--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/appfw/apparchitecture/apgrfx/APGICNFL.CPP Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// apgicnfl.cpp
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <s32ucmp.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <barsc.h>
+#include <barsread2.h>
+#include <barsc2.h>
+#include "APFDEF.H"
+#if !defined(__APGICNFL_PARTNER_H__)
+#include "apgicnflpartner.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#include "APGSTD.H" // panic codes
+#endif // _DEBUG
+#include "APGICNFL.H"
+// Try and reduce the bitmap mask depth to 1bpp (2 colours)
+LOCAL_D CFbsBitmap* TryCompressMaskL(const CFbsBitmap& aMask)
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* newMask=NULL;
+ if (aMask.DisplayMode()!=EGray2 && aMask.IsMonochrome())
+ {
+ newMask=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(newMask);
+ const TSize size=aMask.SizeInPixels();
+ User::LeaveIfError(newMask->Create(size,EGray2));
+ CFbsBitmapDevice* device=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(newMask);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(device);
+ CFbsBitGc* gc=NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
+ TPoint origin(0,0);
+ gc->BitBlt(origin,&aMask);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // gc, device
+ CleanupStack::Pop(newMask);
+ }
+ return newMask;
+ }
+// Class CApaMaskedBitmap
+ {}
+EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap::~CApaMaskedBitmap()
+/** Destructor.
+Frees resources owned by the object prior to its destruction. */
+ {
+ delete iMask;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* CApaMaskedBitmap::NewLC()
+/** Creates a default application icon object.
+@return A pointer to the new application icon object. */
+ {
+ CApaMaskedBitmap* self=new(ELeave) CApaMaskedBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* CApaMaskedBitmap::NewL(const CApaMaskedBitmap* aSourceIcon)
+/** Creates a new application icon object, making a duplicate copy of an existing
+application icon.
+@param aSourceIcon A pointer to an existing application icon.
+@return A pointer to the new application icon object. */
+ {
+ CApaMaskedBitmap* self=new(ELeave) CApaMaskedBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ User::LeaveIfError( self->iMask->Duplicate(aSourceIcon->Mask()->Handle()) );
+ User::LeaveIfError( self->Duplicate(aSourceIcon->Handle()) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CApaMaskedBitmap::ConstructL()
+ {
+ if (!iFbs)
+ User::Leave(KErrCouldNotConnect);
+ iMask=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* CApaMaskedBitmap::Mask() const
+/** Gets the icon's mask.
+@return A pointer to the mask bitmap. */
+ {
+ return iMask;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CApaMaskedBitmap::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
+/** Internalizes the application icon from the read stream.
+@param aStream The read stream. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMask, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ CFbsBitmap::InternalizeL(aStream);
+ aStream >> *iMask;
+ // Try to reduce the colour depth of the bitmap mask
+ CFbsBitmap* tempMask;
+ tempMask = TryCompressMaskL(*iMask);
+ // tempMask = NULL if iMask could not be reduced
+ if (tempMask != NULL)
+ {
+ delete iMask;
+ iMask = tempMask;
+ }
+ }
+void CApaMaskedBitmap::SetRomBitmapL(TUint8* aRomPointer)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMask, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ TInt bitmapSize = 0;
+ CFbsBitmap::SetRomBitmapL(reinterpret_cast<CBitwiseBitmap*>(aRomPointer),bitmapSize);
+ aRomPointer += bitmapSize;
+ iMask->SetRomBitmapL(reinterpret_cast<CBitwiseBitmap*>(aRomPointer),bitmapSize);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CApaMaskedBitmap::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+/** Externalises the application icon to the specified stream.
