changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
child 44 329d304c1aa1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ncdengine/provider/client/src/ncdoperationmanagerproxy.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implements CNcdOperationManagerProxy class
+#include "ncdoperationmanagerproxy.h"
+#include <e32err.h>
+#include "ncdbaseoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdloadnodeoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncddownloadoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdnodeproxy.h"
+#include "ncdnodeidentifier.h"
+#include "ncdloadnodeoperation.h"
+#include "catalogsclientserver.h"
+#include "ncdnodefunctionids.h"
+#include "ncdfiledownloadoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdpurchaseoperationproxy.h"
+#include "catalogsconstants.h"
+#include "catalogsutils.h"
+#include "ncdpurchaseoptionproxy.h"
+#include "ncdinstalloperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdsilentinstalloperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdrightsobjectoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdsubscriptionoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdnodemanagerproxy.h"
+#include "ncddeviceinteractionfactory.h"
+#include "ncdinstallationservice.h"
+#include "ncdnodemetadataproxy.h"
+#include "ncdcreateaccesspointoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdsendhttprequestoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdconnectionmethod.h"
+#include "ncdserverreportoperationproxy.h"
+#include "ncdproviderdefines.h"
+#include "catalogsdebug.h"
+CNcdOperationManagerProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::NewL( MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
+                                                            TInt aHandle )
+    {
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy* self = CNcdOperationManagerProxy::NewLC( aSession, aHandle );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+CNcdOperationManagerProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::NewLC( MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
+                                                             TInt aHandle )
+    {
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy* self = 
+        new( ELeave ) CNcdOperationManagerProxy( aSession, aHandle );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;        
+    }
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    iRemovingAllOperations = ETrue;
+    DLTRACE(("All operations should have been released by now"));
+    DASSERT( iOperationCache.Count() == 0 );
+    iOperationCache.Close();
+    delete iInstallationService;
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::SetClientLocalizer(
+    MNcdClientLocalizer& aLocalizer ) 
+    {
+    iClientLocalizer = &aLocalizer;
+    }
+CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateLoadNodeOperationL( 
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode, TBool aLoadChildren, TInt aPageSize, TInt aPageStart, TInt aDepth,
+    TNcdChildLoadMode aMode, MNcdSearchFilter* aSearchFilter )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    aNode.NodeIdentifier().ExternalizeL( stream );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aLoadChildren );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aPageSize );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aPageStart );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aDepth );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aMode );
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aSearchFilter != NULL );
+    if ( aSearchFilter )
+        {        
+        stream.WriteUint32L( aSearchFilter->ContentPurposes() );
+        stream.WriteInt32L( aSearchFilter->Keywords().MdcaCount() );
+        for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aSearchFilter->Keywords().MdcaCount() ; i++ )
+            {
+            ExternalizeDesL( aSearchFilter->Keywords().MdcaPoint( i ), stream );
+            }
+        ExternalizeEnumL( aSearchFilter->SearchMode(), stream );
+        stream.WriteUint32L( aSearchFilter->RecursionDepth() );        
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    TPtrC8 ptr = buf->Ptr( 0 );    
+    DLTRACE(("Create server side operation"));
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+            ClientServerSession().
+                SendSync( NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateLoadNodeOperation,
+                          ptr,
+                          operationHandle,
+                          Handle() ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, removeHandler, &aNode,
+            iNodeManager, aSearchFilter != NULL, iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;
+    }
+CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateLoadRootNodeOperationL(
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateOperationL( aNode, 
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateLoadRootNodeOperation,
+        removeHandler );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, removeHandler, &aNode,
+                iNodeManager, EFalse, iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;
+    }
+CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateLoadBundleNodeOperationL(
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateOperationL(
+        aNode, NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateLoadBundleNodeOperation,
+        removeHandler );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy* operation =
+        CNcdLoadNodeOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, removeHandler, &aNode,
+            iNodeManager, EFalse, iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    return operation;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new download operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdDownloadOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateDownloadOperationL( 
+    TNcdDownloadDataType aType, CNcdNodeProxy& aNode, const TDesC& /* aDataId */,
+    MNcdDownloadOperationObserver* aObserver,
+    TInt aDownloadIndex )
+    {           
+    DLTRACEIN((""));     
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    // Use temporary node to create a download operation
+    //
+    // Ownership is not transferred
+    CNcdNodeMetadataProxy* metadataProxy = aNode.Metadata();
+    if ( !metadataProxy )
+        {
+        DLERROR(( "CNcdNodeMetadataProxy was NULL!" ));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    CNcdNodeIdentifier& nodeIdentifier = metadataProxy->Identifier();
+    CNcdNodeProxy* node = NULL;
+    if( aType == ENcdContentDownload )
+        {
+        // Content download may be started from just purchase history data
+        // even when chache is completely empty.
