author hgs
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:48:39 +0300
changeset 75 2d2d25361590
parent 25 98b66e4fb0be
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* Information shared between the Software Component Registry client and server implementations.

#include <e32ver.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <s32file.h>

namespace Usif
	/** Identifies the Software Component Registry Symbian OS Server. */
	_LIT(KSoftwareComponentRegistryName, "!SoftwareComponentRegistry");	

	const TInt KScrVerMajor = 1;		///< SCR Server version major component.
	const TInt KScrVerMinor = 0;		///< SCR Server version minor component.
	const TInt KScrVerBuild = 0;		///< SCR Server version build component.

	inline TVersion ScrServerVersion();
		Executable which hosts SCR Server.  Required to launch the process.

		@see KUidScrServer
	_LIT(KScrServerImageName, "scrserver.exe");
		Hosting the executable's secure ID.  Required to launch the process.

		@see KScrServerImageName
	const TUid KUidScrServer = {0x10285BC0};
	inline TUidType ScrServerImageFullUid();
	enum TScrSessionFunction
		Functions supported by a SCR server session.
		ECreateTransaction        	 	 = 0x00,	///< Create a new transaction
		ERollbackTransaction       	 	 = 0x01,	///< Roll back the transaction in progress
		ECommitTransaction           	 = 0x02,	///< Commit the transaction in progress
		EAddComponent	         	 	 = 0x03,	///< Add a new component record into the SCR database 
		EAddComponentDependency		 	 = 0x04,	///< Add a new dependency between two software components.
		ESetComponentLocalizableProperty = 0x05, 	///< Set a string property of the component
		ESetComponentNumericProperty 	 = 0x06, 	///< Set a numeric property of the component
		ESetComponentBinaryProperty  	 = 0x07, 	///< Set a binary property of the component
		ERegisterComponentFile		 	 = 0x08,	///< Register a file to an existing component
		ESetFileStringProperty		 	 = 0x09,	///< Set a string property of the component's file
		ESetFileNumericProperty		 	 = 0x0A,	///< Set a string property of the component's file
		ESetComponentName		 	 	 = 0x0B,	///< Update the name of the component
		ESetComponentVendor		     	 = 0x0C,	///< Update the vendor of the component
		ESetComponentVersion		 	 = 0x0D,	///< Set the version of the component
		ESetIsComponentRemovable     	 = 0x0E,    ///< Set the removable attribute of the component
		ESetIsComponentDrmProtected		 = 0x0F,    ///< Set the DRM protected attribute of the component.
		ESetIsComponentHidden			 = 0x10,    ///< Set the hidden attribute of the component.
		ESetIsComponentKnownRevoked		 = 0x11,    ///< Set the known-revoked attribute of the component.
		ESetIsComponentOriginVerified	 = 0x12,    ///< Set the origin-verified attribute of the component.
		ESetComponentSize			 	 = 0x13, 	///< Set the install-time size of the component
		EDeleteComponentProperty	 	 = 0x14,	///< Delete a property of the component
		EDeleteFileProperty	 			 = 0x15,	///< Delete a property of the component's file
		EUnregisterComponentFile		 = 0x16,	///< Deregister a component's file
		EDeleteComponent				 = 0x17,	///< Delete a component from the SCR database
		EDeleteComponentDependency       = 0x18,	///< Delete an existing dependency between two software components.
		EGetSingleComponentSize		 	 = 0x19,	///< Retrieve the entry size of a given component id
		EGetSingleComponentData		 	 = 0x1A,	///< Retrieve the entry data of a given component id
		EGetFilePropertiesSize		 	 = 0x1B,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the file properties.
		EGetFilePropertiesData		 	 = 0x1C,	///< Retrieve the data of the file properties obtained from the SCR server.
		EGetSingleFilePropertySize   	 = 0x1D,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the value of the single file property given.
		EGetSingleFilePropertyData   	 = 0x1E,	///< Retrieve the data of the single file property.
		EGetComponentFilesCount		 	 = 0x1F,    ///< Retrieve the number of files registered by a component
		EGetFileComponentsSize		 	 = 0x20,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the component IDs possessing the given file.
