changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ncdengine/provider/server/inc/ncdnodecachecleaner.h	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Contains CNcdNodeCacheCleaner class
+// For array and uid
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+// For active object
+#include <e32base.h>
+// For TTime
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "ncdnodeclassids.h"
+#include "catalogspair.h"
+class CNcdNodeManager;
+class CNcdNodeDbManager;
+class CNcdNodeFactory;
+class CNcdNodeIdentifier;
+class CNcdGeneralManager;
+ * This class object provides active object functionality for cleanup
+ * of database.
+ *
+ * The state of this class object is not saved into db.
+ * So, in some cases nodes that have been marked for deletion
+ * may be left into the database if this class object is deleted
+ * before cleaning has been finished (this is a rare case though).
+ * If the node data is left hanging to the db, this cleaner can
+ * clean them at latest when they expire.
+ *
+ *  @lib ?library
+ *  @since S60 ?S60_version *** for example, S60 v3.0
+ */
+class CNcdNodeCacheCleaner : public CActive
+    {
+    enum TCleanupState
+        {
+        /**
+         * Cleanup has not been started.
+         * Or, it has been stopped.
+         */
+        ENotStarted,
+        /**
+         * Special cases are given by the user of this class.
+         * These objects are removed first.
+         */
+        ECleaningSpecialCases,
+        /**
+         * Cleans the temporary nodes that are not used anymore.
+         */
+        ECleaningTemporaryNodes,
+        /**
+         * Makes sure that there are no items just hanging in the db.
+         * If this is case then something has gone wrong somewhere.
+         * Clean these wonder items.
+         */
+        ECleaningHangingCases,
+        /** 
+         * Sets the information for the next cleaning.
+         */
+        EStartCleaningHangingSpecialCases,
+        /**
+         * This will clean special items that can not be identified
+         * by using the nodeidentifiers. For these items metadata has
+         * to be created from the stream and ids have to be checked
+         * separately. For example icons need to be cleaned this way.
+         */
+        ECleaningHangingSpecialCases,
+        /**
+         * Finishes the cleaning of special cases.
+         */
+        EFinishCleaningHangingSpecialCases,
+        /**
+         * Start cleaning excess data if db size has been exceeded.
+         */
+        EStartCleaningExcess,
+        /**
+         * This state will remove the root and its direct children
+         * from the database node array which will contain the node
+         * identifiers of the nodes that may be removed from db during
+         * the cleaning process.
+         * The identifiers are moved to separate array that is used
+         * to check if children are transparent or bundle folders that
+         * require special handling.
+         */
+        EStartRootChildrenCheck,
+        /** 
+         * During this state the cleaner will check if the root children 
+         * are transparent or bundle nodes and handles them accordingly.
+         */        
+        ECheckRootChildren,
+        /**
+         * This state is used when the root children have been bundle 
+         * folders. The transparency of the bundle children is checked
+         * and transparent folder identifiers are removed from the db
+         * node identifier list. So, transparent children will not be
+         * removed from the database.
+         *
+         */
+        EHandleBundleChildren,
+        /**
+         * When all the expired items of certain branch have been found,
+         * the cleaning process is started and items are removed from the db.
+         * Expireds are only removed if database is full.
+         */
+        ECleaningExpireds,
+        /**
+         * Cleaning excess data because db size has been exceeded.
+         * The cleaning is done by removing the deepest nodes first.
+         * They are still checked to be sure that they can be removed.
+         * This will loop back to ECleaningTemporaryNodes until enough
+         * space is freed.
+         */
+        ECleaningExcess,
+        /**
+         * Cleanup operation should be stopped and
+         * when the latest operation is finished the
+         * state should be set as ENotStarted.
+         */
+        EStopping
+        };
+    /**
+     * NewL
+     *
+     * @param aNodeManager
+     * @param aNodeDbManager
+     * @param aDbDefaultMaxSize The default value for the maximum size of 
+     * the database in bytes. If this size is exceeded, then the db should 
+     * be cleaned.
