* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include "ncdstoragemanagerimpl.h"
#include "ncdstorageimpl.h"
#include "ncdstorageclientimpl.h"
#include "ncdproviderdefines.h"
#include "catalogsconstants.h"
#include "catalogsdebug.h"
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::ConstructL( const TDesC& aRootDirectory )
DLTRACEIN( ("") );
iRootDir.CreateL( aRootDirectory );
iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFs );
DLTRACEOUT( ("" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcdStorageManager* CNcdStorageManager::NewL(
RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aRootDirectory )
CNcdStorageManager* self = new (ELeave ) CNcdStorageManager( aFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aRootDirectory );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DLTRACEIN( ( "" ) );
delete iFileMan;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateOrGetStorageL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcdStorage& CNcdStorageManager::CreateOrGetStorageL( const TDesC& aClientUid,
const TDesC& aNamespace )
MNcdStorage* storage = NULL;
TRAPD( err,
storage =
&StorageL( aClientUid, aNamespace ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
DLINFO(("Creating storage for the client"));
storage =
&CreateStorageL( aClientUid,
aNamespace );
else if ( err != KErrNone )
DLERROR(("Leaving: %i", err));
User::Leave( err );
return *storage;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateStorageL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcdStorage& CNcdStorageManager::CreateStorageL( const TDesC& aClientUid,
const TDesC& aNamespace )
DLTRACEIN( ("") );
TInt index = FindClientByUid( aClientUid );
CNcdStorageClient* client = NULL;
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
DLTRACE( ("Create a new client") );
// Create a new client
client = CNcdStorageClient::NewLC( *this, aClientUid );
iClients.AppendL( client );
CleanupStack::Pop( client );
DLTRACE( ("Use an existing client") );
// Use existing client
client = iClients[ index ];
DASSERT( client );
// Create the storage
MNcdStorage& storage = client->CreateStorageL( aNamespace );
return storage;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Provider storage getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcdStorage& CNcdStorageManager::ProviderStorageL( const TDesC& aClientUid )
return CreateOrGetStorageL(
NcdProviderDefines::KProviderStorageNamespace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcdStorage& CNcdStorageManager::StorageL( const TDesC& aClientUid,
const TDesC& aNamespace )
DLTRACEIN( ("") );
TInt index = FindClientByUidL( aClientUid );
return iClients[index]->StorageL( aNamespace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage client namespace list getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MDesCArray* CNcdStorageManager::StorageNamespacesLC(
const TDesC& aClientUid ) const
TInt index = FindClientByUidL( aClientUid );
return iClients[index]->NamespacesLC();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage client getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MNcdStorageClient& CNcdStorageManager::StorageClientL(
const TDesC& aClientUid )
TInt index = FindClientByUid( aClientUid );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
// Create a new client
CNcdStorageClient* client = CNcdStorageClient::NewLC( *this, aClientUid );
iClients.AppendL( client );
CleanupStack::Pop( client );
return *client;
return *iClients[ index ];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Client remover
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::RemoveClientL( const TDesC& aClientUid )
DLTRACEIN( ("") );
TInt index = KErrNone;
TRAPD( err, index = FindClientByUidL( aClientUid ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
// Create storage client temporarily.
CNcdStorageClient* client = CNcdStorageClient::NewLC( *this, aClientUid );
iClients.AppendL( client );
CleanupStack::Pop( client );
index = iClients.Count() - 1;
RBuf path;
CleanupClosePushL( path );
path.CreateL( KMaxPath );
iClients[index]->AppendRoot( path );
DLINFO( ( _L("Removing client: %S"), &path ) );
delete iClients[index];
iClients.Remove( index );
// Remove client's directory
RemoveDirectoryL( iFs, path );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &path );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage remover
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::RemoveStorageL( const TDesC& aClientUid,
const TDesC& aNamespace)
DLTRACEIN( ("") );
TInt index = KErrNone;
TRAPD( err, index = FindClientByUidL( aClientUid ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
// Create storage client.
CNcdStorageClient* client = CNcdStorageClient::NewLC( *this, aClientUid );
iClients.AppendL( client );
CleanupStack::Pop( client );
index = iClients.Count() - 1;
// Removes the actual storage directory
TRAP( err, iClients[ index ]->RemoveStorageL( aNamespace ) );
if ( err != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
DLTRACEOUT( ( "" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Close
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::CloseClient( const TDesC& aClientUid )
TInt index = FindClientByUid( aClientUid );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
delete iClients[ index ];
iClients.Remove( index );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File session getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RFs& CNcdStorageManager::FileSession()
return iFs;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepends root dir to the des
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::AppendRoot( TDes& aPath ) const
aPath.Append( iRootDir );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File manager getter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFileMan& CNcdStorageManager::FileManager()
DASSERT( iFileMan );
return *iFileMan;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility function for removing a directory
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNcdStorageManager::RemoveDirectoryL( RFs& aFileSession,
const TDesC& aDirectory )
CFileMan* fileman = CFileMan::NewL( aFileSession );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileman );
User::LeaveIfError( fileman->RmDir( aDirectory ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileman );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNcdStorageManager::CNcdStorageManager( RFs& aFs ) : iFs( aFs )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Searches for the storage client by uid
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcdStorageManager::FindClientByUidL( const TDesC& aUid ) const
DLTRACEIN(( _L("Uid: %S"), &aUid ));
TInt index = FindClientByUid( aUid );
User::LeaveIfError( index );
return index;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Searches for the storage client by uid
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNcdStorageManager::FindClientByUid( const TDesC& aUid ) const
DLTRACEIN(( _L("Uid: %S"), &aUid ));
TInt count = iClients.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( iClients[ i ]->ClientUid().Compare( aUid ) == 0 )
DLTRACEOUT(("index: %d", i));
return i;
DLTRACEOUT(("Err: -1"));
return KErrNotFound;