changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2e3d3ce01487
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // DST TZ Database Compiler 
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "TzGlobals.h"
    19 #include "TzTables.h"
    20 #include "TZNode.h"
    21 #include "TZDocument.h"
    22 #include "TzHelpers.h"
    23 #include <algorithm> // sort
    24 #include <iostream>
    25 #include <fstream>
    26 #include <cstdio>
    27 using namespace std;
    28 //============================================================================
    29 // CTzCpLinksTable::CTzCpLinksTable
    30 //============================================================================
    31 CTzCpLinksTable::CTzCpLinksTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
    32 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
    33 	{
    34 	}
    35 //============================================================================
    36 // CTzCpLinksTable::AssembleL
    37 // Adds a link node to the link table.  At this stage a CTzCpLink consists of
    38 // two CTzCpString pointers. One is to the string for the link, the other is 
    39 // the name of the linked zone.  The actual zone to be linked will be resolved 
    40 // during the linker stage of the compilation process.  When the link table is 
    41 // externalised the persisted class (TTzLink) will be populated with the 
    42 // offsets to the string and linkedzone objects in the database 
    43 //============================================================================
    44 CTzCpLink& CTzCpLinksTable::AssembleL(CTZNode& aNode)
    45 	{
    46 	CTzCpLink* aNewLink = new CTzCpLink(iDocument);
    47 	aNewLink->AssembleL(aNode);
    48 	iVector.push_back(aNewLink);
    49 	return *aNewLink;
    50 	}
    51 //============================================================================
    52 // CTzCpLinksTable::ExternaliseL
    53 // Write the links table to a file
    54 //============================================================================
    55 void CTzCpLinksTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
    56 	{
    57 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToLinksTable = aFilestream.tellp();		
    58 	// write out the number of links
    59 	TUint16 numLinks = iVector.size();
    60 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numLinks,sizeof(numLinks));
    62 	for (int x = 0; x < numLinks;x++)
    63 		{
    64 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
    65 		}	
    66 	}
    68 //============================================================================
    69 // CTzCpLinksTable::FindZone
    70 // Given a link name, returns the "real" database zone it links to
    71 // (allowing for "cascade linking": link_1 -> link_2 -> ... -> link_n -> Zone)
    72 //============================================================================
    73 CTzCpZone* CTzCpLinksTable::FindZone(std::string& aLinkName)
    74 	{
    75 	CTzCpZone* zone = NULL;
    76 	std::string name = aLinkName;
    78 	// iterate through the collection of links
    79 	std::vector<CTzCpLink*>::iterator iter = iVector.begin();
    80 	CTzCpLink** lastElementPtr = iVector.end();
    81 	while(iter != lastElementPtr)
    82 		{
    83 		if ((*iter)->iLinkString->iString == name)
    84 			{
    85 			// name appears as the "old name" in one of the links
    86 			// recursively search for the new name
    87 			name = (*iter)->iRegionString->iString;
    88 			if (name.length() > 0) 
    89 				{// new names are not guaranteed to be in the form Region/Zone
    90 				name += '/';
    91 				}
    92 			name += (*iter)->iZoneString->iString;
    93 			return FindZone(name);
    94 			}
    95 		iter++;
    96 		}
    98 	// aLinkName was not found as the old name in any of the links
    99 	// this means that aLinkName is not a link but the name of a real zone
   100 	return iDocument.ZonesTable()->GetZone(name);
   101 	}
   103 //============================================================================
   104 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::CTzCpRuleSetsTable
   105 //============================================================================
   106 CTzCpRuleSetsTable::CTzCpRuleSetsTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   107 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   108 	{
   109 	}
   110 //============================================================================
   111 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::AssembleL
   112 //============================================================================
   113 CTzCpRuleSet& CTzCpRuleSetsTable::AssembleL(CTZNode& aNode)
   114 	{
   115 	//Get the current Ruleset name
   116 	string currentRuleSetName = aNode.NodeList()[ERuleFormatName]->iValue;
   117 	return *GetRuleSet(currentRuleSetName);
   118 	}
   119 //============================================================================
   120 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::ExternaliseL
   121 // Write the rule set table to file
   122 //============================================================================
   123 void CTzCpRuleSetsTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   124 	{
   125 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToRuleSetsTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   126 	//Write the number of rulesets
   127 	TUint16 numRuleSets = iVector.size();
   128 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numRuleSets,sizeof(numRuleSets));
   130 	TUint16 ruleUseOffset = 0;
   131 	for (int x = 0; x < numRuleSets;x++)
   132 		{
   133 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   134 		}
   135 	}
   136 //============================================================================
   137 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::GetRuleSet
   138 // Searches for a match with aRuleSetName in the iStrings vector.  If a match
   139 // is found the ruleset pointer from the iRuleSets vector with the matching
   140 // index is returned.  If no match is found, a new ruleset is created and 
   141 // added to the rulesets, the name is added to the strings and a pointer to
   142 // the new ruleset is returned.
