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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // apacmdln.h
    15 //
    17 #ifndef __APACMDLN_H__
    18 #define __APACMDLN_H__
    20 #include <e32base.h>	// class CBase
    21 #include <apadef.h>		// enum TApaCommand
    22 #include <f32file.h>
    23 #include <s32strm.h>
    26 /** Information for launching an application.
    28 To start an application, passed a CApaCommandLine object to the RApaLsSession::StartApp() method.
    30 This class is often referred to as a command line and contains:
    31 the name of an application EXE to be launched, a document name,
    32 a command code that defines the way the application is launched
    33 trailing data; the structure of this depends on the application to be launched.
    35 To start an application, startup parameters are set on the CApaCommandLine object that is 
    36 then externalized into a stream and attached to a new RProcess object. These parameters 
    37 are then used to re-populate a new CApaCommandLine object inside the process by 
    38 EikStart::RunApplication() and used to bootstrap the launching application.
    40 @publishedAll
    41 @released */
    42 class CApaCommandLine : public CBase
    43 	{
    44 public:
    45 	// Creates an empty command line object
    46 	IMPORT_C static CApaCommandLine* NewL();
    47 	IMPORT_C static CApaCommandLine* NewLC();
    48 	// Specify how the application is to be started (see TApaCommand in apadef.h)
    49 	IMPORT_C void SetCommandL(TApaCommand aCommand);
    50 	IMPORT_C TApaCommand Command() const;
    51 	// Launch the application associated with the mime-type of the document file
    52 	IMPORT_C void SetDocumentNameL(const TDesC& aDocName);
    53 	IMPORT_C TPtrC DocumentName() const;
    54 	IMPORT_C void SetFileByHandleL(const RFile& aFile);
    55 	IMPORT_C void GetFileByHandleL(RFile& aFile) const;
    56 	// Launch the application explicitly named
    57 	IMPORT_C void SetExecutableNameL(const TDesC& aAppName);
    58 	IMPORT_C TPtrC ExecutableName() const;
    59 	// Additional application execution arguments (added to the tail if the command line)
    60 	IMPORT_C void SetTailEndL(const TDesC8& aTailEnd);
    61 	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 TailEnd() const;
    62 	// Set the process id of the application being the conceptual parent.
    63 	// The child process will be closed down automatically when the parent is.
    64 	IMPORT_C void SetParentProcessId(TProcessId aProcessId);
    65 	IMPORT_C TProcessId ParentProcessId() const;
    66 	// Starting the application on a specific screen
    67 	IMPORT_C void SetDefaultScreenL(TInt aDefaultScreenNumber);
    68 	IMPORT_C TInt DefaultScreen() const;
    69 	IMPORT_C TBool IsDefaultScreenSet() const;
    70 	// Managed order of applications' window groups.
    71 	// A child applicatoin's windows will always be kept in front of the parent's windows.
    72 	IMPORT_C void SetParentWindowGroupID(TInt aParentWindowGroupID);
    73 	IMPORT_C TInt ParentWindowGroupID() const;
    74 	// Process environment-slot for public use. These can be used for passing parameters 
    75 	// to the starting application. However, use of the EndTail should be prefered.
    76 	IMPORT_C static TInt NumberOfEnvironmentSlotsForPublicUse();
    77 	IMPORT_C static TInt EnvironmentSlotForPublicUse(TInt aIndex);
    78 public:	// Internal
    79 	IMPORT_C ~CApaCommandLine();
    80 	// Set opaque data sent to the application being started
    81 	IMPORT_C void SetOpaqueDataL(const TDesC8& aOpaqueData);
    82 	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 OpaqueData() const;
    83 	// Getting/setting the CApaCommandLine to/from a server IPC-message
    84 	IMPORT_C void GetIpcArgsLC(TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs) const;
    85 	IMPORT_C void ConstructCmdLineFromMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
    86 	// Getting/setting the CApaCommandLine to/from process environment-slots
    87 	IMPORT_C void SetProcessEnvironmentL(RProcess& aProcess) const;
    88 	IMPORT_C static TInt GetCommandLineFromProcessEnvironment(CApaCommandLine*& aCommandLine);
    89 	// operations to support passing memory-allocation failure settings in to applications
    90 	IMPORT_C void SetDebugMemFailL(TInt aDebugMemFail);
    91 	IMPORT_C TInt DebugMemFail() const;
    92 	// operations to support the instrumentation (i.e. profiling) of application startup
    93 	IMPORT_C void SetAppStartupInstrumentationEventIdBaseL(TInt aEventIdBase);
    94 	IMPORT_C TInt AppStartupInstrumentationEventIdBase() const;
    95 	// operations on the server requirement/differentiator number - 0 means no server, non-zero sets the differentiator for the server name
    96 	IMPORT_C void SetServerNotRequiredL();
    97 	IMPORT_C void SetServerRequiredL(TUint aServerDifferentiator);
    98 	IMPORT_C TUint ServerRequired() const;
    99 private:
   100 	CApaCommandLine();
   101 	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   102 	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   103 	HBufC8* StreamableAttributesLC() const;
   104 	void DoGetCommandLineFromProcessEnvironmentL();
   105 	TInt DoGetParametersFromCommandLineString(const TDesC& aCmdLine);
   106 	static HBufC* NameOfExecutable(const TDesC& aCmdLine, TInt& aEndDocNameOffset);
   107 	static TPtrC StripQuotes(const TDesC& aDes);
   108 	void SetServerDifferentiatorL(TUint aServerDifferentiator);
   109 public:
   110 	enum	// for internal use only
   111 		{
   112 		EIpcFirstFreeSlot=3
   113 		};
   114 private:
   115 	RBuf iDocumentName;
   116 	RBuf iExecutableName;
   117 	RBuf8 iOpaqueData;
   118 	RBuf8 iTailEnd;
   119 	TApaCommand iCommand;
   120 	TUint iServerDifferentiator;
   121 	TInt iDefaultScreenNumber;
   122 	TInt iParentWindowGroupID;
   123 	TInt iDebugMemFail;
   124 	TInt iAppStartupInstrumentationEventIdBase;
   125 	RFile iFile;
   126 	TProcessId iParentProcessId;
   127 	};
   129 #endif // __APACMDLN_H__