Re-merge iby creation mods, sqlite_secure(bug 2548).
docml files included in Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <badesca.h>
#include <s32strm.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <f32file.h>
class RFs;
class RWriteStream;
class RReadStream;
class MCatalogsBaseMessage;
class RFile;
* TVersion class has size restrictions and is not suitable to represent SIS
* file versions. TCatalogsVersion has higher limits for the version values.
class TCatalogsVersion
* Converts a descriptor to TCatalogsVersion
* @leave KErrArgument if at least major number is not in aVersion
* @leave KErrGeneral if aVersion doesn't contain valid characters
static void ConvertL( TCatalogsVersion& aTarget, const TDesC& aVersion );
* Converts a version string to a descriptor
static HBufC* ConvertLC( const TCatalogsVersion& aSource );
* Initializes version to 0.0.0
* Initializes version
* @param aMajor Major version number
* @param aMinor Minor version number
* @param aBuild Build version number
* @return
TCatalogsVersion( TUint16 aMajor, TUint16 aMinor, TUint32 aBuild );
* Comparison operator
* @aVersion Version to compare with
* @param ETrue if the versions are equal
TBool operator==( const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion ) const;
* Greater than -operator
* @param aVersion Version to compare with
* @return ETrue if the current version is greater than
* the version given as a parameter
TBool operator>( const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion ) const;
* Equar or greater than -operator
* @param aVersion Version to compare with
* @return ETrue if the current version is equal with or greater than
* the version given as a parameter
TBool operator>=( const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion ) const;
inline TBool operator!=( const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion ) const
return !operator==( aVersion );
TUint16 iMajor;
TUint16 iMinor;
TUint32 iBuild;
* Utility class for reading data from MCatalogsBaseMessages
* Use CleanupClosePushL when pushing this object to cleanupstack
* Basic usage:
* @code
* void FunctionThatUsesAMessage( MCatalogsBaseMessage& aMessage )
* {
* ...
* RCatalogsMessageReader reader;
* reader.OpenLC( aMessage );
* TInt32 intFromMessage = reader().ReadInt32();
* ...
* CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader );
* ...
* @endcode
class RCatalogsMessageReader
* Constructor
* Opens the stream for reading.
* @param aMessage Message to read from
* @note This object must be Closed when it's not used anymore
void OpenL( MCatalogsBaseMessage& aMessage );
* Opens the stream for reading and pushes the reader to cleanupstack
* @param aMessage Message to read from
void OpenLC( MCatalogsBaseMessage& aMessage );
* Closes the object
void Close();
* Destructor
virtual ~RCatalogsMessageReader();
* Stream getter
RReadStream& operator()()
return iStream;
RCatalogsMessageReader( const RCatalogsMessageReader& );
RCatalogsMessageReader& operator=( const RCatalogsMessageReader& );
RBuf8 iBuf;
RDesReadStream iStream;
* Utility class for writing to a buffer
* Usage:
* @code
* RCatalogsBufferWriter writer;
* writer.OpenLC();
* writer().WriteInt32L( 64 );
* ExternalizeDesL( myDescriptor, writer() );
* ...
* TPtr8 ptr( writer->PtrL() );
* // use the pointer
* ...
* CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writer );
* @endcode
class RCatalogsBufferWriter
* Constructor
* Opens the stream for writing.
* @note This object must be Closed when it's not used anymore
void OpenL();
* Opens the stream for writing and pushes the writer to cleanupstack
void OpenLC();
* Closes the object
void Close();
* Destructor
virtual ~RCatalogsBufferWriter();
* Stream getter
RWriteStream& operator()()
return iStream;
* Written buffer
TPtr8 PtrL()
return iBuf->Ptr( 0 );
RCatalogsBufferWriter( const RCatalogsBufferWriter& );
RCatalogsBufferWriter& operator=( const RCatalogsBufferWriter& );
CBufBase* iBuf;
RBufWriteStream iStream;
* Copies a descriptor to a heap descriptor.
* @param aDes Destination heap descriptor.
* @param aSource Source descriptor.
void AssignDesL( HBufC8*& aDes, const TDesC8& aSource );
* Copies a descriptor to a heap descriptor.
* @param aDes Destination heap descriptor.
* @param aSource Source descriptor.
void AssignDesL( HBufC16*& aDes, const TDesC16& aSource );
* Copies a UTF-8 descriptor to a unicode heap descriptor.
* @param aDes Destination heap descriptor.
* @param aSource Source descriptor.
void AssignDesL( HBufC16*& aDes, const TDesC8& aSource );
* Converts a utf8 descriptor into unicode.
