author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:22:02 +0100
changeset 66 8b7f4e561641
parent 62 5cc91383ab1e
child 73 79647526f98c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#pragma warning (disable: 4786)

// System includes
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <algorithm>

// User includes
#include "stringutils.h"
#include "is_utils.h"
#include "configmanager.h"

// Enumerations
enum TConfigAttributeFlag
    EConfigFlagTypeNotSupported = 1,
    EConfigFlagTypeNumeric      = 2,
    EConfigFlagTypeBoolean      = 4,
    EConfigFlagTypeYesNo        = 8,
	EConfigFlagTypeString		= 16

// Structures
struct ConfigAttribute
	const wchar_t* iName;
	TUint32 iId;
    TUint32 iFlags;

// Constants
const std::string KConfigAttributeHexPrefix = "0x";
const std::string KConfigAttributeValueTrue = "TRUE";
const std::string KConfigAttributeValueFalse = "FALSE";
const std::string KConfigAttributeValueYes = "YES";
const std::string KConfigAttributeValueNo = "NO";

const ConfigAttribute KConfigAttributes[] =
    // HAL entries
	{L"MANUFACTURER",				HALData::EManufacturer,                 EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MANUFACTURERHARDWAREREV",	HALData::EManufacturerHardwareRev,      EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MANUFACTURERSOFTWAREREV",	HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareRev,      EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MANUFACTURERSOFTWAREBUILD",	HALData::EManufacturerSoftwareBuild,    EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MODEL",						HALData::EModel,                        EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MACHINEUID",					HALData::EMachineUid,                   EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DEVICEFAMILY",				HALData::EDeviceFamily,                 EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DEVICEFAMILYREV",			HALData::EDeviceFamilyRev,              EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"CPU",						HALData::ECPU,                          EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"CPUARCH",					HALData::ECPUArch,                      EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"CPUABI",						HALData::ECPUABI,                       EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"CPUSPEED",					HALData::ECPUSpeed,                     EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"SYSTEMTICKPERIOD",			HALData::ESystemTickPeriod,             EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MEMORYRAM",					HALData::EMemoryRAM,                    EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MEMORYRAMFREE",				HALData::EMemoryRAMFree,                EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MEMORYROM",					HALData::EMemoryROM,                    EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MEMORYPAGESIZE",				HALData::EMemoryPageSize,               EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"POWERBACKUP",				HALData::EPowerBackup,                  EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"KEYBOARD",					HALData::EKeyboard,                     EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"KEYBOARDDEVICEKEYS",			HALData::EKeyboardDeviceKeys,           EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"KEYBOARDAPPKEYS",			HALData::EKeyboardAppKeys,              EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"KEYBOARDCLICK",				HALData::EKeyboardClick,                EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"KEYBOARDCLICKVOLUMEMAX",		HALData::EKeyboardClickVolumeMax,       EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYXPIXELS",				HALData::EDisplayXPixels,               EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYYPIXELS",				HALData::EDisplayYPixels,               EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYXTWIPS",				HALData::EDisplayXTwips,                EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYYTWIPS",				HALData::EDisplayYTwips,                EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYCOLORS",				HALData::EDisplayColors,                EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYCONTRASTMAX",			HALData::EDisplayContrastMax,           EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"BACKLIGHT",					HALData::EBacklight,                    EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"PEN",						HALData::EPen,                          EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"PENX",						HALData::EPenX,                         EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"PENY",						HALData::EPenY,                         EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"PENDISPLAYON",				HALData::EPenDisplayOn,                 EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"PENCLICK",					HALData::EPenClick,                     EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"PENCLICKVOLUMEMAX",			HALData::EPenClickVolumeMax,            EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MOUSE",						HALData::EMouse,                        EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"MOUSEX",						HALData::EMouseX,                       EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MOUSEY",						HALData::EMouseY,                       EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"MOUSEBUTTONS",				HALData::EMouseButtons,                 EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"CASESWITCH",					HALData::ECaseSwitch,                   EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"LEDS",						HALData::ELEDs,                         EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"INTEGRATEDPHONE",			HALData::EIntegratedPhone,              EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"DISPLAYBRIGHTNESS",			HALData::EDisplayBrightness,            EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DISPLAYBRIGHTNESSMAX",		HALData::EDisplayBrightnessMax,         EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"KEYBOARDBACKLIGHTSTATE",		HALData::EKeyboardBacklightState,       EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"ACCESSORYPOWER",				HALData::EAccessoryPower,               EConfigFlagTypeNumeric | EConfigFlagTypeBoolean | EConfigFlagTypeYesNo },
	{L"SYSTEMDRIVE",				HALData::ESystemDrive,                  EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"FPHARDWARE",					HALData::EHardwareFloatingPoint,        EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"NUMHALATTRIBUTES",			HALData::ENumHalAttributes,             EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },

    // Custom entries for Interpretsis only
	{L"LANGUAGE",					KVariableLanguage,                      EConfigFlagTypeNumeric },
	{L"DRIVE",						KVariableDrive,							EConfigFlagTypeString },
	{L"DEVICE_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE",	KVariableDevSupLng,						EConfigFlagTypeNumeric }

ConfigManager::ConfigManager(const CParameterList& aParamList)
	const std::wstring& fileName = aParamList.ConfigFileName();

    if ( FileExists( fileName ) )
    	std::string fName;
        fName = wstring2string( fileName );
        std::ifstream stream; fName.c_str(), std::ios::binary );
            ReadFile( stream );
        catch( const ConfigManagerException& e )
            throw e;

	// Add the Rom drive and System drive definition to the DriveMap
	// So all the drives info. will be available from ConfigManager

	// Clean up iDrives
	for( DrivesMap::iterator it=iDrives.begin(); it != iDrives.end(); it++ )
        DriveAttributes* entry = it->second;
		delete entry;

void ConfigManager::AddRomAndSystemDrives(const CParameterList& aParamList)
	if ( aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsZDriveSet)) 
		CheckAndAddDrive('z', aParamList.RomDrivePath());

	if ( IsTargetDrivePresent('z') )
		if (aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsRomRofsLogFilesSet) &&
			aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsDisableZDriveChecksSet) == 0 )
			// z drive is set via ROM/ROFS logs, otherwise, command parser would have throw an exception
			std::stringstream err;
			err << "Cannot specify both -r option in command line and define the directory "
				<< "representing the ROM drive in config file";
			throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDriveError, err.str());
		if (!aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsDisableZDriveChecksSet))
			// z drive defiend by ROM/ROFS logs
			if (aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsRomRofsLogFilesSet))
				CheckAndAddDrive('z', L"");
				// z drive is not set via config.ini or by -z option
				std::stringstream err;
				err << "Missing -r option and the ROM drive representing directory is not defined; "
					<< "Must specify one of them (BUT not both)";
				throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDriveError, err.str());
	if (aParamList.IsFlagSet(CParameterList::EFlagsCDriveSet)) 
		CheckAndAddDrive(aParamList.SystemDriveLetter(), aParamList.SystemDrivePath());

	if ( !IsTargetDrivePresent(aParamList.SystemDriveLetter()) )
		std::stringstream err;
		err << "The directory representing the system drive is not defined";
		throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDriveError, err.str());

void ConfigManager::SetValue( TUint32 aKey, TUint32 aValue )
    iValues[ aKey ] = aValue;

bool ConfigManager::ValueExists( TUint32 aKey ) const
    ConfigurationMap::const_iterator it = iValues.find( aKey );
    bool found = ( it != iValues.end() );
    return found;

TUint32 ConfigManager::ValueById( TUint32 aKey ) const
    assert( ValueExists( aKey ) );
    ConfigurationMap::const_iterator it = iValues.find( aKey );
    const TUint32 ret = it->second;
    return ret;

void ConfigManager::ReadFile( std::ifstream& aStream )
    int lineNumber = 1;
    std::string line;
    while( std::getline( aStream, line ) )
        ProcessLine( line, lineNumber++ );

void ConfigManager::ProcessLine( const std::string& aLine, int aLineNumber )
	std::string line = aLine;

    // Strip comments
	std::string::size_type commentPos = line.find( "//" );
    if ( commentPos != std::string::npos )
        line = line.substr( 0, commentPos );

    if  ( line.length() )
    	std::string::size_type breakPos = line.find( "=" );
        if ( breakPos != std::string::npos )
        	std::string value = line.substr( breakPos + 1 );
            line = line.substr( 0, breakPos );

            // Trim & tidy up before the conversion phase
            line = StringUtils::TrimWhiteSpace( line );
            value = StringUtils::TrimWhiteSpace( value );

            if ( line.length() && value.length() )
                ConvertLineData( line, value, aLineNumber );

std::vector<TInt>& ConfigManager::GetDeviceSupportedLanguages()
		return iDeviceSupportedLanguages;

void ConfigManager::ConvertLineData( const std::string& aKey, std::string& aValue, int aLineNumber )
    const ConfigAttribute* attrib = AttributeByName( aKey );
    if ( attrib )
        // Now try to convert the value string according to the attribute's
        // conversion specification.
        if ( attrib->iFlags & EConfigFlagTypeNotSupported )
            throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeKeywordNotSupported, 
                                          aLineNumber );
            TUint32 num = 0;

