changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/test/tinterpretsisinteg/	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# is used to runtests defined in an xml file.
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
+use testcontroller;
+use testlistreader;
+use Cwd;
+use defaulttestroutine;
+use File::Copy;
+#processing of command line arguments
+sub processArgs {
+    my ($controller, @args) = @_;
+    my $usage = <<EOF;
+runtests [-v] [-h] [<test list>] [-o <tests>]
+     -v          verbose. Displays test title
+     -h          this help text
+     -e          Use enhanced test routine that checks result of setup and cleanup
+     <test list> One or more xml filenames containing test definitions
+                 If no test list is defined it will try the default file
+                 testlist.xml
+     -o <tests>  Only run the tests defined in the specified list. This option
+                 allows a subset of tests to be executed. This option must be
+                 the last option and the tests referenced in this file must
+                 already have been defined in previous files.
+    my $hasTestFile = 0;
+    my @normalFiles;
+    my $specialFile;
+    my $enhanced = 0;
+    while (@args)
+    {
+	my $arg = shift @args;
+	if (lc($arg) eq "-v")
+	{
+	    $controller->setVerbose();
+	}
+	elsif (lc($arg) eq "-o")
+	{
+	    $arg = shift @args;
+	    die  "File '$arg' does not exist\n" if (! (-e $arg) );
+	    $specialFile = $arg;
+	    last;
+	}
+	elsif (lc($arg) eq "-e")
+	{
+	    $enhanced = 1;
+	}
+	elsif (lc($arg) eq "-h")
+	{
+	    die $usage;
+	}
+	elsif (lc($arg) eq "-d")
+	{
+	    $controller->{'debug'} = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    die  "File '$arg' does not exist\n" if (! (-e $arg) );
+	    push @normalFiles, $arg;
+	    $hasTestFile = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    return ($specialFile, $enhanced,$hasTestFile);
+my %testEntry;
+my $controller = 0;
+my $parser = 0;
+my $special = 0;
+my $enhanced = 0; 
+my $hasTestFile = 0;
+my @file;
+sub StartTest
+use XML::DOM;
+$parser->parseFiles($special, @file);
+if ($enhanced)
+    $controller->setTestRoutine(\&enhancedTestRoutine);
+    $controller->setTestRoutine(\&defaultTestRoutine);
+use Cwd;
+my $dir = cwd;
+my $xml = "xml";
+my $domDir = $dir."/".$xml;
+chdir $domDir;
+my $dom = "";
+unlink $dom;
+my $epocRoot = $ENV{'EPOCROOT'};
+my $ScrMain = $epocRoot."epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\sys\\install\\scr\\provisioned\\scr.db";
+my $ScrBackup = $epocRoot."epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsisinteg\\backupscr.db";
+sub backupScr()
+	{
+	copy($ScrMain, $ScrBackup);
+	}
+sub restoreScr()
+	{
+	copy($ScrBackup, $ScrMain);
+	}
+# -------------- Start of script --------------
+my $runType = shift;
+if($runType eq "native" || $runType eq "usifnative")
+my $logIntFile = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\interpretsis_test_harness.txt";
+$controller = testcontroller->new($logIntFile, $runType);
+$parser = testlistreader->new($controller,$runType);
+($special, $enhanced, $hasTestFile) = processArgs($controller, @ARGV);
+my $nativeXmlFile="\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsisinteg\\testlist.xml"; # default filename
+if ($hasTestFile == 0)
+    {
+	# use default test list filename
+	die  "File '$nativeXmlFile' does not exist\n" if (! (-e $nativeXmlFile) );
+    }
+# Delete the log file
+@file = ();
+elsif( $runType eq "usif")
+	my $regfilepath =0;
+	my @nativeregfiles = ("sisregistry_5.2.txt","sisregistry_5.3.txt","sisregistry_5.1.txt");
+	my $regfile = 0;
+	%testEntry;
+	my $logDbFile = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\interpretsis_test_harness_db.txt";
+	backupScr();
+	$controller = testcontroller->new($logDbFile, $runType);
+	$regfilepath = "\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\system\\data\\";
+	# delete the registry file if present
+	foreach $regfile (@nativeregfiles) 
+		{
+		$regfile = $regfilepath.$regfile;
+		unlink($regfile);
+		}
+	$parser = testlistreader->new($controller,$runType);
+	($special, $enhanced, $hasTestFile) = processArgs($controller, @ARGV);
+	my $dbXmlfile="\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tinterpretsisinteg\\testlistdb.xml"; # default filename
+	if ($hasTestFile == 0)
+		{
+		# use default test list filename
+		die  "File '$dbXmlfile' does not exist\n" if (! (-e $dbXmlfile) );
+		}
+	push(@file,$dbXmlfile);
+	# Delete the log file
+	unlink("$logDbFile");
+	StartTest();
+	restoreScr();
+	{
+	print "Please specify the type of installation to be performed (native or usif).";
+	}