+     * @param aNodeFactory
+     * @param aClientUid
+     * @return CNcdNodeCacheCleaner* Pointer to the created object 
+     * of this class.
+     */
+    static CNcdNodeCacheCleaner* NewL( CNcdGeneralManager& aGeneralManager,
+                                       CNcdNodeDbManager& aNodeDbManager,
+                                       TInt aDbDefaultMaxSize,
+                                       CNcdNodeFactory& aNodeFactory );
+    /**
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::NewL
+     */
+    static CNcdNodeCacheCleaner* NewLC( CNcdGeneralManager& aGeneralManager,
+                                        CNcdNodeDbManager& aNodeDbManager,
+                                        TInt aDbDefaultMaxSize,
+                                        CNcdNodeFactory& aNodeFactory );
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~CNcdNodeCacheCleaner();
+    /** 
+     * This function is used when the identifier arrays are sorted for other
+     * functionalities in this class object.
+     * The sorting is done only by comparing the length of the node id value.
+     * The shorter will be first in the array.
+     *
+     * @see RPointerArray::Sort
+     */
+    static TInt NodeIdentifierArraySortById( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeId1,
+                                             const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeId2 );
+    /**
+     * @return const TUid& Uid of the client
+     * that this cleaner is for.
+     */
+    const TUid& ClientUid() const;
+    /**
+     * @return TCleanupState The state of the asynchronous cleanup.
+     */
+    TCleanupState CleanupState() const;   
+    /**
+     * This function sets the flag that informs if the cache cleaner
+     * is allowed to do cleaning. If EFlase is set, then possible
+     * ongoing operation is cancelled and new operations are
+     * prevented. If ETrue is set, then cleaning is allowed.
+     * ETrue is a default value when cleaner is created.
+     *
+     * @param aAllow Informs if the cleaning is allowed.
+     */
+    void SetAllowCleaning( TBool aAllow );
+    /**
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::SetAllowCleaning
+     *
+     * @param aAllow Informs if the cleaning is allowed.
+     */
+    TBool AllowCleaning() const;
+    /**
+     * Starts the asynchronous cleanup process for the client that this cleaner
+     * is created for.
+     */
+    void StartCleanupL();
+    /**
+     * Stops the asynchronous cleanup.
+     */
+    void StopCleanup();
+    /**
+     * If the database size has been exceeded, then the cleaning operation
+     * will be started.
+     * This function may be called for example when new nodes have been added to
+     * the database.
+     *
+     * @note If the db is full:
+     * - The hierarchy will be removed from the leaves
+     * towards the root node until enough data has been removed from the db.
+     * - All the expired nodes will be removed. In addition to those that have
+     * been registered as removable nodes. 
+     */
+    void CheckDbSizeL();
+    /**
+     * The identifiers of the given array will be used to search the nodes from 
+     * the db and to remove them if they exist.
+     * This function should be used if there are multiple identifiers know
+     * because this temporary information is saved simultaneously then.
+     *
+     * @note If the given identifier already exists in the do not remove array
+     * then the identifier is inserted into the waiting array. And, it will
+     * be moved from the waiting array to the cleanup array when the identifier
+     * is asked to be removed from the do not remove array.
+     *
+     * @param aIdentifiers Identifiers that inform which items should be removed
+     * from the db.
+     */
+    void AddCleanupIdentifiersL( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers );
+    /**
+     * Same as AddCleanupIdentifiers but gets only one identifier at a time.
+     * If multiple identifiers are know same time, AddCleanupIdentifiers function
+     * should be used.
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::AddCleanupIdentifiersL
+     */
+    void AddCleanupIdentifierL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier );
+    /**
+     * Removes the given identifiers from the cleanup list. This can be used
+     * if the given items have been updated from somewhere else, and they should not be
+     * removed from the db anymore.