+@param aStream The write stream. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMask, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeL(aStream);
+ aStream << *iMask;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CApaMaskedBitmap::SetMaskBitmap(CFbsBitmap* aMask)
+Sets the icon's mask
+@param aMask A pointer to the mask bitmap
+ {
+ delete iMask;
+ iMask = aMask;
+ }
+// CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::WriteBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+ {
+ if (aBuffer.Length()>0)
+ {
+ if (iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat!=NULL)
+ {
+ WriteInCompressedUnicodeFormatL(aBuffer.Length(), aBuffer, EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoWriteBufferL(aBuffer);
+ iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed+=aBuffer.Length();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::WriteCompressedUnicodeRunL(TInt aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed, const TDesC8& aTextAsCompressedUnicode)
+ {
+ WriteInCompressedUnicodeFormatL(aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed, aTextAsCompressedUnicode, ETrue);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::WriteInCompressedUnicodeFormatL(TInt aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed, const TDesC8& aData, TBool aCompressedUnicode)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat!=NULL, Panic(EPanicWrongResourceFormat1));
+ const TInt dataLength=aData.Length();
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(((dataLength==0) && ((aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==0) || (aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==1))) ||
+ ((dataLength>0) && (aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed>0)), Panic(EPanicBadCompressedUnicodeRun));
+ if (dataLength>0)
+ {
+ if ((iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==0) && (iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat->iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==0))
+ {
+ if (aCompressedUnicode)
+ {
+ iFlags|=EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iFlags&=~EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((iFlags&EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun)^(aCompressedUnicode? EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun: 0)) // if we're changing the state of the EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun flag
+ {
+ FlushL(EFalse);
+ iFlags^=EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun; // toggle the EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun flag
+ }
+ static_cast<MDataSink*>(iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat)->DoWriteBufferL(aData);
+ }
+ iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat->iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed+=aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed;
+ }
+TInt CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::NumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed() const
+ {
+ TInt numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed=iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed;
+ if (iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat!=NULL)
+ {
+ numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed+=iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat->iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed;
+ }
+ return numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed;
+ }
+CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::MDataSink(RBufferSink* aBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ :iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed(0),
+ iFlags(0),
+ iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat(aBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::FlushL(TBool aFinalFlush)
+ {
+ if (iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat!=NULL)
+ {
+ RBuf8 run;
+ CleanupClosePushL(run);
+ TInt numberOfBytesInRunWhenUncompressed=0;
+ iBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat->FlushAndGetAndResetL(numberOfBytesInRunWhenUncompressed, run);
+ if (numberOfBytesInRunWhenUncompressed>0)
+ {
+ if ((iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==0) && ((iFlags&EFlag_InCompressedUnicodeRun)==0))
+ {
+ WriteRunLengthL(0); // insert initial zero-length run-length as we're not starting with compressed Unicode
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(run.Length()>0, Panic(EPanicBadRunLength));
+ WriteRunLengthL(run.Length());
+ DoWriteBufferL(run);
+ iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed+=numberOfBytesInRunWhenUncompressed;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&run);
+ if (aFinalFlush && (iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed==0))
+ {
+ WriteRunLengthL(0); // write a zero-length run-length as the resource is completely empty
