author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 08:51:10 +0200
changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200949 Kit: 200951

// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

PRINT Run all tests for install (upgrade) and uninstall of running application
LOAD_SUITE tuiscriptadaptors

//! @SYMTestCaseDesc 		Tests behaviour for upgrades of an application with exes in the package in use
//! @SYMDEF 			INC058929
//! @SYMTestPriority 		Medium
//! @SYMTestActions 		Installs an application, runs contained exes and upgrades (re-installs) the application
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 	The applications in use dialog is correctly raised and allows the upgrade to be cancelled,
//!			    	and running exes are shut down when the upgrade is continued from the dialog.
//! @SYMDevelopedForRelease 	Mike

// Test various re-install (upgrade) scenarios for an application in use.

// Install Helloworld application suite
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// Launch the GUI application, with delay after install to make sure it can start and after execution
// to make sure it is up and running.
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 30000000
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Upgrade (to same version) which cancels from displayApplicationsInUse dialog.  Note that this can only pass,
// returning the expected KErrCancel code, if the application has been successfully started.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Repeating the same step verifies that the application was left running by the cancelled install above.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Make sure that the upgrade can succeed, actually shutting down the app
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// Repeating the install (expecting success) with cancel if the application is still running verifies that the
// application was successfully shut down in the previous step.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Run Helloworld app as well as console exe which will keep running for 30 seconds
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app -s 30000000
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Perform upgrade which should succeed but kill/shut down both exes
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// Check that another install does not find the app in use.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

//Run application which handles shutdown events but takes 30 seconds to shutdown
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 30000000
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Test that app is killed after timeout for App that takes too long to shutdown.
RUN_TEST_STEP 40 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// Repeating the install (expecting success) but cancelling if the application is still running verifies that the
// application was successfully killed in the previous step.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Rerun GUI app for cancel test
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 30000000
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Verify again that the application has been successfully started.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Upgrade which shuts down the app but cancels at all cancellable install events
RUN_TEST_STEP 500 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStepCancel z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// Repeating the install (expecting success) but cancelling if the application is still running verifies that the
// application was successfully shut down in the previous step.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Run both exes again, but this time the console exe will hold a file in the package open
// DELAY 5000
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app.exe -h -s 30000000

// Upgrade again can only succeed if both apps are shut down, so the file is not in use.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld

// If the tasks have been shut down/killed successfully, they shouldn't be running now.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running


//! @SYMTestCaseDesc 		Tests behaviour for removal of an application with exes in the package in use.
//! @SYMDEF 			INC058929
//! @SYMTestPriority 		Medium
//! @SYMTestActions 		Installs an application, runs contained exes and uninstalls the application
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 	The applications in use dialog is correctly raised and allows the uninstall to be cancelled,
//!			    	and running exes are shut down when the operation is continued from the dialog.
//! @SYMDevelopedForRelease 	Mike


// Run exes left installed by previous test case.
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 30000000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app.exe -s 30000000

// Uninstall which cancels from displayApplicationsInUse dialog.  This can only pass,
// returning the expected KErrCancel code, if the exes are running in the first place.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Verify that both exes were left installed and running by the cancelled uninstall above.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Uninstall and actually shut down this time
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld

// Re-install (expecting success) with cancel if the application is still running verifies that the
// exes were successfully shut down in the previous uninstall step.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

//Run application which takes too long to shutdown
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 30000000

// Test that install can complete after killing App that takes more than 10 seconds to shutdown.
RUN_TEST_STEP 40 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld

// Re-install (expecting success) with cancel if the application is still running verifies that the
// application was successfully shut down in the previous uninstall step.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Delay to let apparc notice the install before re-running.
DELAY 3000
// Re-run exes after long shutdown has completed.
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe -s 60000000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app.exe -s 120000000

// Verify that the application has been restarted successfully.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Install patch with new exe.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini testappinuse_sp

// Verify that both base exes were left running by the installation of the patch.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Uninstall the patch with cancel if in use, expecting success, to verify that the running base exes won't affect the patch removal.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallAugStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_testappinuse_sp_cancelifinuse

