--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonappservices/alarmserver/Test/TRepeatDefinitions.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "ASTstAlarmTest.h"
+#include "testserver.h"
+#include <tz.h>
+// Globals
+static TTime TheOriginalTime;
+static TTime TheInitialAlarmTime;
+static TTime TheCurrentTime;
+TBool AlarmSetInThePastTest = EFalse;
+// Definitions:
+/* These two #defines make the code a lot safer, since the enums in TDay
+ are not tied to any specific values. All code expecting specific values
+ need to use them relative to EMonday (DoW = Day of week) */
+#define DoWNumber(x) ((TInt)(x-EMonday))
+#define DoWFlag(x) (1<<((TInt)(x-EMonday)))
+_LIT(KDateTimeFormat, "%F %*E %*N %D %Y %J:%T:%S%B");
+static void PrintTimeL(const TTime& aTime, const TDesC& aPrefix)
+ {
+ TBuf<30> dateTimeString;
+ aTime.FormatL(dateTimeString, KDateTimeFormat);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(_L("%S %S\n"), &aPrefix, &dateTimeString);
+ }
+static void AdjustToNextWorkDay(TTime& aSetTime, const TTime& aCurrentTime)
+ {
+ TDateTime setDT=aSetTime.DateTime();
+ TDateTime currDT=aCurrentTime.DateTime();
+ setDT.SetYear(currDT.Year());
+ setDT.SetDay(0); // ensure SetMonth cannot fail.
+ setDT.SetMonth(currDT.Month());
+ setDT.SetDay(currDT.Day());
+ aSetTime=setDT;
+ TUint workdays=TLocale().WorkDays();
+ TheAlarmTest(workdays!=0, __LINE__);
+ TUint dayFlag;
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ {
+ {
+ dayFlag=DoWFlag(aSetTime.DayNoInWeek());
+ if (workdays&dayFlag && aSetTime>aCurrentTime)
+ return;
+ aSetTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (AlarmSetInThePastTest)
+ {
+ //When moving forwards the system time the Next alarm time will be in the past
+ {
+ dayFlag=DoWFlag(aSetTime.DayNoInWeek());
+ if(workdays&dayFlag )
+ return;
+ aSetTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ dayFlag=DoWFlag(aSetTime.DayNoInWeek());
+ if(workdays&dayFlag && aSetTime>aCurrentTime)
+ return;
+ aSetTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void TestCompareTimeL(const TTime& aExpectedTime, const TTime& aAlarmTime, TInt aLineNum)
+// Compare times to required degree of precision
+ {
+ // determine the difference, in seconds
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds timeDiffSeconds;
+ const TInt error = aExpectedTime.SecondsFrom(aAlarmTime, timeDiffSeconds);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // check the times are within 1min
+ // as alarms are rounded to the minute
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds maxDiff(60);
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds minDiff(-60);
+ if ((timeDiffSeconds > maxDiff) || (timeDiffSeconds < minDiff))
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Printf(
+ _L("Compared times more than 1 minute different (%is) at line %u"),
+ timeDiffSeconds.Int(),
+ aLineNum);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(PrintTimeL(aExpectedTime, _L("Expected time: ")));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(PrintTimeL(aAlarmTime, _L("Alarm time: ")));
+ TheAlarmTest(EFalse, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+static void TestClockAlarmsL(const RArray<TAlarmId>& aIds)
+// We expect and TheAlarmTest.TheTest that:
+// 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial alarm time unless time in past
+// 2) Next24 to advance to the first 'initial alarm time' falling due after the original time
+// 3) Daily to advance to the first 'initial alarm time' falling due after the currrent time
+// 4) Weekday to advance to the 'initial alarm time' on the next weekday
+// 5) Weekly to advance to the 'initial alarm time' in the next week
+ {
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TheCurrentTime.HomeTime();
+ //
+ for (TInt i=0; i<aIds.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ const TAlarmId id = aIds[i];
+ //
+ TInt r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Its acceptable for the first item to be missing
+ // due to a date/time change. The first item is a repeat-once
+ // alarm, scheduled 1 hour in the past (i.e one hour before the
+ // current time). As soon as the date/time changes, this alarm
+ // will be removed from the alarm queue because it is before
+ // the new date time.
