changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swisistools/test/tsignsis/	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Perl script that test SignSIS tools
+use File::Basename;
+my $scriptdir= dirname $0;
+print "Changing dir to $scriptdir\n";
+chdir $scriptdir;
+$logFile = "/epoc32/winscw/c/signsis_test.txt";
+# Function to create a file (test.txt or any PKG)
+sub CreateFile {
+	my ($filename, $contents) = @_;
+	unless (open($fh, "> $filename")) {
+		printf STDERR "Can't open $filename: $!\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	print $fh $contents;
+	close $fh;
+#Function to write log into file
+sub WriteLog 
+	{
+	my ($log) = @_;
+	unless( open($fh, ">> $logFile")) 
+		{
+		printf STDERR "Can\'t open $logfile:$!\n";
+		return;
+		}
+	printf $fh $log;
+	printf $log;
+	close $fh;
+	}
+# Run SIGNSIS with prepared sis file, log and administrate its result
+sub SignSISFile 
+	{
+	my ($sisfile) = @_[0];
+	my ($expectedResult) = @_[1];
+	$sisfile =~ s/\.sis//;
+	$neededfolder="";
+	$neededfile="";
+	$emptylinecertsisfile="./data/emptylinescert.signed.sis";
+	if("$sisfile.signed.sis" eq $emptylinecertsisfile)
+		{
+		 @retval = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -o -p $sisfile.signed.sis > $sisfile.log");
+		 $logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
+		 WriteLog( $logMsg);
+		 if ( $^O =~ /^MSWIN32$/i )
+			{
+			 $result = `findstr /C:"Issuer" $sisfile.log`;
+		 	}
+		 else
+			{
+			 $result = system(`grep "Issuer" $sisfile.log`) ;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		@retval = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -o $sisfile.sis > $sisfile.log");
+		$logMsg = sprintf "Expected code:%5d   result Code:%5d\n", $expectedResult, $?;
+		WriteLog( $logMsg);
+		if ( $^O =~ /^MSWIN32$/i )
+			{
+			 $result = `findstr /C:"Issued by" $sisfile.log `;
+		 	}
+		 else
+			{
+			 $result = system(`grep "Issued by" $sisfile.log`);
+			}
+		@retval = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -o -p $sisfile.sis > $sisfile.log");
+		}
+	$neededfolder="Chain"; 
+	$neededfile .= "$neededfolder"."/". "cert1.pem";
+	$NumberOfTests++;
+	if( $? == $expectedResult && -e $neededfile && -s $neededfile && length($result)>0 ) 
+		{
+		if("$sisfile.signed.sis" eq $emptylinecertsisfile)
+			{
+			my $res=`diff "./data/emptylinescertandkey.out" "$sisfile.log"`;
+			if(length($res) == 0)
+				{
+				$NumberOfPassed++;
+				WriteLog("Signing successful\n\n");
+				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$NumberOfFailed++;
+				WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			$NumberOfPassed++;
+			WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+			}
+		}
+	elsif($? == $expectedResult)
+		{
+		 if("$sisfile.sis" eq "simple.sis" ||"$sisfile.sis" eq "test04.sis")
+			{
+			if ( $^O =~ /^MSWIN32$/i )
+				{
+				 $result = `findstr /C:"No primary signatures" $sisfile.log `;
+			 	}
+		 	else
+				{
+				 $result = system(`grep "No primary signatures" $sisfile.log`);
+				}
+			if(length($result)>0)
+				{
+				$NumberOfPassed++;
+				WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$NumberOfFailed++;
+				WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+				}
+				}
+		else
+			{
+			$NumberOfPassed++;
+			WriteLog("Passed\n\n");		
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$NumberOfFailed++;
+		WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+		}
+	unlink("$sisfile.log");
+	unlink("$sisfile.signed.sis");
+	opendir(DIR, $neededfolder);
+	while (defined($file=readdir(DIR)))
+		{
+		unlink("$neededfolder"."/"."$file");
+		} 
+	close(DIR);
+	}
+# New test code for DEF093156 - SIGNSIS does not process correctly non European symbols in cmd line 
+# This test checks whether the pkg file with japanese symbols is signed by signsis successfully .