+     *
+     * @note If the identifier is located in the waiting array then it will be removed
+     * from that array also.
+     *
+     * @param aIdentifiers Identifies data that should not be removed from the db.
+     */    
+    void RemoveCleanupIdentifiers( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers );
+    /**
+     * Same as AddCleanupIdentifiers but gets only one identifier at a time.
+     * If multiple identifiers are know same time, AddCleanupIdentifiers function
+     * should be used.
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::RemoveCleanupIdentifiers
+     */
+    void RemoveCleanupIdentifier( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier );
+    /**
+     * The identifiers of the given array will be used to block the removal
+     * of the given items from the db.
+     * This function should be used if there are multiple identifiers
+     * because this temporary information is saved simultaneously then.
+     *
+     * @note If the identifier exists in the cleanup array it will be moved
+     * to the waiting array. This way the node can be moved back to the cleanup
+     * array when the do not remove state is not required for the item anymore.
+     *
+     * @param aIdentifiers Identifiers that inform which items should be removed
+     * from the db.
+     * @param aCanRemoveParent If ETrue, node's parent may be removed from the cache
+     */
+    void AddDoNotRemoveIdentifiersL( 
+        const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers,
+        TBool aCanRemoveParent = EFalse );
+    /**
+     * Same as AddDoNotRemoveIdentifiers but gets only one identifier at a time.
+     * If multiple identifiers are know same time, AddDoNotRemoveIdentifiers function
+     * should be used.
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::AddDoNotRemoveIdentifiersL
+     */
+    void AddDoNotRemoveIdentifierL( 
+        const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier, 
+        TBool aCanRemoveParent = EFalse );
+    /**
+     * Removes the given identifiers from the do not remove list. This can be used
+     * if the given items are allowed to be removed from the db later on.
+     *
+     * @note If the identifier exists in the waiting array then it will be moved
+     * back to the cleanup array also.
+     *
+     * @param aIdentifiers Identifies data that should not be removed from the db.
+     */    
+    void RemoveDoNotRemoveIdentifiersL( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers );
+    /**
+     * Same as RemoveDoNotRemoveIdentifiers but gets only one identifier at a time.
+     * If multiple identifiers are know same time, AddDoNotRemoveIdentifiers function
+     * should be used.
+     *
+     * @param aForceRemove If ETrue, removes also 'floating' nodes (favorites)
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::RemoveDoNotRemoveIdentifiers
+     */
+    void RemoveDoNotRemoveIdentifierL( 
+        const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier, 
+        TBool aForceRemove = EFalse );
+    /**
+     * @return TInt The maximum size of the db in bytes.
+     */
+    TInt DbMaxSize() const;
+    /**
+     * This function can be used to set the client specific max size
+     * for the db. This value replaces the default value that was set in
+     * the constructor of this class.
+     *
+     * @param aDbMaxSize The maximum size for the db in bytes.
+     * If this size is exceeded, then the cleanup should be started and
+     * db cleaned until the db max size is not exceeded any more.
+     */
+    void SetDbMaxSize( const TInt aDbMaxSize );
+    /**
+     * This function moves the waiting items into cleanup array 
+     * and does the cleanup for all the cleanup list items.
+     * The do not clean array is not reseted. So, the nodes that are in the do not clean array
+     * will not be deleted. 
+     * The function does the cleaning sychronously.
+     * This functions is propably mainly used, when the application is shutting down
+     * and it is wanted to be sure that all the possible items are removed from
+     * the db.
+     *
+     * @note This function also cancels the possible on going asynchronous 
+     * operations before starting its own cleaning.
+     *
+     * @note HandleCleaningL provides gentler way of removing. It does not remove items
+     * that should wait until marked free for removal. 
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::HandleCleaningL
+     */
+    void ForceCleanupL();
+    /**
+     * This function is meant for the public use and uses the HandleCleaningL below
+     * with both parameters set to ETrue. Because of the ETrue parameters, the
+     * asynchronous process has to be stopped.