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::Reset(TInt& aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed)
+ {
+ aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed=iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed;
+ iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed=0;
+ iFlags=0;
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MDataSink::WriteRunLengthL(TInt aRunLength)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aRunLength&~0x7fff)==0, Panic(EPanicBadRunLengthParameter));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(CompressedUnicodeFormat(), Panic(EPanicWrongResourceFormat2));
+ TBuf8<2> buffer;
+ if (aRunLength&~0x7f)
+ {
+ buffer.Append((aRunLength>>8)|0x80);
+ }
+ buffer.Append(aRunLength&0xff);
+ DoWriteBufferL(buffer); // must call DoWriteBufferL here (not WriteBufferL) so that iNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed is not altered
+ }
+// CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink
+CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink::RBufferSink(RBufferSink* aBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ :MDataSink(aBufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink::ConstructLC()
+ {
+ iBuffer.CreateL(20);
+ CleanupClosePushL(*this);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink::Close()
+ {
+ iBuffer.Close();
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink::FlushAndGetAndResetL(TInt& aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed, RBuf8& aBuffer)
+ {
+ FlushL(ETrue);
+ iBuffer.Swap(aBuffer);
+ Reset(aNumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::RBufferSink::DoWriteBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+ {
+ if (iBuffer.MaxLength()-iBuffer.Length()<aBuffer.Length())
+ {
+ iBuffer.ReAllocL(iBuffer.Length()+aBuffer.Length()+20);
+ }
+ iBuffer.Append(aBuffer);
+ }
+// CApaResourceFileWriterBase
+ {
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::DoGenerateFileContentsL(RBuf8& aBuffer, TUid aUid2, TUid aUid3) const
+ {
+ TInt mainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed=0;
+ RBuf8 mainResourceInFormatContainingCompressedUnicode;
+ MainResourceInCompiledFormatLC(mainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed, mainResourceInFormatContainingCompressedUnicode, ETrue);
+ TInt temp=0;
+ RBuf8 mainResourceInFormatNotContainingCompressedUnicode;
+ MainResourceInCompiledFormatLC(temp, mainResourceInFormatNotContainingCompressedUnicode, EFalse);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(temp==mainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed, Panic(EPanicInconsistentResourceSizeInBytes));
+ TBool mainResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat=ETrue;
+ TPtrC8 mainResourceInSmallestFormat(mainResourceInFormatContainingCompressedUnicode);
+ if (mainResourceInSmallestFormat.Length()>=mainResourceInFormatNotContainingCompressedUnicode.Length())
+ {
+ mainResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat=EFalse;
+ mainResourceInSmallestFormat.Set(mainResourceInFormatNotContainingCompressedUnicode);
+ }
+ TBool secondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat=EFalse;
+ const TDesC8* const secondResource=SecondResourceL(secondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat);
+ RBufferSink bufferSink(NULL);
+ bufferSink.ConstructLC();
+ WriteUidTypeL(bufferSink, aUid2, aUid3);
+ WriteUint8L(bufferSink, 0); // flags
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(bufferSink, (secondResource==NULL)? mainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed: Max(mainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed, secondResource->Length())); // the size in bytes of the largest resource in the file when uncompressed
+ TUint bitArray=0; // bit-array (one per top-level resource) indicating whether each top-level resource contains compressed unicode or not
+ if (mainResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ bitArray|=0x01;
+ }
+ if (secondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ bitArray|=0x02;
+ }
+ WriteUint8L(bufferSink, bitArray);
+ WriteBufferL(bufferSink, mainResourceInSmallestFormat);
+ if (secondResource!=NULL)
+ {
+ WriteBufferL(bufferSink, *secondResource);
+ }
+ TInt filePosition=16+1+2+1;
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(bufferSink, filePosition);
+ filePosition+=mainResourceInSmallestFormat.Length();
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(bufferSink, filePosition);
+ if (secondResource!=NULL)
+ {
+ filePosition+=secondResource->Length();
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(bufferSink, filePosition);
+ }
+ TInt notUsed;
+ bufferSink.FlushAndGetAndResetL(notUsed, aBuffer);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &mainResourceInFormatContainingCompressedUnicode);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteUidTypeL(MDataSink& aDataSink, TUid aUid2, TUid aUid3) const