+        // Always use temporary nodes in content downloads to prevent problems.
+        node = &iNodeManager->CreateTemporaryOrSupplierNodeL(
+                nodeIdentifier );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        node = &aNode;
+        }
+    // Create the server side download
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateServerSideDownloadOperationL( aType, 
+        node->NodeIdentifier(), aDownloadIndex );
+    // Check if the download already exists, increases refcount if operation
+    // is found    
+    CNcdDownloadOperationProxy* operation = FindExistingDownloadOperation(
+        operationHandle );
+    if ( operation ) 
+        {
+        DLTRACE(("Found existing download"));
+        if ( aObserver ) 
+            {                        
+            operation->AddObserverL( *aObserver );
+            }        
+        return operation;
+        }
+    // Create operation proxy
+    operation = CNcdDownloadOperationProxy::NewLC(
+        ClientServerSession(), aType, operationHandle, removeHandler, node,
+        aObserver, iNodeManager, aDownloadIndex );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new file download operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdFileDownloadOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateFileDownloadOperationL( 
+    TNcdDownloadDataType aType, 
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode, 
+    MNcdFileDownloadOperationObserver* aObserver,
+    const TDesC& aTargetPath )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( !aTargetPath.Length() )
+        {
+        DLERROR(( "No target path, leaving with KErrArgument" ));
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );    
+    // Create the server side download
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateServerSideDownloadOperationL( aType, 
+        aNode.NodeIdentifier(), 0 );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdFileDownloadOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdFileDownloadOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, removeHandler, &aNode, 
+            iNodeManager, aTargetPath, aObserver, aType );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new file download operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateFileDownloadOperationL( 
+    TNcdDownloadDataType aType,
+    const TDesC& aUri, 
+    const TDesC& aTargetPath, 
+    MNcdFileDownloadOperationObserver* aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( !aUri.Length() || !aTargetPath.Length() )
+        {
+        DLERROR(( "No URI or target path, leaving with KErrArgument" ));
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );    
+    // Use node id for transferring URI and targetpath to server-side
+    CNcdNodeIdentifier* id = CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewLC(
+        aUri, aTargetPath, TUid::Null() );
+    // Create the server side download
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateServerSideDownloadOperationL( 
+        ENcdGenericFileDownload, 
+        *id,
+        0 );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( id );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdFileDownloadOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdFileDownloadOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, removeHandler, NULL, 
+            iNodeManager, aTargetPath, aObserver, aType );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );    
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new purchase operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdPurchaseOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreatePurchaseOperationL( 
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode, 
+    CNcdPurchaseOptionProxy& aSelectedPurchaseOption,
+    MNcdPurchaseOperationObserver* aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );    
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateServerSidePurchaseOperationL( 
+        aNode, 
+        aSelectedPurchaseOption, 
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreatePurchaseOperation,
+        removeHandler );
+    CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy* subscriptionManager( NULL );
+    if ( iNodeManager != NULL )
+        {
+        subscriptionManager = &iNodeManager->SubscriptionManager();
+        }
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdPurchaseOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdPurchaseOperationProxy::NewLC( 
+            ClientServerSession(), 
+            operationHandle, 
+            removeHandler, 
+            &aNode, 
+            &aSelectedPurchaseOption,
+            aObserver,
+            subscriptionManager,
+            iNodeManager,
+            iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new install operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdInstallOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateInstallOperationL(
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode,
+    MNcdInstallOperationObserver* aObserver )
+    {
+   DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Should get the actual object for this pointer!
