleteL( const TDesC& aFileName,
+                                                       const TUid& aAppUid,
+                                                       TInt aError )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(( _L("File: %S, uid: %X, error: %d"),
+                &aFileName, aAppUid.iUid, aError ));
+    // Because the operation is completed. Insert the completion time
+    // and the error code into the purchase history.
+    DLINFO(("Update purchase history"));
+    iFileHandle.Close();
+    // Ignore possible errors here because this just updates the purchase history info
+    // and there is not anything that we can do later if this fails. If this fails,
+    // then some information in the purchase history will not be entirely up to date.
+    TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateOperationInfoToPurchaseHistoryL( aError ) );
+    SetInstallationErrorCode( aError );
+    if ( aError != KErrNone && 
+         aError != KNcdThemeReinstalled &&
+         aError != KNcdThemePossiblyReinstalled ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(( "Installation failed with: %d", aError ));
+        // Complete the request
+        TRequestStatus* statusPtr = &iStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( statusPtr, aError );
+        return;        
+        }        
+    // Update file's info to the server.
+    // If something went wrong here, 
+    // then inform the observer with that error code in the end of this function.
+    TRAPD( trapError, UpdateInfoToServerL( aFileName, aAppUid, aError ) );
+    DLINFO(("UpdateInfoToServerL errorCode: %d", trapError));
+    DLINFO(("Internalizing related node"));
+    // Get the possible error from here because the internalization may have gone wrong
+    // for some nodes.
+    TRAPD( trapErrorNodes, NodeManager()->InternalizeRelatedNodesL( *NodeProxy() ) );
+    DLINFO(("Node internalized; %d", trapErrorNodes));
+    // Check what error code should be returned.
+    // If the update info to server failed, then return that error code.
+    // If update info to server was successfull, then use the node internalization
+    // error code.
+    TInt retError( trapError );
+    if ( retError == KErrNone )
+        {
+        retError = trapErrorNodes;
+        }
+    DLINFO(("retError: %d", retError));
+    // Complete the request
+    TRequestStatus* statusPtr = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( statusPtr, retError );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CActive
+// ?implementation_description
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::RunL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(("current file: %d, file count: %d", iCurrentFile, iFileCount ));
+    if ( iCurrentFile != iFileCount && iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
+        {
+        TNcdProgress progress( iCurrentFile, 
+                               iFileCount );
+        DLTRACE(("Calling observer for progress"));            
+        iObserver->InstallProgress( *this, progress );
+        DLINFO(("Still %d more file(s) to install", iFileCount - iCurrentFile ));
+        DASSERT( iInstaller );
+        // Start installing the next file
+        TRAPD( err, InstallNextFileL() );        
+        // Handle case where everything has been installed but some
+        // files were not reinstalled, eg. dependencies that were not
+        // downloaded
+        if ( err == KNcdErrorNothingToInstall ) 
+            {
+            DLTRACE(("Complete operation because everything is installed"));
+            CompleteInstallReportL( KErrNone );
+            iObserver->OperationComplete( *this, KErrNone );
+            }
+        else if ( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            User::Leave( err );
+            }        
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        iFileHandle.Close();
+        if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone ) 
+            {
+            SetInstallationErrorCode( iStatus.Int() );
+            }
+        DLTRACE(("Call OperationComplete for the observer"));
+        CompleteInstallReportL( InstallationErrorCode() );
+        iObserver->OperationComplete( *this, InstallationErrorCode() );
+        }
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CActive
+// ?implementation_description
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::DoCancel()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Cannot actually cancel anything.
+    // Because the operation is pending now in Cancel function, we have to set
+    // iStatus here to make sure that the Cancel operation may continue and
+    // it does not stuck when waiting for the request complete from the service
+    // provider.
+    if ( iStatus == KRequestPending ) 
+        {
+        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrCancel );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CActive
+// ?implementation_description
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdInstallOperationProxy::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(("error: %d", aError));
+    // Leave has occurred in RunL.
+    // If active object is set active, then complete request.
+    // And return KErrNone in the end to avoid panic.