+ {
+ aDataSink.WriteBufferL(TCheckedUid(TUidType(TUid::Uid(0x101f4a6b), aUid2, aUid3)).Des());
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteTextL(MDataSink& aDataSink, const TDesC& aText) const
+ {
+ // LTEXT
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, aText.Length());
+ if (!aDataSink.CompressedUnicodeFormat())
+ {
+ if ((aDataSink.NumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed()%2)!=0)
+ {
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, 0xab);
+ }
+ const TInt lengthOfTextInBytes=aText.Size();
+ WriteBufferL(aDataSink, TPtrC8(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aText.Ptr()), lengthOfTextInBytes));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed=aText.Size();
+ if ((aDataSink.NumberOfBytesWhenUncompressed()%2)!=0)
+ {
+ ++numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed; // for the padding-byte 0xab when it's uncompressed
+ }
+ HBufC8* const textAsCompressedUnicode=AsCompressedUnicodeLC(aText);
+ aDataSink.WriteCompressedUnicodeRunL(numberOfBytesWhenUncompressed, *textAsCompressedUnicode);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textAsCompressedUnicode);
+ }
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteText8L(MDataSink& aDataSink, const TDesC8& aText8) const
+ {
+ // LTEXT8
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, aText8.Length());
+ WriteBufferL(aDataSink, aText8);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteUint8L(MDataSink& aDataSink, TUint aUint8) const
+ {
+ TBuf8<1> buffer;
+ buffer.Append(aUint8&0xff);
+ aDataSink.WriteBufferL(buffer);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteLittleEndianUint16L(MDataSink& aDataSink, TUint aUint16) const
+ {
+ TBuf8<2> buffer;
+ buffer.Append(aUint16&0xff);
+ buffer.Append((aUint16>>8)&0xff);
+ aDataSink.WriteBufferL(buffer);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteLittleEndianUint32L(MDataSink& aDataSink, TUint aUint32) const
+ {
+ TBuf8<4> buffer;
+ buffer.Append(aUint32&0xff);
+ buffer.Append((aUint32>>8)&0xff);
+ buffer.Append((aUint32>>16)&0xff);
+ buffer.Append((aUint32>>24)&0xff);
+ aDataSink.WriteBufferL(buffer);
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::WriteBufferL(MDataSink& aDataSink, const TDesC8& aBuffer) const
+ {
+ aDataSink.WriteBufferL(aBuffer);
+ }
+HBufC8* CApaResourceFileWriterBase::AsCompressedUnicodeLC(const TDesC& aUncompressedUnicode)
+ {
+ TUnicodeCompressor unicodeCompressor;
+ TMemoryUnicodeSource decompressedUnicode1(aUncompressedUnicode.Ptr());
+ TMemoryUnicodeSource decompressedUnicode2(aUncompressedUnicode.Ptr());
+ // Create a buffer big enough to hold all the compressed output
+ TInt compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes = TUnicodeCompressor::CompressedSizeL(decompressedUnicode1, aUncompressedUnicode.Length());
+ HBufC8* const compressedUnicodeBuffer=HBufC8::NewLC(compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes);
+ TUint8* const compressedUnicodeBuffer_asBytePointer=const_cast<TUint8*>(compressedUnicodeBuffer->Ptr());
+ // Compress the Unicode string
+ TInt numberOfInputElementsConsumed = 0;
+ TInt numberOfOutputBytes = 0;
+ unicodeCompressor.CompressL(compressedUnicodeBuffer_asBytePointer, decompressedUnicode2, compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes, aUncompressedUnicode.Length(), &numberOfOutputBytes, &numberOfInputElementsConsumed);
+ TInt temp = 0;
+ unicodeCompressor.FlushL(compressedUnicodeBuffer_asBytePointer, compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes, temp);
+ numberOfOutputBytes+=temp;
+ TPtr8 compressedUnicodeBuffer_asWritable(compressedUnicodeBuffer->Des());
+ compressedUnicodeBuffer_asWritable.SetLength(numberOfOutputBytes);
+ return compressedUnicodeBuffer;
+ }
+void CApaResourceFileWriterBase::MainResourceInCompiledFormatLC(TInt& aMainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed, RBuf8& aBuffer, TBool aCompressedUnicodeFormat) const
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(aBuffer);
+ RBufferSink bufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat(NULL);
+ if (aCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ bufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat.ConstructLC();
+ }
+ RBufferSink bufferSink(aCompressedUnicodeFormat? &bufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat: NULL);
+ bufferSink.ConstructLC();
+ MainResourceInCompiledFormatL(bufferSink);
+ bufferSink.FlushAndGetAndResetL(aMainResourceSizeInBytesWhenUncompressed, aBuffer);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&bufferSink);
+ if (aCompressedUnicodeFormat)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&bufferSinkForCompressedUnicodeFormat);
+ }
+ }
+// CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter
+Creates a new CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter instance.