// Verify that both base exes were left running by the uninstallation of the patch.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Re-install patch.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini testappinuse_sp

// Run the new exe
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app2.exe -s 60000000

// Uninstall but cancel on app in use dialog
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallAugStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_testappinuse_sp_cancelifinuse

// Verify that patch exe is still running.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp2_running

// Uninstall the patch, killing the patch exe
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallAugStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_testappinuse_sp

// Verify that patch exe is not running, but the base exes are.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp2_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Install partial upgrade which replaces one of the exes in the base package, and adds a new data file in a private directory,
// but cancel on app in use dialog.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini testappinuse_pu_cancelifappinuse

// Verify that base exes are still running.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Install partial upgrade completely.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini testappinuse_pu

// Verify that non-upgrade base exe is still running, but that the other one has been killed.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Run the upgraded exe
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app.exe -s 60000000

// Verify that the new exe is running.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp2_running

// Uninstall with cancel at app in use
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 50 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStepCancel z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_testappinuse_pu_cancelifappinuse

// Verify that the exes are still running.
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp2_running
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Uninstall with cancel at all cancellable events
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStepCancel z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_testappinuse_pu

// Verify that the exes are no longer running.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp2_running
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Install console app from another standalone package that will hold a file open in a package being removed.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini longrun_app

// Re-install for next step, also making sure the application is no longer running
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_cancelifinuse

// Run both exes in the testappinuse package again, but also run the other console exe that will hold a file in the package open.
DELAY 5000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 helloworld.exe
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app.exe -s 3000000
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe console_app_longrun.exe -h -s 5000000

RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -14 40 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld_failed

// If the exes in the package have been shut down/killed successfully, they shouldn't be running now.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini consoleapp_running
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 106 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld_running

// Uninstall to clean up.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_longrun_app
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld


//! @SYMTestCaseDesc 		Tests behaviour on removal of an application when the package has more than 32 UIDs. For this specific  
//!                  		scenario an exe in the package (which is not in the first 32 UIDs) is in use.
//!				This tests that TUint variables are being used to process the number of UIDs instead of TUint8 variables. 
//! @SYMDEF 			DEF123261
//! @SYMTestPriority 		Medium
//! @SYMTestActions 		Installs an application. Runs the 36th exe in the package. Attempts to uninstall the application.
//!				Un-installation is then cancelled at the applications in use dialog.
//!				Attempts to uninstall the application again. Allows un-installation to continue at the applications in 
//!                     	use dialog.		
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 	On the first un-installation the applications in use dialog is correctly raised and the uninstall is rolled back. 
//!				On the second un-installation the applications in use dialog is correctly raised and the uninstallation is successful.
//! @SYMDevelopedForRelease 	Oghma

// Install the sis file containing 40 exes.
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini largenoofuids

// Install Helloworld application suite (this provides runtestexe)
RUN_TEST_STEP 200 tuiscriptadaptors InstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini helloworld
// Run the 36th exe in the package. This has a timer delay so that it is still running when an attempt is made to 
// un-install.  
RUN_PROGRAM -1 runtestexe test36_console_app -s 30000000    

// Verify that the exes is installed and running 
RUN_TEST_STEP 50 tuiscriptadaptors FindRunningExe z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini largenoofuids_running
// Try to un-install the largenoofuids sis file. This should fail with KErrInUse (-3) as it is cancelled when the applications in 
// use dialog is flagged.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT -3 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini  u_error_largenoofuids

// Un-install helloworld.  
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 0 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_helloworld
// Un-install the largenoofuids sis file. This will pass this time as no cancel is performed at the applications in use dialog.
RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT 0 200 tuiscriptadaptors UninstallStep z:\tswi\tuiscriptadaptors\scripts\testappinuse.ini u_largenoofuids


// Ensure that SWIS shuts down after the above tests to make sure heap checks run
RUN_TEST_STEP 10 tuiscriptadaptors SwisNotRunning