author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:22:02 +0100
changeset 66 8b7f4e561641
parent 0 ba25891c3a9e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   ?Description


#include "catalogsbase.h"
#include "catalogsbaseimpl.h"
#include "ncdoperation.h"
#include "ncdprogress.h"
#include "ncdsendableprogress.h"
#include "ncdoperationfunctionids.h"

class MNcdSendable;
class MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler;
class CNcdQuery;
class MCatalogsClientServer;
class CNcdNodeProxy;
class MNcdClientLocalizer;
class CNcdNodeManagerProxy;

 *  Operation proxy base class.
 *  Implements common functionality for operation proxys. This class is
 *  abstract.
class CNcdBaseOperationProxy : 
    public CCatalogsBase<CActive>    
public: // from MNcdOperation

     * @see MNcdOperation::OperationStateL()
    MNcdOperation::TState DoOperationStateL() const;
     * @see MNcdOperation::StartOperationL()
    void DoStartOperationL();
     * @see MNcdOperation::CancelOperation()
    void DoCancelOperation();

     * @see MNcdOperation::Progress()
    TNcdProgress DoProgress() const;

     * @see MNcdOperation::CompleteQuery()
    void DoCompleteQueryL( MNcdQuery& aQuery );
     * @see MNcdOperation::Node()
    MNcdNode* DoNode();

     * Constructor
     * @param aSession is the session that is used between
     *                 the proxy and the server.
     * @param aHandle is the handle that identifies the serverside
     *                object that this proxy uses.
     * @param aRemoveHandler An observer that is called during destruction.
     * @param aNode The node this operation was started from.     
    CNcdBaseOperationProxy( MNcdClientLocalizer* aLocalizer);

     * ConstructL
     * @param aNodeManager Pointer to node manager. Used to handle expired
     *                     nodes. Ownership is not transferred.
    virtual void ConstructL( MCatalogsClientServer& aSession, TInt aHandle, 
        MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* aRemoveHandler, CNcdNodeProxy* aNode,
        CNcdNodeManagerProxy* aNodeManager );

    virtual ~CNcdBaseOperationProxy();

     * Handles messages completed by the server side operation.
     * @return Symbian error code.
    virtual void HandleCompletedMessage( 
        TNcdOperationMessageCompletionId aCompletionId,
        RReadStream& aReadStream,
        TInt aDataLength );
     * Sends a continue message.
    virtual void SendContinueMessageL();
     * Sends a release message
    virtual void SendReleaseMessage();
     * Inits send and receive buffers.
     * @param aSendSize Size of the send buffer.
     * @param aSendSize Size of the receive buffer.
    void InitBuffersL( TInt aSendSize, TInt aReceiveSize );
     * Initiates a progress callback.
     * Defined here so that the base class can initiate the callback.
     * Implemented in child classes.
    virtual void ProgressCallback() = 0;
     * Initiates a query received callback.
     * Defined here so that the base class can initiate the callback.
     * Implemented in child classes.
    virtual void QueryReceivedCallback( CNcdQuery* aQuery ) = 0;
     * Initiates a complete callback.
     * Defined here so that the base class can initiate the callback.
     * Implemented in child classes.
     * @param aError System wide error code.
    virtual void CompleteCallback( TInt aError ) = 0;

     * Used to initialize the operation during construction.
     * If either the proxy or the server-side operation need some data from
     * each other during construction, this method should be called in
     * proxy's ConstructL after proxybase's ConstructL has been called.
     * The proxy implementation should create a data buffer containing the
     * initialization data in CreateInitilizationBufferL.
     * The proxy implementation should read initialization data received from
     * the server in InitializationCallback()
    virtual void InitializeOperationL();

     * Creates a buffer that contains initialization data that is sent to
     * the server-side operation during InitializeOperation()
     * Creates an empty buffer by default
     * This should be redefined in the implementation class if it uses
     * initialization
    virtual HBufC8* CreateInitializationBufferL();
     * Initializes the proxy with data received from the server
     * Does nothing by default.
     * @note aReadStream is closed by the base class     
    virtual void InitializationCallback( RReadStream& aReadStream, 
        TInt aDataLength );

     * Setter for operation state
     * @param aState Operation state.
    void SetState( MNcdOperation::TState aState );
     * Getter for the progress variable.
     * @return TSendableProgress&
    TNcdSendableProgress& SendableProgress();

     * @return CNcdNodeManagerProxy* Node manager.
     * Ownership is not transferred.
    CNcdNodeManagerProxy* NodeManager() const;

     * @return CNcdNodeProxy* Node.
     * Ownership is not transferred.
    CNcdNodeProxy* NodeProxy() const;    

     * Updates the purchase history with the latest operation error code
     * and sets the latest operation time to the current universal time.
     * @param aErrorCode Error code of the last purchase related operation.
    void UpdateOperationInfoToPurchaseHistoryL( TInt aErrorCode );
// from base class CActive

protected: // CActive

     * @see CActive::RunL
    void RunL();

     * @see CActive::DoCancel
    void DoCancel();
     * @see CActive::RunError
    TInt RunError( TInt aError );


     * ClientServerSession
     * @return MCatalogsClientServer& an object that contains
     * the client server session information
    virtual MCatalogsClientServer& ClientServerSession() const;

     * Handle
     * @return TInt a handle that identifies the server side object
     * that this proxy uses.
    virtual TInt Handle() const;

     * Gives a non-modifiable descriptor for message sending.
     * @return TDesC8 The non-modifiable send buffer. Uses the
     * HBufC8 buffer that is owned by the object of this class.
     * @exception KErrNotFound if buffer does not exist.
    virtual const TDesC8& SendBuf8L();
     * Changes the send buffer.
     * The ownership is transferred.
     * @param aBuffer is the new buffer that will replace the existing
     * 8-bit buffer. The old buffer is deleted.
     * The new buffer will be used for message sending.
    virtual void SetSendBuf8( HBufC8* aBuffer );


     * Op proxy remove handler.
    MNcdOperationProxyRemoveHandler* iRemoveHandler;    
     * Pending query object.
    CNcdQuery* iQuery;    
private: // data

     * Node manager for example for expired nodes handling.
     * Not own.
    CNcdNodeManagerProxy* iNodeManager;

     * The node this operation was started from.
    CNcdNodeProxy* iNode;
     * State of the operation.
    MNcdOperation::TState iState;
     * Progress of the operation.
    TNcdSendableProgress iProgress;
    HBufC8* iReceiveBuffer;

     * Interface for communicating to the server-side.
    MCatalogsClientServer* iSession;

     * Handle to identify the server-side counterpart for object of this
     * class.
    TInt iHandle;

    // Variables for 8-bit transactions
     * Descriptor for message sending to the server-side.
     * Own.
    HBufC8* iSendHeapBuf8;
    CBufBase* iSendBuffer;
    TPtr8 iSendPtr;
     * String localizer, not own.
    MNcdClientLocalizer* iStringLocalizer;