+@param aAppUid The UID of the application.
+@param aAppFile The name and extension of the file to generate.
+@param aAttributes The attributes of the application. See the TApaAppCapability class for more details.
+@return A pointer to the new CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter instance.
+EXPORT_C CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter* CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::NewL(TUid aAppUid, const TDesC& aAppFile, TUint aAttributes)
+// aAppFile does not need to have the drive set
+ { // static
+ CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter* const self=new(ELeave) CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter(aAppUid, aAttributes);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aAppFile);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+The destructor for the CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter class.
+EXPORT_C CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::~CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter()
+ {
+ delete iAppFile;
+ delete iLocalisableResourceFile;
+ delete iGroupName;
+ delete iOpaqueData;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=iDataTypeList.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ delete iDataTypeList[i].iType;
+ }
+ iDataTypeList.Close();
+ for (i=iFileOwnershipList.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ delete iFileOwnershipList[i].iFileName;
+ }
+ iFileOwnershipList.Close();
+ }
+TUid CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::AppUid() const
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ return iAppUid;
+ }
+const TUid KUidAppRegistrationFile ={0x101F8021};
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::GenerateFileContentsL(RBuf8& aBuffer) const
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ DoGenerateFileContentsL(aBuffer, KUidAppRegistrationFile, iAppUid);
+ }
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetLocalisableResourceFileL(const TDesC& aLocalisableResourceFile)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ HBufC* const localisableResourceFile=aLocalisableResourceFile.AllocL();
+ delete iLocalisableResourceFile;
+ iLocalisableResourceFile=localisableResourceFile;
+ }
+Sets or clears the hidden attribute. The usual purpose of the hidden attribute is to
+decide if the application should appear in the task list or not but this could vary between
+@param aAppIsHidden The value of the hidden flag.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetAppIsHiddenL(TBool aAppIsHidden)
+ {
+ iAppIsHidden=aAppIsHidden? 1: 0;
+ }
+Sets the embeddability attribute. See the TApaAppCapability::TEmbeddability class for more details.
+@param aEmbeddability The value of the embeddability flags.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetEmbeddabilityL(TApaAppCapability::TEmbeddability aEmbeddability)
+ {
+ iEmbeddability=aEmbeddability;
+ }
+Specifies if the application supports the creation of a new file or not.
+@param aSupportsNewFile ETrue to specify that the application supports the creation of a new file.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetSupportsNewFileL(TBool aSupportsNewFile)
+ {
+ iSupportsNewFile=aSupportsNewFile? 1: 0;
+ }
+Specifies if the application must be launched in the background.
+@param aLaunchInBackground ETrue if the application must be launched in the background, EFalse otherwise.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetLaunchInBackgroundL(TBool aLaunchInBackground)
+ {
+ iLaunchInBackground=aLaunchInBackground;
+ }
+Sets the name of the application group.
+@param aGroupName The name of the application group.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetGroupNameL(const TDesC& aGroupName)
+ {
+ HBufC* const groupName=aGroupName.AllocL();
+ delete iGroupName;
+ iGroupName=groupName;
+ }
+Sets the default screen number. This can be used to specify the preferred screen on devices
+that support more than one screen.
+@param aDefaultScreenNumber The name of the default screen.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetDefaultScreenNumberL(TInt aDefaultScreenNumber)
+ {
+ iDefaultScreenNumber=aDefaultScreenNumber;
+ }
+Sets the opaque data. The opaque data is some data that is specific to the type of application.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SetOpaqueDataL(const TDesC8& aOpaqueData)
+ {
+ HBufC8* const opaqueData=aOpaqueData.AllocL();
+ delete iOpaqueData;
+ iOpaqueData=opaqueData;
+ }
+Adds a datatype to the list of datatypes that the application can handle.
