author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 18:47:04 +0300
changeset 61 cd189dac02f7
parent 18 3ba40be8e484
child 65 7333d7932ef7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201025 Kit: 2010127

* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   Declaration of CNcdInstallationService


#include <e32base.h>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
#include <AknsSrvClient.h>
#include <swi/sisregistrysession.h>
#include <swi/sisregistryentry.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <SWInstApi.h>
#include <widgetregistryclient.h>

#include "ncdinstallationservice.h"
#include "ncditempurpose.h"
#include "ncdasyncoperationobserver.h"
#include "ncdasyncsilentinstallobserver.h"

#include "ncdwidgetregistrydata.h"

 * New Java registry API was introduced in 3.2. We start using it 
 * from 5.0 onwards because it seems that some 3.2 devices don't support
 * it entirely
#if defined( __SERIES60_30__ ) || defined( __SERIES60_31__ ) || defined ( __S60_32__ )
    #define USE_OLD_JAVA_API
    class MJavaRegistrySuiteEntry;
    class MJavaRegistry;
    namespace Java
        class CJavaRegistry;

class CDocumentHandler;

class MNcdInstallationServiceObserver;
class TCatalogsVersion;
class CNcdActiveOperationObserver;
class CNcdSilentInstallActiveObserver;

class CNcdInstallationService : public CBase,
                                public MNcdInstallationService,
                                public MAknServerAppExitObserver,
                                public MNcdAsyncOperationObserver,
                                public MNcdAsyncSilentInstallObserver
public: // Construction & destruction
     * Constructor.
     * @return CNcdInstallationService* Installation service.
    static CNcdInstallationService* NewL();
     * Constructor.
     * @return CNcdInstallationService* Installation service.
    static CNcdInstallationService* NewLC();
     * Destructor.
private: // Construction

     * Constructor.
     * Constructor.
    void ConstructL();
public: // From MNcdInstallationService

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallL
    void InstallL( const TDesC& aFileName,
                   const TDesC& aMimeType,
                   const TNcdItemPurpose& aPurpose );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallL
    void InstallL( RFile& aFile,
                   const TDesC& aMimeType,
                   const TNcdItemPurpose& aPurpose );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallJavaL
    void InstallJavaL( const TDesC& aFileName,
                       const TDesC& aMimeType,
                       const TDesC8& aDescriptorData );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallJavaL
    void InstallJavaL( RFile& aFile,
                       const TDesC& aMimeType,
                       const TDesC8& aDescriptorData );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::SilentInstallL
    void SilentInstallL( RFile& aFile,
                         const TDesC& aMimeType,
                         const TNcdItemPurpose& aPurpose,
                         const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg& aInstallOptionsPckg );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::SilentInstallJavaL
    void SilentInstallJavaL( RFile& aFile,
                             const TDesC& aMimeType,
                             const TDesC8& aDescriptorData,
                             const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg& aInstallOptionsPckg );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::SilentInstallWidgetJavaL
    void SilentInstallWidgetL( RFile& aFile,
                               const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg& aInstallOptionsPckg );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::MNcdCancelSilentInstall
    void CancelSilentInstall( HBufC*& aFileName,
                              TUid& aAppUid,
                              TInt& aError );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::SetObserver
    void SetObserver( MNcdInstallationServiceObserver& aObserver );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::ApplicationVersion
    TInt ApplicationVersion( const TUid& aUid, TCatalogsVersion& aVersion );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::IsApplicationInstalledL
    TBool IsApplicationInstalledL( const TUid& aUid );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::IsApplicationInstalledL
    TNcdApplicationStatus IsApplicationInstalledL( 
        const TUid& aUid, const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::IsWidgetInstalledL
    TNcdApplicationStatus IsWidgetInstalledL(
        const TDesC& aIdentifier, const TCatalogsVersion& aVersion);
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::WidgetUidL
    TUid WidgetUidL( const TDesC& aIdentifier);
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::SidFromSisRegistryL
    TUid SidFromSisRegistryL( const TUid& aUid );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::AppendRightsL
    void AppendRightsL(
        const TDesC8& aRightsObject,
        const TDataType& aMimeType );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::PackageUidFromSisL()
    TUid PackageUidFromSisL( RFile& aFile ) const;

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::IsThemeInstalled()
    TBool IsThemeInstalledL( const TDesC& aThemeName );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::DeleteFile()
    TInt DeleteFile( const TDesC& aFilename );
     * @see MNcdInstallationService::FileServerSession()
    RFs& FileServerSession(); 

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::WriteJadL()
    HBufC* WriteJadL( const TDesC& aJarFileName, const TDesC8& aJad  );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::DocumentHandler()
    CDocumentHandler& DocumentHandler();
public: // From MNcdAsyncOperationObserver

     * This callback function is called when the async operation
     * has been completed. So this will call NotifyObserverL then.
     * @see MNcdAsyncOperationObserver
    virtual void AsyncOperationComplete( TInt aError );

public: // From MNcdAsyncSilentInstallObserver

     * This callback function is called when the silent installation
     * has been completed. So this will call NotifyObserverL then.
     * @see MNcdAsyncSilentInstallObserver
    virtual void AsyncSilentInstallComplete( TInt aError );
public: // New methods

    // Used to notify the observer after application installation
    void NotifyObserverL(); 

