changeset 0 2e3d3ce01487
child 4 0fdb7f6b0309
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/openenvutils/commandshell/shell/src/init.c	Tue Feb 02 10:12:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1588 @@
+//init.c - main loop and initialization routines
+// © Portions Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2007-2008. All rights reserved.
+ * This file is part of zsh, the Z shell.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+ * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
+ * purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
+ * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
+ *
+ * In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable
+ * to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
+ * damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation,
+ * even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of
+ * the possibility of such damage.
+ *
+ * Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any
+ * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
+ * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The software
+ * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the
+ * Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance,
+ * support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
+ *
+ */
+#include "zsh.mdh"
+#include "zshpaths.h"
+#include "zshxmods.h"
+#include ""
+#include "version.h"
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+#pragma warn_unusedarg off
+#pragma warn_possunwant off
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+#include "dummy.h"
+char getSystemDriveChar(void);
+#endif //__SYMBIAN32__
+int noexitct = 0;
+int pipeUsed;
+/* buffer for $_ and its length */
+char *underscore;
+int underscorelen, underscoreused;
+/* what level of sourcing we are at */
+int sourcelevel;
+/* the shell tty fd */
+mod_export int SHTTY;
+/* the FILE attached to the shell tty */
+mod_export FILE *shout;
+/* termcap strings */
+mod_export char *tcstr[TC_COUNT];
+/* lengths of each termcap string */
+mod_export int tclen[TC_COUNT];
+/* Values of the li, co and am entries */
+int tclines, tccolumns;
+mod_export int hasam;
+/* Pointer to read-key function from zle */
+mod_export int (*getkeyptr) _((int));
+/* SIGCHLD mask */
+mod_export sigset_t sigchld_mask;
+mod_export struct hookdef zshhooks[] = {
+    HOOKDEF("exit", NULL, HOOKF_ALL),
+    HOOKDEF("before_trap", NULL, HOOKF_ALL),
+    HOOKDEF("after_trap", NULL, HOOKF_ALL),
+/* keep executing lists until EOF found */
+loop(int toplevel, int justonce)
+    Eprog prog;
+    pushheap();
+    for (;;) {
+	freeheap();
+	if (stophist == 3)	/* re-entry via preprompt() */
+	    hend(NULL);
+	hbegin(1);		/* init history mech        */
+	if (isset(SHINSTDIN)) {
+	    setblock_stdin();
+	    if (interact) {
+	        int hstop = stophist;
+		stophist = 3;
+		preprompt();
+		if (stophist != 3)
+		    hbegin(1);
+		else
+		    stophist = hstop;
+		errflag = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	intr();			/* interrupts on            */
+	lexinit();              /* initialize lexical state */
+	if (!(prog = parse_event())) {	/* if we couldn't parse a list */
+	    hend(NULL);
+	    if ((tok == ENDINPUT && !errflag) ||
+		(tok == LEXERR && (!isset(SHINSTDIN) || !toplevel)) ||
+		justonce)
+		break;
+	    if (tok == LEXERR && !lastval)
+		lastval = 1;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (hend(prog)) {
+	    int toksav = tok;
+	    Eprog preprog;
+	    if (toplevel && (preprog = getshfunc("preexec")) != &dummy_eprog) {
+		LinkList args;
+		int osc = sfcontext;
+		char *cmdstr;
+		args = znewlinklist();
+		zaddlinknode(args, "preexec");
+		/* If curline got dumped from the history, we don't know
+		 * what the user typed. */
+		if (hist_ring && curline.histnum == curhist)
+		    zaddlinknode(args, hist_ring->text);
+		else
+		    zaddlinknode(args, "");
+		zaddlinknode(args, getjobtext(prog, NULL));
+		zaddlinknode(args, cmdstr = getpermtext(prog, NULL));
+		sfcontext = SFC_HOOK;
+		doshfunc("preexec", preprog, args, 0, 1);
+		sfcontext = osc;
+		zsfree(cmdstr);
+		freelinklist(args, (FreeFunc) NULL);
+		errflag = 0;
+	    }
+	    if (stopmsg)	/* unset 'you have stopped jobs' flag */
+		stopmsg--;
+	    execode(prog, 0, 0);
+	    tok = toksav;
+	    if (toplevel)
+		noexitct = 0;
+	}
+	if (ferror(stderr)) {
+	    zerr("write error", NULL, 0);
+	    clearerr(stderr);
+	}
+	if (subsh)		/* how'd we get this far in a subshell? */
+	    exit(lastval);
+	if (((!interact || sourcelevel) && errflag) || retflag)
+	    break;
+	if (trapreturn) {
+	    lastval = trapreturn;
+	    trapreturn = 0;
+	}
+	if (isset(SINGLECOMMAND) && toplevel) {
+	    if (sigtrapped[SIGEXIT])
+		dotrap(SIGEXIT);
+	    exit(lastval);
+	}
+	if (justonce)
+	    break;
+    }
+    popheap();
+static char *cmd;
+static int restricted;
+parseargs(char **argv)
+    int optionbreak = 0;
+    char **x;
+    int action, optno;
+    LinkList paramlist;
+    argzero = *argv++;
+    SHIN = 0;
+    /* There's a bit of trickery with opts[INTERACTIVE] here.  It starts *
+     * at a value of 2 (instead of 1) or 0.  If it is explicitly set on  *