            // First try numeric conversion, since this satsifies most of
            // the entries. Then try bool / yes / no
            if ( ( attrib->iFlags & EConfigFlagTypeNumeric ) && TryStringToNumeric( aValue, num ) )
            	if ( attrib->iId == KVariableDevSupLng )
            		if ( !AddDeviceSupportedLanguage(num))
    					throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDuplicateDefinition, 
    													aKey, aValue, aLineNumber );

            else if ( ( attrib->iFlags & EConfigFlagTypeBoolean ) && TryStringToBool( aValue, num ) )
            else if ( ( attrib->iFlags & EConfigFlagTypeYesNo ) && TryStringToYesNo( aValue, num ) )
			else if ( ( attrib->iFlags & EConfigFlagTypeString ) && (attrib->iId == KVariableDrive) )
	            DriveAttributes* newDrive = new DriveAttributes();
				int driveLetter = ConvertToDriveAttributes(StringUtils::ToLower(aValue), newDrive);
				if (driveLetter == 0)
					delete newDrive;
					throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeInvalidValueForKey, 
													aKey, aValue, aLineNumber );
				if ( !IsDirectory(newDrive->iDir) )
					delete newDrive;
					throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeInvalidDirectory, 
													aKey, aValue, aLineNumber );

				if (!AddDrive(newDrive, driveLetter))
					delete newDrive;
					throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDuplicateDefinition, 
													aKey, aValue, aLineNumber );

                throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeInvalidValueForKey, 
                                              aLineNumber );

            // Assume okay if got here.
            if ( !ValueExists( attrib->iId ) )
                SetValue( attrib->iId, num );
                throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDuplicateDefinition, 
                                              aLineNumber );
	 	// DEF117196
	 	// Config files can be created by the licensee from HAL HDA files. It is cumbersome if they 
	 	// produce an error and halt if there is an attribute defined in the config file which is not 
	 	// relevant to interpretsis.
	 	// Instead a warning is produced.
		std::ostringstream stream;
    	stream << "Unsupported keyword at line " << aLineNumber << " of ini file [" << aKey << " = " << aValue << "] ";
    	stream << std::endl;
    	std::wstring finalMessage = string2wstring( stream.str() );
		LWARN( finalMessage );

std::string ConfigManager::AttributeNameById( TUint32 aId )
	std::string ret = "Unknown/Unsupported attribute";
    const int attributeCount = sizeof( KConfigAttributes ) / sizeof( ConfigAttribute );
	for( int i=0; i<attributeCount; i++ )
		if  ( KConfigAttributes[i].iId == aId )
			std::wstring entry( KConfigAttributes[i].iName );
            ret = wstring2string( entry );
    return ret;

const ConfigAttribute* ConfigManager::AttributeByName( const std::string& aName )
	std::string upperCased( aName );
    upperCased = StringUtils::ToUpper( upperCased );
    std::wstring searchFor;
    searchFor = string2wstring( upperCased );
    const int attributeCount = sizeof( KConfigAttributes ) / sizeof( ConfigAttribute );
    const ConfigAttribute* ret = NULL;
	for( int i=0; i<attributeCount; i++ )
		if  ( KConfigAttributes[i].iName == searchFor )
			ret = &KConfigAttributes[i];
    return ret;

bool ConfigManager::TryStringToNumeric( const std::string& aText, TUint32& aNumber )
    bool convertedOk = false;
    std::istringstream stringStream( aText );

    // Check for hex prefix
    if ( aText.length() > 2 && aText.substr( 0, 2 ) == KConfigAttributeHexPrefix )
        // Skip 0x prefix
        stringStream.ignore( 2 );
        stringStream >> std::hex >> aNumber;
        convertedOk = ( ! );
        stringStream >> aNumber;
        convertedOk = ( ! );
    return convertedOk;

bool ConfigManager::TryStringToBool( const std::string& aText, TUint32& aNumber )
    bool convertedOk = false;
    std::string text = StringUtils::ToUpper( aText );
    if ( text == KConfigAttributeValueTrue )
        aNumber = true;
        convertedOk = true;
    else if ( text == KConfigAttributeValueFalse )
        aNumber = false;
        convertedOk = true;
    return convertedOk;

bool ConfigManager::TryStringToYesNo( const std::string& aText, TUint32& aNumber )
    bool convertedOk = false;
    std::string text = StringUtils::ToUpper( aText );
    if ( text == KConfigAttributeValueYes )
        aNumber = true;
        convertedOk = true;
    else if ( text == KConfigAttributeValueNo )
        aNumber = false;
        convertedOk = true;
    return convertedOk;

int ConfigManager::ConvertToDriveAttributes( const std::string& aString, DriveAttributes* aDrive)
	std::string::const_iterator it = aString.begin();
	std::string::const_iterator end = aString.end();
	std::string::const_iterator currentPos = it;
	int driveLetter = 0;

	if (currentPos != end)
		std::string temp;

        currentPos = std::find(it, end, ' ');

		if (currentPos == end)
			return 0;