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNotFound && i==0, __LINE__);
+ }
+ else
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ if (alarm.Status() != EAlarmStatusEnabled)
+ continue;
+ //
+ TTime setTime(TheInitialAlarmTime);
+ switch(alarm.RepeatDefinition())
+ {
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce:
+ {
+ TestCompareTimeL(TheInitialAlarmTime, alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours:
+ {
+ // Should be be within 24 hours of the original time
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndOriginal(TheOriginalTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ setTime+=daysBetweenInitialAndOriginal;
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(24);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily:
+ {
+ // Should be within next 24 hours of current time at initial time
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent(TheCurrentTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ setTime+=daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent;
+ // UREL
+ if (!(alarm.NextDueTime()<TheCurrentTime)) // Alarm not in the past
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(24);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly:
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent(TheCurrentTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ TInt weeks=daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent.Int()/7;
+ if (weeks!=0)
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(weeks*7);
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(7);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday:
+ {
+ AdjustToNextWorkDay(setTime,TheCurrentTime);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ TheAlarmTest(0, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void TestClockUtcAlarmsL(const RArray<TAlarmId>& aIds)
+// We expect and TheAlarmTest.TheTest that:
+// 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial alarm time unless time in past
+// 2) Next24 to advance to the first 'initial alarm time' falling due after the original time
+// 3) Daily to advance to the first 'initial alarm time' falling due after the currrent time
+// 4) Weekday to advance to the 'initial alarm time' on the next weekday
+// 5) Weekly to advance to the 'initial alarm time' in the next week
+ {
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TheCurrentTime.HomeTime();
+ //
+ for (TInt i=0; i<aIds.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ const TAlarmId id = aIds[i];
+ //
+ TInt r = TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(id, alarm);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Its acceptable for the first item to be missing
+ // due to a date/time change. The first item is a repeat-once
+ // alarm, scheduled 1 hour in the past (i.e one hour before the
+ // current time). As soon as the date/time changes, this alarm
+ // will be removed from the alarm queue because it is before
+ // the new date time.
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNotFound && i==0, __LINE__);
+ }
+ else
+ TheAlarmTest(r == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ //
+ if (alarm.Status() != EAlarmStatusEnabled)
+ continue;
+ //
+ TTime setTime(TheInitialAlarmTime);
+ switch(alarm.RepeatDefinition())
+ {
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce:
+ {
+ TestCompareTimeL(TheInitialAlarmTime, (alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()), __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours:
+ {
+ // Should be be within 24 hours of the original time
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndOriginal(TheOriginalTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ setTime+=daysBetweenInitialAndOriginal;
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(24);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, (alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily:
+ {
+ // Should be within next 24 hours of current time at initial time
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent(TheCurrentTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ setTime+=daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent;
+ // UREL
+ if (!((alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()) < TheCurrentTime )) // Alarm not in the past
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(24);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, (alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly:
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalDays daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent(TheCurrentTime.DaysFrom(TheInitialAlarmTime));
+ TInt weeks=daysBetweenInitialAndCurrent.Int()/7;
+ if (weeks!=0)
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(weeks*7);
+ setTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(7);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, (alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday:
+ {
+ AdjustToNextWorkDay(setTime,TheCurrentTime);
+ TestCompareTimeL(setTime, (alarm.NextDueTime() + User::UTCOffset()), __LINE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ TheAlarmTest(0, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void TestAdvanceTimeToBeforeNextAlarmsL()
+// Advance time by 22 hours, just before next alarms.
+ {
+ TTime newTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ newTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(22);
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ serv.SetHomeTime(newTime);
+ serv.Close();
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+ }
+static void TestAdvanceTimeAfterAlarmsL()
+// Advance time by a further 24 hours past daily, next24, and weekday
+// alarms if tomorrow is a weekday.
+ {
+ TTime newTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ newTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(24);
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ serv.SetHomeTime(newTime);
+ serv.Close();
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+ }
+static void TestSetClockAlarmsL(TInt aAlarmOffsetHours,TInt aAlarmOffsetDays)
+// Set five alarms with each having a different alarm repeat mode.
+// Each is set with the same past time an hour ago.
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Clock alarms are set properly"));
+ TInt n=TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(n==0, __LINE__);
+ TheCurrentTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ TheInitialAlarmTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ if (aAlarmOffsetHours!=0)
+ TheInitialAlarmTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(aAlarmOffsetHours);
+ if (aAlarmOffsetDays!=0)
+ TheInitialAlarmTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(aAlarmOffsetDays);
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ RArray<TInt> array;
+ //
+ for (TInt i=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce; i<=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly; i++)
+ {
+ alarm.Reset();
+ alarm.Message().Num(i);
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = TheInitialAlarmTime;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = TAlarmRepeatDefinition(i);
+ const TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ array.AppendL(alarm.Id());
+ }
+ // Check that the alarms were all queued okay
+ TestClockAlarmsL(array);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time adjusted to before repeats +22hr"));
+ // We expect and test that:
+ //
+ // 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial time
+ // 2) Next24 to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 3) Daily to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 4) Weekday to remain at next weekday from initial time
+ // 5) Weekly to remain at 7 days from initial time
+ //
+ TestAdvanceTimeToBeforeNextAlarmsL();
+ TestClockAlarmsL(array);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time adjusted to after repeats +24hr"));
+ // We expect and test that;
+ //
+ // 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial time
+ // 2) Next24 to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 3) Daily to advance to 48 hours in udeb and 24 hours in urel from initial time.
+ // 4) Weekday to advance two second weekday after
+ // initial time if day after initial time was a weekday
+ // 5) Weekly to remain at 7 days from initial time
+ //
+ AlarmSetInThePastTest = ETrue;
+ TestAdvanceTimeAfterAlarmsL();
+ TestClockAlarmsL(array);
+ AlarmSetInThePastTest = EFalse;
+ // Tidy up and finish
+ // Delete the alarm currently tested
+ while(array.Count())
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(array[array.Count()-1]);
+ const TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(array[array.Count()-1]);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone || error == KErrNotFound);
+ array.Remove(array.Count()-1);
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue() == 0);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ array.Close();
+ }
+static void testNext24hours()
+// Test that an alarm set for 1 second ago gets set for tomorrow
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Next 24 hours"));
+ TInt n=TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(n==0, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime timeNow;
+ timeNow.HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = timeNow-TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateQueued, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Status() == EAlarmStatusEnabled, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() == alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() > timeNow, __LINE__);
+ TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id());
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void testSetClockUtcAlarmsL(TInt aAlarmOffsetHours,TInt aAlarmOffsetDays)
+// Set five alarms with each having a different alarm repeat mode.
+// Each is set with the same past time an hour ago.
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Clock UTC alarms are set properly"));
+ TInt n=TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(n==0, __LINE__);
+ TheCurrentTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ TheInitialAlarmTime=TheOriginalTime;
+ if (aAlarmOffsetHours!=0)
+ TheInitialAlarmTime+=TTimeIntervalHours(aAlarmOffsetHours);
+ if (aAlarmOffsetDays!=0)
+ TheInitialAlarmTime+=TTimeIntervalDays(aAlarmOffsetDays);
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ RArray<TInt> array;
+ //
+ for (TInt i=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce; i<=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly; i++)
+ {
+ alarm.Reset();
+ TAlarmMessage m = alarm.Message();
+ m.Num(i);
+ alarm.Message()=m;
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(TheInitialAlarmTime - User::UTCOffset());
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition()=TAlarmRepeatDefinition(i);
+ const TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ array.AppendL(alarm.Id());
+ }
+ // Check that the alarms were all queued okay
+ TestClockUtcAlarmsL(array);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time adjusted to before repeats +22hr"));
+ // We expect and test that:
+ //
+ // 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial time
+ // 2) Next24 to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 3) Daily to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 4) Weekday to remain at next weekday from initial time
+ // 5) Weekly to remain at 7 days from initial time
+ //
+ TestAdvanceTimeToBeforeNextAlarmsL();
+ TestClockUtcAlarmsL(array);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Time adjusted to after repeats +24hr"));
+ // We expect and test that;
+ //
+ // 1) Once alarm to remain unchanged at initial time
+ // 2) Next24 to remain at 24 hours from initial time
+ // 3) Daily to advance to 48 hours in udeb and 24 hours in urel from initial time.
