// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:///** * @file barscimpl.h** @internalComponent* @released*/#ifndef __BARSCIMPL_H__#define __BARSCIMPL_H__#include <string>#include "commontypes.h"//Forward declarationsstruct SDictionaryCompressionData;class RDictionaryCompressionBitStream;/** Accesses a resource file and reads the resource data into a buffer.It is the implementation class for CResourceFile class.*/class RResourceFileImpl {public: RResourceFileImpl(); ~RResourceFileImpl(); /** Opens the resource file reader. The resource file reader must be opened before reading resources. @param aName name of the RSC file. @param aFileOffset RSC file offset @param aFileSize RSC file size */ void OpenL(const std::string& aName, TUint32 aFileOffset=0, TInt aFileSize=0); /** Reads a resource after allocating heap memory for it. Ownership of the allocated heap is passes to the caller who must free it. @param aResourceId The numeric id of the resource to be read. @return Pointer to the heap containing the resource. */ Ptr8* AllocReadL(const TInt& aResourceId); /** Initialises the offset value from the first resource. The function tests to catch cases where the first resource is not an RSS_SIGNATURE. It assumes that the first resource in the file consists of two 32-bit integers. The first integer contains the version number and the second is a self-referencing link whose value is the offset for the resources in the file, plus 1.This function must be called before calling Offset(), AllocReadL(), AllocReadLC() or ReadL(). */ void ConfirmSignatureL(); /** Tests whether the resource file owns the specified resource id. @param aResourceId The resource id to test. @return True, if the resource file owns the id, false otherwise. */ TBool OwnsResourceId(const TInt& aResourceId) const; /** Function to read specified bytes from the RSC file @param aPos Offset from where to begin reading @param aData Buffer to store read values @param aLength Length of the bytes to be read. @return Length of the bytes to be read. */ TInt ReadL(TInt aPos,TUint8* aData,const TInt& aLength); TUidType UidType() const;private: struct SSigRecord { TInt signature; TInt offset; }; enum { EFlagIsRomFile =0x80000000, EFlagPotentiallyContainsCompressedUnicode =0x40000000, EFlagDictionaryCompressed =0x20000000, EFlagThirdUidIsOffset =0x10000000, EFlagGenerate_RSS_SIGNATURE_ForFirstUserResource =0x08000000, EFlagFirstResourceIsGeneratedBitArrayOfResourcesContainingCompressedUnicode =0x04000000, EFlagCalypsoFileFormat =0x02000000, EFlagIsBufferRscFile =0x01000000, EAllFlags =0xff000000 }; enum { EOffsetBits =0xfffff000, EIdBits =0x00000fff }; class TExtra;private: /** Function to read specified bytes from the RSC file @param aFlags Integer conatainig no of resource and status flags. @param aPos Offset from where to begin reading @param aData Buffer to store read values @param aLength Length of the bytes to be read. @return Length of the bytes to be read. */ TInt ReadL(const TUint32& aFlags, TInt aPos, TUint8* aData, const TInt& aLength); /** @internalComponent @return The first resource record. @panic Some BAFL panic codes, if the file is corrupted. @leave KErrCorrupt The file is corrupted. Some other error codes are possible too. The method could panic or leave depending on the state of iAssertObj member of RResourceFileImpl::TExtra class. */ SSigRecord FirstRecordL() const; /** Function to retrieve the header and resource index information of the RSC file. */ void ReadHeaderAndResourceIndexL(); /** The method will decomress the unicode data (aCompressedUnicode argument) and append the decompressed data to the end of aBuffer (aBuffer argument). @param aBuffer Destination buffer. @param aCompressedUnicode Pointer to compressed unicode data. @param aLengthOfCompressedUnicode Length of compressed unicode data. */ void AppendDecompressedUnicodeL( Ptr8* aBuffer, const TUint8* aCompressedUnicode, const TInt& aLengthOfCompressedUnicode) const; /** The method will decompress the unicode data (aInputResourceData