   143 //============================================================================
   144 CTzCpRuleSet* CTzCpRuleSetsTable::GetRuleSet(string aRuleSetName)
   145 	{
   146 	int numRuleSets = iVector.size();
   147 	for (int index = 0; index < numRuleSets; index++)
   148 		{
   149 		if (iVector[index]->Name() == aRuleSetName)
   150 			{
   151 			return iVector[index];
   152 			}
   153 		}
   154 	//New RuleSet required
   155 	CTzCpRuleSet* newRuleSet = new CTzCpRuleSet(iDocument,aRuleSetName);
   156 	iVector.push_back(newRuleSet);
   157 	return newRuleSet;
   158 	}
   159 //============================================================================
   160 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::GetRuleSetIndex
   161 // Gets the index of the ruleset from the ruleset name
   162 //============================================================================
   163 int CTzCpRuleSetsTable::GetRuleSetIndex(std::string aRuleSetName)
   164 	{
   165 	int size = iVector.size();
   166 	for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
   167 		{
   168 		if (iVector[index]->Name() == aRuleSetName)
   169 			{
   170 			return index;
   171 			}
   172 		}
   173 	GetRuleSet(aRuleSetName);
   174 	return GetRuleSetIndex(aRuleSetName);
   175 	}
   177 //============================================================================
   178 // CTzCpRuleSetsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   179 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   180 //============================================================================
   181 void CTzCpRuleSetsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   182 	{
   183 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   184 	}
   186 //============================================================================
   187 // CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable
   188 //============================================================================
   189 CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   190 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   191 	{
   192 	}
   193 //============================================================================
   194 // CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::AddRuleDefinition
   195 // Adds a CTzCpRuleDefinition to the collection of rule definitions
   196 // iRuleDefinitions takes ownership of aRuleDefinition.  Checks that the
   197 // Rule definition does not already exist before adding it.  If it does exist,
   198 // a reference to the duplicate is returned.  If it does not exist then it is
   199 // added and the new reference is returned.
   200 //============================================================================
   201 CTzCpRuleDefinition& CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::AddRuleDefinition(CTzCpRuleDefinition* aRuleDefinition)
   202 	{
   203 	//Checks for a match - quick and dirty - consider revising
   204 	int size = iVector.size();
   205 	for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
   206 		{
   207 		TTzRuleDefinition tmpRuleDef = iVector[x]->iPersistedEntity;
   208 		if ((tmpRuleDef.iStdTimeOffset	== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iStdTimeOffset) &&
   209 			(tmpRuleDef.iMonth			== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iMonth) &&
   210 			(tmpRuleDef.iDayRule		== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iDayRule) &&
   211 			(tmpRuleDef.iDayOfMonth		== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iDayOfMonth) &&
   212 			(tmpRuleDef.iDayOfWeek		== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iStdTimeOffset) && 
   213 			(tmpRuleDef.iTimeReference	== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iTimeReference) &&
   214 			(tmpRuleDef.iTimeOfChange	== aRuleDefinition->iPersistedEntity.iTimeOfChange))
   215 			{
   217 			//If we don't add the ruledefinition to the vector we 
   218 			//are responsible for deleting it, as clients will 
   219 			//assume they have passed ownership to the table.			
