* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Contains CNcdNodeFactory class
// For streams
#include <s32mem.h>
// For CBase
#include <e32base.h>
#include "ncdnodeclassids.h"
class CNcdNodeIdentifier;
class CNcdNodeManager;
class CNcdNodeDbManager;
class CNcdNode;
class CNcdNodeItem;
class CNcdNodeFolder;
class CNcdNodeSupplier;
class CNcdNodeMetaData;
class CNcdNodeItemMetaData;
class CNcdNodeFolderMetaData;
* This class object should be used to create node and metadata
* objects instead of directly creating them in different places
* of code.
* Also, functions to check the object types are provided here.
* @lib ?library
* @since S60 ?S60_version *** for example, S60 v3.0
class CNcdNodeFactory : public CBase
* TNcdNodeType is used to inform the general type of the
* node. Folder may contain other folders or items.
enum TNcdNodeType
* The node is some kind of item node.
* The node is some kind of folder node.
* The node some kind of root
* This node is not really a full node but a wrapper that will
* contain an actual node when the type of the actual node is known
* and the actual node can be created.
* The node is a search bundle folder (special type needed because
* bundle searching needs special handling).
* Defines the purpose of the node. This enumeration can be used
* to inform if node should be normal node or if it should have
* some special meaning or functionality.
enum TNcdNodePurpose
* This means that normal nodes should be created.
* This means that the ref data is gotten as a result of the search.
* This means that the ref data was gotten from the configuration server
* for the bundle node.
* This means that the configuration server has given data for the
* transparent node.
* This means that the given data is for the child of the transparent parent
* folder. This type should be used only for the nodes that are directly children
* of the transparent folder. The grand children of the transparent folder should
* use ENormalNode type.
* @note Because the parser gives the child data before the parent data, this type
* can be used to check if the parent that will be created should be transparent folder
* instead of for example normal
* NewL
* @param aNodeManager
* @return CNcdNodeFactory* Pointer to the created object
* of this class.
static CNcdNodeFactory* NewL( CNcdNodeManager& aNodeManager );
* NewLC
* @param aNodeManager
* @return CNcdNodeFactory* Pointer to the created object
* of this class.
static CNcdNodeFactory* NewLC( CNcdNodeManager& aNodeManager );
* Destructor
virtual ~CNcdNodeFactory();
public: // Functions to check the node types and node purposes
static TNcdNodeType NodeTypeL( const TDesC8& aNodeData );
static TNcdNodeType NodeTypeL( const CNcdNode& aNode );
static TNcdNodeType NodeTypeL( NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId );
* @note Warning! Does not identify ENcdChildOfTransparentNode but returns
* ENcdNormalNode instead.
static TNcdNodePurpose NodePurposeL( const CNcdNode& aNode );
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::NodePurposeL
static TNcdNodePurpose NodePurposeL( NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId );
public: // Functions to find out the node class id
* This function gives the class id of a node that has given properties.
* The class id can be used to create the node of the right type by
* using the creation function of this class.
* @param aNodeType
* @param aNodePurpose
* @return NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId Class of the node that has
* the given properties.
static NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId NodeClassIdL( CNcdNodeFactory::TNcdNodeType aNodeType,
CNcdNodeFactory::TNcdNodePurpose aNodePurpose );
public: // Functions to create node objects
CNcdNodeItem* CreateNodeItemL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeItemL
CNcdNodeItem* CreateNodeItemLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeItem* CreateNodeItemL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeItemL
CNcdNodeItem* CreateNodeItemLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeFolder* CreateNodeFolderL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeFolderL
CNcdNodeFolder* CreateNodeFolderLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeFolder* CreateNodeFolderL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeFolderL
CNcdNodeFolder* CreateNodeFolderLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeSupplier* CreateNodeSupplierL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeSupplierL
CNcdNodeSupplier* CreateNodeSupplierLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNode* CreateNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeL
CNcdNode* CreateNodeLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aParentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetaDataIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNode* CreateNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeL
CNcdNode* CreateNodeLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNode* CreateNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
RReadStream& aStream ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeL
CNcdNode* CreateNodeLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
RReadStream& aStream ) const;
CNcdNode* CreateNodeL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
const TDesC8& aData ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeL
CNcdNode* CreateNodeLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeIdentifier,
const TDesC8& aData ) const;
* Internalizes the given node from the given data.
* @param aNode The node.
* @param aData The data.
void InternalizeNodeL( CNcdNode& aNode, const TDesC8& aData );
public: // Functions to get metadata type info
static TNcdNodeType MetaDataTypeL( const CNcdNodeMetaData& aMetaData );
static TNcdNodeType MetaDataTypeL( NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId );
public: // Functions to find out the metadata class id
* This function gives the class id of a metadata that has given properties.
* The class id can be used to create the node of the right type by
* using the creation function of this class.
* @param aMetaType
* @return NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId Class of the node that has
* the given properties.
static NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId MetaDataClassId( CNcdNodeFactory::TNcdNodeType aMetaType );
public: // Functions to create metadata objects
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
TNcdNodeType aMetaType ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateMetaDataL
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
TNcdNodeType aMetaType ) const;
CNcdNodeItemMetaData* CreateItemMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateItemMetaDataItemL
CNcdNodeItemMetaData* CreateItemMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeFolderMetaData* CreateFolderMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateNodeFolderL
CNcdNodeFolderMetaData* CreateFolderMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateMetaData
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
NcdNodeClassIds::TNcdNodeClassId aClassId ) const;
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
RReadStream& aStream ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateMetaDataL
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
RReadStream& aStream ) const;
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
const TDesC8& aData ) const;
* @see CNcdNodeFactory::CreateMetaDataL
CNcdNodeMetaData* CreateMetaDataLC( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aIdentifier,
const TDesC8& aData ) const;
* Constructor
* @param aNodeManager
CNcdNodeFactory( CNcdNodeManager& aNodeManager );
* ConstructL
virtual void ConstructL();
* @return CNcdNodeManager& Manager that owns this cleaner
CNcdNodeManager& NodeManager() const;
// Prevent these two if they are not implemented
CNcdNodeFactory( const CNcdNodeFactory& aObject );
CNcdNodeFactory& operator =( const CNcdNodeFactory& aObject );
private: // data
// NodeManager that owns this factory
CNcdNodeManager& iNodeManager;