+     * the command line, it goes to 1 or 0.  If input is coming from     *
+     * somewhere that normally makes the shell non-interactive, we do    *
+     * "opts[INTERACTIVE] &= 1", so that only a *default* on state will  *
+     * be changed.  At the end of the function, a value of 2 gets        *     
+     * changed to 1.                                                     */
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__     
+    opts[INTERACTIVE] = 2; /*consider pipe end also as interative*/
+    opts[INTERACTIVE] = isatty(0) ? 2 : 0;
+    opts[SHINSTDIN] = 0;
+    opts[SINGLECOMMAND] = 0;
+    /* loop through command line options (begins with "-" or "+") */
+    while (!optionbreak && *argv && (**argv == '-' || **argv == '+')) {
+	char *args = *argv;
+	action = (**argv == '-');
+	if (!argv[0][1])
+	    *argv = "--";
+	while (*++*argv) {
+	    if (**argv == '-') {
+		if(!argv[0][1]) {
+		    /* The pseudo-option `--' signifies the end of options. */
+		    argv++;
+		    goto doneoptions;
+		}
+		if(*argv != args+1 || **argv != '-')
+		    goto badoptionstring;
+		/* GNU-style long options */
+		++*argv;
+		if (!strcmp(*argv, "version")) {
+		    printf("zsh %s (%s-%s-%s)\n",
+		    exit(0);
+		}
+		if (!strcmp(*argv, "help")) {
+		    printhelp();
+		    exit(0);
+		}
+		/* `-' characters are allowed in long options */
+		for(args = *argv; *args; args++)
+		    if(*args == '-')
+			*args = '_';
+		goto longoptions;
+	    }
+	    if (unset(SHOPTIONLETTERS) && **argv == 'b') {
+		/* -b ends options at the end of this argument */
+		optionbreak = 1;
+	    } else if (**argv == 'c') {
+		/* -c command */
+		cmd = *argv;
+		opts[INTERACTIVE] &= 1;
+		opts[SHINSTDIN] = 0;
+		scriptname = ztrdup("zsh");
+	    } else if (**argv == 'o') {
+		if (!*++*argv)
+		    argv++;
+		if (!*argv) {
+		    zerr("string expected after -o", NULL, 0);
+		    exit(1);
+		}
+	    longoptions:
+		if (!(optno = optlookup(*argv))) {
+		    zerr("no such option: %s", *argv, 0);
+		    exit(1);
+		} else if (optno == RESTRICTED)
+		    restricted = action;
+		else
+		    dosetopt(optno, action, 1);
+              break;
+	    } else if (isspace(STOUC(**argv))) {
+		/* zsh's typtab not yet set, have to use ctype */
+		while (*++*argv)
+		    if (!isspace(STOUC(**argv))) {
+		    badoptionstring:
+			zerr("bad option string: `%s'", args, 0);
+			exit(1);
+		    }
+		break;
+	    } else {
+	    	if (!(optno = optlookupc(**argv))) {
+		    zerr("bad option: -%c", NULL, **argv);
+		    exit(1);
+		} else if (optno == RESTRICTED)
+		    restricted = action;
+		else
+		    dosetopt(optno, action, 1);
+	    }
+	}
+	argv++;
+    }
+    doneoptions:
+    paramlist = znewlinklist();
+    if (cmd) {
+	if (!*argv) {
+	    zerr("string expected after -%s", cmd, 0);
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+	cmd = *argv++;
+    }
+    if (*argv) {
+	if (unset(SHINSTDIN)) {
+	    argzero = *argv;
+	    if (!cmd)
+		SHIN = movefd(open(unmeta(argzero), O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY));
+	    if (SHIN == -1) {
+		zerr("can't open input file: %s", argzero, 0);
+		exit(1);
+	    }
+	    opts[INTERACTIVE] &= 1;
+	    argv++;
+	}
+	while (*argv)
+	    zaddlinknode(paramlist, ztrdup(*argv++));
+    } else
+	opts[SHINSTDIN] = 1;
+    if(isset(SINGLECOMMAND))
+	opts[INTERACTIVE] &= 1;
+    opts[INTERACTIVE] = !!opts[INTERACTIVE];
+    pparams = x = (char **) zshcalloc((countlinknodes(paramlist) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+    while ((*x++ = (char *)getlinknode(paramlist)));
+    free(paramlist);
+    argzero = ztrdup(argzero);
+static void
+    printf("Usage: %s [<options>] [<argument> ...]\n", argzero);
+    printf("\nSpecial options:\n");
+    printf("  --help     show this message, then exit\n");
+    printf("  --version  show zsh version number, then exit\n");
+    if(unset(SHOPTIONLETTERS))
+	printf("  -b         end option processing, like --\n");
+    printf("  -c         take first argument as a command to execute\n");
+    printf("  -o OPTION  set an option by name (see below)\n");
+    printf("\nNormal options are named.  An option may be turned on by\n");
+    printf("`-o OPTION', `--OPTION', `+o no_OPTION' or `+-no-OPTION'.  An\n");
+    printf("option may be turned off by `-o no_OPTION', `--no-OPTION',\n");
+    printf("`+o OPTION' or `+-OPTION'.  Options are listed below only in\n");
+    printf("`--OPTION' or `--no-OPTION' form.\n");
+    printoptionlist();
+mod_export void
+    static char outbuf[BUFSIZ], errbuf[BUFSIZ];
+    int i;
+/* stdout, stderr fully buffered */
+#ifdef _IOFBF
+    setvbuf(stdout, outbuf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
+    setvbuf(stderr, errbuf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
+    setbuffer(stdout, outbuf, BUFSIZ);
+    setbuffer(stderr, errbuf, BUFSIZ);
+/* This works around a bug in some versions of in.rshd. *
+ * Currently this is not defined by default.            */
+    if (cmd) {
+	for (i = 3; i < 10; i++)
+	    close(i);
+    }
+    if (shout) {
+	/*
+	 * Check if shout was set to stderr, if so don't close it.
+	 * We do this if we are interactive but don't have a
+	 * terminal.