argument), allocate enough memory from the heap for the decompressed data, copy the data there and return a pointer to the decompressed data. The method doesn't own the allocated heap memory for the decompressed data. It's a caller responsibility to deallocate the allocated memory. @param aInputResourceData Compressed data. @return Pointer to decompressed data */ Ptr8* DecompressUnicodeL(const Ptr8* aInputResourceData) const; /** The method will decompress the dictionary compressed data, allocate enough memory from the heap for the decompressed data, copy the data there and return a pointer to the decompressed data. The method doesn't own the allocated heap memory for the decompressed data. It's a caller responsibility to deallocate the allocated memory. @pre OpenL() is called. @leave KErrCorrupt The file is corrupted. @leave KErrNoMemory There is not enough memory for the decompressed data. Some other error codes are possible too. */ Ptr8* DictionaryDecompressedResourceDataL( TInt aResourceIndex, TUint aFlags, const SDictionaryCompressionData& aDictionaryCompressionData, const Ptr16* aIndex) const; /** The method will decomress the dictionary compressed data (aDictionaryCompressionData argument) and append the decompressed data to the end of std::vector<RDictionaryCompressionBitStream> (aStackOfDictionaryCompressionBitStreams argument). */ void AppendDictionaryCompressionBitStreamL( std::vector<RDictionaryCompressionBitStream>& aStackOfDictionaryCompressionBitStreams, TUint aFlags, const SDictionaryCompressionData& aDictionaryCompressionData, TInt aStartOfBitData, TInt aStartOfIndex, TInt aIndexEntry) const; /** Get the two bytes(in Little Endian format) from the specified buffer @param aBuffer Buffer address from which 2-bytes are to be achieved. @param aIndexOfFirstByte Offset of the first byte to be retrieved from the buffer. @return 2-bytes read from the buffer. */ TInt LittleEndianTwoByteInteger(const TUint8* aBuffer,const TInt& aIndexOfFirstByte,TInt aLength) const;private: std::ifstream* iResourceContents; TInt iSizeOfLargestResourceWhenCompletelyUncompressed; //basically an array of (unsigned) 16-bit file-positions - //this is only used for non-dictionary-compressed resource files Ptr16* iIndex; //the position of this member in the class is exposed because RResourceFile::Offset() is //an inline function accessing "iOffset". RResourceFileImpl is an implementation class for //RResourceFile class. The "iOffset" offset from the beginning of the class must be exactly //12 bytes. TInt iOffset; TExtra* iExtra; TUint32 iFlagsAndNumberOfResources; };struct SDictionaryCompressionData { inline SDictionaryCompressionData() : iStartOfDictionaryData(0), iStartOfDictionaryIndex(0), iNumberOfDictionaryEntries(0), iStartOfResourceData(0), iStartOfResourceIndex(0), iNumberOfBitsUsedForDictionaryTokens(0), iCachedDictionaryIndex(0), iCachedResourceBuffer(0)// = NULL; { } TInt iStartOfDictionaryData; TInt iStartOfDictionaryIndex; TInt iNumberOfDictionaryEntries; TInt iStartOfResourceData; TInt iStartOfResourceIndex; TInt iNumberOfBitsUsedForDictionaryTokens; TUint16* iCachedDictionaryIndex; TUint8* iCachedResourceBuffer; };/** Stores the RSC filesize, offset and the bit-array representing resources containing compressed unicode.*/class RResourceFileImpl::TExtra {public: TExtra(); ~TExtra(); /** Finds whether the specified resource contain compressed unicode @param aRscIdx Resource Index @return Status of whether the resource is actually present or not. */ TInt32 ContainsCompressedUnicode(TInt& aRscIdx, TBool aFirstRscIsGen) const;private: // Prevent default copy constructor TExtra(const TExtra&); // Prevent default "=" operator TExtra& operator=(const TExtra&);public: // RSC file UID TUidType iUidType; // An array of bits, one for each resource in the resource file Ptr8* iBitArrayOfResourcesContainingCompressedUnicode; SDictionaryCompressionData iDictionaryCompressionData; // Offset of RSC chunk TInt iFileOffset; // RSC file size TUint32 iFileSize; };#endif//__BARSCIMPL_H__