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateOperationL( aNode, 
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateInstallOperation,
+        removeHandler );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdInstallOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdInstallOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, 
+            removeHandler, &aNode, iNodeManager, aObserver,
+            InstallationServiceL() );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a new install operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdSilentInstallOperationProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateSilentInstallOperationL(
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode,
+    MNcdInstallOperationObserver* aObserver,
+    const SwiUI::TInstallOptions& aInstallOptions )
+    {
+   DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Should get the actual object for this pointer!
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    // Notice, that the installation is handled in the proxy side, and only some
+    // basic functionality is in the server side.
+    // Notice, that this leaves with KErrPermissionDenied if UI does not have enough
+    // capabilites for silent install.
+    TInt operationHandle = CreateOperationL( aNode, 
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateSilentInstallOperation,
+        removeHandler );
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdSilentInstallOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdSilentInstallOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), operationHandle, 
+            removeHandler, &aNode, iNodeManager, aObserver,
+            InstallationServiceL(),
+            aInstallOptions );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a DRM rights object download & install operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateRightsObjectOperationL(
+    const TDesC& aDownloadUri, 
+    const TDesC& aMimeType, 
+    const TNcdConnectionMethod& aConnectionMethod,
+    MNcdRightsObjectOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Calculate size of input data buffer.
+    TInt bufferLen = sizeof( TUint32 ) + aDownloadUri.Size() +  // URI length + text data
+                     sizeof( TUint32 ) + aMimeType.Size() +     // mime type length + text data
+                     sizeof( TNcdConnectionMethod );            // access point id
+    // Allocate and build the input data buffer.
+    CBufFlat* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferLen );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buffer );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aDownloadUri, stream );    // Don't use << (would convert to 8-bit)
+    ExternalizeDesL( aMimeType, stream );
+    aConnectionMethod.ExternalizeL( stream );
+    // Send the command for creating the server side operation object.
+    TInt operationHandle;  // communication handle to the created server side object
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateRightsObjectOperation,
+        buffer->Ptr( 0 ),
+        operationHandle,
+        Handle() ) );
+    DLINFO(( "Got server side operation object comm handle %d", operationHandle ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, buffer );   // stream-close, buffer
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdRightsObjectOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdRightsObjectOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), iNodeManager, operationHandle, 
+            *this, aObserver );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateSubscriptionRefreshOperationL(
+    MNcdSubscriptionOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // Subscription operation doesn't need any parameters to refresh all
+    // subscriptions.
+    stream.WriteInt32L( MNcdSubscriptionOperation::ERefreshSubscriptions );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    TPtrC8 ptr = buf->Ptr( 0 );    
+    DLTRACE(("Create server side operation"));
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+        ClientServerSession().
+            SendSync(
+                NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateSubscriptionOperation,
+                ptr,
+                operationHandle,
+                Handle() ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy* subscriptionManager( NULL );
+    if ( iNodeManager != NULL )
+        {
+        subscriptionManager = &iNodeManager->SubscriptionManager();
+        }
+    CNcdSubscriptionOperationProxy* operation =
+        CNcdSubscriptionOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(),
+            MNcdSubscriptionOperation::ERefreshSubscriptions,
+            operationHandle,
+            removeHandler,
+            aObserver,
+            subscriptionManager,
+            iNodeManager,
+            iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;
+    }
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateSubscriptionUnsubscribeOperationL(
+        const TDesC& aPurchaseOptionId,
+        const TDesC& aEntityId,
+        const TDesC& aNamespace,
+        const TDesC& aServerUri,
+        MNcdSubscriptionOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // Write the type of subscription operation.
+    stream.WriteInt32L( MNcdSubscriptionOperation::EUnsubscribe );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aPurchaseOptionId, stream );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aEntityId, stream );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aNamespace, stream );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aServerUri, stream );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    TPtrC8 ptr = buf->Ptr( 0 );    
+    DLTRACE(("Create server side operation"));
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+        ClientServerSession().