+	 */
+	if (shout != stderr)
+	    fclose(shout);
+	shout = 0;
+    }
+    if (SHTTY != -1) {
+	zclose(SHTTY);
+	SHTTY = -1;
+    }
+    /* Send xtrace output to stderr -- see execcmd() */
+    xtrerr = stderr;
+    /* Make sure the tty is opened read/write. */
+    if (isatty(0)) {
+	zsfree(ttystrname);
+	if ((ttystrname = ztrdup((char*)ttyname(0)))) {
+	    SHTTY = movefd(open(ttystrname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY));
+#ifdef TIOCNXCL
+	    /*
+	     * See if the terminal claims to be busy.  If so, and fd 0
+	     * is a terminal, try and set non-exclusive use for that.
+	     * This is something to do with Solaris over-cleverness.
+	     */
+	    if (SHTTY == -1 && errno == EBUSY)
+		ioctl(0, TIOCNXCL, 0);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * xterm, rxvt and probably all terminal emulators except
+	 * dtterm on Solaris 2.6 & 7 have a bug. Applications are
+	 * unable to open /dev/tty or /dev/pts/<terminal number here>
+	 * because something in Sun's STREAMS modules doesn't like
+	 * it. The open() call fails with EBUSY which is not even
+	 * listed as a possibility in the open(2) man page.  So we'll
+	 * try to outsmart The Company.  -- <>
+	 *
+	 * Presumably there's no harm trying this on any OS, given that
+	 * isatty(0) worked but opening the tty didn't.  Possibly we won't
+	 * get the tty read/write, but it's the best we can do -- pws
+	 *
+	 * Try both stdin and stdout before trying /dev/tty. -- Bart
+	 */
+#if defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) && defined(F_GETFL)
+#define rdwrtty(fd)	((fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) & O_RDWR) == O_RDWR)
+#define rdwrtty(fd)	1
+	if (SHTTY == -1 && rdwrtty(0)) {
+	    SHTTY = movefd(dup(0));
+	}
+    }
+    if (SHTTY == -1 && isatty(1) && rdwrtty(1) &&
+	(SHTTY = movefd(dup(1))) != -1) {
+	zsfree(ttystrname);
+	ttystrname = ztrdup((char*)ttyname((1)));
+    }
+    if (SHTTY == -1 &&
+	(SHTTY = movefd(open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY))) != -1) {
+	zsfree(ttystrname);
+	ttystrname = ztrdup((char*)ttyname(SHTTY));
+    }
+    if (SHTTY == -1) {
+	zsfree(ttystrname);
+	ttystrname = ztrdup("");
+    } else if (!ttystrname) {
+	ttystrname = ztrdup("/dev/tty");
+    }
+    /* We will only use zle if shell is interactive, *
+     * SHTTY != -1, and shout != 0                   */
+    if (interact) {
+	init_shout();
+	if(!SHTTY || !shout)
+	    opts[USEZLE] = 0;
+    } else
+	opts[USEZLE] = 0;
+    /* If interactive, make sure the shell is in the foreground and is the
+     * process group leader.
+     */
+    mypid = (zlong)getpid();
+    if (opts[MONITOR] && interact && (SHTTY != -1)) {
+	origpgrp = GETPGRP();
+        acquire_pgrp(); /* might also clear opts[MONITOR] */
+    } else
+	opts[MONITOR] = 0;
+    opts[MONITOR] = 0;
+mod_export void
+    static char shoutbuf[BUFSIZ];
+#if defined(JOB_CONTROL) && defined(TIOCSETD) && defined(NTTYDISC)
+    int ldisc;
+    if (SHTTY == -1)
+    {
+	/* Since we're interative, it's nice to have somewhere to write. */
+	shout = stderr;
+	return;
+    }
+#if defined(JOB_CONTROL) && defined(TIOCSETD) && defined(NTTYDISC)
+    ldisc = NTTYDISC;
+    ioctl(SHTTY, TIOCSETD, (char *)&ldisc);
+    /* Associate terminal file descriptor with a FILE pointer */
+    shout = fdopen(SHTTY, "w");
+#ifdef _IOFBF
+    setvbuf(shout, shoutbuf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
+    gettyinfo(&shttyinfo);	/* get tty state */
+#if defined(__sgi)
+    if (shttyinfo.tio.c_cc[VSWTCH] <= 0)	/* hack for irises */
+	shttyinfo.tio.c_cc[VSWTCH] = CSWTCH;
+/* names of the termcap strings we want */
+static char *tccapnams[TC_COUNT] = {
+    "cl", "le", "LE", "nd", "RI", "up", "UP", "do",
+    "DO", "dc", "DC", "ic", "IC", "cd", "ce", "al", "dl", "ta",
+    "md", "so", "us", "me", "se", "ue", "ch",
+    "ku", "kd", "kl", "kr"
+/* Initialise termcap */
+mod_export int
+    static char termbuf[2048];	/* the termcap buffer */
+    if (!*term) {
+	termflags |= TERM_UNKNOWN;
+	return 0;
+    }
+    /* unset zle if using zsh under emacs */
+    if (!strcmp(term, "emacs"))
+	opts[USEZLE] = 0;
+    /* If possible, we let tgetent allocate its own termcap buffer */
+    if (tgetent(NULL, term) != TGETENT_SUCCESS)
+    if (tgetent(termbuf, term) != TGETENT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+	if (isset(INTERACTIVE))
+	    zerr("can't find terminal definition for %s", term, 0);
+	errflag = 0;
+	termflags |= TERM_BAD;
+	return 0;
+    } else {
+	char tbuf[1024], *pp;
+	int t0;
+	termflags &= ~TERM_BAD;
+	termflags &= ~TERM_UNKNOWN;
+	for (t0 = 0; t0 != TC_COUNT; t0++) {
+	    pp = tbuf;
+	    zsfree(tcstr[t0]);
+	/* AIX tgetstr() ignores second argument */