+@param aPriority The priority.
+@param aType The datatype.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::AddDataTypeL(TInt aPriority, const TDesC8& aType)
+ {
+ SDataType dataType;
+ dataType.iPriority=aPriority;
+ dataType.iType=aType.AllocLC();
+ iDataTypeList.AppendL(dataType);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(dataType.iType);
+ }
+Adds a file to the list of files owned by the CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter instances. These files
+are deleted if an error occurs whil registering the new applications.
+@param aFileName The name of the file.
+EXPORT_C void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::AddFileOwnershipInfoL(const TDesC& aFileName)
+ {
+ SFileOwnershipInfo fileOwnershipInfo;
+ fileOwnershipInfo.iFileName=aFileName.AllocLC();
+ iFileOwnershipList.AppendL(fileOwnershipInfo);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(fileOwnershipInfo.iFileName);
+ }
+CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter(TUid aAppUid, TUint aAttributes)
+ :iAppUid(aAppUid),
+ iAppFile(NULL),
+ iAttributes(aAttributes),
+ iLocalisableResourceFile(NULL),
+ iAppIsHidden(0),
+ iEmbeddability(TApaAppCapability::ENotEmbeddable),
+ iSupportsNewFile(0),
+ iLaunchInBackground(0),
+ iGroupName(NULL),
+ iDefaultScreenNumber(0),
+ iOpaqueData(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::ConstructL(const TDesC& aAppFile)
+ {
+ iAppFile=aAppFile.AllocL();
+ iLocalisableResourceFile=NULL;
+ }
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::WriteDataTypeL(MDataSink& aDataSink, const SDataType& aDataType) const
+ {
+ // LONG priority
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, aDataType.iPriority);
+ // LTEXT8 type(KMaxDataTypeLength)
+ WriteText8L(aDataSink, *aDataType.iType);
+ }
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::WriteFileOwnershipInfoL(MDataSink& aDataSink, const SFileOwnershipInfo& aFileOwnershipInfo) const
+ {
+ // LTEXT file_name(KMaxFileNameLength)
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, *aFileOwnershipInfo.iFileName);
+ }
+void CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::MainResourceInCompiledFormatL(MDataSink& aDataSink) const
+ {
+ // LONG reserved_long = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ // LLINK reserved_llink = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iAppFile, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ // LTEXT app_file(KMaxFileNameLength) = ""
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, *iAppFile);
+ // LONG attributes = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, iAttributes);
+ // LTEXT localisable_resource_file(KMaxFileNameLength) = ""
+ TPtrC localisableResourceFile(KNullDesC);
+ if (iLocalisableResourceFile!=NULL)
+ {
+ localisableResourceFile.Set(*iLocalisableResourceFile);
+ }
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, localisableResourceFile);
+ // LONG localisable_resource_id = 1
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 1);
+ // BYTE hidden = KAppNotHidden
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, iAppIsHidden);
+ // BYTE embeddability = KAppNotEmbeddable
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, iEmbeddability);
+ // BYTE newfile = KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, iSupportsNewFile);
+ // BYTE launch = KAppLaunchInForeground
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, iLaunchInBackground);
+ // LTEXT group_name(KAppMaxGroupName) = ""
+ TPtrC groupName(KNullDesC);
+ if (iGroupName!=NULL)
+ {
+ groupName.Set(*iGroupName);
+ }
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, groupName);
+ // BYTE default_screen_number = 0
+ WriteUint8L(aDataSink, iDefaultScreenNumber);
+ // LEN WORD STRUCT datatype_list[]
+ TInt i;
+ const TInt numberOfDataTypes=iDataTypeList.Count();
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(aDataSink, numberOfDataTypes);
+ for (i=0; i<numberOfDataTypes; ++i)
+ {
+ WriteDataTypeL(aDataSink, iDataTypeList[i]);
+ }
+ // LEN WORD STRUCT file_ownership_list[]
+ const TInt numberOfOwnershipItems=iFileOwnershipList.Count();
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(aDataSink, numberOfOwnershipItems);
+ for (i=0; i<numberOfOwnershipItems; ++i)
+ {
+ WriteFileOwnershipInfoL(aDataSink, iFileOwnershipList[i]);
+ }
+ // LEN WORD STRUCT service_list[]
