* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Static utility methods
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32debug.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "utils.h"
const TInt KCenRepBufferSize = 255;
const TText KStrComma = ',';
const TUint32 KMenuHideApplication = 0x00000008;
// Ovi Store launcher UID
const TInt KUidOviStoreLauncher = 0x0;
// Ovi Store widget UID
const TInt KUidOviStoreWidget = 0x0;
// Ovi Store downloader UID
const TInt KUidOviStoreDownloader = 0x0;
// Ovi Store ASServer UID
const TInt KUidOviStoreASServer = 0x0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if Ovi Store client is running
// @return ETrue, if the process is running
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUtils::OviStoreRunning()
TBool running = EFalse;
RArray<TInt> uids( 4 );
if ( CUtils::AreProcessesRunning(uids) != KErrNotFound )
running = ETrue;
return running;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if the process with given UID is running.
// @param aUid UID of the process
// @return ETrue, if the process is running
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUtils::IsProcessRunning(const TInt aUid)
RArray<TInt> uids;
const TBool ret = (AreProcessesRunning(uids) != KErrNotFound);
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param aUid UID of the process
// @return The index of the first matching UIDwithin the array.
// KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUtils::AreProcessesRunning(const RArray<TInt>& aUids)
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
TFileName res;
TFindProcess find;
//RDebug::Print(_L("Searching. 0x%08x"), &aUids)
while (find.Next(res) == KErrNone)
RProcess ph;
const TInt sid = ph.SecureId();
//RDebug::Print(_L("Scanning process: '%S' (0x%08x)"), &res, sid);
if ( (ret = aUids.Find(sid)) != KErrNotFound )
//RDebug::Print(_L(" Found process: '%S' %d (0x%08x)"), &res, ret, aUids[ret]);
ret = KErrNotFound;
if (ph.SecureId() == aUid)
RDebug::Print(_L(" Found process: '%S'"), &res);
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HideApplicationFromMenu() - Non-leaving version
// @param aUid UID of the application to hide/reveal from the menu
// @param aHidden Flag to indicate the application visibility. ETrue = Hide
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUtils::HideApplicationFromMenu(TInt aUid, TBool aHidden)
TRAPD( ret, HideApplicationFromMenuL(aUid, aHidden) );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HideApplicationFromMenuL()
// @param aUid UID of the application to hide/reveal from the menu
// @param aHidden Flag to indicate the application visibility. ETrue = Hide
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUtils::HideApplicationFromMenuL(TInt aUid, TBool aHidden)
const TUid KCRUidMenu = { 0x0 };
TBuf<KCenRepBufferSize> keyContent;
TBool updated( EFalse );
CRepository* aAppShellRepository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidMenu );
User::LeaveIfError(aAppShellRepository->Get( KMenuHideApplication, keyContent ));
TBuf<8> MenuUid;
UIDText( MenuUid, aUid);
TInt offset = keyContent.FindC( MenuUid );
if ( offset == KErrNotFound && aHidden )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( keyContent.Length() + 9 < KCenRepBufferSize,
User::Leave( KErrOverflow ) );
if ( keyContent.Length() > 0 )
keyContent.Append( KStrComma );
keyContent.Append( MenuUid );
updated = ETrue;
else if ( offset != KErrNotFound && !aHidden )
if ( offset == 0 )
keyContent.Delete( 0, Min( 9, keyContent.Length() ) );
updated = ETrue;
else if ( keyContent[offset - 1] == KStrComma )
keyContent.Delete( offset - 1, 9 );
updated = ETrue;
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( updated )
User::LeaveIfError(aAppShellRepository->Set( KMenuHideApplication, keyContent ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // aAppShellRepository
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UIDText - Converts UID specified by aInt to string representation
// @param aUid Descriptor containing the string
// @param aInt Int representing the UID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUtils::UIDText(TDes& aUid, TInt aInt)
TUidName uidName( TUid::Uid( aInt ).Name() );
aUid.Copy( uidName.Mid( 1, KMaxUidName - 2 ) );