+	    if (!(pp = tgetstr(tccapnams[t0], &pp)))
+		tcstr[t0] = NULL, tclen[t0] = 0;
+	    else {
+		tclen[t0] = strlen(pp);
+		tcstr[t0] = (char *) zalloc(tclen[t0] + 1);
+		memcpy(tcstr[t0], pp, tclen[t0] + 1);
+	    }
+	}
+	/* check whether terminal has automargin (wraparound) capability */
+	hasam = tgetflag("am");
+	tclines = tgetnum("li");
+	tccolumns = tgetnum("co");
+	/* if there's no termcap entry for cursor up, use single line mode: *
+	 * this is flagged by termflags which is examined in zle_refresh.c  *
+	 */
+	if (tccan(TCUP))
+	    termflags &= ~TERM_NOUP;
+	else {
+	    tcstr[TCUP] = NULL;
+	    termflags |= TERM_NOUP;
+	}
+	/* if there's no termcap entry for cursor left, use \b. */
+	if (!tccan(TCLEFT)) {
+	    tcstr[TCLEFT] = ztrdup("\b");
+	    tclen[TCLEFT] = 1;
+	}
+	/* if the termcap entry for down is \n, don't use it. */
+	if (tccan(TCDOWN) && tcstr[TCDOWN][0] == '\n') {
+	    tclen[TCDOWN] = 0;
+	    zsfree(tcstr[TCDOWN]);
+	    tcstr[TCDOWN] = NULL;
+	}
+	/* if there's no termcap entry for clear, use ^L. */
+	if (!tccan(TCCLEARSCREEN)) {
+	    tcstr[TCCLEARSCREEN] = ztrdup("\14");
+	    tclen[TCCLEARSCREEN] = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    return 1;
+/* Initialize lots of global variables and hash tables */
+    struct passwd *pswd;
+    struct timezone dummy_tz;
+    char *ptr;
+    int i, j;
+#if defined(SITEFPATH_DIR) || defined(FPATH_DIR)
+    char **fpathptr;
+# if defined(FPATH_DIR) && defined(FPATH_SUBDIRS)
+    char *fpath_subdirs[] = FPATH_SUBDIRS;
+# endif
+    int fpathlen = 1;
+# else
+    int fpathlen = 0;
+# endif
+    int close_fds[10], tmppipe[2];
+    /*
+     * Workaround a problem with NIS (in one guise or another) which
+     * grabs file descriptors and keeps them for future reference.
+     * We don't want these to be in the range where the user can
+     * open fd's, i.e. 0 to 9 inclusive.  So we make sure all
+     * fd's in that range are in use.
+     */
+    memset(close_fds, 0, 10*sizeof(int));
+    if (pipe(tmppipe) == 0) {
+	/*
+	 * Strategy:  Make sure we have at least fd 0 open (hence
+	 * the pipe).  From then on, keep dup'ing until we are
+	 * up to 9.  If we go over the top, close immediately, else
+	 * mark for later closure.
+	 */
+	i = -1;			/* max fd we have checked */
+	while (i < 9) {
+	    /* j is current fd */
+	    if (i < tmppipe[0])
+		j = tmppipe[0];
+	    else if (i < tmppipe[1])
+		j = tmppipe[1];
+	    else {
+		j = dup(0);
+		if (j == -1)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    if (j < 10)
+		close_fds[j] = 1;
+	    else
+		close(j);
+	    if (i < j)
+		i = j;
+	}
+	if (i < tmppipe[0])
+	    close(tmppipe[0]);
+	if (i < tmppipe[1])
+	    close(tmppipe[1]);
+    }
+    addhookdefs(argzero, zshhooks, sizeof(zshhooks)/sizeof(*zshhooks));
+    init_eprog();
+    zero_mnumber.type = MN_INTEGER;
+    zero_mnumber.u.l = 0;
+    getkeyptr = NULL;
+    lineno = 1;
+    noeval = 0;
+    curhist = 0;
+    histsiz = DEFAULT_HISTSIZE;
+    inithist();
+    cmdstack = (unsigned char *) zalloc(CMDSTACKSZ);
+    cmdsp = 0;
+    bangchar = '!';
+    hashchar = '#';
+    hatchar = '^';
+    termflags = TERM_UNKNOWN;
+    curjob = prevjob = coprocin = coprocout = -1;
+    gettimeofday(&shtimer, &dummy_tz);	/* init $SECONDS */
+    srand((unsigned int)(shtimer.tv_sec + shtimer.tv_usec)); /* seed $RANDOM */
+    /* Set default path */
+#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__        
+    path    = (char **) zalloc(sizeof(*path) * 5);
+    path[0] = ztrdup("/bin");
+    path[1] = ztrdup("/usr/bin");
+    path[2] = ztrdup("/usr/ucb");
+    path[3] = ztrdup("/usr/local/bin");
+    path[4] = NULL;
+    path    = (char **) zalloc(sizeof(*path) * 1);
+    path[0] = NULL;
+    cdpath   = mkarray(NULL);
+    manpath  = mkarray(NULL);
+    fignore  = mkarray(NULL);
+#if defined(SITEFPATH_DIR) || defined(FPATH_DIR)
+# ifdef FPATH_DIR
+    fpathlen += sizeof(fpath_subdirs)/sizeof(char *);
+#  else
+    fpathlen++;
+#  endif
+# endif
+    fpath = fpathptr = (char **)zalloc((fpathlen+1)*sizeof(char *));
+    *fpathptr++ = ztrdup(SITEFPATH_DIR);
+    fpathlen--;
+# endif
+# ifdef FPATH_DIR
+    for (j = 0; j < fpathlen; j++)
+	*fpathptr++ = tricat(FPATH_DIR, "/", fpath_subdirs[j]);
+#  else
+    *fpathptr++ = ztrdup(FPATH_DIR);
+#  endif
+# endif
+    *fpathptr = NULL;
+    fpath    = mkarray(NULL);
+    mailpath = mkarray(NULL);
+    watch    = mkarray(NULL);
+    psvar    = mkarray(NULL);
+    module_path = mkarray(ztrdup(MODULE_DIR));
+    modules = znewlinklist();
+    linkedmodules = znewlinklist();
+    /* Set default prompts */
+    if(unset(INTERACTIVE)) {
+	prompt = ztrdup("");
+	prompt2 = ztrdup("");