+    SetInstallationErrorCode( aError );
+    iObserver->OperationComplete( *this, iInstallationError );    
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Installs the next file
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::InstallNextFileL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( iCurrentFile >= iFileCount ) 
+        {
+        DLTRACE(("no more files to install"));
+        User::Leave( KNcdErrorNothingToInstall );
+        }
+    // set observer
+    iInstaller->SetObserver( *this );
+    iCurrentInfo = InstallInfoL( iCurrentFile );
+    if ( iCurrentFile >= iFileCount ) 
+        {
+        DLTRACE(("Everything has been installed"));
+        User::Leave( KNcdErrorNothingToInstall );
+        }
+    NCD_ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCurrentInfo->FileInfoCount(), ENcdPanicNoData ); 
+    CNcdFileInfo& file( iCurrentInfo->FileInfo( 0 ) );
+    // Open the source file. Using member variable so that the file can
+    // be closed after installation
+    iFileHandle.Close();
+    iFileHandle = OpenFileL( iCurrentFile );
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    SetActive();
+    UseInstallServiceL( file );
+    DLTRACE(("Setting active"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Calls the functions of the installer. Child classes may call different functions.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::UseInstallServiceL( 
+    const CNcdFileInfo& aFile )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Choose correct installation type
+    switch( CurrentInfo().InstallType() )
+        {
+        case CNcdInstallInfo::ENcdInstallNormal:
+            {            
+            Installer().InstallL( 
+                iFileHandle, 
+                aFile.MimeType(), 
+                aFile.Purpose() );
+            break;
+            }
+        case CNcdInstallInfo::ENcdInstallJar: // flow through
+        case CNcdInstallInfo::ENcdInstallJad:
+            {
+            Installer().InstallJavaL( 
+                iFileHandle, 
+                aFile.MimeType(), 
+                aFile.Data() );
+            break;
+            }            
+        default:
+            {
+            // All cases should be handled
+            DASSERT( 0 );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));   
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gives the installer that handles the installation.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MNcdInstallationService& CNcdInstallOperationProxy::Installer()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    DASSERT( iInstaller != NULL );
+    return *iInstaller;
+    }
+CNcdInstallInfo& CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CurrentInfo()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    DASSERT( iCurrentInfo != NULL );
+    return *iCurrentInfo;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets info for a file from the server
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdInstallInfo* CNcdInstallOperationProxy::InstallInfoL( TInt /*aIndex*/ )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    InitBuffersL( 0, 0 );
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // write file index
+    stream.WriteInt32L( iCurrentFile );    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    HBufC8* data = NULL;
+    // Get file info for the file
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSyncAlloc( 
+        ENCDOperationFunctionGetData,
+        buf->Ptr( 0 ),        
+        data,
+        Handle(),
+        0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    if ( !data ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(("No data"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+    DLTRACE(("Data length: %d", data->Length() ));
+    // Open a stream to the data
+    RDesReadStream readStream( *data );
+    CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
+    TInt32 completionId = readStream.ReadInt32L();
+    if ( completionId != ENCDOperationMessageCompletionComplete ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(("Message failed! CompletionId: %d", completionId ));
+        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+        }
+    // internalize file info from the stream
+    CNcdInstallInfo* info = CNcdInstallInfo::NewLC( readStream );
+    // update current file index in case some files were skipped on 
+    // server-side
+    iCurrentFile = info->Index();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( info );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, data ); // readStream, data
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return info;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets info for a file in the server
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::UpdateInfoToServerL( const TDesC& aFileName,
+                                                     const TUid& aAppUid,
+                                                     TInt aError )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Update file's info to the server
+    InitBuffersL( 0, 0 );
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // write file index
+    stream.WriteInt32L( iCurrentFile );    
+    // get the purpose info from the original file    
+    TNcdItemPurpose oldPurpose = iCurrentInfo->FileInfo( 0 ).Purpose();    