   220 			delete aRuleDefinition;
   221 			return *iVector[x];
   222 			}
   223 		}
   224 	iVector.push_back(aRuleDefinition);
   225 	return *iVector[iVector.size() -1];
   226 	}
   227 //============================================================================
   228 // CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::AssembleL
   229 //============================================================================
   230 CTzCpRuleDefinition&  CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::AssembleL(CTZNode& aNode)
   231 	{
   232 	CTzCpRuleDefinition* aRuleDefinition = new CTzCpRuleDefinition(iDocument);
   233 	aRuleDefinition->AssembleL(aNode);
   234 	return AddRuleDefinition(aRuleDefinition);
   235 	}
   236 //============================================================================
   237 // CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::ExternaliseL
   238 // Write the rule definition table to file
   239 //============================================================================
   240 void CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   241 	{
   242 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToRuleDefinitionsTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   243 	//Write number of rule definitions
   244 	TUint16 numRuleDefs = iVector.size();
   245 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numRuleDefs,sizeof(numRuleDefs));
   247 	for (int x = 0; x < numRuleDefs;x++)
   248 		{
   249 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);		
   250 		}
   251 	}
   253 //============================================================================
   254 // CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   255 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   256 //============================================================================
   257 void CTzCpRuleDefinitionsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   258 	{
   259 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   260 	}
   262 //============================================================================
   263 // CTzCpStringTable::CTzCpStringTable
   264 //============================================================================
   265 CTzCpStringTable::CTzCpStringTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   266 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   267 	{
   268 	}
   270 //============================================================================
   271 // CTzCpStringTable::ExternaliseL
   272 // Write the string table to file
   273 //============================================================================
   274 void CTzCpStringTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   275 	{
   276 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToStringTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   277 	//Write number of strings
   278 	TUint16 numStrings = iVector.size();
   279 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numStrings,sizeof(numStrings));
   281 	for (int x = 0; x < numStrings;x++)
   282 		{
   283 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   284 		}
   285 	}
   286 //============================================================================
   287 // CTzCpStringTable::AddString
   288 // Returns a reference to the added string, or if the string already exists 
   289 // a reference to the existing string
   290 //============================================================================
   291 CTzCpString& CTzCpStringTable::AddString(std::string aString)
   292 	{
   293 	int size = iVector.size();
   294 	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
   295 		{
   296 		if (aString == iVector[i]->iString)
   297 			{
   298   			return *iVector[i];
   299 			}
   300 		}
   301 	CTzCpString* aNewString = new CTzCpString(iDocument);
   302 	aNewString->iString = aString;
   303 	iVector.push_back(aNewString);
   304 	return *iVector[iVector.size() -1];
   305 	}
   307 //============================================================================
   308 // CTzCpStringsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   309 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   310 //============================================================================
   311 void CTzCpStringTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   312 	{
   313 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   314 	}
   315 //============================================================================
   316 // CTzCpRegionsTable::CTzCpRegionsTable
   317 //============================================================================
   318 CTzCpRegionsTable::CTzCpRegionsTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   319 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   320 	{
   321 	}
   323 //============================================================================
   324 // CTzCpRegionsTable::ExternaliseL
   325 //============================================================================
   326 void CTzCpRegionsTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   327 	{
   328 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToRegionalZonesTable = aFilestream.tellp();	
   329 	//Loop through all the regions, externalising the regional zone index
   330 	TUint16 numRegions = iVector.size();
   331 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numRegions,sizeof(numRegions));
   333 	TUint16 numberOfZones = 0;
   334 	TUint16 zoneOffset = 0;
   336 	for (int x = 0; x < numRegions;x++)
   337 		{