+    } else if (emulation == EMULATE_KSH || emulation == EMULATE_SH) {
+	prompt  = ztrdup(privasserted() ? "# " : "$ ");
+	prompt2 = ztrdup("> ");
+    } else {
+	prompt  = ztrdup("%m%# ");
+	prompt2 = ztrdup("%_> ");
+    }
+    prompt3 = ztrdup("?# ");
+    prompt4 = (emulation == EMULATE_KSH || emulation == EMULATE_SH)
+	? ztrdup("+ ") : ztrdup("+%N:%i> ");
+    sprompt = ztrdup("zsh: correct '%R' to '%r' [nyae]? ");
+    ifs         = ztrdup(DEFAULT_IFS);
+    wordchars   = ztrdup(DEFAULT_WORDCHARS);
+    postedit    = ztrdup("");
+    underscore  = (char *) zalloc(underscorelen = 32);
+    underscoreused = 1;
+    *underscore = '\0';
+    zoptarg = ztrdup("");
+    zoptind = 1;
+    ppid  = (zlong) getppid();
+    mypid = (zlong) getpid();
+    term  = ztrdup("");
+    nullcmd     = ztrdup("cat");
+    readnullcmd = ztrdup("more");
+    /* We cache the uid so we know when to *
+     * recheck the info for `USERNAME'     */
+    cached_uid = getuid();
+    /* Get password entry and set info for `HOME' and `USERNAME' */
+    if ((pswd = getpwuid(cached_uid))) {
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__ 
+	char sysDrv[2 +1];
+	sprintf(sysDrv, "%c:", getSystemDriveChar());
+	home = metafy(sysDrv, -1, META_DUP);
+	//change the pwd to the system drive.
+	chdir(sysDrv);
+	home = metafy(pswd->pw_dir, -1, META_DUP);
+	cached_username = ztrdup(pswd->pw_name);
+    } else
+#endif /* HAVE_GETPWUID */
+	   {
+	home = ztrdup("/");
+	cached_username = ztrdup("");
+    }
+    /* Try a cheap test to see if we can *
+     * initialize `PWD' from `HOME'      */
+    if (ispwd(home))
+	pwd = ztrdup(home);
+    else if ((ptr = zgetenv("PWD")) && (strlen(ptr) < PATH_MAX) &&
+	     (ptr = metafy(ptr, -1, META_STATIC), ispwd(ptr)))
+	pwd = ztrdup(ptr);
+    else
+	pwd = metafy(zgetcwd(), -1, META_DUP);
+    oldpwd = ztrdup(pwd);  /* initialize `OLDPWD' = `PWD' */
+    inittyptab();     /* initialize the ztypes table */
+    initlextabs();    /* initialize lexing tables    */
+    createreswdtable();     /* create hash table for reserved words    */
+    createaliastables();    /* create hash tables for aliases           */
+    createcmdnamtable();    /* create hash table for external commands */
+    createshfunctable();    /* create hash table for shell functions   */
+    createbuiltintable();   /* create hash table for builtin commands  */
+    createnameddirtable();  /* create hash table for named directories */
+    createparamtable();     /* create parameter hash table             */
+    condtab = NULL;
+    wrappers = NULL;
+    adjustwinsize(0);
+    /* columns and lines are normally zero, unless something different *
+     * was inhereted from the environment.  If either of them are zero *
+     * the setiparam calls below set them to the defaults from termcap */
+    setiparam("COLUMNS", columns);
+    setiparam("LINES", lines);
+    for (i = 0; i != RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) {
+	getrlimit(i, current_limits + i);
+	limits[i] = current_limits[i];
+    }
+    breaks = loops = 0;
+    lastmailcheck = time(NULL);
+    locallevel = sourcelevel = 0;
+    sfcontext = SFC_NONE;
+    trapreturn = 0;
+    noerrexit = -1;
+    nohistsave = 1;
+    dirstack = znewlinklist();
+    bufstack = znewlinklist();
+    prepromptfns = znewlinklist();
+    hsubl = hsubr = NULL;
+    lastpid = 0;
+    bshin = SHIN ? fdopen(SHIN, "r") : stdin;
+    if (isset(SHINSTDIN) && !SHIN && unset(INTERACTIVE)) {
+#ifdef _IONBF
+	setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+	setlinebuf(stdin);
+    }
+    get_usage();
+    /* Close the file descriptors we opened to block off 0 to 9 */
+    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+	if (close_fds[i])
+	    close(i);
+/* Initialize signal handling */
+#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
+    if (interact) {
+	int i;
+	signal_setmask(signal_mask(0));
+	for (i=0; i<NSIG; ++i)
+	    signal_default(i);
+    }
+    sigchld_mask = signal_mask(SIGCHLD);
+    intr();
+#ifndef QDEBUG
+    signal_ignore(SIGQUIT);
+    if (signal_ignore(SIGHUP) == SIG_IGN)
+	opts[HUP] = 0;
+    else
+	install_handler(SIGHUP);
+    install_handler(SIGCHLD);
+#ifdef SIGWINCH
+    install_handler(SIGWINCH);
+    if (interact) {
+	install_handler(SIGALRM);
+	signal_ignore(SIGTERM);
+    }
+    if (jobbing) {
+	signal_ignore(SIGTTOU);
+	signal_ignore(SIGTSTP);
+	signal_ignore(SIGTTIN);
+    }
+#endif  //__SYMBIAN32__  
+/* Source the init scripts.  If called as "ksh" or "sh"  *
+ * then we source the standard sh/ksh scripts instead of *
+ * the standard zsh scripts                              */
+    noerrexit = -1;
+    if (emulation == EMULATE_KSH || emulation == EMULATE_SH) {
