Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <SyncMLTransportProperties.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <collate.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <avkon.rsg>
#include "iaupdatefwsyncutil.h"
#include "iaupdatefwdebug.h"
#include "iaupdatefwconst.h"
* class TUtil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Panic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::Panic(TInt aReason)
User::Panic( KPanicCategory, aReason );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrCopy
// String copy with lenght check.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::StrCopy( TDes8& aTarget, const TDesC& aSource )
aTarget.Copy( aSource.Left(aTarget.MaxLength() ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrCopy
// String copy with lenght check.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::StrCopy( TDes& aTarget, const TDesC8& aSource )
aTarget.Copy( aSource.Left(aTarget.MaxLength() ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrCopy
// String copy with lenght check.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::StrCopy( TDes& aTarget, const TDesC& aSource )
aTarget.Copy( aSource.Left( aTarget.MaxLength() ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrAppend
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::StrAppend( TDes& aTarget, const TDesC& aSource )
if ( aSource.Length() == 0 )
TInt free = aTarget.MaxLength() - aTarget.Length();
if ( aSource.Length() <= free )
aTarget.Append( aSource );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrInsert
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::StrInsert( TDes& aTarget, const TDesC& aSource )
TInt free = aTarget.MaxLength() - aTarget.Length();
if (aSource.Length() <= free)
aTarget.Insert(0, aSource);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrToInt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TUtil::StrToInt( const TDesC& aText, TInt& aNum )
TLex lex( aText );
TInt err = lex.Val( aNum );
return err;
// IsEmpty
// Function returns ETrue if string only contains white space
// or has no characters.
TBool TUtil::IsEmpty( const TDesC& aText )
TInt len = aText.Length();
for ( TInt index=0; index < len; index++ )
TChar character = aText[index];
if ( !character.IsSpace() )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SyncTimeLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* TUtil::SyncTimeLC( TTime aLastSync )
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC" );
TTime homeTime = ConvertUniversalToHomeTime( aLastSync );
HBufC* hBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KBufSize255 );
TPtr ptr = hBuf->Des();
if ( IsToday( homeTime ) )
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC time" );
TBuf<KBufSize> timeFormat;
HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO );
TUtil::StrCopy( timeFormat, *buf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
homeTime.FormatL( ptr, timeFormat );
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC time done" );
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC date" );
TBuf<KBufSize> dateFormat;
HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DATE_USUAL_WITH_ZERO );
TUtil::StrCopy( dateFormat, *buf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
homeTime.FormatL(ptr, dateFormat);
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC date done" );
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::SyncTimeLC Done" );
return hBuf;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConvertUniversalToHomeTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTime TUtil::ConvertUniversalToHomeTime( const TTime& aUniversalTime )
TTime time( aUniversalTime ); // time stores UTC time.
TLocale locale;
TTimeIntervalSeconds universalTimeOffset( locale.UniversalTimeOffset() );
// Add locale's universal time offset to universal time.
time += universalTimeOffset; // time stores Local Time.
// If home daylight saving in effect, add one hour offset.
if ( locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn() )
TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);
time += daylightSaving;
return time;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsToDay
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TUtil::IsToday(TTime aTime)
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::IsToday" );
TTime now;
TInt day1 = now.DayNoInYear();
TInt day2 = aTime.DayNoInYear();
TTimeIntervalDays daysBetween = now.DaysFrom( aTime );
if ( day1 != day2 )
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::IsToday False 1" );
return EFalse;
if ( daysBetween.Int() > 0 )
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::IsToday False 2" );
return EFalse;
FLOG( "[OMADM] TUtil::IsToday True" );
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TUtil::GetDateTextL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::GetDateTextL(TDes& aText, TTime aDateTime)
TTime homeTime = ConvertUniversalToHomeTime( aDateTime );
HBufC* hBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DATE_USUAL_WITH_ZERO );
homeTime.FormatL( aText, *hBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hBuf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TUtil::GetTimeTextL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::GetTimeTextL( TDes& aText, TTime aDateTime )
TTime homeTime = ConvertUniversalToHomeTime( aDateTime );
HBufC* hBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO );
homeTime.FormatL( aText, *hBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hBuf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TUtil::GetDateTimeTextL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtil::GetDateTimeTextL( TDes& aText, TTime aDateTime )
TDateTime dt = aDateTime.DateTime();
aText.Format(_L("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d"), dt.Day()+1,
dt.Second() );
* class TURIParser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TURIParser::TURIParser( const TDesC& aStr ) : iOriginalStr( aStr )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetUriWithoutPort
// URI format: "http://serveraddress/documentname/"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TURIParser::GetUriWithoutPort( TDes& aText )
aText = KNullDesC;
TPtrC http = ParseHttp();
TPtrC address = ParseAddress();
TPtrC document = ParseDocument();
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, http );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, address );
if (document.Length() > 0)
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, KSlash );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, document );
else if ( iSlash )
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, KSlash );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetURI
// URI format: "http://serveraddress:port/documentname/"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TURIParser::GetUri( TDes& aText, const TInt aPort )
aText = KNullDesC;
TPtrC http = ParseHttp();
TPtrC address = ParseAddress();
TPtrC document = ParseDocument();
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, http );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, address );
TBuf<KBufSize32> buf;
buf.Num( aPort );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, KColon );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, buf );
if ( document.Length() > 0 )
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, KSlash );
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, document );
else if ( iSlash )
TUtil::StrAppend( aText, KSlash );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Port
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TURIParser::Port()
TInt port = KErrNotFound;
TInt err = ParsePort( port );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return KErrNotFound;
return port;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DefaultPort
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TURIParser::DefaultPort()
TInt pos = iOriginalStr.FindF( KHttpsHeader );
if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
return KDefaultHttpsPort;
return KDefaultHttpPort;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SkipHttp
// Set pointer to the end of "http://".