* @param aUtfText Source data
* @return HBufC16* Converted data
HBufC16* ConvertUtf8ToUnicodeL( const TDesC8& aUtfText );
* Converts a unicode descriptor into utf8.
* @param aUnicodeText Source data
* @return HBufC8* Converted data
HBufC8* ConvertUnicodeToUtf8L( const TDesC16& aUnicodeText );
* Converts a 16-bit des to a 8-bit des by TRUNCATING(!) data.
* Creates readable text: _L16("abc") -> _L8("abc")
* @param aDes Source data
* @return HBufC8* Dynamically allocated buffer containing the converted data.
HBufC8* Des16ToDes8LC( const TDesC16& aDes );
* Converts a 16-bit des to a 8-bit des by TRUNCATING(!) data.
* Creates readable text: _L16("abc") -> _L8("abc")
* @param aDes Source data
* @return HBufC8* Dynamically allocated buffer containing the converted data.
HBufC8* Des16ToDes8L( const TDesC16& aDes );
* Converts a 8-bit des to a 16-bit des by adding empty 8 bits to every byte.
* Creates readable text: _L8("abc") -> _L16("abc")
* @param aDes Source data
* @return HBufC16* Dynamically allocated buffer containing the converted data.
HBufC16* Des8ToDes16LC( const TDesC8& aDes );
* Converts a 8-bit des to a 16-bit des by adding empty 8 bits to every byte.
* Creates readable text: _L8("abc") -> _L16("abc")
* @param aDes Source data
* @return HBufC16* Dynamically allocated buffer containing the converted data.
HBufC16* Des8ToDes16L( const TDesC8& aDes );
* Converts descriptor containing decimal number to an integer.
* @param aDes Descriptor representation of a decimal.
* @return TInt Converted integer.
TInt DesDecToIntL( const TDesC& aDes );
* Converts descriptor containing decimal number to an integer.
* @param aDes Descriptor containing the decimal number.
* @param aValue Integer where the outcome is put.
* @return Symbian error-code as a conversion outcome.
TInt DesDecToInt( const TDesC8& aDes, TInt& aValue );
* Converts descriptor containing decimal number to an integer.
* @param aDes Descriptor containing the decimal number.
* @param aValue Integer where the outcome is put.
* @return Symbian error-code as a conversion outcome.
TInt DesDecToInt( const TDesC16& aDes, TInt& aValue );
* Converts descriptor containing hexadecimal number to an integer.
* Accepts "ABCD" and "0xABCD" format numbers.
* Leaves if corrupt parameter.
* @param aDes Descriptor representation of a hexadecimal.
* @return TInt Converted integer.
TInt DesHexToIntL( const TDesC& aDes );
* Converts the raw contents of a 8-bit descriptor into an integer.
* @param aDes Descriptor containing a raw number.
* @return Int Converted number
TInt Des8ToInt( const TDesC8& aDes );
* Converts the raw contents of a 8-bit descriptor into an unsigned integer.
* @param aDes Descriptor containing a raw number.
* @return Uint Converted number
TUint Des8ToUint( const TDesC8& aDes );
* Converts an integer into a 8-bit descriptor.
* NOTE: the number will not be in text format.
* @param aInt Number to convert
* @return Dynamically allocated buffer containing the data
HBufC8* IntToDes8LC( TInt aInt );
* Converts an integer into a 8-bit descriptor.
* NOTE: the number will not be in text format.
* @param aInt Number to convert
* @return Dynamically allocated buffer containing the data
HBufC8* IntToDes8L( TInt aInt );
* Converts an unsigned integer into a 8-bit descriptor.
* NOTE: the number will not be in text format.
* @param aUint Number to convert
* @return Dynamically allocated buffer containing the data
HBufC8* UintToDes8LC( TUint aUint );
* Converts an unsigned integer into a 8-bit descriptor.
* NOTE: the number will not be in text format.
* @param aUint Number to convert
* @return Dynamically allocated buffer containing the data
HBufC8* UintToDes8L( TUint aUint );
* Converts an integer into a 16-bit descriptor.
* The required length for the target descriptor depends on the used integer.
* For 8- and 16-bit integers the length of the descriptor must be at least 1
* For 32-bit integers the length of the descriptor must be at least 2
* and for 64-bit integers it must be at least 4.
* @note The number will not be in text format.
* @note The number can be unsigned or signed and 8, 16, 32 or 64 bit.
* @param aInt Number to convert.
* @param aDes Target descriptor. Length must be at least
template<typename T>
void IntToDes16( const T& aInt, TDes& aDes );
void IntToDes16<TInt64>( const TInt64& aInt, TDes& aDes );
* Converts the raw contents of a 16-bit descriptor into an integer.