+	if (islogin)
+	    source("/etc/profile");
+	if (unset(PRIVILEGED)) {
+	    char *s = getsparam("ENV");
+	    if (islogin)
+		sourcehome(".profile");
+	    noerrs = 2;
+	    if (s && !parsestr(s)) {
+		singsub(&s);
+		noerrs = 0;
+		source(s);
+	    }
+	    noerrs = 0;
+	} else
+	    source("/etc/suid_profile");
+    } else {
+	source(GLOBAL_ZSHENV);
+	if (isset(RCS) && unset(PRIVILEGED))
+	    sourcehome(".zshenv");
+	if (islogin) {
+	    if (isset(RCS) && isset(GLOBALRCS))
+		    source(GLOBAL_ZPROFILE);
+	    if (isset(RCS) && unset(PRIVILEGED))
+		sourcehome(".zprofile");
+	}
+	if (interact) {
+	    if (isset(RCS) && isset(GLOBALRCS))
+		source(GLOBAL_ZSHRC);
+	    if (isset(RCS) && unset(PRIVILEGED))
+		sourcehome(".zshrc");
+	}
+	if (islogin) {
+	    if (isset(RCS) && isset(GLOBALRCS))
+		source(GLOBAL_ZLOGIN);
+	    if (isset(RCS) && unset(PRIVILEGED))
+		sourcehome(".zlogin");
+	}
+    }
+    noerrexit = 0;
+    nohistsave = 0;
+/* Miscellaneous initializations that happen after init scripts are run */
+    if ( restricted )
+    if (*zsh_name == 'r' || restricted)
+	dosetopt(RESTRICTED, 1, 0);
+    if (cmd) {
+	if (SHIN >= 10)
+	    fclose(bshin);
+	SHIN = movefd(open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY));
+	bshin = fdopen(SHIN, "r");
+	execstring(cmd, 0, 1);
+	stopmsg = 1;
+	zexit(lastval, 0);
+    }
+    if (interact && isset(RCS))
+	readhistfile(NULL, 0, HFILE_USE_OPTIONS);
+/* source a file */
+source(char *s)
+    Eprog prog;
+    int tempfd = -1, fd, cj, oldlineno;
+    int oldshst, osubsh, oloops;
+    FILE *obshin;
+    char *old_scriptname = scriptname, *us;
+    unsigned char *ocs;
+    int ocsp;
+    if (!s || 
+	(!(prog = try_source_file((us = unmeta(s)))) &&
+	 (tempfd = movefd(open(us, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY))) == -1)) {
+	return 1;
+    }
+    /* save the current shell state */
+    fd        = SHIN;            /* store the shell input fd                  */
+    obshin    = bshin;          /* store file handle for buffered shell input */
+    osubsh    = subsh;           /* store whether we are in a subshell        */
+    cj        = thisjob;         /* store our current job number              */
+    oldlineno = lineno;          /* store our current lineno                  */
+    oloops    = loops;           /* stored the # of nested loops we are in    */
+    oldshst   = opts[SHINSTDIN]; /* store current value of this option        */
+    ocs = cmdstack;
+    ocsp = cmdsp;
+    cmdstack = (unsigned char *) zalloc(CMDSTACKSZ);
+    cmdsp = 0;
+    if (!prog) {
+	SHIN = tempfd;
+	bshin = fdopen(SHIN, "r");
+    }
+    subsh  = 0;
+    lineno = 1;
+    loops  = 0;
+    dosetopt(SHINSTDIN, 0, 1);
+    scriptname = s;
+    sourcelevel++;
+    if (prog) {
+	pushheap();
+	errflag = 0;
+	execode(prog, 1, 0);
+	popheap();
+    } else
+	loop(0, 0);		     /* loop through the file to be sourced  */
+    sourcelevel--;
+    /* restore the current shell state */
+    if (prog)
+	freeeprog(prog);
+    else {
+	fclose(bshin);
+	fdtable[SHIN] = 0;
+	SHIN = fd;		     /* the shell input fd                   */
+	bshin = obshin;		     /* file handle for buffered shell input */
+    }
+    subsh = osubsh;                  /* whether we are in a subshell         */
+    thisjob = cj;                    /* current job number                   */
+    lineno = oldlineno;              /* our current lineno                   */
+    loops = oloops;                  /* the # of nested loops we are in      */
+    dosetopt(SHINSTDIN, oldshst, 1); /* SHINSTDIN option                     */
+    errflag = 0;
+    if (!exit_pending)
+	retflag = 0;
+    scriptname = old_scriptname;
+    free(cmdstack);
+    cmdstack = ocs;
+    cmdsp = ocsp;
+    return 0;
+/* Try to source a file in the home directory */
+sourcehome(char *s)
+    char *h;
+    queue_signals();
+    if (emulation == EMULATE_SH || emulation == EMULATE_KSH ||
+	!(h = getsparam("ZDOTDIR")))
+	h = home;
+    {
+	/* Let source() complain if path is too long */
+	VARARR(char, buf, strlen(h) + strlen(s) + 2);
+	sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", h, s);
+	unqueue_signals();
+	source(buf);
+    }
+#include "bltinmods.list"
+    load_module("zsh/main");
+mod_export void
+    /* do nothing */
+mod_export void
+noop_function_int(UNUSED(int nothing))
+    /* do nothing */
+/* ZLE entry point pointers.  They are defined here because the initial *
+ * values depend on whether ZLE is linked in or not -- if it is, we     *
+ * avoid wasting space with the fallback functions.  No other source    *
+ * file needs to know which modules are linked in.                      */
+#ifdef LINKED_XMOD_zshQszle