		// Set the drive representation location
		aDrive->iDir = string2wstring(std::string(it, (currentPos-it)));
		temp =  StringUtils::TrimWhiteSpace( std::string(currentPos, end) );

		it = temp.begin();
		end = temp.end();

		// Look for the next 'space' if found
		currentPos = std::find(it, end, ' ');

		if (currentPos - it != 1)
			// The drive letter is more than one character
			return 0;
		// Set the target drive letter
		driveLetter = tolower(*it);

		if (currentPos == end)
			// The external attribute is not set, i.e. leave it as the default value.
			return driveLetter;

		temp =  StringUtils::TrimWhiteSpace( std::string(currentPos, end) );

		// Set the external attribute to true
		if (StringUtils::ToLower(temp) == "ext")
			aDrive->iExternal = true;
		return driveLetter;

	return 0;

std::wstring ConfigManager::GetLocalDrivePath(int aDrive)
	DrivesMap::const_iterator it = iDrives.find( aDrive );

	if (it == iDrives.end())
		std::stringstream err;
		err << "Drive: " << aDrive << " not defined";
		throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDriveError, err.str());

    return it->second->iDir;

bool ConfigManager::IsTargetDrivePresent(int aDrive) const
	DrivesMap::const_iterator it = iDrives.find( aDrive );

	return (it != iDrives.end());

bool ConfigManager::IsTargetDriveExt(int aDrive) const
	DrivesMap::const_iterator it = iDrives.find( aDrive );

	if (it == iDrives.end())
		std::stringstream err;
		err << "Drive: " << aDrive << " not defined";
		throw ConfigManagerException( ConfigManagerException::ETypeDriveError, err.str());

    return it->second->iExternal;

bool ConfigManager::AddDrive(DriveAttributes* aDrive, const int aDriveLetter)
	DrivesMap::const_iterator it = iDrives.find( aDriveLetter );

	if( it != iDrives.end())
		// Drive already present
		return false;

	// Set the map value
	iDrives[aDriveLetter] = aDrive;
	return true;

void ConfigManager::CheckAndAddDrive(const int aDrive, const std::wstring& aDir,const bool aExternal)
	DrivesMap::iterator it = iDrives.find( aDrive );

	if (it != iDrives.end())
		char drive = aDrive;
	 	std::stringstream warn;
		warn << "Redefining drive: " << drive;
		std::wstring finalMessage = string2wstring( warn.str() );
		LWARN( finalMessage + L" to " + aDir);

		delete it->second;

	DriveAttributes* newDrive = new DriveAttributes();

	newDrive->iDir = aDir;
	newDrive->iExternal = aExternal;
	// Set the map value
	iDrives[aDrive] = newDrive;

bool ConfigManager::AddDeviceSupportedLanguage(TInt langId)
 	std::vector<int>::const_iterator end = iDeviceSupportedLanguages.end();
	for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator curr = iDeviceSupportedLanguages.begin(); curr != end; ++curr)
			 if ( *curr == langId)
				 return false;
	return true;
void ConfigManager::AddMatchingSupportedLanguages(TInt aMatchingSupportedLangauges)
 	std::vector<int>::const_iterator end = iMatchingSupportedLanguages.end();
	for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator curr = iMatchingSupportedLanguages.begin(); curr != end; ++curr)
			 if ( *curr == aMatchingSupportedLangauges)

std::vector<TInt>& ConfigManager::GetMatchingSupportedLanguages() 
		return iMatchingSupportedLanguages;

void ConfigManagerException::Display() const
	std::ostringstream stream;
    stream << "Configuration problem at line " << iLineNumber << " [" << iKey << " = " << iValue << "]: ";
	switch( iType )
		case ETypeKeywordNotSupported:
			stream << "KEY is not supported";
		case ETypeInvalidValueForKey:
			stream << "\'" << iValue << "\'" << " is an invalid type or out of range";
		case ETypeDuplicateDefinition:
			stream << "\'" << iKey << "\'" << "has already been defined previously in this configuration";
		case ETypeInvalidDirectory:
			stream << "\'" << iValue << "\'" << " directory is not found";
		case ETypeDriveError:
			LERROR( string2wstring( iValue ) );

			stream << "Unknown error";
    stream << std::endl;
    std::wstring finalMessage = string2wstring( stream.str() );
	LERROR( finalMessage );