+            SendSync(
+                NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateSubscriptionOperation,
+                ptr,
+                operationHandle,
+                Handle() ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    CNcdSubscriptionManagerProxy* subscriptionManager( NULL );
+    if ( iNodeManager != NULL )
+        {
+        subscriptionManager = &iNodeManager->SubscriptionManager();
+        }
+    CNcdSubscriptionOperationProxy* operation =
+        CNcdSubscriptionOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(),
+            MNcdSubscriptionOperation::EUnsubscribe,
+            operationHandle,
+            removeHandler,
+            aObserver,
+            subscriptionManager,
+            iNodeManager,
+            iClientLocalizer );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;
+    }        
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates server report operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateServerReportOperationL(
+            MNcdServerReportOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Send the command for creating the server side operation object.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );  // communication handle to the created server side object
+    TInt error( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateServerReportOperation,
+        KNullDesC,
+        operationHandle,
+        Handle() ) );
+    User::LeaveIfError( error );
+    DLINFO(( "Got server side operation object comm handle %d", operationHandle ));
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdServerReportOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdServerReportOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), iNodeManager, operationHandle, 
+            *this, aObserver );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;        
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates an accesspoint creation operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateCreateAccessPointOperationL(
+        const TDesC& aAccessPointData, 
+        MNcdCreateAccessPointOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( !aAccessPointData.Size() ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(("Accesspoint data is empty"));
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    RCatalogsBufferWriter buffer;
+    buffer.OpenLC();
+    ExternalizeDesL( aAccessPointData, buffer() );     
+    // Send the command for creating the server side operation object.
+    TInt operationHandle;  // communication handle to the created server side object
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateCreateAccessPointOperation,
+        buffer.PtrL(),
+        operationHandle,
+        Handle() ) );
+    DLINFO(( "Got server side operation object comm handle %d", operationHandle ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );   
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdCreateAccessPointOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdCreateAccessPointOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(), 
+            iNodeManager, 
+            operationHandle, 
+            *this, 
+            aObserver );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a HTTP request sending operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateSendHttpRequestOperationL(
+       const TDesC8& aUri,
+       const TDesC8& aRequest, 
+       const TNcdConnectionMethod& aConnectionMethod,
+       MNcdSendHttpRequestOperationObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( !aRequest.Size() ) 
+        {
+        DLERROR(("Request is empty"));
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    RCatalogsBufferWriter buffer;
+    buffer.OpenLC();
+    aConnectionMethod.ExternalizeL( buffer() );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aUri, buffer() );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aRequest, buffer() );         
+    // Send the command for creating the server side operation object.
+    TInt operationHandle;  // communication handle to the created server side object
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().SendSync(
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateSendHttpRequestOperation,
+        buffer.PtrL(),
+        operationHandle,
+        Handle() ) );
+    DLINFO(( "Got server side operation object comm handle %d", operationHandle ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &buffer );   
+    // Create operation proxy
+    CNcdSendHttpRequestOperationProxy* operation = 
+        CNcdSendHttpRequestOperationProxy::NewLC(
+            ClientServerSession(),             
+            operationHandle, 
+            *this, 
+            *iNodeManager, 
+            aObserver );
+    iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operation;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Restore content downloads
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::RestoreContentDownloadsL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Get operation handles from the server
+    HBufC8* data = NULL;
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+        ClientServerSession().