+sub TestDEF093156 {
+	my $path = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tsignsis";
+ 	$DEF093156Log = "DEF093156.log";
+ 	$ResFile="ResultSignSIS.txt";
+	WriteLog("Test for DEF093156 - Test for successful creation of a signed sis file with japanese symbols created by signsis.\n");
+ 	# sign a pkg with japanese symbols using a certificate and a file with japanese sym,bols
+	system("WScript.exe //B //Nologo $path\\testsignsis.vbs > $DEF093156Log");
+ 	$NumberOfTests++;
+	if ( -f $ResFile )
+	{
+		$NumberOfPassed++;
+ 		WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+ 	}
+	else
+	{
+ 		$NumberOfFailed++;
+ 		WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+	}
+ 	unlink $DEF093156Log;
+	unlink $ResFile;
+# New test code for DEF093156 - SIGNSIS does not process correctly non European symbols in cmd line 
+# This test checks whether the pkg file with japanese symbols is signed by signsis successfully .
+sub TestLDEF093156 {
+ 	$DEF093156Log = "DEF093156.log";
+	$ResFile="ResultSignSIS.txt";
+	$SignedSISFile = "pkg_乕乖乗乘_kanji_signed.SIS";
+# Data to write in the created file for Linux test 
+	$TempData = "Exist";
+	system("cp -f pkg_kanji.SIS  pkg_乕乖乗乘_kanji.SIS");	
+ 	system("cp -f kanji_key.key  丟両丣kanji_key.key");	
+	system("cp -f kanji_cer.cer  丁丂七丄kanji_cer.cer");
+	system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -v -s pkg_乕乖乗乘_kanji.SIS pkg_乕乖乗乘_kanji_signed.SIS  丁丂七丄kanji_cer.cer 丟両丣kanji_key.key 乕乖乗乘pass > DEF093156Log");
+	WriteLog("Test for DEF093156 - Test for successful creation of a signed sis file with japanese symbols created by signsis.\n");
+	if( -f $SignedSISFile){
+		CreateFile($ResFile, $TempData);
+	}		
+	$NumberOfTests++;
+	if ( -f $ResFile ) {
+		$NumberOfPassed++;
+		WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+	}
+	else {
+		$NumberOfFailed++;
+		WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+	}	
+ 	unlink $DEF093156Log;
+	unlink $ResFile;
+# Test code for DEF111563 - SignSIS fails if an embedded package has a dependency.
+# This test checks whether an embedding pkg (whose embedded pkg has a dependency ) is signed by signsis successfully.
+sub TestDEF111563 {
+	$pkgEmbeddedFile = "Emdedded.pkg";
+	$sisEmbeddedFile = "Embedded.sis";
+	$pkgFile = "Emdedding.pkg";
+	$sisFile = "Embedding.sis";
+	$DEF111563LogFile = "DEF111563.log";
+	WriteLog("DEF111563 - Test for successful creation of signed sis file for package whose embedded pkg has dependency.\n");
+	# Generate test PKG file contents for embedded pkg file.
+	$PkgFile = sprintf( $EmbeddedpkgFile, "-1,-1,-1"); 
+	# Create PKG file
+	CreateFile($pkgEmbeddedFile , $PkgFile);	
+	# Create a sis file
+	my $result = system("/epoc32/tools/makesis $pkgEmbeddedFile $sisEmbeddedFile > $DEF111563LogFile");
+	# Sign the embedded sis file with dependency using SignSIS.
+	my $result1 = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -s $sisEmbeddedFile $sisEmbeddedFile ./signingdata/good-r5.pem ./signingdata/good-r5.key.pem > $DEF111563LogFile");
+	# Generate test PKG file contents for embedding pkg file.