   338 		iVector[x]->iRegionalZonesIndex->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   339 		}
   341 	//Externalise the regions
   342 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToRegionsTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   343 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numRegions,sizeof(numRegions));
   344 	for (x = 0; x < numRegions;x++)
   345 		{
   346 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   347 		}
   348 	}
   349 //============================================================================
   350 // CTzCpRegionsTable::GetRegion
   351 // Uses the region name index (from the strings table) to determine if we 
   352 // already have an existing CTzCpRegion for this region.  If we do, we return
   353 // this.  If we don't, we create a new pointer, add to iRegions and return
   354 //============================================================================
   355 CTzCpRegion& CTzCpRegionsTable::GetRegion(CTzCpString& aRegionNameRef)
   356 	{
   357 	int size = iVector.size();
   358 	for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
   359 		{
   360 		if (iVector[x]->iRegionNameRef->iString == aRegionNameRef.iString)
   361 			{
   362 			return *iVector[x];
   363 			}
   364 		}
   365 	CTzCpRegion* aNewRegion = new CTzCpRegion(iDocument);
   366 	aNewRegion->iRegionNameRef = &aRegionNameRef;
   367 	iVector.push_back(aNewRegion);
   368 	return *aNewRegion;
   369 	}
   371 //============================================================================
   372 // CTzCpRegionsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   373 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   374 //============================================================================
   375 void CTzCpRegionsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   376 	{
   377 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   378 	}
   380 //============================================================================
   381 // CTzCpRuleUsesTable::CTzCpRuleUsesTable
   382 //============================================================================
   383 CTzCpRuleUsesTable::CTzCpRuleUsesTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   384 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   385 	{
   386 	}
   387 //============================================================================
   388 // CTzCpRuleUsesTable::AssembleL
   389 //============================================================================
   390 CTzCpRuleUse& CTzCpRuleUsesTable::AssembleL(CTZNode& aNode)
   391 	{
   392 	//Create the RuleUse
   393 	CTzCpRuleUse* aRuleUse = new CTzCpRuleUse(iDocument);
   394 	aRuleUse->AssembleL(aNode);
   395 	//Add the Rule Use to the ruleuse collection
   396 	return AddRuleUse(aRuleUse);
   397 	}
   398 //============================================================================
   399 // CTzCpRuleUsesTable::AddRuleUse
   400 // Adds a rule use to the rule use table and returns a reference to it
   401 //============================================================================
   402 CTzCpRuleUse& CTzCpRuleUsesTable::AddRuleUse(CTzCpRuleUse* aRuleUse)
   403 	{
   404 	iVector.push_back(aRuleUse);
   405 	return *iVector[iVector.size() - 1];
   406 	}
   407 //============================================================================
   408 // CTzCpRuleUsesTable::ExternaliseL
   409 // Write the rule use table to a file
   410 //============================================================================
   411 void CTzCpRuleUsesTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   412 	{
   413 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToRuleUsesTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   414 	//Write number of rule uses
   415 	TUint16 numRuleUses = iVector.size();
   416 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numRuleUses,sizeof(numRuleUses));
   418 	for (int x = 0; x < numRuleUses; x++)
   419 		{
   420 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   421 		}
   422 	}
   424 //============================================================================
   425 // CTzCpRuleUsesTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   426 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   427 //============================================================================
   428 void CTzCpRuleUsesTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   429 	{
   430 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   431 	}
   433 //============================================================================
   434 // CTzCpZonesTable::CTzCpZonesTable
   435 //============================================================================
   436 CTzCpZonesTable::CTzCpZonesTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   437 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   438 	{
   439 	}
   441 //============================================================================
   442 // CTzCpZonesTable::ExternaliseL
   443 //============================================================================
   444 void CTzCpZonesTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   445 	{ 
   446 	// sort zones by location ID
   447 	sort(iVector.begin(), iVector.end(), CTzCpZone::SLocationIdSort());	
   449 	TUint16 numZones = iVector.size();
   450 	// write out zones data to database
   451 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToZones = aFilestream.tellp();
   452 	for (int x = 0; x < numZones; x++)
   453 		{
