--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Shared/Source/ASShdAlarm.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <asshdalarm.h>
+#include "ASShdAlarm_internal.h"
+// NOTE: Remember to change this version whenever the data format changes!
+const TUint16 KAlarmExternalizedVersion = 2;
+const TUint16 KAlarmExternalizedSkipCount = 0; // Number of bytes to be skipped in data stream
+Default constructor.
+Initializes all member data to default values.
+EXPORT_C TASShdAlarm::TASShdAlarm()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+Internalizes the alarm's data from a read stream.
+@param aStream The stream to read from.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
+ {
+ // Read and ignore version (until its needed)
+ aStream.ReadUint16L();
+ iFlags.SetValue(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ // Session no longer valid!
+ iFlags.Clear(EASShdAlarmFlagsHasOwningSession);
+ iCharacteristics.SetValue(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ // Session alarms should be imported as orphaned
+ // because there is no valid TRequestStatus to notify
+ if (iCharacteristics.IsSet(EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific))
+ {
+ iCharacteristics.Clear(EAlarmCharacteristicsSessionSpecific);
+ iFlags.Set(EASShdAlarmFlagsHasBecomeOrphaned);
+ }
+ iAlarmId = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+ iStatus = static_cast<TAlarmStatus>(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ iState = static_cast<TAlarmState>(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ iDayOrTimed = static_cast<TAlarmDayOrTimed>(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ iRepeatDefinition = static_cast<TAlarmRepeatDefinition>(aStream.ReadInt8L());
+ aStream >> iCategory;
+ TInt64 tempInt64;
+ aStream >> tempInt64;
+ iNextDueTime = TTime(tempInt64);
+ aStream >> tempInt64;
+ iOriginalExpiryTime = TTime(tempInt64);
+ aStream >> iMessage;
+ aStream >> iSoundName;
+ iClientFlags.SetValue(aStream.ReadInt16L());
+ iClientData1 = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+ iClientData2 = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+ //Only read the SID in the secured platform
+ iTASShdAlarmSID = aStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iFlags2.SetValue(aStream.ReadInt16L());
+ // Read and ignore the skip count until its needed. When new data is written
+ // to the end of the alarm, be sure to use the version information as a means
+ // of establishing exactly how much data can be read. This enables the alarm
+ // server to remain data compatible going forwards...
+ aStream.ReadUint16L();
+ }
+Externalizes the alarm's member data to a write stream.
+@param aStream The stream to write to.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+ {
+ // Write version
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(KAlarmExternalizedVersion);
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(iFlags.Value());
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(iCharacteristics.Value());
+ aStream.WriteInt32L(iAlarmId);
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(static_cast<TInt8>(iStatus));
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(static_cast<TInt8>(iState));
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(static_cast<TInt8>(iDayOrTimed));
+ aStream.WriteInt8L(static_cast<TInt8>(iRepeatDefinition));
+ aStream << iCategory;
+ aStream << iNextDueTime.Int64();
+ aStream << iOriginalExpiryTime.Int64();
+ aStream << iMessage;
+ aStream << iSoundName;
+ aStream.WriteInt16L(iClientFlags.Value());
+ aStream.WriteInt32L(iClientData1);
+ aStream.WriteInt32L(iClientData2);
+ //Only store the SID in the secured platform
+ aStream.WriteUint32L(iTASShdAlarmSID);
+ aStream.WriteInt16L(iFlags2.Value());
+ // Write skip count
+ aStream.WriteUint16L(KAlarmExternalizedSkipCount);
+ }
+Resets the alarm back to a default, uninitialized state.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::Reset()
+ {
+ iFlags = 0,
+ iCharacteristics = 0;
+ iAlarmId = KNullAlarmId;
+ iStatus = EAlarmStatusDisabled;
+ iState = EAlarmStateInPreparation;
+ iDayOrTimed = EASShdAlarmTypeTimed;
+ iRepeatDefinition = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce;
+ iCategory = KNullUid;
+ iNextDueTime = Time::NullTTime();
+ iOriginalExpiryTime = Time::NullTTime();
+ iMessage = KNullDesC;
+ iSoundName = KNullDesC;
+ iClientFlags.ClearAll();
+ iClientData1 = 0;
+ iClientData2 = 0;
+ iFlags2 = 0;
+ iFlags2 = 0;
+ // By default, an alarm with a repeat definition of EAlarmRepeatDefinition-
+ // DailyOnGivenDays is active on all days.
+ SetAlarmDays(EAlarmDayMonday | EAlarmDayTuesday | EAlarmDayWednesday |
+ EAlarmDayThursday | EAlarmDayFriday | EAlarmDaySaturday |
+ EAlarmDaySunday);
+ }
+Using this API to set the next due time of an alarm will make it a fixed alarm, that
+is going to expire at the given UTC time. The alarm will not be rescheduled when the UTC offset is changed.