* @note The number will not be in text format.
* @note The number can be unsigned or signed and 8, 16, 32 or 64 bit.
* @param aDes Source descriptor. Length must be at least 1 for 8 and 16-bit
* integers, 2 for 32-bit integers and 4 for 64-bit integers.
* @param aInt Number to convert.
template<typename T>
void Des16ToInt( const TDesC& aDes, T& aInt );
void Des16ToInt<TInt64>( const TDesC& aDes, TInt64& aInt );
* Externalizes the descriptor to the stream with length information
* @param aDes Descriptor to externalize
* @param aStream Target stream
void ExternalizeDesL( const TDesC16& aDes, RWriteStream& aStream );
* Internalizes a descriptor written with ExternalizeDesL() from the stream
* @param Target descriptor pointer. Old descriptor is deleted if the read is
* successful and the length of the data was > 0.
* @param aStream Source stream
* @return Length of the read data
TInt InternalizeDesL( HBufC16*& aDes, RReadStream& aStream );
* Externalizes the descriptor to the stream with length information
* @param aDes Descriptor to externalize
* @param aStream Target stream
void ExternalizeDesL( const TDesC8& aDes, RWriteStream& aStream );
* Internalizes a descriptor written with ExternalizeDesL() from the stream
* @param Target descriptor pointer. Old descriptor is deleted if the read is
* successful and the length of the data was > 0.
* @param aStream Source stream
* @return Length of the read data
TInt InternalizeDesL( HBufC8*& aDes, RReadStream& aStream );
* Returns the path where the Engine data has been installed.
* Examples:
* c:\private\12345678\
* z:\private\DEADBEEF\
* @return TPath Engine path.
TPath EnginePathL( RFs& aFs );
* Returns the path where the Engine may write data.
* Examples:
* c:\private\12345678\
* @return TPath Path where the engine may write data.
TPath WritableEnginePathL( RFs& aFs );
* Searches for the given file from engine's private paths
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aFilename File to search for
* @return Path to the file
* @leave KErrNotFound if the file was not found
HBufC* FindEngineFileL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFilename );
* Checks whether a drive is a rom drive, and thus not writable.
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aDriveChar Drive to check, ie. C,D,E,..,Z
* @return ETrue if drive is ROM.
TBool IsRomDriveL( RFs& aFs, TChar aDriveChar );
* Converts a drive number into a drive letter.
* @param aDrive Drive number
* @return TChar Drive letter
TChar DriveToCharL( TInt aDrive );
* Gives the root path of a given drive.
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aDriveChar Drive to check, ie. C,D,E,..,Z
* @return HBufC* Root path of the drive.
* (Notice, this is not necessarily C:\ but can be, for example,
* C:\data.)
HBufC* DriveRootPathLC( RFs& aFs, const TChar& aDriveLetter );
* Converts symbian language codes to java form (e.g. ELangEnglish -> "en-EN")
* @param aLang Language code
* @return HBufC* Language string in java form.
HBufC* LangCodeToDescLC( TLanguage aLang );
* Removes [ and ] from the UID name
* @param aUid UID
* @return UID in a descriptor without [ and ]
TUidName CleanUidName( const TUid& aUid );
* Encodes a filename so that it can safely be used within
* the filesystem by replacing certain characters.
* @param aFileName Filename to be encoded
* @return HBufC* Encoded filename
HBufC* EncodeFilenameLC( const TDesC& aFileName, RFs& aFs );
* Creates a private directory on the designated drive
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aDriveAndColon Drive letter and a colon, eg. "C:"
* @param aPath Created directory path including drive
void CreatePrivatePathL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aDriveAndColon, TDes& aPath );
* Returns maximum amount of free space on devices drive (flash or hd).
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aDriveNumber Drive number.
* @return TInt64 Amount of free space.
TInt64 FreeDiskSpaceL( RFs& aFs, TInt aDriveNumber );
* A utility class used by the templated function CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL()
* to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a ResetAndDestroy type
* operation on the class T type object.
* @see CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL()
template <typename T>
class CleanupResetAndDestroy
inline static void PushL(T& aRef);
static void ResetAndDestroy(TAny *aPtr);
* Pushes the given item to cleanupstack and calls ResetAndDestroy() to it
* in PopAndDestroy or in case a leave occurs.
template <typename T>
inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aRef);
* A utility class used by the templated function CleanupInternalReleasePushL()
* to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a InternalRelease operation
* on th eclass T type object.