+	$PkgFile = sprintf( $EmbeddingpkgFile, "-1,-1,-1"); 
+	# Create PKG file
+	CreateFile($pkgFile , $PkgFile);	
+	# Create a sis file
+	my $result2 = system("/epoc32/tools/makesis $pkgFile $sisFile > $DEF111563LogFile");
+	# Sign the embedding sis file using SignSIS.
+	my $result3 = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -s $sisFile $sisFile ./signingdata/good-r5.pem ./signingdata/good-r5.key.pem > $DEF111563LogFile");
+	$NumberOfTests++;
+	if ($result == 0 && $result1 == 0  && $result2 == 0 && $result3 == 0 ) 
+		{
+		$NumberOfPassed++;
+		WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		$NumberOfFailed++;
+		WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+		}
+	unlink $pkgEmbeddedFile; 
+	unlink $sisEmbeddedFile;
+	unlink $pkgFile; 
+	unlink $sisFile;
+	unlink $DEF111563LogFile;
+# Test code for DEF138538 - Signsis crashes when displaying signing info for SIS files. 
+# This test checks tat Singnsis displays the signing information for SIS files correctly 
+# and doesn't fail if the subject name of the signing certificate is in the UTF8 format. 
+sub TestDEF138538 {
+	$sisFileName = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\tswi\\tsignsis\\data\\CertWithUnicodeSubjectLine.SIS";
+	$DEF138538LogFile = "DEF138538.log";
+	WriteLog("DEF138538 - Test if Singnsis displays the signing information for SIS file correctly.\n");
+	# Create a sis file
+	my $result1 = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis.exe -p -o $sisFileName > $DEF138538LogFile");
+	my $result2 = 0;
+	$result2 = `findstr /C:"Issuer: CN=Nokia Online CA, O=Nokia" $DEF138538LogFile`;
+	$NumberOfTests++;
+	if (($result1 == 0) && $result2) 
+		{
+		$NumberOfPassed++;
+		WriteLog("Passed\n\n");
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		$NumberOfFailed++;
+		WriteLog("Failed\n\n");
+		}
+	unlink $DEF138538LogFile;
+# Package template string to generate an embedded PKG file having a dependency.
+$EmbeddedpkgFile = "
+; Autogenerated test install file
+#{\"Test Embedded\"}, (0x01001235), 1, 1, 1, TYPE=SA
+%{\"Symbian Software Ltd\"}
+:\"Symbian Software Ltd\"
+;Installation name and header data
+(0x101f74a0),%s,{\"Test Embedded\"}
+(0x01001225), *, *, *, {\"embedded2\"}
+# Package template string to generate an embedding PKG file whose embedded pkg has a dependency.
+$EmbeddingpkgFile = "
+; Autogenerated test install file
+#{\"Test Application SA1\"}, (0x01001234), 1, 0, 1, TYPE=SA
+%{\"Symbian Software Ltd\"}
+:\"Symbian Software Ltd\"
+;Installation name and header data
+(0x01001234),%s,{\"Test Application SA1\"}
+(0x01001235), *, *, *, {\"embedded\"}
+\@\"embedded.sis\" , (0x01001235)
+# Main
+# Create environment and control test flow to testing SIGNSIS.EXE 
+WriteLog("SIGNSIS test.\n\n");
+# Counters for results
+$NumberOfTests  = 0;
+$NumberOfPassed = 0;
+$NumberOfFailed = 0;
+# Windows "FindStr" only understand "\" for path to read the log file
+if ( $^O =~ /^MSWIN32$/i )
+# Array of contents of test sis file and expected results
+#                file name,   expected , expected log,            Title
+#				result     message
+#               ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+@TestItems = (	["simple.signed.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for normal Signed sis file"],
+		["simple.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Unsigned sis file"],
+		["data\\signedctltest.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Stub sis controller file"],
+		["data\\pkgromctltest.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Stub sis controller for package file in ROM"],
