author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:22:04 +0100
changeset 38 cc9e67f5f0fc
parent 0 ba25891c3a9e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Re-merge iby creation mods, sqlite_secure(bug 2548). docml files included in Nokia delivery.

@rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
@rem All rights reserved.
@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
@rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
@rem at the URL "".
@rem Initial Contributors:
@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@rem Contributors:
@rem Description:
REM API-INST-preq2525-interpretsis-19
REM PREQ2525 API-INST-preq2525-interpretsis-19 - Install sis having negative language id in supported_language block . This is a negative testcase 

if not exist .\cdrive mkdir .\cdrive > NUL
if not exist .\romdrive mkdir .\romdrive > NUL

xcopy /E /Y backup\cdrive cdrive > NUL
xcopy /E /Y backup\romdrive romdrive > NUL

REM Remove installation files from any previous tests
if exist  .\cdrive\Documents\InstTest\devlangsup*.txt  del .\cdrive\Documents\InstTest\devlangsup*.txt  > NUL

call interpretsis -z .\romdrive -c .\cdrive  -s /epoc32/winscw/c/tswi/tsis/data/devicelang_negativeid.sis -w info -I /epoc32/winscw/c/tswi/tinterpretsisinteg/preq2525-interpretsis-19/argumentfile.ini  -l /epoc32/winscw/c/interpretsis_test_harness_db.txt > NUL

IF NOT EXIST .\backup\cdrive mkdir .\backup\cdrive > NUL
IF NOT EXIST .\backup\romdrive mkdir .\backup\romdrive > NUL
xcopy /E /Y cdrive backup\cdrive > NUL
xcopy /E /Y romdrive backup\romdrive > NUL

IF NOT %errorlevel%==0 GOTO LAST
ECHO ***ERRORCODE*** %errorlevel% PASS>>/epoc32/winscw/c/interpretsis_test_harness_db.txt
ECHO ***ERRORCODE*** %errorlevel% FAIL>>/epoc32/winscw/c/interpretsis_test_harness_db.txt