+            SendSyncAlloc(
+                NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerRestoreContentDownloads,
+                KNullDesC8(),
+                data,
+                Handle(),
+                0 ) );
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* removeHandler( this );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+    RDesReadStream reader( *data );    
+    CleanupClosePushL( reader );
+    NcdProviderDefines::TNcdStreamDataState streamState = 
+        NcdProviderDefines::ENcdStreamDataEnd;
+    do
+        {       
+        InternalizeEnumL( streamState, reader );
+        if ( streamState == NcdProviderDefines::ENcdStreamDataObject ) 
+            {
+            TInt32 operationHandle = reader.ReadInt32L();
+            DLINFO(("Operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+            TNcdDownloadDataType type = static_cast<TNcdDownloadDataType>(
+                reader.ReadInt32L() );
+            CNcdNodeIdentifier* metadataId = CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewLC(
+                reader );
+            TInt dlIndex = reader.ReadInt32L();
+            // Use a temporary node        
+            CNcdNodeProxy* node = &iNodeManager->CreateTemporaryOrSupplierNodeL(
+                    *metadataId );
+            // Create operation proxy
+            CNcdDownloadOperationProxy* operation = 
+                CNcdDownloadOperationProxy::NewLC(
+                    ClientServerSession(), type, 
+                    operationHandle, removeHandler, node,
+                    NULL, iNodeManager, dlIndex, ETrue );
+            // Add operation manager as an observer so that the operation
+            // is deleted correctly if it completes
+            operation->AddObserverL( *this );
+            iOperationCache.AppendL( operation );                
+            CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( metadataId );
+            }
+        }
+    while( streamState != NcdProviderDefines::ENcdStreamDataEnd );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, data ); // reader, data          
+    DLTRACEOUT(("Downloads created"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Operations array getter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const RPointerArray<MNcdOperation>& CNcdOperationManagerProxy::Operations() const
+    {
+    return iOperationCache;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Node manager setter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::SetNodeManager(CNcdNodeManagerProxy* aNodeManager )
+    {
+    iNodeManager = aNodeManager;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Node manager getter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcdNodeManagerProxy* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::NodeManager()
+    {
+    return iNodeManager;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Installation service getter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MNcdInstallationService& CNcdOperationManagerProxy::InstallationServiceL()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    if ( !iInstallationService ) 
+        {
+        iInstallationService = 
+            NcdDeviceInteractionFactory::CreateInstallationServiceL();
+        }
+    return *iInstallationService;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Cancel all operations
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CancelAllOperations()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));    
+    for ( TInt i = iOperationCache.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+        {
+        // Add reference so that the operation is not deleted in
+        // CancelOperation's callbacks
+        iOperationCache[i]->AddRef();
+        iOperationCache[i]->CancelOperation();
+        // This releases those operations that have 1 refcount such as
+        // restored content downloads that the client hasn't obtained
+        // from the manager
+        while( iOperationCache[i]->Release() )
+            {
+            // empty on purpose
+            }
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Cancel all operations
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::ReleaseUnusedOperations()
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));    
+    for ( TInt i = iOperationCache.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+        {
+        // This releases those operations that have 1 refcount such as
+        // restored content downloads that the client hasn't obtained
+        // from the manager        
+        iOperationCache[i]->Release();
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Operation proxy remover
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::RemoveOperationProxy( 
+                                    CNcdBaseOperationProxy& aOperationProxy )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Releasing all operations so we don't want to mess with the operation cache
+    if ( iRemovingAllOperations ) 
+        {
+        DLTRACE(("Removing all operations"));
+        return;
+        }
+    MNcdOperation* operation = NULL;
+    operation = aOperationProxy.QueryInterfaceLC< MNcdOperation >();
+        CleanupStack::Pop( operation );
+        ); // TRAP_IGNORE
+    if( ! operation )
+        {
+        DLINFO( ("!!!QueryInterfaceLC failed for operation! FATAL ERROR!"));
+        DASSERT( 0 );
+        }    
+    // Remove operation from the cache because it will be deleted.
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iOperationCache.Count(); ++i )
+        {
+        if ( operation == iOperationCache[ i ] )
+            {
+            DLTRACE(("Removed the proxy"));
+            // Remove node from the array and delete it.
