* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "ncdreportstatusinfo.h"
#include "ncddownloadreportobserver.h"
#include "ncdinstallreportobserver.h"
#include "catalogsaccesspointobserver.h"
#include "catalogshttpobserver.h"
#include "catalogshttptypes.h"
#include "ncdstoragedataitem.h"
#include "ncdserverreportmanager.h"
class MCatalogsContext;
class CCatalogsNetworkManager;
class CNcdNodeIdentifier;
class CNcdReport;
class MNcdStorageManager;
class MNcdProtocol;
class MCatalogsHttpSession;
class MNcdConfigurationManager;
class MNcdDatabaseStorage;
class MNcdStorageItem;
class MNcdOperationObserver;
class CNcdGeneralManager;
* Report manager
* Sends download reports and OMA notifications
class CNcdReportManager :
public CActive,
public MNcdDownloadReportObserver,
public MNcdInstallReportObserver,
public MCatalogsAccessPointObserver,
public MCatalogsHttpObserver,
public MNcdStorageDataItem
static void ReportIdToDescriptor(
const TNcdReportId& aId,
TDes& aTarget );
static CNcdReportManager* NewL(
const MCatalogsContext& aContext,
CNcdGeneralManager& aGeneralManager,
MCatalogsHttpSession& aSession,
TBool aClientCrashed );
virtual ~CNcdReportManager();
public: // For managing the report sending
* Setter for the reporting method.
* @param aMethod The reporting method that is used when reports are
* managed.
void SetReportingMethod( const MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingMethod& aMethod );
* Getter for the reporting method.
* @param TReportingMethod The reporting method that is used
* when reports are managed.
const MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingMethod& ReportingMethod() const;
* Setter for the reporting style.
* @param aMethod The style that is used for reports.
void SetReportingStyle( const MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingStyle& aStyle );
* Getter for the reporting style.
* @param TReportingMethod The style that is used for reports.
const MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingStyle& ReportingStyle() const;
* Starts the server report sending operation.
* @note The reference count of the operation object is increased by one. So, Release()
* function of the operation should be called when operation is not needed anymore.
* @note The sending process is asynchronous. When sending has completed,
* the observer callback functions are called.
* @note After sending is finished the collected reports will be automatically
* removed.
* @note This function has an effect only if the reporting method is set to
* EReportingManaged. If reporting is done in the background, then reports
* are sent automatically, and NULL is returned for the operation.
* @param aObserver Operation observer.
* @exception Leave System wide error code
void StartSendReportsL( MNcdOperationObserver& aObserver );
public: // MNcdDownloadReportObserver
virtual TNcdReportId RegisterDownloadL(
const TDesC& aUri,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataId,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus,
const TDesC& aReportUri,
const TDesC& aReportNamespace );
virtual TNcdReportId RegisterOmaDownloadL(
const TDesC& aUri,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataId,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus,
const TDesC& aReportUri );
virtual TInt SetDownloadReportAccessPoint(
const TNcdReportId& aReportId,
const TCatalogsConnectionMethod& aAccessPoint );
virtual void ReportDownloadStatusL(
const TNcdReportId& aReportId,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus,
TBool aSendable );
public: // MNcdInstallReportObserver
virtual TNcdReportId RegisterInstallL(
const TDesC& aContentIdentifier,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataId,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus,
const TDesC& aReportUri,
const TDesC& aReportNamespace );
virtual TInt SetInstallReportAccessPoint(
const TNcdReportId& aReportId,
const TCatalogsConnectionMethod& aAccessPoint );
virtual void ReportInstallStatusL(
const TNcdReportId& aReportId,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus );
* Sets all reports that are related to given metadata as used
void SetReportsAsUsedL( const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aMetadataId );
* Removes unused reports after sending them with "user cancelled" code
void RemoveUnusedReportsL();
public: // For storage handling during cache cleanup
void OpenStorageL();
void CloseStorage();
void LoadReportsL();
void SaveReportL( CNcdReport& aReport );
void RemoveReportL( const TNcdReportId& aId );
MNcdStorageItem& StorageItemForReportL(
const TNcdReportId& aId );
public: // MCatalogsAccessPointObserver
virtual void HandleAccessPointEventL(
const TCatalogsConnectionMethod& aAp,
const TCatalogsAccessPointEvent& aEvent );
public: // MCatalogsHttpObserver
virtual void HandleHttpEventL(
MCatalogsHttpOperation& aOperation,
TCatalogsHttpEvent aEvent );
* Handles HTTP errors
virtual TBool HandleHttpError(
MCatalogsHttpOperation& aOperation,
TCatalogsHttpError aError );
const MCatalogsContext& Context() const;
void CancelReportSending();
TCatalogsConnectionMethod DefaultConnectionMethod();
CNcdGeneralManager& GeneralManager() const;
public: // MNcdStorageDataItem
* @see MNcdStorageDataItem::ExternalizeL
virtual void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream );
* @see MNcdStorageDataItem::InternalizeL
virtual void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream );
protected: // From CActive
virtual void RunL();
virtual void DoCancel();
virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
* Checks if the server supports reports or not
TBool ServerSupportsReports(
TNcdReportType aType,
const TDesC& aServerUri,
const TDesC& aServerNamespace ) const;
// Array for reports
typedef RPointerArray<CNcdReport> RNcdReportArray;
enum TNcdReportManagerState
const MCatalogsContext& aContext,
CNcdGeneralManager& aGeneralManager,
MCatalogsHttpSession& aSession,
TBool aClientCrashed );
void ConstructL();
CNcdReportManager( const CNcdReportManager& );
CNcdReportManager& operator=( const CNcdReportManager& );
CNcdReport* FindReport(
const TNcdReportId& aReportId,
RNcdReportArray& aArray ) const;
CNcdReport* FindReport(
const TDesC& aId,
const CNcdNodeIdentifier& aNodeId,
const TDesC& aReportUri,
const TNcdReportType& aReportType,
RNcdReportArray& aArray ) const;
void SetManagerStateL( TNcdReportManagerState aState );
void SendReportsL();
TBool IsAccessPointOpen(
const TCatalogsConnectionMethod& aAp ) const;
void BundleReportsL(
TInt aIndex,
MCatalogsHttpOperation& aTransaction );
void UpdateReportAttributesForSendingL( CNcdReport& aReport );
TNcdReportBundleMatch CanBundleWithL(
const CNcdReport& aReport,
const CNcdReport& aReport2 ) const;
void PrepareReportL(
CNcdReport& aReport,
MCatalogsHttpOperation& aTransaction );
void FinishReportL( MCatalogsHttpOperation& aOperation, TInt aErrorCode );
void ExecuteRunL( TInt aError );
TNcdReportId GenerateReportId();
void SetReportStatusL(
CNcdReport& aReport,
const TNcdReportStatusInfo& aStatus,
TBool aSendable );
* Compares two connection methods and returns ETrue if the connection
* methods are compatible for report sending.
TBool CompareConnectionMethods(
const CNcdReport& aFirstReport,
const CNcdReport& aSecondReport ) const;
const MCatalogsContext& iContext;
CNcdGeneralManager& iGeneralManager;
MNcdConfigurationManager& iConfigurationManager;
MNcdStorageManager& iStorageManager;
MCatalogsHttpSession& iHttpSession;
MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingMethod iReportingMethod;
MNcdServerReportManager::TReportingStyle iReportingStyle;
// Network manager, not owned
CCatalogsNetworkManager* iNetworkManager;
// Not owned
MNcdDatabaseStorage* iDb;
// Currently active reports
// This array can contain multiple reports for the same URI & metadata
// combination if a new report is registered when a
// failure/cancellation/success has not yet been sent
RNcdReportArray iReports;
RCatalogsHttpOperationArray iTransactions;
TNcdReportManagerState iManagerState;
TNcdReportId iNewReportId;
TBool iClientCrashed;
// Not owned.
MNcdOperationObserver* iObserver;