+mod_export ZleVoidFn trashzleptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidFn zle_resetpromptptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidFn refreshptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidIntFn spaceinlineptr = noop_function_int;
+mod_export ZleReadFn zlereadptr = autoload_zleread;
+mod_export ZleVoidIntFn zlesetkeymapptr = noop_function_int;
+#else /* !LINKED_XMOD_zshQszle */
+mod_export ZleVoidFn trashzleptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidFn zle_resetpromptptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidFn refreshptr = noop_function;
+mod_export ZleVoidIntFn spaceinlineptr = noop_function_int;
+# ifdef UNLINKED_XMOD_zshQszle
+mod_export ZleReadFn zlereadptr = autoload_zleread;
+mod_export ZleVoidIntFn zlesetkeymapptr = autoload_zlesetkeymap;
+# else /* !UNLINKED_XMOD_zshQszle */
+mod_export ZleReadFn zlereadptr = fallback_zleread;
+mod_export ZleVoidIntFn zlesetkeymapptr = noop_function_int;
+# endif /* !UNLINKED_XMOD_zshQszle */
+#endif /* !LINKED_XMOD_zshQszle */
+unsigned char *
+autoload_zleread(char **lp, char **rp, int ha, int con)
+    zlereadptr = fallback_zleread;
+#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__    
+    if (load_module("zsh/zle"))
+	load_module("zsh/compctl");
+    return zleread(lp, rp, ha, con);
+mod_export unsigned char *
+fallback_zleread(char **lp, UNUSED(char **rp), UNUSED(int ha), UNUSED(int con))
+    char *pptbuf;
+    int pptlen;
+    pptbuf = unmetafy(promptexpand(lp ? *lp : NULL, 0, NULL, NULL), &pptlen);
+    write(1, (WRITE_ARG_2_T)pptbuf, pptlen);
+    free(pptbuf);
+    return (unsigned char *)shingetline();
+static void
+autoload_zlesetkeymap(int mode)
+    zlesetkeymapptr = noop_function_int;
+    load_module("zsh/zle");
+    (*zlesetkeymapptr)(mode);
+/* compctl entry point pointers.  Similar to the ZLE ones. */
+mod_export CompctlReadFn compctlreadptr = fallback_compctlread;
+mod_export int
+fallback_compctlread(char *name, UNUSED(char **args), UNUSED(Options ops), UNUSED(char *reply))
+    zwarnnam(name, "option valid only in functions called from completion",
+	    NULL, 0);
+    return 1;
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+//typdef for command function ptr..
+typedef int (*fptr)(char*, char**, Options, int);
+//enumator to be used with zsh_main to located the internal command...
+typedef enum
+	CMD=0,
+//map of command name to the command function ptr...
+typedef struct commandmap
+	char* cmdname;
+	fptr cmdptr;	
+//fill this table with all the builtin functions....
+static CMD_MAP cmd_tab[]=
+	{"ls", bin_ls},
+	{"cp", bin_cp },
+	{"more", bin_more},
+	{"echo", bin_print},	
+	{"read", bin_read},	
+	{"alias",	bin_alias},
+	{"autoload",	bin_functions},
+	{"break",	bin_break},
+	{"cd",	bin_cd},
+	{"dirs",	bin_dirs},
+	{"echo",	bin_print},
+	{"emulate",	bin_emulate},
+	{"eval",	bin_eval},
+	{"fc",	bin_fc},
+	{"history",	bin_fc},
+	{"let",	bin_let},
+	{"print",	bin_print},
+	{"printf",	bin_print},
+	{"pwd",	bin_pwd},
+	{"set",	bin_set},
+	{"setopt",	bin_setopt},
+	{"shift",	bin_shift},
+	{"source",	bin_dot},
+	{"true",	bin_true},
+	{"type",	bin_whence},
+	{"typeset",	bin_typeset},
+	{"unalias",	bin_unhash},
+	{"whence",	bin_whence},
+	{"mkdir",	bin_mkdir},
+	{"mv",	bin_ln},
+	{"rm",	bin_rm},
+	{"rmdir",	bin_rmdir},
+	{"touch",	bin_touch},
+	{"cat",	bin_cat},
+//map the command string to the function pointer..
+fptr mapCommand(char* cmd)
+	if(cmd==NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	else
+		{
+		int idx=0;
+		while(cmd_tab[idx].cmdname!=NULL)	
+			{
+			if(strcmp(cmd, cmd_tab[idx].cmdname)==0)
+				return cmd_tab[idx].cmdptr;
+			idx++;	
+			}
+		}
+	return NULL;	
+//get the value for the given var from the env list...
+char* get_value(char* var, char** env_list)
+	char* pwd = NULL;
+	size_t idx=0;
+	if(!var || !env_list)
+		return NULL;
+	while(env_list[idx])
+		{
+		char* temp=env_list[idx];
+		if(strstr(temp, var))
+			{
+			while(*temp!='='&& temp++);
+			if(temp++)
+				pwd=temp;
+			break;
+			}
+		idx++;	
+		}	
+	return pwd; 	
+#endif //__SYMBIAN32__
+ * This is real main entry point. This has to be mod_export'ed
+ * so zsh.exe can found it on Cygwin
+ */
+mod_export int
+zsh_main(int argc, char **argv, char** env)
+    char **t;
+    int t0;
+#ifdef USE_LOCALE
+    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+	{
+	if(argc>7 && (argv && *argv))	
+		{
+		char* command=NULL;
+		char** cmdargs=NULL;    
+		char* opt_ind=NULL;
+		char** optargs=NULL;
+		int optargcnt=0;
+		int optargalloc=0;
+		int funcid=0;
+		ARG_SCAN arg_scan=CMD;
+		char* path=get_value("PWD", env);
+		setupvals();
+		if(path)
+			chdir(path);
+		++argv; //ignore the first argument..		