+     * 
+     * @note This function also cancels the possible on going asynchronous 
+     * operations before starting its own cleaning.
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::HandleCleaningL
+     */ 
+    void HandleCleaningL();
+    /** 
+     * Handles the cleaning call for the db.
+     * This function can be used if synchronous cleaning is wanted.
+     * This function does not clean the items that are moved into
+     * waiting arrays for some reasons.
+     * Checks that correct identifiers and types are given for
+     * dbmanager remove operation. This function cleans all the nodes
+     * that are free to be removed from db.
+     *
+     * @note ForceCleanupL provides a hardcore way to remove everything,
+     * including items that should be waiting until marked as free to remove.
+     *
+     * @note When ETrue values are set for the parameters, the acynhronous process
+     * should be stopped before calling this function. If this not done, 
+     * the cleaning process may go wrong. Thus, this function
+     * is not meant for public use. 
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::ForceCleanupL
+     *
+     * @param aReloadNodeList If set ETrue then the node item list will be relaoded
+     * from the database. Then, the parent and child comparisons will be upto date.
+     * Notice, that if this is set true, the db-loading will take some time 
+     * but it may be a good idea to update the list, because if the cleaning 
+     * has not been done for a while the node list may have changed dramatically 
+     * when other parts of the code have updated the database.
+     * @param aResetNodeList If set ETrue, then the node list will be reset in the end
+     * of this function. This flag is provided, so the user may save some memory if
+     * the node list is not needed after this function. Be really carefull when using
+     * this flag. Because in some states of this object the node list should not be cleaned.
+     * Whe using this object the ETrue should most likely be used here if this object
+     * is not in the middle of cleaning or when the object is about to be deleted.
+     */
+    void HandleCleaningL( TBool aReloadNodeList, TBool aResetNodeList );
+    /**
+     * Ensures that iCleanupIdentifiers does not contain any of the ids in 
+     * iDoNotRemoves
+     */
+    void RemoveDoNotRemovesFromCleanupArray();
+protected: // CActive
+    /**
+     * @see CActive::DoCancel
+     */
+    virtual void DoCancel();
+    /**
+     * @see CActive::RunL
+     */
+    virtual void RunL();
+    /**
+     * @see CActive::RunError
+     */
+    virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     *
+     * @see CNcdNodeCacheCleaner::NewL
+     */
+    CNcdNodeCacheCleaner( CNcdGeneralManager& aGeneralManager,
+                          CNcdNodeDbManager& aNodeDbManager,
+                          TInt aDbDefaultMaxSize,
+                          CNcdNodeFactory& aNodeFactory );
+    /**
+     * ConstructL
+     */
+    void ConstructL();
+    /**
+     * @return CNcdNodeManager& Manager that owns this cleaner
+     */
+    CNcdNodeManager& NodeManager() const;
+    /**
+     * @return CNcdNodeDbManager& Database manager that provides functions
+     * to handle database content.
+     */
+    CNcdNodeDbManager& NodeDbManager() const;
+    /**
+     * @return CNcdNodeFactory& Factory that is used to create node
+     * related class objects.
+     */
+    CNcdNodeFactory& NodeFactory() const;
+    typedef CCatalogsPair<CNcdNodeIdentifier, TBool> CDoNotRemoveIdentifier;
+    // Prevent these two if they are not implemented
+    CNcdNodeCacheCleaner( const CNcdNodeCacheCleaner& aObject );
+    CNcdNodeCacheCleaner& operator =( const CNcdNodeCacheCleaner& aObject );
+    /**
+     * This function is used to check if the given identifier exists in the target array.
+     *
+     * @param aIdentifier This identifier is searched from the array.
+     * @param aTargetIdentifiers Array contains the identifiers that the given identifier
+     * is compared against.
+     * @return TBool ETrue if the identifier was found from the array. Else EFalse.