		EGetFileComponentsData		 	 = 0x21,	///< Retrieve the data of the component IDs.
		EGetComponentPropertiesSize	 	 = 0x22,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the given component's properties.
		EGetComponentPropertiesData	 	 = 0x23,	///< Retrieve the data of the component's properties obtained from the SCR server.
		EGetComponentSinglePropertySize	 = 0x24,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the value of the single component property given.
		EGetComponentSinglePropertyData	 = 0x25,	///< Retrieve the data of the single component property.
		EGetLocalComponentId         	 = 0x26,	///< Retrieve the local component id of a given global component id.
		EGetComponentWithGlobalIdSize	 = 0x27,	///< Retrieve the component entry size of a given global component id
		EGetComponentWithGlobalIdData	 = 0x28, 	///< Retrieve the component entry data of a given global component id
		EGetSupplierComponentsSize	 	 = 0x29,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the supplier global IDs of a given dependant component.		
		EGetSupplierComponentsData   	 = 0x2A,	///< Retrieve the data of the supplier global IDs of a given dependant component.
		EGetDependantComponentsSize	 	 = 0x2B,	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the dependant global IDs of a given supplier component.		
		EGetDependantComponentsData  	 = 0x2C,	///< Retrieve the data of the dependant global IDs of a given supplier component.
		EGetComponentIdListSize			 = 0x2D,   	///< Retrieve the buffer size needed to write the component IDs enumerated with a given filter.
		EGetComponentIdListData		     = 0x2E,	///< Retrieve the data of the component IDs enumerated with a given filter.
		EGetLogFileHandle		 		 = 0x2F,    ///< Transfer the handle of the SCR log file to the client process
		EGetComponentSupportedLocalesListSize = 0x30,    ///< Transfer the buffer size needed to write the list of matching supported languages 
		EGetComponentSupportedLocalesListData = 0x31,    ///< Retrieve the data of the list of matching supported languages
		EGetLocalizedComponentSize            = 0x32,    ///< Retrieve the localized information entry size of a given component id
		EGetLocalizedComponentData            = 0x33,    ///< Retrieve the localized information entry data of a given component id
		EGenerateNonNativeAppUid              = 0x34,    ///< Generate a new Application Uid which can be used to register non native applications.
        EGetApplicationLaunchersSize     = 0x3A,    ///< Gets the size of application launcher array
        EGetApplicationLaunchersData     = 0x3B,    ///< Gets the array application launchers
		EGetIsMediaPresent				 = 0x40,	///< Retrieve the presence info of medias where the component is installed.
		EGetIsComponentOrphaned			 = 0x41,	///< Retrieve whether the given component is orphaned.
		EGetIsComponentOnReadOnlyDrive	 = 0x42,	///< Retrieve if the component is present on a read-only drive.
		EGetIsComponentPresent			 = 0x43,	///< Retrieve if the software component is fully present.
        EGetComponentIdForApp            = 0x44,    ///< Retrieve the component Id for a given App.
        EGetAppUidsForComponentSize      = 0x45,    ///< Retrieve the size of the list of AppUids associated with a component.
        EGetAppUidsForComponentData      = 0x46,    ///< Retrieve the list of AppUids associated with a component.
		EAddApplicationEntry             = 0x47,    ///< Add a new application entry into SCR.
		EDeleteApplicationEntries        = 0x48,    ///< Delete the applications associated with a component from SCR.
		EDeleteApplicationEntry          = 0x49,    ///< Delete an application from SCR.
		ESetScomoState				 	 = 0x50,	///< Set the scomo state of a given component.
		ESetIsComponentPresent			 = 0x51,	///< Set the attribute if the component is present fully.
		EGetPluginUidWithMimeType    	 = 0x52,	///< Retrieve the SIF plugin UID for a given MIME type.
		EGetPluginUidWithComponentId 	 = 0x53,	///< Retrieves the SIF plugin UID for a given component Id.
		ESubSessCreateComponentsView 	 = 0x60,	///< Creates a sub-session to handle a components view. 
		ESubSessCreateFileList 	     	 = 0x61,	///< Creates a sub-session to handle a file list.