+		switch(arg_scan)
+			{
+			case CMD:
+				command=argv[0];
+				++argv;
+			//fall thru	
+			case CMDARGS:
+				{
+				int idx=0;
+				int argcnt=atoi(*argv);
+				cmdargs=(char**)calloc(argcnt+1, sizeof(char*));	
+				if(cmdargs==NULL)
+					exit(1);
+				if(argcnt>0)
+					{
+					argzero=argv[1];
+					while(idx<argcnt)
+						{
+						cmdargs[idx]=argv[idx+1];
+						idx++;	
+						}
+					cmdargs[argcnt]=NULL;
+					}
+				argv=argv+argcnt+1;
+				}
+			//fall thru	
+			case OPT_IND:
+				{
+				int argcnt=atoi(*argv);
+				if(argcnt>0)
+					{
+					opt_ind=argv[1];	
+					argv++;
+					}
+				argv++;	
+				}
+			//fall thru
+			case OPT_ARGS:
+				{
+				int idx=0;
+				int argcnt=atoi(*argv);
+				optargs=(char**)calloc(argcnt+1, sizeof(char*));	
+				if(optargs==NULL)
+						exit(1);
+				if(argcnt>0)
+					{		
+					while(idx<argcnt)
+						{
+						optargs[idx]=argv[idx+1];
+						idx++;	
+						}
+					optargs[argcnt]=NULL;
+					}
+				argv=argv+argcnt+1;
+				}
+			//fall thru
+			case OPT_ARGCNT:
+				optargcnt=atoi(*argv);
+				++argv;
+			//fall thru
+			case OPT_ARGALLOC:
+				optargalloc=atoi(*argv);
+				++argv;
+			//fall thru			
+			case FUNC_ID:
+				funcid=atoi(*argv);
+			break;
+			default:
+			break;	
+			}
+		if(command)
+			{
+			fptr cmd=mapCommand(command);
+			pipeUsed=1;			
+			if(cmd)
+				{
+				int idx=0;
+				char temp[2];
+				struct options ops;
+				memset(ops.ind, 0, MAX_OPS);
+				while(opt_ind && idx<MAX_OPS)
+					{
+					sprintf(temp, "%c", opt_ind[idx]);
+					ops.ind[idx]=atoi(temp);
+					idx++;	
+					}
+				ops.args=optargs;
+				ops.argscount=optargcnt;
+				ops.argsalloc=optargalloc;
+				(*cmd)(command, cmdargs, &ops, funcid);				
+				}
+			fflush(stdout);				
+			free(cmdargs);
+			free(optargs);
+			exit(0);
+			}	
+		free(cmdargs);
+		free(optargs);
+		exit(0);
+		}
+	}
+#endif	//__SYMBIAN32__
+    init_jobs(argv, environ);	
+    /*
+     * Provisionally set up the type table to allow metafication.
+     * This will be done properly when we have decided if we are
+     * interactive
+     */
+    typtab['\0'] |= IMETA;
+    typtab[STOUC(Meta)  ] |= IMETA;
+    typtab[STOUC(Marker)] |= IMETA;
+    for (t0 = (int)STOUC(Pound); t0 <= (int)STOUC(Nularg); t0++)
+	typtab[t0] |= ITOK | IMETA;
+    for (t = argv; *t; *t = metafy(*t, -1, META_ALLOC), t++);
+    zsh_name = argv[0];
+    do {
+      char *arg0 = zsh_name;
+      if (!(zsh_name = strrchr(arg0, '\\'))) 
+	  zsh_name = arg0;
+      else
+	  zsh_name++;
+      if (*zsh_name == '-')
+	  zsh_name++;
+      if (strcmp(zsh_name, "su") == 0) {
+	  char *sh = zgetenv("SHELL");
+	  if (sh && *sh && arg0 != sh)
+	      zsh_name = sh;
+	  else
+	      break;
+      } else
+	  break;
+    } while (zsh_name);
+    fdtable_size = zopenmax();
+    fdtable = zshcalloc(fdtable_size);
+    createoptiontable();
+    emulate(zsh_name, 1);   /* initialises most options */
+    opts[LOGINSHELL] = (**argv == '-');
+    opts[MONITOR] = 1;   /* may be unset in init_io() */
+    opts[PRIVILEGED] = (getuid() != geteuid() || getgid() != getegid());
+    opts[USEZLE] = 1;   /* may be unset in init_io() */
+    parseargs(argv);   /* sets INTERACTIVE, SHINSTDIN and SINGLECOMMAND */
+    SHTTY = -1;
+    init_io();
+    setupvals();
+    init_signals();
+    init_bltinmods();
+    run_init_scripts();
+    init_misc();
+    for (;;) {
+	/*
+	 * See if we can free up some of jobtab.
+	 * We only do this at top level, because if we are
+	 * executing stuff we may refer to them by job pointer.
+	 */
+	maybeshrinkjobtab();
+	do
+	    loop(1,0);
+	while (tok != ENDINPUT && (tok != LEXERR || isset(SHINSTDIN)));
+	if (tok == LEXERR) {
+	    /* Make sure a parse error exits with non-zero status */
+	    if (!lastval)
+		lastval = 1;
+	    stopmsg = 1;
+	    zexit(lastval, 0);
+	}
+	if (!(isset(IGNOREEOF) && interact)) {
+#if 0
+	    if (interact)
+		fputs(islogin ? "logout\n" : "exit\n", shout);
+	    zexit(lastval, 0);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	noexitct++;
+	if (noexitct >= 10) {
+	    stopmsg = 1;
+	    zexit(lastval, 0);
+	}
+	zerrnam("zsh", (!islogin) ? "use 'exit' to exit."
+		: "use 'logout' to logout.", NULL, 0);
+    }