Re-merge iby creation mods, sqlite_secure(bug 2548).
docml files included in Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implements CStsServer.
#include "stsserver.h"
#include "stsserversession.h"
#include "usiflog.h"
#include <scs/securityutils.h>
namespace Usif
static const TUint stsServerRangeCount = 5;
static const TInt stsServerRanges[stsServerRangeCount] =
0, //Range 0 - 0 to EBaseSession-1. Not used.
CScsServer::EBaseSession, //Range 1 - EBaseSession to (EBaseSession+ERegisterNew)-1. ==> from ECreateTransaction to EGetId inclusive
CScsServer::EBaseSession|static_cast<TInt>(ERegisterNew), //Range 2 - (EBaseSession+ERegisterNew) to (EBaseSession+ERollBackAllPending)-1 ==> from ERegisterNew to EOverwrite inclusive
CScsServer::EBaseSession|static_cast<TInt>(ERollBackAllPending), //Range 3 - (EBaseSession+ERollBackAllPending) to ((EBaseSession+ERollBackAllPending)+1)-1==> only ERollBackAllPending
CScsServer::EBaseSession|static_cast<TInt>(ERollBackAllPending)+1 //Range 4 - (EBaseSession+ERollBackAllPending)+1 to KMaxTInt inclusive (i.e: ScsImpl::EPreCloseSession)
static const TUint8 stsServerElementsIndex[stsServerRangeCount] =
CPolicyServer::ENotSupported, // Range 0 : is not supported.
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // Range 1
CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck, // Range 2 : custom check will be made made for each function to see if client is authorised to do that
0, // Range 3 : Can only be issued by KUidDaemon
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass // Range 4
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement stsServerElements[] =
{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S0(KUidDaemon), CPolicyServer::EFailClient}, //special handling of function ERollBackAllPending
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy stsServerPolicy =
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // Allow all connects
Intializes the STS server object with its version and policy.
: CScsServer(TVersion(KStsVerMajor, KStsVerMinor, KStsVerBuild),stsServerPolicy)
Destructor. Cleanup the STS server.
CStsServer* CStsServer::NewLC()
Factory function allocates new, initialized instance of CStsServer.
@return New, initialized instance of CStsServer
which is left on the cleanup stack.
CStsServer *so = new (ELeave) CStsServer();
return so;
void CStsServer::ConstructL()
Second phase constructor starts the STS server.
// Roll back all previous transactions in case the STS process died unexpectedly
// Note: error returned from RollBackAllPendingL() is ignored at this point to prevent STS server startup from failing
// It is important to roll back before calling CScsServer::ConstructL as the roll back may be longer than the shutdown period for the timer started by that function
CScsSession* CStsServer::DoNewSessionL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
Implement CStsServer by allocating a new instance of CStsServerSession.
@param aMessage Standard server-side handle to message.
@return New instance of CStsServerSession which is owned by the caller.
return CStsServerSession::NewL(*this, aMessage);
void CStsServer::RollBackAllPendingL()
Rolls back all pending transactions that have persistent information stored in the transaction
path in the file system.
Important note: this function can only be invoked if there are no active transactions in the server as it is
not intended to roll back active transactions. (ie: intended to be invoked at boot-up time and STS start up only)
User::Leave(KErrInUse); //there can be no active transaction when this function is invoked
TInt TransactionWrapperLinearOrderByIdKey(const TStsTransactionId *id, const CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper &aSecond)
return *id-aSecond.TransactionId();
TInt TransactionWrapperLinearOrder(const CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper &aFirst, const CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper &aSecond)
return aFirst.TransactionId()-aSecond.TransactionId();
TStsTransactionId CStsServer::CreateTransactionID()
TTime currentTime;
TStsTransactionId transactionID;
transactionID = I64LOW(currentTime.Int64());
return transactionID;
TBool CStsServer::IsExistingTransaction(TStsTransactionId aTransactionID)
return (FindActiveTransaction(aTransactionID)>=0);
CIntegrityServices* CStsServer::CreateTransactionL()
TStsTransactionId id = CreateTransactionID();
CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper* wrapper = CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper::NewLC(id);
iTransactionWrapperContainer.InsertInOrderL(wrapper, TLinearOrder<CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper>(&TransactionWrapperLinearOrder));
return wrapper->Attach();
CIntegrityServices* CStsServer::AttachTransactionL(TStsTransactionId aTransactionID)
TInt pos=FindActiveTransaction(aTransactionID);
if(pos>=0) //joining an existing active transaction
return iTransactionWrapperContainer[pos]->Attach();
return 0;
void CStsServer::ReleaseTransactionL(CIntegrityServices* &aTransactionPtr, TBool aMarkAsCompleted /*=EFalse*/)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aTransactionPtr, User::Invariant());
TInt pos=FindActiveTransaction(aTransactionPtr->TransactionId());
__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos>=0, User::Invariant());
CReferenceCountedTransactionWrapper* wrapper=iTransactionWrapperContainer[pos];
wrapper->SetCompleted(); //set transaction as completed (this should be done after a succesful commit or rollback)
TInt refCount=wrapper->Detach();
__ASSERT_DEBUG(refCount>=0, User::Invariant());
if(!wrapper->IsCompleted()) //do an auto roll back if and only if the transaction has not been committed or rolled-back previously
delete wrapper;
This function is a slight optimization of CStsServer::ReleaseTransactionL() as it is intended to be called
on cleanup of a committed or rolled-back transaction that obviously don't need auto rollbak again.
void CStsServer::FinaliseTransactionL(CIntegrityServices* &aTransactionPtr)
ReleaseTransactionL(aTransactionPtr, ETrue);
TInt CStsServer::FindActiveTransaction(TStsTransactionId aTransactionID)
return iTransactionWrapperContainer.FindInOrder(aTransactionID, &TransactionWrapperLinearOrderByIdKey);
CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CStsServer::CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& /*aAction*/, TSecurityInfo& /*aMissing*/)
TInt functionId(StripScsFunctionMask(aMsg.Function()));
CPolicyServer::TCustomResult ret(EFail);
case ERegisterNew:
case ECreateNew:
case ERemove:
case ERegisterTemporary:
case ECreateTemporary:
case EOverwrite:
ret = CheckIfFileModificationAllowedL(aMsg)? EPass : EFail;
return ret;
/*static*/TBool CStsServer::CheckIfFileModificationAllowedL(const RMessage2& aMsg)
RBuf filePath;
aMsg.ReadL(KFilePathIPCSlot, filePath, 0);
// Retrieve the required capabilities for write access to this path
TCapabilitySet requiredCapabilities = SecCommonUtils::FileModificationRequiredCapabilitiesL(filePath, aMsg.SecureId());
TBool result = EFalse;
TBool allFilesRequired = requiredCapabilities.HasCapability(ECapabilityAllFiles);
TBool tcbRequired = requiredCapabilities.HasCapability(ECapabilityTCB);
// Test whether the client has at least one of the required capabilities
if (allFilesRequired)
result = aMsg.HasCapability(ECapabilityAllFiles);
if (!result && tcbRequired)
result = aMsg.HasCapability(ECapabilityTCB);
if (!allFilesRequired && !tcbRequired)
result = ETrue;
return result;
}//end of namespace Usif