+@param aUtcTime The due time of the alarm should be given in UTC.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::SetUtcNextDueTime(TTime aUtcTime)
+ {
+ iNextDueTime = aUtcTime;
+ iCharacteristics.Set(EAlarmCharacteristicsIsFixed);
+ }
+Using this API to tell the alarmserver not to notify the Agenda alarms if
+its due time is in the past after system time has been changed.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::SetDeQueueIfDueTimeInPast()
+ {
+ iCharacteristics.Set(EAlarmCharacteristicsDeQueueIfDueTimeInPast);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::SetWakeup(TBool aEnabled)
+ {
+ if (aEnabled)
+ {
+ iFlags2.Set(EASShdAlarmFlag2Wakeup);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iFlags2.Clear(EASShdAlarmFlag2Wakeup);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TASShdAlarm::IsWakeup() const
+ {
+ return iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2Wakeup);
+ }
+Sets which days of the week an alarm with a repeat definition of
+EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDailyOnGivenDays activates on. By default, an alarm
+with a repeat definition of EAlarmRepeatDefinitionRepeatDailyOnGivenDays will be
+active on all days of the week.
+@param aAlarmDays
+ The days of the week that the alarm activates on. Days are combined using
+ the bitwise OR operator e.g. EAlarmDayMonday|EAlarmDayTuesday.
+ KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if aAlarmDays is an invalid value.
+EXPORT_C TInt TASShdAlarm::SetAlarmDays(TUint8 aAlarmDays)
+ {
+ TUint8 alarmDaysMask = ~(EAlarmDayMonday | EAlarmDayTuesday |
+ EAlarmDayWednesday | EAlarmDayThursday | EAlarmDayFriday |
+ EAlarmDaySaturday | EAlarmDaySunday);
+ if ((aAlarmDays == 0) || ((aAlarmDays & alarmDaysMask) != 0))
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayMonday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDayMonday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayTuesday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDayTuesday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayWednesday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDayWednesday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayThursday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDayThursday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayFriday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDayFriday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDaySaturday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDaySaturday);
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDaySunday,
+ aAlarmDays & EAlarmDaySunday);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+Returns the days of the week that the alarm activates on. This value is only
+applicable if the alarm’s repeat definition is
+EAlarmRepeatDefinitionRepeatDailyOnGivenDays. By default, an alarm with a
+repeat definition of EAlarmRepeatDefinitionRepeatDailyOn-GivenDays will be
+active on all days of the week.
+ The days of the week the alarm activates on.
+EXPORT_C TUint8 TASShdAlarm::AlarmDays() const
+ {
+ TUint8 alarmDays = 0;
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayMonday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDayMonday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayTuesday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDayTuesday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayWednesday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDayWednesday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayThursday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDayThursday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDayFriday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDayFriday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDaySaturday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDaySaturday;
+ }
+ if (iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2AlarmDaySunday))
+ {
+ alarmDays |= EAlarmDaySunday;
+ }
+ return alarmDays;
+ }
+Sets whether or not the alarm is continuous.
+@param aContinuous
+ ETrue if the alarm is continuous, EFalse if the alarm is not continuous.
+EXPORT_C void TASShdAlarm::SetContinuous(TBool aContinuous)
+ {
+ iFlags2.Assign(EASShdAlarmFlag2Continuous, aContinuous);
+ }
+Returns the continuous state for the alarm.
+ ETrue if the alarm is continuous, EFalse if the alarm is not continuous.
+EXPORT_C TBool TASShdAlarm::Continuous()
+ {
+ return iFlags2.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlag2Continuous);
+ }
+/** Tests whether the alarm has any associated data.
+@return True if the alarm has associated data. */
+EXPORT_C TBool TASShdAlarm::HasAssociatedData() const
+ {
+ return iFlags.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlagsHasAssociatedData);
+ }
+/** Tests whether the alarm has an active owning session.
+@return True if the alarm has an active owning session. */
+EXPORT_C TBool TASShdAlarm::HasOwningSession() const
+ {
+ return iFlags.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlagsHasOwningSession);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TASShdAlarm::HasBecomeOrphaned() const
+/** Tests whether the alarm is orphaned.
+An alarm is ophaned if it used to have an owning session, but no longer does.
+If an alarm is owned by a session, it is removed from the queue when the session
+disconnects. However, orphaned alarms stay in the queue.
+@return True if the alarm has becomed orphaned. */
+ {
+ return iFlags.IsSet(EASShdAlarmFlagsHasBecomeOrphaned);
+ }