+		["data\\nonsisfile.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Test for Non sis or non Stub sis controller file"],
+		["data\\corrupted.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Corrupted sis file"],
+		["data\\eshell_hybrid.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Stored and computed hash values do not match"],
+		["data\\emptylinescert.sis", 0,    , "Created",	"Test for successful signing when certificate(.cer) and key has few empty lines."],
+	     );
+# Linux tests :
+# Array of contents of test sis file and expected results
+#                file name,   expected , expected log,            Title
+#				result     message
+#               ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+@TestItems = (	["simple.signed.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for normal Signed sis file"],
+		["simple.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Unsigned sis file"],
+		["data/signedctltest.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Stub sis controller file"],
+		["data/pkgromctltest.sis", 0,    , "Created",		"Test for Stub sis controller for package file in ROM"],
+		["data/nonsisfile.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Test for Non sis or non Stub sis controller file"],
+		["data/corrupted.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Corrupted sis file"],
+		["data/eshell_hybrid.sis", 256,    , "Verification Failed",	"Stored and computed hash values do not match"],
+		["data/emptylinescert.sis", 0,    , "Created",	"Test for successful signing when certificate(.cer) and key has few empty lines."],
+	     );
+# Do test for each elements of TestItems array
+	$datapath = "data/";
+	opendir(DIR,"./data/");
+	my @pkgfiles = readdir DIR;
+	foreach my $files (@pkgfiles)
+		{
+		$files =~ s/\.pkg//;
+		$pkgfilepath =  "$datapath"."$files";
+		$pkgfile = "./data/emptylinescert.sis";
+		if(-e "$pkgfilepath.pkg")
+			{
+			@retval = system("makesis -v $pkgfilepath.pkg $files.sis > $files.log");
+		    	if( $? != 0)
+				{
+		    		WriteLog("\n\nProblem While Creating makesis for $files.pkg\n");
+			    	}	
+	    		else
+				{
+				WriteLog("\n\nCreated $files.sis file from $files.pkg\n");
+				WriteLog("\n\nSigning $files.sis using certificate\n\n");
+				@retval = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -s $pkgfilepath.sis $files.signed.sis ./signingdata/good-r5.pem 						./signingdata/good-r5.key.pem");
+				if( $? != 0)
+					{
+					WriteLog("\n\nProblem While signing $files.sis\n");
+					}
+		    		}
+			}
+		if($pkgfilepath  eq $pkgfile)
+			{
+			$files =~ s/\.sis//;
+			$signedsispath = "data\\" . $files;
+			@retval = system("/epoc32/tools/signsis -s $pkgfilepath $signedsispath.signed.sis ./signingdata/emptylinescert.pem  ./signingdata/emptylinescert.key.pem");
+			}
+		}
+for my $Test ( @TestItems )  
+	{
+	# Do SIGNSIS test
+	$testid = sprintf "SEC-SWI-I-SIGNSIS-000%d\n",$NumberOfTests+1;
+	WriteLog($testid);
+	$logMsg = sprintf "%s", $Test->[3];
+	WriteLog($logMsg);
+	WriteLog("\t$Test->[0]\n");
+	SignSISFile($Test->[0], $Test->[1]);
+	}
+opendir(DIR, ".");
+while (defined($file=readdir(DIR)))
+	{
+	$file =~ s/\.sis//;
+	if(-e "$file.sis")
+		{
+		unlink("$file.sis");
+		unlink("$file.log");
+		}
+	rmdir("chain");
+	}
+# Test for DEF093156.
+if ($^O =~ /^MSWIN32$/i)
+	{
+	 TestDEF093156();
+	}
+if ($^O =~ /^LINUX$/i)
+	{
+	TestLDEF093156();
+	}
+# Test for DEF111563.
+# Test for DEF138538 .
+TestDEF138538 ();
+# Display the result
+WriteLog("\n\nTests completed OK\n");
+WriteLog(sprintf "Run: %d\n", $NumberOfTests );
+WriteLog(sprintf "Passed: %d\n", $NumberOfPassed );
+WriteLog(sprintf "%d tests failed out of %d\n", $NumberOfFailed, $NumberOfTests );