* @see CleanupInternalReleasePushL()
template <typename T>
class CleanupInternalRelease
inline static void PushL( T& aRef );
static void InternalRelease( TAny* aPtr );
* Pushes the given item to cleanupstack and calls InternalRelease() to it
* in PopAndDestroy or in case a leave occurs.
template <typename T>
inline void CleanupInternalReleasePushL( T& aRef );
* Checks whether the given uri uses https shceme.
* @return ETrue if uri is https, EFalse if not.
TBool IsHttpsUri( const TDesC& aUri );
* Retrieves the bytes allocated by the directory in the filesystem.
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aDir Directory
* @return TInt Allocation in bytes.
TInt FileSystemAllocationL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aDir );
* Reads a file to the 8-bit descriptor.
* @param aFs Reference to the fileserver session.
* @param aFileName File name.
* @return HBufC8* Dynamically allocated descriptor containing the file data.
HBufC8* ReadFileL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFileName );
* Reads a file to the 8-bit descriptor.
* @param aFile An opened file handle. Must be closed by the caller
* @return HBufC8* Dynamically allocated descriptor containing the file data.
HBufC8* ReadFileL( RFile& aFile );
* Checks if the disk space would go below critical if the given amount
* of data was written to disk
* @param aPath Path to check (only drive letter is mandatory)
* @param aFs File server session
* @param aSpaceNeeded Needed space
* @leave KErrDiskFull if there is not enough space
void WouldDiskSpaceGoBelowCriticalLevelL( const TDesC& aPath,
RFs& aFs,
TInt aSpaceNeeded );
* Converts a version string of format "1.2.3" or "1.2" or "1" to version components.
* @param aStr Version string
* @param aMajor On return contains the major version
* @param aMinor On return contains the minor version or 0 it not available
* @param aBuild On return contains the build number or 0 if not available.
void DesToVersionL( const TDesC& aVersion,
TUint16& aMajor, TUint16& aMinor, TUint32& aBuild );
* Function that calls close for each element of given array once.
* In the end this function calls reset for the array.
template <typename T>
void ResetAndCloseArray( RPointerArray<T>& aArray );
template <typename T>
void ResetAndCloseArray( RArray<T>& aArray );
* Function that casts each element as T and then calls delete for it.
* In the end this function calls reset for the array.
template <typename Casted, typename T >
void ResetAndDestroyWithCast( RPointerArray<T>& aArray );
template <typename T>
void DeleteFromArray( RPointerArray<T>& aArray, TInt aIndex );
template <typename Casted, typename T>
void DeleteFromArray( RPointerArray<T>& aArray, TInt aIndex );
* Internalizes an enumeration from the given stream
* @note Enumeration is read as a TInt32
template <typename EnumType>
void InternalizeEnumL( EnumType& aTarget, RReadStream& aReadStream );
* Externalizes an enumeration to the given stream
* @note Enumeration is written as a TInt32
template <typename EnumType>
void ExternalizeEnumL( const EnumType& aSource, RWriteStream& aWriteStream );
* Appends aRoot with aAppendPath and puts them to aPath
* @param aPath RBuf without any allocated memory. This is put to CleanupStack
* @param aRoot First path. Should contain the path delimiter at the end.
* @param aAppendPath Second path. Appended to aRoot
void AppendPathsLC(
RBuf& aPath,
const TDesC& aRoot,
const TDesC& aAppendPath );
* Helper methods that leave if aError != KErrNone and aError != aAcceptErr
void LeaveIfNotErrorL( TInt aError, TInt aAcceptErr );
void LeaveIfNotErrorL( TInt aError, TInt aAcceptErr, TInt aAcceptErr2 );
void LeaveIfNotErrorL( TInt aError, TInt aAcceptErr, TInt aAcceptErr2,
TInt aAcceptErr3 );
* Opens a file or creates it if it doesn't already exist
void OpenOrCreateFileL(
RFs& aFs, RFile& aFile, const TDesC& aFilePath, TUint aFileMode );
* Checks if aData == aComp1 or aData == aComp2
* Can be used for simplifying horrendous if-clauses
template <typename T>
TBool IsOneOf( const T& aData, const T& aComp1, const T& aComp2 );
template <typename T>
TBool IsOneOf( const T& aData, const T& aComp1, const T& aComp2, const T& aComp3 );
template <typename T>
TBool IsOneOf( const T& aData, const T& aComp1, const T& aComp2,
const T& aComp3, const T& aComp4 );
* Releases the object and sets the pointer as NULL
template <typename T>
void ReleasePtr( T*& aObject );
* Closes the object and sets the pointer as NULL
template <typename T>
void ClosePtr( T*& aObject );
* Deletes the object and sets the pointer as NULL
template <typename T>
void DeletePtr( T*& aObject );
#include "catalogsutils.inl"