   454 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   455 		}
   457 	// write out the zone table to database
   458 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToZonesTable = aFilestream.tellp();
   459 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numZones,sizeof(numZones));
   460 	TUint16 zoneOffset;
   461 	for (x = 0; x < numZones; x++)
   462 		{
   463 		zoneOffset = iVector[x]->iOffset;
   464 		aFilestream.write((char*)&zoneOffset,sizeof(zoneOffset));
   465 		}
   466 	}
   467 //============================================================================
   468 // CTzCpZonesTable::GetZone
   469 // Uses the id of the zone name in the string table to determine if we already
   470 // have created a CTzCpZone object for this zone.  If it exists we return this
   471 // otherwise we create a new zone, add it to iZones and return
   472 // aIndex contains the index of the zone to use in the vector
   473 // If addZone is false we do not add a new zone, just set aIndex -1
   474 //============================================================================
   475 CTzCpZone* CTzCpZonesTable::GetZone(CTzCpString& aZoneRef, CTzCpString& aRegionRef,bool addZone)
   476 	{
   477 	int size = iVector.size();
   478 	for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
   479 		{
   480 		string zoneTestString	= iVector[x]->iZoneNameRef->iString;
   481 		string regionTestString	= iVector[x]->iRegionNameRef->iString;
   482 		if ((iVector[x]->iZoneNameRef->iString == aZoneRef.iString) && (iVector[x]->iRegionNameRef->iString == aRegionRef.iString))
   483 			{
   484 			CTzCpZone* zone = iVector[x];
   485 			return zone;
   486 			}
   487 		}
   488 	if (addZone)
   489 		{
   490 		CTzCpZone* aNewZone = new CTzCpZone(iDocument);
   491 		aNewZone->iZoneNameRef		= &aZoneRef;
   492 		aNewZone->iRegionNameRef	= &aRegionRef;
   493 		iVector.push_back(aNewZone);
   494 		return aNewZone;
   495 		}
   496 	return NULL;
   498 	}
   500 CTzCpZone* CTzCpZonesTable::GetZone(std::string& aZoneName)
   501 	{
   502 	int slashPos = aZoneName.find('/');
   503 	int length = aZoneName.length();
   504 	CTzCpString* regString = new CTzCpString(iDocument);
   505 	CTzCpString* zoneString = new CTzCpString(iDocument);
   506 	if (slashPos > 0)
   507 		{
   508 		regString->iString = aZoneName.substr(0,slashPos);
   509 		zoneString->iString = aZoneName.substr(slashPos+1,length-1);
   510 		}
   511 	else
   512 		{
   513 		regString->iString = "";
   514 		zoneString->iString = aZoneName;
   515 		}
   517 	CTzCpZone* zone = GetZone(*zoneString,*regString,false);
   519 	return zone;
   520 	}
   522 //============================================================================
   523 // CTzCpZonesTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   524 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   525 //============================================================================
   526 void CTzCpZonesTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   527 	{
   528 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   529 	}
   531 //============================================================================
   532 // CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable
   533 //============================================================================
   534 CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable(CTZDocument& aDocument)
   535 	:	CPersistedEntityWrapper(aDocument)
   536 	{
   537 	}
   538 //============================================================================
   539 // CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::AddTimeAlignment
   540 //============================================================================
   541 CTzCpStdTimeAlignment& CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::AddTimeAlignment(CTzCpString& aTimeZoneFormatName)
   542 	{
   543 	CTzCpStdTimeAlignment* aNewTimeAlignment = new CTzCpStdTimeAlignment(iDocument);
   544 	iVector.push_back(aNewTimeAlignment);
   545 	return *aNewTimeAlignment;
   546 	}
   548 //============================================================================
   549 // CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::ExternaliseL
   550 // Write the time alignments to file
   551 //============================================================================
   552 void CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::ExternaliseL(ofstream& aFilestream)
   553 	{
   554 	iDocument.DbHeader()->iOffsetToStdTimeAlignmentsTable = aFilestream.tellp();	
   555 	//Write number of time alignments
   556 	TUint16 numTimeAlignments = iVector.size();
   557 	aFilestream.write((char*)&numTimeAlignments,sizeof(numTimeAlignments));
   559 	for (int x = 0; x < numTimeAlignments;x++)
   560 		{
   561 		iVector[x]->ExternaliseL(aFilestream);
   562 		}
   563 	}
   565 //============================================================================
   566 // CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities
   567 // Iterate through the vector of entities, removing all entities with a reference count of 0
   568 //============================================================================
   569 void CTzCpStdTimeAlignmentsTable::RemoveUnreferencedEntities()
   570 	{
   571 	iVector.erase(std::remove_if(iVector.begin(),iVector.end(),SEntityCheck()),iVector.end());
   572 	}
   573 //============================================================================
   574 // End of file
   575 //============================================================================