+     */
+    TBool ContainsIdentifier( 
+        const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier ,
+        const RPointerArray<CDoNotRemoveIdentifier>& aTargetIdentifiers ) const;    
+    // Adds given identifiers into the target array if they do not already
+    // exist there. If the target array was changed due to the appending operation,
+    // ETrue is returned. If nothing was appended, then EFalse is returned.
+    TBool AddIdentifiersL( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers,
+                           RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aTargetArray );
+    // Adds given identifier into the target array if it does not already
+    // exist there. If the target array was changed due to the appending operation,
+    // ETrue is returned. If nothing was appended, then EFalse is returned.
+    TBool AddIdentifierL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
+                          RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aTargetArray ); 
+    // Removes all occurrences of the given identifiers from the target array 
+    // if they are found.
+    // ETrue is returned if any identifier was removed. If nothing was done to
+    // the target array, then EFalse is returned.
+    TBool RemoveIdentifiers( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers,
+                             RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aTargetArray );    
+    // Removes all occurrences of the given identifier from the target array 
+    // if they are found.
+    // ETrue is returned if any identifier was removed. If nothing was done to
+    // the target array, then EFalse is returned.
+    TBool RemoveIdentifier( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
+                            RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aTargetArray );
+    // aForceRemove is used to indicate whether Favorite nodes should be
+    // removed or not. Default is no
+    TBool RemoveIdentifier( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
+                            RPointerArray<CDoNotRemoveIdentifier>& aTargetArray,
+                            TBool aForceRemove = EFalse );
+    // Resets the node item info from the db to the member array.
+    // This will contain only node item infos.
+    void SetAllDbStorageNodeItemsL();
+    // Resets the icon item info from the db to the member array.
+    // This will contain only icon item infos.
+    void SetAllDbStorageIconItemsL();
+    // Resets the screenshot item info from the db to the member array.
+    // This will contain only screenshot item infos.
+    void SetAllDbStorageScreenshotItemsL();
+    // Gets the children identifiers of the cleanup array identifiers. Appends
+    // the children also to the cleanup array. So, this function makes sure that
+    // the hierarchies below the cleanup array identifiers are also included into
+    // the array.
+    void AddChildrenToCleanupArrayL();
+    // Checks if the parents that have been inserted to parent waiting list
+    // can be put back to the cleaning list.
+    void ParentCleaningCheckL();
+    // This function checks if the db contains temporary nodes and adds them to the
+    // cleanup list.
+    void CheckTemporaryNodesL();
+    // Resets this object state. To be ready for the next try.
+    // This function is used. If something went wrong during the
+    // cleanup procedure.
+    void ResetState();
+    // This function can be used to print the given array into the log file.
+    void ArrayDebugPrint( const RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier>& aIdentifiers ) const;
+    void ArrayDebugPrint( const RPointerArray<CDoNotRemoveIdentifier>& aIdentifiers ) const;
+    // Functions that are used during active cleaning.
+    // These functions mainly correspond to the states of this cleaner.
+    void CleanSpecialsL();
+    void CleanTemporaryNodesL();
+    void CleanHangingsL();
+    void StartCleanSpecialHangingsL();
+    void CleanSpecialHangingsL();
+    void FinishCleanSpecialHangingsL();
+    void StartCleanExcessL();
+    void StartRootChildrenCheckL();
+    void CheckRootChildrenL();
+    void HandleBundleChildrenL();
+    void CleanExpiredsL();
+    void CleanExcessL();
+    void StoppingL();      
+private: // data
+    CNcdGeneralManager& iGeneralManager;
+    // Node manager handles creation of the nodes.   
+    CNcdNodeManager& iNodeManager;
+    // Data base manager is used to remove the nodes from the db.
+    CNcdNodeDbManager& iNodeDbManager;
+    // This contains the client specific max db byte size
+    TInt iDbMaxSize;
+    // The factory is used to create the correct nodes.