+            iOperationCache.Remove( i );
+            break;
+            }
+        } 
+    // RemoveOperationProxy MUST only be called from proxy's destructor
+    // and therefore the operation MUST NOT be released again    
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Download operation observer interface implementation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::DownloadProgress( 
+    MNcdDownloadOperation& /* aOperation */,
+    TNcdProgress /* aProgress */ )
+    {
+    // Do nothing
+    }
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::QueryReceived( 
+    MNcdDownloadOperation& /* aOperation */,
+    MNcdQuery* /* aQuery */)
+    {
+    // Do nothing
+    }
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::OperationComplete( 
+    MNcdDownloadOperation& aOperation,
+    TInt aError )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(("aOperation: %x, error: %d", &aOperation, aError ));
+    (void)aError; // suppresses compiler warning
+    // Just release the operation because operation manager had a 
+    // reference to it
+    aOperation.Release();
+    }
+CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CNcdOperationManagerProxy( MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, 
+                                                      TInt aHandle )
+: CNcdBaseProxy( aSession, aHandle )
+    {
+    }
+void CNcdOperationManagerProxy::ConstructL()
+    {
+    // Nothing to be done here    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates the identification stream for the given node
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateNodeIdentifierDataLC( CNcdNodeProxy& aNode )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData( aNode.NodeIdentifier().NodeIdentifierDataL() );
+    if( nodeIdentifierData == NULL )
+        {
+        DLTRACEIN(("Null identifier data"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PushL( nodeIdentifierData );    
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return nodeIdentifierData;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates an operation on the server side
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateOperationL( CNcdNodeProxy& aNode,
+    NcdNodeFunctionIds::TNcdOperationManagerFunctionNumber aFunction, 
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler*& aRemoveHandler )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(( _L("Node: %S::%S"), &aNode.NodeIdentifier().NodeNameSpace(), 
+        &aNode.NodeIdentifier().NodeId() ));
+    // Create id stream
+    HBufC8* nodeIdentifierData = CreateNodeIdentifierDataLC( aNode );
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+            ClientServerSession().
+                SendSync( aFunction,
+                          *nodeIdentifierData,
+                          operationHandle,
+                          Handle() ) );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nodeIdentifierData );
+    aRemoveHandler = this;
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operationHandle;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates a purchase operation on the server side
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateServerSidePurchaseOperationL( 
+    CNcdNodeProxy& aNode,
+    const CNcdPurchaseOptionProxy& aSelectedPurchaseOption,
+    NcdNodeFunctionIds::TNcdOperationManagerFunctionNumber aFunction, 
+    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler*& /*aRemoveHandler*/ )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN(( _L("Node: %S::%S"), &aNode.NodeIdentifier().NodeNameSpace(), 
+        &aNode.NodeIdentifier().NodeId() ));
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    aNode.NodeIdentifier().ExternalizeL( stream );
+    ExternalizeDesL( aSelectedPurchaseOption.Id(), stream );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    TPtrC8 ptr = buf->Ptr( 0 );
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError(
+            ClientServerSession().
+                SendSync( aFunction,
+                          ptr,
+                          operationHandle,
+                          Handle() ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operationHandle;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates an download operation on the server side
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcdOperationManagerProxy::CreateServerSideDownloadOperationL( 
+    TNcdDownloadDataType aType, 
+    const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeId,
+    TInt aDownloadIndex )
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));
+    // Create operation on the server side
+    CBufBase* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *buf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // Write type
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aType );
+    // Write node ID
+    aNodeId.ExternalizeL( stream );
+    // Write download index
+    stream.WriteInt32L( aDownloadIndex );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );    
+    // Send message to server side operation manager to create the server side 
+    // operation and to get a handle to the operation.
+    TInt operationHandle( 0 );
+    User::LeaveIfError( ClientServerSession().
+        SendSync( 
+        NcdNodeFunctionIds::ENcdOperationManagerCreateDownloadOperation,
+        buf->Ptr( 0 ), operationHandle, Handle() ) );
+    DLINFO(("operation handle: %d", operationHandle ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return operationHandle;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Searches operations for a matching download operation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcdOperationManagerProxy::FindExistingDownloadOperation(
+        TInt aHandle ) const
+    {
+    DLTRACEIN((""));    
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iOperationCache.Count(); ++i )
+        {
+        if ( iOperationCache[i]->OperationType() == ENcdDownloadOperationUid )
+            {
+            DLTRACE(("Querying for download interface"));
+            MNcdDownloadOperation* dl = 
+                iOperationCache[i]->QueryInterfaceLC<MNcdDownloadOperation>();
+            DASSERT( dl );
+            CNcdDownloadOperationProxy* operation = 
+                static_cast<CNcdDownloadOperationProxy*>( dl );
+            DLTRACE(("Checking download handle"));
+            if ( operation->Handle() == aHandle ) 
+                {
+                DLTRACE(("Found a match"));
+                CleanupStack::Pop( dl );
+                return operation;    
+                }
+            // QueryInterfaceLC increases the ref count
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dl );
+            }
+        }
+    DLTRACEOUT((""));
+    return NULL;            
+    }