+    // delete current info
+    delete iCurrentInfo;
+    iCurrentInfo = NULL;
+    TUid uid( aAppUid );
+    if ( uid.iUid == KNcdThemeSisUid ) 
+        {
+        // ensure that purpose for themes is theme
+        oldPurpose = ENcdItemPurposeTheme;
+        // nullify appuid so it won't be added as an application
+        uid = TUid::Null();
+        }
+    // Update purpose if we didn't get it from ContentInfo
+    if ( oldPurpose == ENcdItemPurposeUnknown && uid != TUid::Null() ) 
+        {
+        oldPurpose = ENcdItemPurposeApplication;
+        }
+    // Write updated file info
+    CNcdFileInfo* info = NULL;
+    if ( aError == KNcdThemeReinstalled || 
+         aError == KNcdThemePossiblyReinstalled ) 
+        {
+        info = 
+            CNcdFileInfo::NewLC( aFileName, 
+                                 KNullDesC,
+                                 ENcdItemPurposeTheme );
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        info = 
+            CNcdFileInfo::NewLC( aFileName, 
+                                 KNullDesC,
+                                 oldPurpose );
+        }
+    info->ExternalizeL( stream );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( info );
+    // write app uid
+    if ( uid != TUid::Null() ) 
+        {
+        DLTRACE(( _L("Writing UID: %S"), &uid.Name() ));
+        stream.WriteInt32L( 1 );
+        stream.WriteInt32L( uid.iUid );
+        }
+    else
+        {        
+        stream.WriteInt32L( 0 ); // 0 uids 
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    HBufC8* data = NULL;
+    TInt err = ClientServerSession().SendSyncAlloc(
+        ENCDOperationFunctionSetData,
+        buf->Ptr( 0 ),        
+        data, 
+        Handle(),
+        0 );
+    // We could check the completion code but why bother...
+    delete data;
+    data = NULL;
+    DLTRACE(( "err: %d", err));
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );    
+    // Ensure that file is closed before trying to delete
+    iFileHandle.Close();
+    DLTRACE(("Installation successful, delete original file"));
+    DeleteCurrentFileL();
+    // handle the next file
+    iCurrentFile++;
+    }
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::SetInstallationErrorCode( const TInt& aErrorCode )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    iInstallationError = aErrorCode;
+    }
+TInt CNcdInstallOperationProxy::InstallationErrorCode() const
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    return iInstallationError;
+    }
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::StartInstallReportL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Inform the install report that the install operation has
+    // been started. The install report is handled in the server side.
+    // So, send the information to the server side operation that will
+    // handle the reports.
+    TInt tmp( 0 );
+    TInt error( 
+        ClientServerSession().
+            SendSync( ENCDOperationFunctionReportStart,
+                      KNullDesC,
+                      tmp,
+                      Handle() ) );  
+    User::LeaveIfError( error );
+    }
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::CompleteInstallReportL( TInt aErrorCode )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Inform the install report that the install operation has
+    // been completed. The install report is handled in the server side.
+    // So, send the information to the server side operation that will
+    // handle the reports.
+    RCatalogsBufferWriter writer;
+    writer.OpenLC();
+    RWriteStream& stream( writer() );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aErrorCode );
+    TInt tmp( 0 );
+    TInt error =
+    ClientServerSession().
+        SendSync( ENCDOperationFunctionReportComplete,
+                  writer.PtrL(),
+                  tmp,
+                  Handle() );
+    User::LeaveIfError( error ); 
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writer );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Deletes the current content file
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::DeleteCurrentFileL()
+    {
+    TRAPD( err, DeleteFileL( iCurrentFile ) );
+    LeaveIfNotErrorL( err, KErrNotFound );        
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File opener
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RFile CNcdInstallOperationProxy::OpenFileL( TInt aFileIndex )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    RCatalogsBufferWriter buffer;
+    buffer.OpenLC();
+    buffer().WriteInt32L( aFileIndex );
+    RFile fileHandle = ClientServerSession().SendSyncFileOpenL( 
+        ENcdOperationFunctionOpenFile,
+        buffer.PtrL(),        
+        Handle() );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return fileHandle;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File deleter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdInstallOperationProxy::DeleteFileL( TInt aFileIndex )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    RCatalogsBufferWriter buffer;
+    buffer.OpenLC();
+    buffer().WriteInt32L( aFileIndex );
+    TInt output = 0;
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync( 
+        ENcdOperationFunctionDeleteFile,
+        buffer.PtrL(),
+        output,
+        Handle() ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }