changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Test/TAlarmNotifications.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Test session notification of alarms
+#include "ASTstAlarmTest.h"
+#include "testserver.h"
+// Constants
+const TUint KHeapMinSize=0x01000;
+const TUint KHeapMaxSize=0x10000;
+// Globals
+static TAlarmId TheAlarmId = KNullAlarmId;
+static TBool TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+static TBool TheNotifyThread=ETrue;
+static TRequestStatus TheCurrentRequest=KErrNone;
+static TRequestStatus TheSessionStatus;
+static void testOtherNotify(TBool aExpected);
+static void testThisNotify(TInt aExpected=KErrNone);
+static TInt ntfThreadMain(TAny* /*aPtr*/)
+//	Main thread of notification thread
+	{
+	RASCliSession almSvr;
+	const TInt r=almSvr.Connect();
+	TheAlarmTest(r==KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	//
+	TAlarmId alarmId;
+	TRequestStatus stat;
+		{
+			{
+			almSvr.NotifyChange(stat, alarmId);
+			User::After(KTimeToWait);
+			if	(stat == KRequestPending)
+				break;
+			User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+			}
+		User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+		//
+		if (!TheNotifyThread)
+			break;
+		//
+		TheAlarmTest(stat >= EAlarmChangeEventState && stat <= EAlarmChangeEventLast, __LINE__);
+		TheNotifyFlag = ETrue;
+		}
+	//
+	TheNotifyFlag=ETrue;
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+static void startNotifyThread()
+//	Start the thread that determines NotifyOnChange
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Starting the notification test thread"));
+	RThread t;
+	TInt r=t.Create(_L("NtfThread"),ntfThreadMain,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapMinSize,KHeapMaxSize,NULL);
+	TheAlarmTest(r==KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TRequestStatus tStat;
+	t.Logon(tStat);
+	t.SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
+	TheAlarmTest(tStat==KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	t.Resume();
+	TheAlarmTest(tStat==KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	}
+static void testSetupNotify()
+//	Set up the notify requests
+	{
+	TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+	startNotifyThread();
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set up notification requests"));
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().NotifyChangeCancel();
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest(TheCurrentRequest == KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag == EFalse, __LINE__);
+	//
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	}
+static void testOtherNotify(TBool aExpected)
+//	Check there was a notification to the notify thread
+	{
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag==aExpected, __LINE__);
+	TheNotifyFlag=EFalse;
+	}
+static void testThisNotify(TInt aExpected)
+//	Check there the notification of this thread. Because notifications
+//	in the new Alarm Server are bufferred, then the first notification
+//	may not be the one we are looking for. Therefore we continue to
+//  request notifications until the buffer is exhausted, at which point,
+//	if we haven't yet seent the notification we were looking for, we
+//	panic.
+	{
+	if	(TheCurrentRequest != aExpected)
+		{
+		// Need to exhaust the event buffer
+		// If the buffer is empty (server side) then the current
+		// request will still be outstanding, therefore the test
+		// has failed.
+		User::After(KTimeToWait);
+		TheAlarmTest(TheCurrentRequest != KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+		// Eat current request
+		User::WaitForRequest(TheCurrentRequest);
+		// Now go through each item in the buffer, requesting them
+		// one by one
+			{
+			TheAlarmTest.Session().NotifyChange(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+			User::After(KTimeToWait);
+			TheAlarmTest(TheCurrentRequest != KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+			User::WaitForRequest(TheCurrentRequest);
+			if	(TheCurrentRequest == aExpected)
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	// Request another notification
+	if	(TheCurrentRequest != KRequestPending)
+		{
+		// Eat all the rest
+		TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+		}
+	}
+static void testTimeChangeL()
+//	Test that time notifications work
+	{
+	RPIMTestServer serv;
+    User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time changes and alarms set with local wall-clock time."));
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TTime home;
+	home.HomeTime();
+	home+=TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+    serv.SetHomeTime(home);
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSystemDateTimeChanged);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message() = _L("Time");
+	alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	//
+	TInt r;
+	TAlarmId nextDueAlarmId;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(nextDueAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(nextDueAlarmId = alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm retrievedAlarm;
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(nextDueAlarmId, retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Message() == _L("Time"), __LINE__);
+	//
+    serv.SetHomeTime(retrievedAlarm.NextDueTime());
+    serv.Close();
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSystemDateTimeChanged);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus != KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	User::WaitForRequest(TheSessionStatus);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(nextDueAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(nextDueAlarmId == KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	alarm.Message() = _L("DayTime");
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus==KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	}
+static void testSetAndCancelPast()
+//	Test that each type of alarm goes off if set in the past.
+//	Careful of DayAlarms - cant be sure if a time in today is past/before the current time.
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set alarms with local wall-clock time in past"));
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message() = _L("Past");
+	alarm.SoundName() = _L("none");
+	alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalDays(-2);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TInt r;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	TAlarmId clockAlarmId = alarm.Id();
+	//
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	User::WaitForRequest(TheSessionStatus);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(clockAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == 0, __LINE__);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	}
+static void testSetAndCancelFuture()
+//	Set alarms in future
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set alarms with local wall-clock time in future"));
+	TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag==EFalse, __LINE__);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message() = _L("Future");
+	alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	TAlarmId id;
+	TASShdAlarm retrievedAlarm;
+	TInt r;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(id == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Id() == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus==KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	//
+	alarm.Reset();
+	alarm.Message() = _L("Clock");
+	alarm.NextDueTime().HomeTime();
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	alarm.NextDueTime() += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(id == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Id() = alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmStatus(alarm.Id(), EAlarmStatusDisabled);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventStatus);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id());
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	}
+static void testSoundChange()
+//	Test that sound notifications work
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Sound changes"));
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().CancelAlarmSilence();
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundsSilentFor(60);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSoundSilence);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().CancelAlarmSilence();
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSoundSilence);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundsSilentFor(60);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSoundSilence);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundsSilentFor(0);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSoundSilence);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundState(EAlarmGlobalSoundStateOn);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundState(EAlarmGlobalSoundStateOff);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventGlobalSoundStateChanged);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmSoundState(EAlarmGlobalSoundStateOn);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventGlobalSoundStateChanged);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	}
+static void testTimeChangeUtcL()
+	{
+	RPIMTestServer serv;
+    User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time changes and alarms set with UTC time."));
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TTime home;
+	home.HomeTime();
+	home+=TTimeIntervalMinutes(2);
+    serv.SetHomeTime(home);
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSystemDateTimeChanged);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message()=(_L("Time"));
+	TTime time;
+	time.UniversalTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	//
+	TInt r;
+	TAlarmId nextDueAlarmId;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(nextDueAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(nextDueAlarmId = alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm retrievedAlarm;
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(nextDueAlarmId, retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Message() == _L("Time"), __LINE__);
+	//
+    User::SetUTCTime(retrievedAlarm.NextDueTime());
+    serv.Close();
+	User::After(KTimeToWait);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventSystemDateTimeChanged);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus != KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	User::WaitForRequest(TheSessionStatus);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(nextDueAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(nextDueAlarmId == KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	time = alarm.NextDueTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+	alarm.Message()=(_L("DayTime"));
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus==KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	}
+static void testSetAndCancelFutureUtc()
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set alarms with UTC time in future"));
+	TheAlarmTest(TheNotifyFlag==EFalse, __LINE__);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message()=(_L("Future"));
+	TTime time;
+	time.UniversalTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+	//
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KRequestPending, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	TAlarmId id;
+	TASShdAlarm retrievedAlarm;
+	TInt r;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(id == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Id() == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus==KErrCancel, __LINE__);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	//
+	alarm.Reset();
+	alarm.Message()=(_L("Clock"));
+	time.UniversalTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+	time += TTimeIntervalMinutes(30);
+	alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetNextDueAlarmId(id);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(id == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), retrievedAlarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(retrievedAlarm.Id() == alarm.Id(), __LINE__);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmStatus(alarm.Id(), EAlarmStatusDisabled);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventStatus);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id());
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	}
+static void testSetAndCancelPastUtc()
+	{
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Set alarms with UTC time in past"));
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TASShdAlarm alarm;
+	alarm.Message()=(_L("Past"));
+	alarm.SoundName()=(_L("none"));
+	TTime time;
+	time.UniversalTime();
+	time += TTimeIntervalDays(-2);
+	alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(time);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	//
+	TInt r;
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	TAlarmId clockAlarmId = alarm.Id();
+	//
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	TheAlarmTest.WaitForNotificationBufferToBeEmptied(TheCurrentRequest, TheAlarmId);
+	//
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	testOtherNotify(EFalse);
+	testThisNotify(KRequestPending);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAddWithNotification(TheSessionStatus, alarm);
+	TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmAddition);
+	TheAlarmTest(TheSessionStatus == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	User::WaitForRequest(TheSessionStatus);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmNotificationCancelAndDequeue(alarm.Id());
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	//
+	r = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(clockAlarmId);
+	TheAlarmTest(r == 0, __LINE__);
+	testThisNotify(EAlarmChangeEventAlarmDeletion);
+	testOtherNotify(ETrue);
+	}
+static void doTestsL()
+	{
+	const TInt KGmtOffset = 3600;
+	_LIT(KTime, "20040730:050000.000000"); //Summertime
+	TInt err = User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(TTime(KTime), KGmtOffset);
+	TheAlarmTest(err == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	TheAlarmTest.TestStartServers();
+	TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().Connect() == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+	//
+	TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+	testSetupNotify();
+	testSoundChange();
+	// Alarms set with local wall-clock times.
+	testTimeChangeL();
+	testSetAndCancelFuture();
+	testSetAndCancelPast();
+	// Alarms set with UTC times.
+	testTimeChangeUtcL();
+	testSetAndCancelFutureUtc();
+	testSetAndCancelPastUtc();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler);
+	TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test the alarm server.
+    {
+    TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	TheAlarmTest.Title();
+	TheAlarmTest.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-TALARMNOTIFICATIONS-0001 Session alarms"));
+	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	TRAPD(err, doTestsL());
+	TheAlarmTest(err == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+	delete cleanup;
+    TheAlarmTest.Session().Close();
+    TRAP(ret,TheAlarmTest.EndL());
+	TheAlarmTest.Test().Close();
+	ASTstAlarmTest::Close();
+	//
+	return ret;
+    }