author Santosh V Patil <>
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:01:26 +0530
changeset 48 364021cecc90
permissions -rw-r--r--
SmartInstaller contribution based on the Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 release

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*     Localisable Resource file for the ADM.


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//d:Caption string for the application. ADM = Application Dependency Manager
//d:Application long name, shown for instance, in the Installed Applications list
//d:Do NOT localize!
#define qtn_caption_string "Nokia Smart Installer ADM"

//d:Caption short string for the application.
//d:Application short name
//d:Do NOT localize!
#define qtn_short_caption_string "Smart Installer ADM"

//d:Resource file path
//d:Do NOT localize!
#define qtn_loc_resource_file_1 "\\resource\\apps\\ADM"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:String to be displayed while the preparing device before
//d:starting dependency downloads
#define STRING_R_ADM_PREPARING_INST_TEXT "Preparing installation"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Download confirmation query
//d:%U = indication amount of download: "xxx.yy kB" or "xxx.yy MB" or "xxx.yy GB"
//d:Suffixes will be localised as well, see below (STRING_R_KB, STRING_R_MB and
#define STRING_R_ADM_CONTINUE_TO_DOWNLOAD_TEXT "Continue to download %U?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Same as STRING_R_ADM_CONTINUE_TO_DOWNLOAD_TEXT except this is shown
//d:when the device is roaming.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ROAMING_CONTINUE_TO_DOWNLOAD_TEXT "Device is roaming. Continue to download %U?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown after the user has pressed 'cancel' to confirm if the user wants to continue
//d:the installation later (from the menu grid). The user has the following
//d:options to choose from: "Yes" and "No". System default translations for those
//d:options are used (R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO).
#define STRING_R_ADM_CONTINUE_INSTALLATION_LATER_TEXT "Continue installation later?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when the user resumes the installation by selecting Smart Installer ADM
//d:from the application menu grid.
//d:%U is the name of the application to be installed, for instance: Fluidlauncher
//d:The user has the possibility to select "Yes" or "No". System default translations
//d:for those options are used (R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO).
#define STRING_R_ADM_CONTINUE_INSTALLATION_TEXT "Continue installation of %U?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Suffix for kilobyte kB
#define STRING_R_KB				"kB"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Suffix for megabyte MB
#define STRING_R_MB				"MB"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Suffix for gigabyte GB
#define STRING_R_GB				"GB"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown after succesful installation
#define STRING_R_ADM_INSTALLATION_OK_TEXT   "Installation complete"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Download progress bar dialog
#define STRING_R_ADM_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_TEXT      "Downloading and installing"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Cleaning up wait note when user has cancelled the installation
#define STRING_R_ADM_CANCELLING_INSTALLATION_WAIT_TEXT   "Cancelling installation"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Cleaning up wait note when network error has occured
//d:%U is one of the detailed description of the error shown below.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Detailed description of network error: network connection lost
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_CONN_LOST_TEXT "Network connection lost"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Cleaning up wait note when an error occured during installation, but it
//d:is not caused by user cancelling the installation.
#define STRING_R_ADM_REVERTING_CHANGES_WAIT_TEXT         "Reverting changes"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when finalising the installation.
//d:Shown when silently installing application sis.
#define STRING_R_ADM_FINALIZING_INSTALLATION_WAIT_TEXT   "Finalizing installation"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error strings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:General error string. Shown when an error occurs that
//d:we want to give more detailed information about the error.
//d:%N is the error number in decimal
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERROR_TEXT "Error occured! %N"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when the user tries to restart smartinstallation from the application
//d:menu grid, but no installations are pending.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_NO_PENDING_INSTALLATIONS_TEXT "No pending installations"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when the user tries to restart smartinstallation from the application
//d:menu grid, but the previous installation was succesful i.e. no installation
//d:is pending.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_LATEST_INSTALLATION_OK_TEXT "No pending installations: the latest installation was succesful."

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Generic error note describing that installation has failed.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_INSTALLATION_FAILED_TEXT "Installation failed!"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when installation is tried on an unsupported device.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when the device does not have enough free space to install
//d:the dependencies.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_INSTALLATION_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_TEXT "Not enough space for the installation"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when download has failed to other than network timeout.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED_TEXT "Download failed!"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when the user has explicitly cancelled the installation.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_USER_CANCELLATION_TEXT "Installation cancelled!"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown when installation is started from an ubsupported Smart Installer version.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_TEXT "Unsupported Smart Installer version"

// ============================================================================
// Ovi Store UI flow related new strings
// ============================================================================

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:String to be displayed when installation is continued instead of
//d:the default STRING_R_ADM_PREPARING_INST_TEXT "Preparing installation"
#define STRING_R_ADM_CONTINUING_INST_TEXT "Continuing installation"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:String to be displayed while the preparing device before
//d:starting dependency downloads
#define STRING_R_ADM_VERIFYING_SW_TEXT "Verifying components"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Details to download confirmation query. Used in STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_TEXT.
#define STRING_R_ADM_SW_UPDATE_REQUIRED_TEXT "Download required."

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Details to download confirmation query. Linefeed '\n' is required to separate
//d:the message from the next line.
//d:Used in STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_TEXT as the %1U parameter.
//d:See description of STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_TEXT for details.
#define STRING_R_ADM_ROAMING_TEXT "Phone is roaming.\n"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Download confirmation query
//d:%1U = STRING_R_ADM_ROAMING_TEXT, if the phone is roaming. Otherwise empty.
//d:%2U = indication amount of download: "xxx.yy kB" or "xxx.yy MB" or "xxx.yy GB"
//d:Suffixes will be localised as well, see below (STRING_R_KB, STRING_R_MB and
#define STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_TEXT "%0U\n%1UDownload %2U?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Download confirmation query, version for custom softkeys.
//d:User has the option to select "Now" or "Later",
//d:%1U = STRING_R_ADM_ROAMING_TEXT, if the phone is roaming. Otherwise empty.
//d:%2U = indication amount of download: "xxx.yy kB" or "xxx.yy MB" or "xxx.yy GB"
//d:Suffixes will be localised as well, see below (STRING_R_KB, STRING_R_MB and
#define STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_NOW_TEXT "%0U\n%1UDownload %2U now?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:(Left) Softkey label. Used together with STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_NOW_TEXT
#define STRING_R_SK_NOW_TEXT "Now"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:(Right) Softkey label. Used together with STRING_R_ADM_DL_PROMPT_NOW_TEXT
#define STRING_R_SK_LATER_TEXT "Later"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Download progress bar dialog
#define STRING_R_ADM_DOWNLOADING_TEXT "Downloading %0N of %1N"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Installation wait note
#define STRING_R_ADM_INSTALLING_TEXT "Installing %0N of %1N"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Queries the user, if the installed application is to be launched
//d:%U is the name of the application that is retrieved from the sis package.
#define STRING_R_ADM_LAUNCH_APP_TEXT "Installation complete. Launch %U?"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Shown if the user has cancelled installation to indicate the possibility of
//d:continuing this installation later.
//d:%U = STRING_R_INST_ADM_CAN_BE_RESUMED_OVI_TEXT only if Ovi Store client is running
//d:Otherwise it will be empty.
#define STRING_R_INST_ADM_CAN_BE_RESUMED_TEXT "To continue this installation later, select this icon in your Application menu%U"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:%U = Name of the application to be launched. It is localised, if localisation
//d:for the name is provided by the application supplier.
#define STRING_R_INST_ADM_CAN_BE_RESUMED_OVI_TEXT " or find '%U' on the Ovi Store"

// End of File