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   140 <tr>
   141 <td width="271"><a href="/phones/6250/"><IMG src="/pics/6250_t3.gif"  alt="Nokia 6250" border="0"  width="271" height="159"></a></td>
   142 <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
   143 <td width="143" valign="top"><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><b><a href="/phones/6250/"><br><br>One Tough Customer</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1"><br>The Nokia 6250 is shockproof, dustproof and waterproof. Take a look at our demo and see what makes this new phone so sturdy. <a href="/phones/6250/">&gt;&gt;<br></a><br></font></td>
   144 <td width="22">&nbsp;</td>
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   170 		<td width="12">&nbsp;</td>
   171 		<td width="106" valign="top"><font size="1" face="arial, helvetica"><br>
   172 		February 28, 2000<br>
   173 		 <a href="">
   174 		Nokia THR420 TETRA terminal receives certification for direct mode operation</a></font></td>
   176 		<td width="8">&nbsp;</td>
   177 		<td width="106" valign="top"><font size="1" face="arial, helvetica"><br>
   178 		February 28, 2000<br>
   179 		 <a href="">
   180 		Nokia and America Online announce plans to develop AOL's popular Instant Messenger application for Nokia wireless devices</a></font></td>
   182 		<td width="8">&nbsp;</td>
   183 		<td width="106" valign="top"><font size="1" face="arial, helvetica"><br>
   184 		February 28, 2000<br>
   185 		 <a href="">
   186 		Nokia Launches Developer License for the Nokia WAP Server</a></font></td>
   188 		<td width="12">&nbsp;</td>
   189 		<td width="22">&nbsp;</td>
   190 	</tr>
   191 </table><br>
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   196 <td width="234"><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><b><br><a href="/cebit2000/index.html">Nokia at CeBIT 2000</a></b></font><br>
   197 <font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1">The CeBIT 2000 exhibition is now on in Hannover until March 1st. Find out what's happening on the <a href="/cebit2000/index.html">Nokia stand</a>, and have a chance to win a Nokia 7110 by testing your memory and knowledge in our Memo Game.  <a href="/cebit2000/index.html">&gt;&gt;<br><br></a></font></td>
   198 <td width="8">&nbsp;</td>
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   214 <td width="252"><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><b><A href="/snowboard/index.html">Nokia FIS Snowboard World Cup 1999-2000</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1">Nokia is the proud title sponsor of the FIS Snowboard World Cup. Check out the World Cup along with an interactive <a href="/snowboard/best_riding/1,,1,00.html">Best Riding Bulletin</a> and other
   215 smashing features. <A href="/snowboard/index.html">&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&lt;</a></font></td>
   216 <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
   217 <td width="160"><A href="/snowboard/index.html"><img src="/pics/snow_small.gif" WIDTH=156 HEIGHT=110 alt="Nokia FIS Snowboard World Cup" border="0"></a></td>
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   225 <td width="232"><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><b> <a href="/wap/index.html">Nokia WAP on Web
   226 </a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1">Everything you need to know about WAP: products, applications, and business opportunities. <a href="/wap/index.html">&gt;&gt;</a></font></td>
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   228 <BR>
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   233 <td width="246"><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2"><b><a href="">Visit Forum Nokia</a></b></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1">Forum Nokia is the site for wireless data professionals; developers, system integrators, and other partners. <a href="">&gt;&gt;</a></font></td>
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