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(aDataSink, 0);
+ // LLINK opaque_data = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, (iOpaqueData!=NULL)? 2: 0);
+ }
+const TDesC8* CApaRegistrationResourceFileWriter::SecondResourceL(TBool& aSecondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat) const
+ {
+ aSecondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat=EFalse;
+ return iOpaqueData;
+ }
+// CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter
+EXPORT_C CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter* CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::NewL(const TDesC& aShortCaption, const TDesC& aCaption, TInt aNumberOfIcons, const TDesC& aGroupName)
+ { // static
+ CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter* const self=new(ELeave) CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter(aNumberOfIcons);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aShortCaption, aCaption, aGroupName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::~CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter()
+ {
+ delete iShortCaption;
+ delete iCaptionAndIcon.iCaption;
+ delete iCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile;
+ delete iGroupName;
+ }
+void CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::GenerateFileContentsL(RBuf8& aBuffer) const
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ DoGenerateFileContentsL(aBuffer, TUid::Null(), TUid::Null());
+ }
+void CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::SetIconFileL(const TDesC& aIconFile)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ HBufC* const iconFile=aIconFile.AllocL();
+ delete iCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile;
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile=iconFile;
+ }
+CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter(TInt aNumberOfIcons)
+ :iShortCaption(NULL),
+ iGroupName(NULL)
+ {
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iCaption=NULL;
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iNumberOfIcons=aNumberOfIcons;
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile=NULL;
+ }
+void CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::ConstructL(const TDesC& aShortCaption, const TDesC& aCaption, const TDesC& aGroupName)
+ {
+ iShortCaption=aShortCaption.AllocL();
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iCaption=aCaption.AllocL();
+ iCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile=NULL;
+ iGroupName=aGroupName.AllocL();
+ }
+void CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::WriteCaptionAndIconInfoL(MDataSink& aDataSink, const SCaptionAndIconInfo& aCaptionAndIcon) const
+ {
+ // LONG reserved_long = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ // LLINK reserved_llink = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ // LTEXT caption(KMaxCaption) = ""
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, *aCaptionAndIcon.iCaption);
+ // WORD number_of_icons = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(aDataSink, aCaptionAndIcon.iNumberOfIcons);
+ // LTEXT icon_file(KMaxFileNameLength) = ""
+ TPtrC iconFile(KNullDesC);
+ if (aCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile!=NULL)
+ {
+ iconFile.Set(*aCaptionAndIcon.iIconFile);
+ }
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, iconFile);
+ }
+void CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::MainResourceInCompiledFormatL(MDataSink& aDataSink) const
+ {
+ // LONG reserved_long = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ // LLINK reserved_llink = 0
+ WriteLittleEndianUint32L(aDataSink, 0);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iShortCaption, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ // LTEXT short_caption(KMaxCaption) = ""
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, *iShortCaption);
+ // STRUCT caption_and_icon
+ WriteCaptionAndIconInfoL(aDataSink, iCaptionAndIcon);
+ // LEN WORD STRUCT view_list[]
+ WriteLittleEndianUint16L(aDataSink, 0);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iGroupName, Panic(EPanicNullPointer));
+ // LTEXT group_name(KAppMaxGroupName) = ""
+ WriteTextL(aDataSink, *iGroupName);
+ }
+const TDesC8* CApaLocalisableResourceFileWriter::SecondResourceL(TBool& aSecondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat) const
+ {
+ aSecondResourceInCompressedUnicodeFormat=EFalse;
+ return NULL;
+ }