+ // 4) Weekday to advance two second weekday after
+ // initial time if day after initial time was a weekday
+ // 5) Weekly to remain at 7 days from initial time
+ //
+ AlarmSetInThePastTest = ETrue;
+ TestAdvanceTimeAfterAlarmsL();
+ TestClockUtcAlarmsL(array);
+ AlarmSetInThePastTest = EFalse;
+ // Tidy up and finish
+ // Delete the alarm currently tested
+ while(array.Count())
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest(array[array.Count()-1]);
+ const TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(array[array.Count()-1]);
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone || error == KErrNotFound);
+ array.Remove(array.Count()-1);
+ }
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue() == 0);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ array.Close();
+ }
+static void testNext24hoursUtc()
+// Test that an alarm set for 1 second ago gets set for tomorrow
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Next 24 hours UTC"));
+ TInt n=TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(n==0, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TTime timeNow;
+ timeNow.UniversalTime();
+ alarm.SetUtcNextDueTime(timeNow-TTimeIntervalSeconds(1));
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition()=EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateQueued, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Status() == EAlarmStatusEnabled, __LINE__);
+ //
+ TASShdAlarm alarm2;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm2) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() == alarm.NextDueTime(), __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm2.NextDueTime() > timeNow, __LINE__);
+ TInt error = TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id());
+ TheAlarmTest(error == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void testNextWorkdayAlarmTimePositiveOffsetL()
+// Test the next workday alarm is calculated correctly for
+// when the UTC and Local times of the alarms are on different days.
+// for a positive UTC offset
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Next due workday alarm when UTc and local current time are on different days (with positive UTC offset)"));
+ RTz tz;
+ CleanupClosePushL(tz);
+ User::LeaveIfError(tz.Connect());
+ // Store the current time zone
+ CTzId* storedTzId = tz.GetTimeZoneIdL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(storedTzId);
+ // Set the current local time to be 10:58am
+ // in a time zone that is GMT+11
+ TTime newSystemTimeUTC(TDateTime(2007, EFebruary, 16, 23, 58, 0, 0));
+ const TInt KNumberOfMinutesInElevenHours(660);
+ tz.SetUnknownZoneTimeL(newSystemTimeUTC, KNumberOfMinutesInElevenHours);
+ // Add a workday alarm for 05:00am local time
+ const TTime KAlarmTimeLocal(TDateTime(2000, EJanuary, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0));
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday;
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = KAlarmTimeLocal;
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm));
+ // Test that the next due alarm is on Monday
+ const TTime KNextDueTimeLocal = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ const TTime KExpectedNextDueTimeLocal(TDateTime(2007, EFebruary, 18, 5, 0, 0, 0));
+ TheAlarmTest(KNextDueTimeLocal == KExpectedNextDueTimeLocal, __LINE__);
+ // Set the system local time to be just after 11:00am
+ // This means that UTC and local system times are on the same day.
+ newSystemTimeUTC += TTimeIntervalMinutes(3);
+ tz.SetUnknownZoneTimeL(newSystemTimeUTC, KNumberOfMinutesInElevenHours);
+ // Test that the next due alarm is still on Monday
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm));
+ const TTime KNextDueTimeLocal2 = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(KNextDueTimeLocal == KNextDueTimeLocal2, __LINE__);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()));
+ // Restore the stored time zone
+ tz.SetTimeZoneL(*storedTzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storedTzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tz);
+ }
+static void testNextWorkdayAlarmTimeNegativeOffsetL()
+// Test the next workday alarm is calculated correctly for
+// when the UTC and Local times of the alarms are on different days.
