* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Constants and definitions.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32msgqueue.h>
#include "catalogsuids.h"
// Replaced with USE_BUILD_SCRIPT when using build script
* Catalogs engine mutex name. All engine object instances have a handle to the mutex.
* This can be used to determine if there are engine objects in use.
_LIT( KCatalogsEngineMutex, "ncd-engine-mutex_APP_NAME_POSTFIX" );
_LIT( KCatalogsEngineMutex, "ncd-engine-mutex_20019119" );
* Note on RProperty usage.
* RProperty is defined by category and key.
* The engine server side process defines RProperty that is defined
* to have category value equal to SID of the process.
* Two kinds of info are published using RProperty.
* - general settings (currently only maintenance lock status)
* - client specific connection activity indicator
* Connection activity uses RProperty with key that is same as client SID.
* Because both information are published within the same category, we must ensure
* that there are no conflicts in key values. To ensure this, following assumptions
* about keys are used:
* - all settings values (such as maintenance lock) must be from protected UID
* range class 0 (0x00000000 - 0x0FFFFFFF)
* - all engine clients must use UIDs from class 2 (0x20000000 - 0x2FFFFFFF)
/** Catalogs engine property category */
const TUid KCatalogsEnginePropertyCategory = { KCatalogsServerUid };
* Catalogs engine maintenance lock property key. Written when locking/releasing
* (0 = released).
const TUint KCatalogsEnginePropertyKeyMaintenanceLock = 1;
* Catalogs update message queue name format string. Global message queue with this
* name is created
_LIT( KCatalogsUpdateQueueNameFormat, "CatalogsUpdate-%08x" );
/** Catalogs OTA update message queue message size */
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateQueueMessageSize = RMsgQueueBase::KMaxLength;
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateQueueSlotCount = 32;
/** Catalogs engine ECom implementation uid */
const TUid KCCatalogsEngineImplUid = { KCatalogsEngineImplementationUid };
/** Catalogs OTA update information maximum field sizes */
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateInformationMaxSize = 3*1024;
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateTargetMaxSize = 256;
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateIdMaxSize = 1024;
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateVersionMaxSize = 256;
const TInt KCatalogsUpdateUriMaxSize = 1024;
* Mime type match strings.
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchSymbianInstall, "application/vnd.symbian.install" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatch1JavaApplication, "*java?archive" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatch2JavaApplication, "application/java-archive" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchRealMedia, "application/vnd.rn-realmedia" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchApplicationStream,"application/octet-stream" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchApplication, "application/*" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchSis, "x-epoc/x-app268436505" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchSisx, "x-epoc/x-sisx-app" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchHtml, "text/html" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchTxt, "text/plain" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchCod, "text/x-co-desc" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeXml, "text/xml" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchDrmMessage, "application/vnd.oma.drm.message" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchDrmRightsXml, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchDrmRightsWbxml, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeMatchDrmRightsXml8, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeMatchDrmRightsWbxml8, "application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchDrmContent, "application/vnd.oma.drm.content" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeMatchDrm8, "application/vnd.oma.drm.*" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchOdd, "application/vnd.oma.dd*" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeMatchOdd8, "application/vnd.oma.dd*" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchWidget, "application/x-nokia-widget" );
_LIT( KHttpMatchString, "http://*" );
// Descriptor types
_LIT( KDescriptorTypeOdd, "dd" );
_LIT( KDescriptorTypeJad, "jad" );
_LIT( KMimeTypeMatchJad, "text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" );
_LIT8( KMimeTypeMatchJad8, "text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" );
_LIT( KDirectorySeparator, "\\" );
// List granularity used in initializing various lists and arrays.
const TInt KListGranularity( 8 );
// CBufFlat expansion size, should not be very small for good
// performance.
const TInt KBufExpandSize( 256 );
// Granularity for CCatalogsStringManager's string arrays
const TInt KStringArrayGranularity( 256 );
// Query id for payment method query.
_LIT( KQueryIdPaymentMethod, "deadbeef" );
// Engine configuration file
_LIT( KCatalogsConfigFile, "config.xml" );
// Download manager root dir
_LIT( KCatalogsDownloadMgrPath, "C:\\system\\dmgr\\%S\\downloads\\*.*" );
// Number of attempts before we give up on connecting to download manager
const TInt KCatalogsDlMgrConnectRetryAttempts = 5;
// tenth of a second, the time between download manager connect attemps
const TInt KCatalogsDlMgrConnectRetryInterval = 100000;