		ESubSessCreateRegInfoForApp      = 0x62,	///< Creates a sub-session to handle a App ID related query.
		ESubSessCreateAppRegInfo         = 0x63,   ///< Creates a sub-session to handle a query.
		EAddSoftwareType			 	 = 0x65,    ///< Add a new software type to the SCR database with MIME types, unique and localized names.
		EDeleteSoftwareType			 	 = 0x66,    ///< Delete an existing software type from the SCR database.
		EGetDeletedMimeTypes			 = 0x67,    ///< Retrieve the list of MIME types deleted in last software type deletion operation.
		ESubSessCreateAppInfoView        = 0x68,    ///< Creates a sub-session to handle a appinfo view.
		ESubSessCreateAppRegistryView    = 0x69     ///< Creates a sub-session to handle a application registration view.
		// NOTE: The range after this is used up. Add new function ids carefully.
	enum TScrSubSessionFunction
		Functions supported by a SCR server subsession.
		EOpenComponentsView       = 0x70,		///< A components view isopened on the server side by using a given filter
		EGetNextComponentSize     = 0x71,		///< Get the size of the next component entry from the components view.
		EGetNextComponentData     = 0x72,		///< Get the next component entry from the components view.
		EGetNextComponentSetSize  = 0x73,		///< Get the size of the next component entry set from the components view.
		EGetNextComponentSetData  = 0x74,		///< Get the next component entry set from the components view.
		EOpenFileList		  	  = 0x77,		///< A file list is opened on the server side by using a given filter
		EGetNextFileSize      	  = 0x78,		///< Get the size of the next file from the present file list.
		EGetNextFileData      	  = 0x79,		///< Get the next file from the present file list.
		EGetNextFileSetSize   	  = 0x7A,		///< Get teh size of the next file set from the present file list.
		EGetNextFileSetData       = 0x7B,		///< Get the next file set from the present file list.
		EOpenAppInfoView          = 0x7C,       ///< An AppInfo view is opened on the server side by using a given filter
		EGetNextAppInfoSize       = 0x7D,       ///< Next AppInfo size is calculated and sent to the client
		EGetNextAppInfoData       = 0x7E,       ///< Next AppInfo data is returned to the client  
		ESetAppUid         		      = 0x80,       ///< AppId is set on the server side to be used for the specific subsession.
		EGetServiceUidSize		      = 0x88,       ///< Get the size of the service Id list. 
		EGetServiceUidList		      = 0x89,       ///< Get the list of ServiceIds.
		EGetApplicationLanguage       = 0x8A,		///< Get the Application Language of the App and is nearest to the device language.
		EGetDefaultScreenNumber       = 0x8B,       ///< Get the Default screen number specified for an App.
		EGetNumberOfOwnDefinedIcons   = 0x8C,       ///< Get the number of defined icons of a specified locale of the App.
		EGetAppForDataTypeAndService  = 0x8D,       ///< Get the AppUid with the specified type and ServiceId		
		EGetAppForDataType	   	      = 0x8E,	    ///< Get the AppUid with the specified type and a highest priority.
		EGetViewSize			      = 0x8F,		///< Get the size of the view details of a given application
		EGetViewData			      = 0x90,		///< Get the array of view details of a given application
		EGetAppOwnedFilesSize         = 0x91,       ///< Get the size of files owned by given application
		EGetAppOwnedFilesData         = 0x92,       ///< Get the array of files owned by given application
		EGetAppCharacteristics        = 0x93,       ///< Get the characteristics of given application
		EGetAppIconForFileName    	  = 0x94,       ///< Get the application icon file name for given application
		EGetAppViewIconFileName       = 0x95,       ///< Get the application view  icon file name for given application
		EGetAppServiceInfoSize		  = 0x96,		///< Get the size of the required service details associated with the parameters set in the filter.
		EGetAppServiceInfoData        = 0x97,       ///< Get the required service details associated with the parameters set in the filter.
		EGetApplicationInfo           = 0x98,       ///< Get the required app's information details contained in TAppRegInfo.
		EOpenApplicationRegistrationInfoView           = 0xB0,  ///< An Application registration view is opened on the server side
		EGetApplicationRegistrationSize                = 0xB1,  ///< Get the size of the next application registration data
		EGetApplicationRegistrationData                = 0xB2,  ///< Get the next application registration data
		EOpenApplicationRegistrationInfoForAppUidsView = 0xB3,  ///< An Application registration AppUids view is opened on the server side
		Delay in microseconds before the SCR Server is shut down, after
		the last remaining session has been closed.
	static const TInt KScrServerShutdownPeriod = 2 * 1000 * 1000;
	/** Maximum length of a UID string. */
	static const TInt KUidStringLen = 8;	
	} // End of namespace Usif
 #include <usif/scr/scrcommon.inl>
#endif // SCRCOMMON_H