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TURIParser::SkipHttp()
TInt start = KErrNotFound;
TInt end = KErrNotFound;
TStr str(iOriginalStr);
GetHttpPos( start, end );
if ( start != KErrNotFound )
iPtr.Set( str.Right( end + 1 ) );
iPtr.Set( str.Right(0) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParseHttp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TURIParser::ParseHttp()
TInt start = KErrNotFound;
TInt end = KErrNotFound;
GetHttpPos(start, end);
if (start == KErrNotFound)
return TPtrC();
TStr str(iOriginalStr);
return str.SubStr(start, end);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetHttpPos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TURIParser::GetHttpPos( TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aEndPos )
aEndPos = KErrNotFound;
aStartPos = iOriginalStr.FindF( KHttpHeader );
if ( aStartPos != KErrNotFound )
aEndPos = aStartPos + KHttpHeader().Length() - 1;
aStartPos = iOriginalStr.FindF( KHttpsHeader );
if ( aStartPos != KErrNotFound )
aEndPos = aStartPos + KHttpsHeader().Length() - 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParseAddress
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TURIParser::ParseAddress()
const TChar KSlash('/');
const TChar KColon(':');
TStr str( iPtr );
TInt firstSlash = str.Find( 0, KSlash );
TInt firstcolon = str.Find( 0, KColon );
TBool portFound = EFalse;
iSlash = EFalse;
if ( firstSlash != KErrNotFound )
iSlash = ETrue;
if (firstcolon != KErrNotFound)
if ( firstSlash == KErrNotFound )
portFound = ETrue;
else if ( firstcolon < firstSlash )
portFound = ETrue;
if ( portFound )
// address is text before first colon
return str.Left( firstcolon - 1 );
else if (firstSlash != KErrNotFound)
// address is text before first slash
return str.Left( firstSlash - 1 );
// address is all text
return str.Right( 0 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParseDocument
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TURIParser::ParseDocument()
const TChar KSlash('/');
TStr str(iPtr);
TInt firstSlash = str.Find( 0, KSlash );
if ( firstSlash != KErrNotFound )
// document is all text after first slash
return str.Right( firstSlash + 1 );
return TPtrC();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParsePort
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TURIParser::ParsePort( TInt& aNumber )
TPtrC port = ParsePort();
if ( port.Length() == 0 )
return KErrNotFound;
return TUtil::StrToInt( port, aNumber );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ParsePort
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TURIParser::ParsePort()
const TChar KSlash('/');
const TChar KColon(':');
TStr str(iPtr);
TInt firstSlash = str.Find( 0, KSlash );
TInt firstColon = str.Find( 0, KColon );
if ( firstSlash != KErrNotFound )
if ( firstColon != KErrNotFound && firstColon < firstSlash )
// port number is text between colon and slash
return str.SubStrEx( firstColon, firstSlash );
if ( firstColon != KErrNotFound )
// port number is all text after colon
return str.Right(firstColon+1);
return TPtrC();
* class TStr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::TStr
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TStr::TStr( const TDesC& aStr ) : iStr( aStr )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Mid
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::Mid( TInt aPos )
if ( ( aPos < 0 ) || ( aPos >= iStr.Length() ) )
return TPtrC(); // return empty descriptor
return iStr.Mid( aPos );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Mid
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::Mid( TInt aPos, TInt aLen )
TInt len = iStr.Length();
if ( ( aPos < 0 ) || ( aPos >= len ) )
return TPtrC();
if ( ( aLen <= 0 ) || ( aPos + aLen > len ) )
return TPtrC();
return iStr.Mid( aPos, aLen );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Right
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::Right( TInt aPos )
return Mid( aPos );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Left
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::Left( TInt aPos )
TInt len = iStr.Length();
if ( ( aPos < 0 ) || ( len == 0 ) )
return TPtrC();
TInt pos = len;
if ( ( aPos + 1 ) < len )
pos = aPos + 1;
return iStr.Left( pos );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::SubStr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::SubStr( TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos )
return Mid( aStartPos, aEndPos - aStartPos + 1 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::SubStrEx
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TStr::SubStrEx( TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos )
return Mid( aStartPos + 1, aEndPos - aStartPos - 1 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::LastPos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TStr::LastPos()
return iStr.Length() - 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Len
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TStr::Len()
return iStr.Length();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Compare
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TStr::Compare( TInt aPos, TChar aChar )
TInt len = iStr.Length();
if ( ( aPos < 0) || ( aPos >= len ) )
return EFalse;
TChar ch = iStr[aPos];
if ( ch == aChar )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStr::Find
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TStr::Find(TInt aPos, TChar aChar)
TInt len = iStr.Length();
if ( (aPos < 0) || (aPos >= len) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC ptr(iStr.Mid(aPos)); // move to possition aPos
return ptr.Locate(aChar);
//* class CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::NewL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller* CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::NewL(
MIAUpdateFWActiveCallerObserver* aObserver )
CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller* self = new(ELeave) CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller( aObserver );
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIAUpdateFWActiveCallerObserver* aObserver )
: CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard )
iObserver = aObserver;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::ConstructL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::ConstructL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::DoCancel
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::DoCancel()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::RunL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::RunL()
iObserver->HandleActiveCallL( );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::RunError
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::CompleteSelf
// This function calls this class RunL.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::CompleteSelf()
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::Start
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIAUpdateFWActiveCaller::Start( TInt aCallId, TInt aMilliseconds )
if (IsActive())
iCallId = aCallId;
if (aMilliseconds <= 0)
CompleteSelf(); // no delay - complete right away
iTimer.After( iStatus, aMilliseconds*1000 );
// End of File