+// for a negative UTC offset
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Next due workday alarm when UTc and local current time are on different days (with negative UTC offset)"));
+ RTz tz;
+ CleanupClosePushL(tz);
+ User::LeaveIfError(tz.Connect());
+ // Store the current time zone
+ CTzId* storedTzId = tz.GetTimeZoneIdL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(storedTzId);
+ // Set the current local time to be 01:02pm
+ // in a time zone that is GMT-11
+ TTime newSystemTimeUTC(TDateTime(2007, EFebruary, 18, 0, 02, 0, 0));
+ const TInt KNumberOfMinutesInNegativeElevenHours(-660);
+ tz.SetUnknownZoneTimeL(newSystemTimeUTC, KNumberOfMinutesInNegativeElevenHours);
+ // Add a workday alarm for 06:00pm local time
+ const TTime KAlarmTimeLocal(TDateTime(2000, EJanuary, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0));
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday;
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = KAlarmTimeLocal;
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm));
+ // Test that the next due alarm is on Monday
+ const TTime KNextDueTimeLocal = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ const TTime KExpectedNextDueTimeLocal(TDateTime(2007, EFebruary, 18, 18, 0, 0, 0));
+ TheAlarmTest(KNextDueTimeLocal == KExpectedNextDueTimeLocal, __LINE__);
+ // Set the system local time to be just before 01:00pm
+ // This means that UTC and local system times are on the same day.
+ newSystemTimeUTC -= TTimeIntervalMinutes(4);
+ tz.SetUnknownZoneTimeL(newSystemTimeUTC, KNumberOfMinutesInNegativeElevenHours);
+ // Test that the next due alarm is still on Monday
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDetails(alarm.Id(), alarm));
+ const TTime KNextDueTimeLocal2 = alarm.NextDueTime();
+ TheAlarmTest(KNextDueTimeLocal == KNextDueTimeLocal2, __LINE__);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()));
+ // Restore the stored time zone
+ tz.SetTimeZoneL(*storedTzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storedTzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tz);
+ }
+Create an alarm that repeats on given days of the week but
+don’t select any days. Try to update an alarm that repeats
+on given days of the week so that no days are selected.
+@SYMTestCaseDesc To verify that it is not possible to
+ create a repeating alarm that doesn’t
+ expire on any days of the week.
+ To verify that it is not possible to
+ update a repeating alarm so that it
+ doesn’t expire on any days of the week.
+1. Create an alarm and call SetAlarmDays with 0 as argument
+ (this means no days are selected).
+2. Try to add this alarm using RAsCliSession::AddAlarm. [1]
+1. Create an alarm that repeats on Saturday and Sunday.
+2. Try to update this alarm so that no days are selected. [2]
+@SYMTestExpectedResults [1] The AddAlarm function returns KErrArgument.
+ [2] The update function returns KErrArgument.
+@SYMTestType CT
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+void TestDailyOnGivenDaysL()
+ {
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:PIM-APPSRV-ALARMSERVER-WEEKLYGIVENDAYS-0003 Test 'Daily On Given Days' Repeat Definition"));
+ // Precondition - there must be no active alarms in the alarm queue.
+ TInt numActiveAlarms = TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(numActiveAlarms == 0, __LINE__);
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ // Verify that attempting to set the active alarm days to no days returns
+ // the appropriate error code.
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.SetAlarmDays(0) == KErrArgument, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrArgument, __LINE__);
+ // Verify that attempting to set the active alarm days to an invalid day
+ // returns the appropriate error code.
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.SetAlarmDays(EAlarmDaySunday << 1) == KErrArgument, __LINE__);
+ // Verify that active days of the week can be set individually.
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.SetAlarmDays(EAlarmDayMonday) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.AlarmDays() == EAlarmDayMonday, __LINE__);
+ // Verify that active days of the week can be combined.
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.SetAlarmDays(EAlarmDaySaturday | EAlarmDaySunday) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.AlarmDays() == EAlarmDaySaturday | EAlarmDaySunday, __LINE__);
+ // Set alarm to expire 1s from now.
+ TTime timeNow;
+ timeNow.HomeTime();
+ alarm.NextDueTime() = timeNow - TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ // Set alarm repeat defintion.
+ alarm.RepeatDefinition() = EAlarmRepeatDefinitionRepeatDailyOnGivenDays;
+ // Add alarm to the Alarm Server.
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmAdd(alarm) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ // For an existing alarm, verify that attempting to update the active alarm
+ // days to no days returns the appropriate error code.
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmDays(alarm.Id(), 0) == KErrArgument, __LINE__);
+ // For an existing alarm, verify that active days of the week can be set.
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().SetAlarmDays(alarm.Id(), EAlarmDayMonday) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TUint8 alarmDays;
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().GetAlarmDays(alarm.Id(), alarmDays) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarmDays == EAlarmDayMonday, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Id() != KNullAlarmId, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.State() == EAlarmStateQueued, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(alarm.Status() == EAlarmStatusEnabled, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().AlarmDelete(alarm.Id()) == KErrNone, __LINE__);
+ }
+static void DoTestsL()
+ {
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ PrintTimeL(t,_L("Starting tests at: "));
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestStartServers();
+ TheAlarmTest(TheAlarmTest.Session().Connect()==KErrNone);
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ TestDailyOnGivenDaysL();
+ //
+ testNext24hours();
+ //
+ TUint workdays=DoWFlag(EMonday)|DoWFlag(ETuesday)|DoWFlag(EWednesday)|DoWFlag(EThursday)|DoWFlag(EFriday);
+ TLocale locale;
+ locale.SetWorkDays(workdays);
+ locale.Set();
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(ETrue);
+ //
+ TheOriginalTime.HomeTime();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Alarm 1 hour before current time"));
+ TestSetClockAlarmsL(-1, 0);
+ //
+ RPIMTestServer serv;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ serv.SetHomeTime(TheOriginalTime);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Alarm 1 hour, 1 day before current time"));
+ TestSetClockAlarmsL(-1, -1);
+ //
+ serv.SetHomeTime(TheOriginalTime);
+ serv.Close();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("Alarm 1 hour, 8 days before current time"));
+ TestSetClockAlarmsL(-1, -8);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ //
+ testNext24hoursUtc();
+ //
+ workdays=DoWFlag(EMonday)|DoWFlag(ETuesday)|DoWFlag(EWednesday)|DoWFlag(EThursday)|DoWFlag(EFriday);
+ locale.Refresh();
+ locale.SetWorkDays(workdays);
+ locale.Set();
+ User::After(KTimeToWait);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().__DbgPreventUserNotify(ETrue);
+ //
+ TheOriginalTime.HomeTime();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("UTC Alarm 1 hour before current time"));
+ testSetClockUtcAlarmsL(-1, 0);
+ //
+ RPIMTestServer serv2;
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv2.Connect());
+ serv2.SetHomeTime(TheOriginalTime);
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("UTC Alarm 1 hour, 1 day before current time"));
+ testSetClockUtcAlarmsL(-1, -1);
+ //
+ serv2.SetHomeTime(TheOriginalTime);
+ serv2.Close();
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Next(_L("UTC Alarm 1 hour, 8 days before current time"));
+ testSetClockUtcAlarmsL(-1, -8);
+ //
+ TheAlarmTest.TestClearStoreL();
+ testNextWorkdayAlarmTimePositiveOffsetL();
+ testNextWorkdayAlarmTimeNegativeOffsetL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler);
+ }
+ */
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ TRAP_IGNORE(PrintTimeL(t,_L("Starting test at: ")));
+ // Begin test
+ TheAlarmTest.Title();
+ TheAlarmTest.Start(_L("@SYMTestCaseID PIM-TREPEATDEFINITIONS-0001"));
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DoTestsL());
+ delete cleanup;
+ // Postcondition - there must be no active alarms in the alarm queue.
+ TInt numActiveAlarms = TheAlarmTest.Session().NumberOfAlarmsActiveInQueue();
+ TheAlarmTest(numActiveAlarms == 0, __LINE__);
+ TheAlarmTest.Session().Close();
+ TRAP(ret,TheAlarmTest.EndL());
+ TheAlarmTest.Test().Close();
+ ASTstAlarmTest::Close();
+ return ret;
+ }