    // Recognizes the data from the file itself
    HBufC* RecognizeDataL( const TDesC& aFileName );
    // Recognizes the data from the file itself
    HBufC* RecognizeDataL( RFile& aFile );

private: // From MAknServerAppExitObserver

     * This function is called after application installer has finished.
     * @see MApaServerAppExitObserver::HandleServerAppExit
    void HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason );

private: // new methods

    // Updates the list of installed themes
    void UpdateInstalledThemesL();
    // Returns the name of the theme that was installed last
    const TDesC& LatestThemeL();
    // Create a RApaLsSession
    void ConnectApaLsL();

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallL
     * @param aSilentInstallOptionsPckg If NULL, then installation is done normally.
     * If not NULL, then the installation is done silently by using the given 
     * options. Ownership is not transferred.
    void InstallL( RFile& aFile,
                   const TDesC& aMimeType,
                   const TNcdItemPurpose& aPurpose,
                   const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg* aSilentInstallOptionsPckg );

     * @see MNcdInstallationService::InstallJavaL
     * @param aSilentInstallOptionsPckg If NULL, then installation is done normally.
     * If not NULL, then the installation is done silently by using the given 
     * options. Ownership is not transferred.
    void InstallJavaL( RFile& aFile,
                       const TDesC& aMimeType,
                       const TDesC8& aDescriptorData,
                       const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg* aSilentInstallOptionsPckg );

    void InstallWidgetL( 
        RFile& aFile,
        const SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg* aSilentInstallOptionsPckg );

    // Sets correct values for member variables after installation has finished
    // or if it has been cancelled.
    void InstallationFinishedSetup( TInt aReason );

    // Used when the silent install is cancelled. This function
    // handles situations when the installation was finished even though
    // cancellation was requested. Reference parameters are used to pass
    // information about the installed application and about the possible
    // error.
    void HandleSilentInstallSuccessAfterCancelL( HBufC*& aFileName,
                                                 TUid& aAppUid,
                                                 TInt& aError );
    void SisRegistryEntryLC( 
        Swi::RSisRegistryEntry& aEntry, const TUid& aUid );

    TBool JavaAppExistsL( const TUid& aUid );

     * Initializes installer
    void InitializeInstallerL();
     * Cancels normal SIS/JAR installation
    void CancelInstall();
     * Creates a list of applications that are in ROM
     * @note ROM apps that have a stub-SIS are ignored
    void InitializeRomApplicationListL();
     * Get a list of installed Midlet UIDS
     * @param aUids Emptry array where UIDs are added
    void MidletUidsL( RArray<TUid>& aUids );
     * Checks if the UID is found in the ROM UID list
     * @param aUid 
     * @return ETrue if UID was found in the ROM UID list
    TBool IsRomApplication( const TUid& aUid ) const;
     * Gets the UID of the latest installed midlet by using the 
     * Java installer's P&S key
     * @param aJavaRegistry Java registry
     * @return Midlet UID
    TUid LatestMidletUidL( MJavaRegistry& aJavaRegistry ) const;
    TUid LatestMidletUidL( Java::CJavaRegistry& aJavaRegistry ) const;
    static TBool MatchJava( const TDesC& aMime );
    TUid InstalledMidletUidL();
    void PopulateInstalledWidgetUidsL();
    void PopulateInstalledWidgetsL(RExtendedWidgetInfoArray& aWidgets);
    TUid InstalledWidgetUidL();
    HBufC* InstalledWidgetNameLC();
    static TBool MatchWidget( RFile& aFile, const TDesC& aMime );
    void HandleInstalledWidgetL();
    TBool WidgetExistsL( const TUid& aUid );
    TBool WidgetExistsL( const TDesC& aIdentifier, TCatalogsVersion& aVersion );
    TBool WidgetExistsL( const TUid& aUid, TCatalogsVersion& aVersion );
    enum TInstallType

private: // Data

    TBool iBusy;
    CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
    MNcdInstallationServiceObserver* iObserver;
    // Registry session 
    Swi::RSisRegistrySession iRegistrySession;
    CAsyncCallBack* iInstallationCompleteCallback;
    TUid iAppUid;
    TUid iPackageUid;
    TUid iThemePackageUid;
    TNcdItemPurpose iPurpose;

    // File session 
    RFs iFs;
    TInstallType iInstallType;
    // Java handling

    // When installing java with JAD, the JAD path is stored here
    HBufC* iJadFileName;
#ifdef USE_OLD_JAVA_API    
    // For comparing installed midlet uids to find out the uid for the newly 
    // installed java app.
    RArray<TUid> iMIDletUids;

    // Theme handling
    // Server session
    RAknsSrvSession iAknsSrv;
    // Array of skin information packages
    CArrayPtr<CAknsSrvSkinInformationPkg>* iThemes;
    // Name of the theme
    HBufC* iThemeName;
    // Package ID
    TAknsPkgID iPID;
    TInt iInstallError;
    HBufC* iRecognizedMime;
    RApaLsSession iApaLs;
    // For silent installation
    // Observer
    CNcdSilentInstallActiveObserver* iSilentInstallActiveObserver;
    CNcdActiveOperationObserver* iInstallStatusObserver;

    SwiUI::RSWInstLauncher iInstaller;
    // ROM application UIDS
    RArray<TUid> iRomUids; 
    // needed for cancelling install correctly
    SwiUI::TServerRequest iCancelCode;  
    RWidgetRegistryClientSession iWidgetRegistry;    
    RWidgetInfoArray iInstalledWidgets;    
    RPointerArray<CExtendedWidgetInfo> iInstalledWidgetsInfos; 