+    CNcdNodeFactory& iNodeFactory;
+    // This flag that informs if the cache cleaner 
+    // is allowed to do cleaning.
+    TBool iAllowCleaning;
+    // This variable is used to check if the db should be cleaned with
+    // higher priority.
+    CActive::TPriority iIncreasePriority;
+    // This flag is used to inform if the priority should be reseted. ´
+    // This is needed because the priority can not be set
+    // if the object is active. Thus, it has to be done later for example
+    // next time the cleaning is started.
+    TBool iResetPriority;
+    // This time contains the last time that the cleanup has started.
+    // If no cleanup has been started in required period. Then the
+    // cleanup will be automatically started when the db size is asked
+    // next time.
+    TTime iLastCleanupTime;
+    // Informs if the cleanup has been set to 
+    TCleanupState iCleanupState;
+    // This index can be used to infrom what identifiers are already handled
+    // and which nodes should still be checked for cleanup when expired nodes
+    // are cleaned.
+    TInt iExpiredCleaningIndex;
+    // This is used to inform if the excess celanup loop has already started.
+    TBool iExcessCleanupStarted;
+    // This array actually contains only the node, which will be used
+    // when the node items are searched from the db.
+    RArray<NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassType> iNodeCleanupTypes;
+    // This array contains the types that can be deleted directly by
+    // using the metadata identifier.
+    // This does not include node type
+    // because it will always be used when cleaning.
+    RArray<NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassType> iMetaCleanupTypes;
+    // This contains the list of the general types of the icon items
+    // that should be removed. 
+    // The items of these types can not be identified directly by using
+    // node or metadata identifiers.
+    RArray<NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassType> iIconCleanupTypes; 
+    // This contains the list of the general types of the screenshot items
+    // that should be removed. 
+    // The items of these types can not be identified directly by using
+    // node or metadata identifiers.
+    RArray<NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassType> iScreenshotCleanupTypes; 
+    // This array contains the namespaces whose data will not be cleaned.
+    CPtrCArray* iDoNotCleanNameSpaces;    
+    // The nodes that should be cleaned from the db.
+    // Notice, that this array is used for every cleanup phase. So, even
+    // if the user of this class object adds identifiers during
+    // the cleanup process, those nodes will be removed also when next remove
+    // operation is done because the same array is used when cleanup is done.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iCleanupIdentifiers;
+    // This array will contain all the db storage node identifiers.
+    // This array can be used to create the actual node items according
+    // to the id info.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iAllDbStorageNodeItems;    
+    // This array will contain all the icon ids that are used to check
+    // if some icons should be deleted from the db.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iAllDbIconItems;
+    // This array will contain all the screenshot ids that are used to check
+    // if some screenshots should be deleted from the db.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iAllDbScreenshotItems;
+    // This array will contain all the current metadata identifiers. That can 
+    // be used to create metadatas and to check if some special contents
+    // should be removed.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iDbMetaIdentifiers;
+    // This list will be used if the remove operation is started and
+    // during remove operation engine infroms that some nodes should
+    // not be deleted after all.    
+    RPointerArray< CDoNotRemoveIdentifier > iDoNotRemoves;
+    // This array contains identifiers that have been initially marked for
+    // cleanup but after that have also been tried to move to the do not
+    // remove array. Then, the identifier will be set for waiting until
+    // is requested to be removed from the do not remove array. So, then
+    // the identifier will be moved from the waiting array to cleanup array.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iWaitingIdentifiers;
+    // This list contains the parents that have been put to cleanuplist but
+    // can not be deleted because their children are in waiting list or in
+    // do not remove list.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iWaitingParentIdentifiers;
+    // This array will contain identifiers of children nodes of
+    // the root. These identifiers are used, when transparency and bundle
+    // check are done to these nodes.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iRootChildren;
+    // This array will contain the children of a certain bundle when
+    // the transparency check are done to the children of the bundle.
+    RPointerArray<CNcdNodeIdentifier> iBundleChildren;
+    };