* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* AppUi class of the application.
* Includes the execution sequence which contains
* 1. selftest check
* 2. security check
* 3. user welcome note showing
* 4. first boot check
* 5. time and date value queries
* 6. real time clock status check
#include <aknappui.h> //appui
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include <secondarydisplay/SecondaryDisplaySystemStateAPI.h>
#include <SecondaryDisplay/SecondaryDisplayStartupAPI.h>
#include "startup.hrh" //internal state types
#include "StartupDefines.h" //some common defines
#include "StartupTone.h"
const TInt KConnectionRetryTime = 50000; // 50 ms
class CStartupWelcomeAnimation;
class CStartupOperatorAnimation;
class CStartupUserWelcomeNote;
class CStartupPubSubObserver;
class CStartupAnimationWrapper;
class CStartupView;
class CStartupTone;
class CStartupMediatorObserver;
* 'AppUi' class.
class CStartupAppUi : public CAknAppUi
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
* Destructor.
// from CCoeAppUiBase
void PrepareToExit();
* Actually stops the timer that is used for showing
* User Welcome Note.
* @return void
void StopTimingL(); // indirectly called
* Just perform Exit(); from the callback function.
* @return void
void ExitApplication(); // indirectly called
* Callback function to stop timer
* This timer is used for showing user welcome note.
* @return TInt
static TInt DoStopTimingL(TAny* aObject);
* This callback function is used for exiting the application after
* some code in somewhere else in this application is finished.
static TInt DoExitApplication(TAny* aObject);
* Check boot reason from the SysUtil
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool HiddenReset();
* Continue startup when startup tone completes.
* @param None
* @return void
void ContinueStartupAfterToneL(TToneType aToneType);
* Stop startuptone
* @param None
* @return void
void StopStartupTone();
* Stop startuptone
* @param None
* @return void
void StopOperatorTone();
* Checks if StartupTone is playing
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool StartupTonePlaying();
* Checks if OperatorTone is playing
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool OperatorTonePlaying();
* Called when welcome or operator animation has finished.
* @since S60 3.2
void AnimationFinished();
* Brings Startup application to foregound after Touch Screen Calibration and emergency call from PIN query.
* @param None
* @return void
void BringToForeground();
* Send Startup application to background before Touch Screen Calibration.
* @param None
* @return void
void SendToBackground();
* Sets iCleanBoot to EStartupCleanBoot.
* @param None
* @return void
void SetCleanBoot();
* @param None
* @return void
void WaitingTouchScreenCalibL();
* @param None
* @return void
void TouchScreenCalibrationDoneL();
#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
* @param None
* @return void
void CoverUIWelcomeAnimationSyncOKL();
* @param None
* @return void
void WaitingCoverUIWelcomeAnimationSyncL();
* @param None
* @return void
void CoverUIOperatorAnimationSyncOKL();
* @param None
* @return void
void WaitingCoverUIOperatorAnimationSyncL();
* @param None
* @return void
void WaitingCoverUIStartupReadySyncL();
* @param None
* @return void
void CoverUIStartupReadySyncOKL();
* @param None
* @return void
void RaiseCoverUIEvent( TUid aCategory,
TInt aEventId,
const TDesC8& aData );
void SetCriticalBlockEndedL();
void WaitingCriticalBlockEndingL();
* Starts to wait permission to start startup animation.
* @since S60 3.2
void SetWaitingStartupAnimationStartL();
* Called when it is allowed to start startup animation.
* @since S60 3.2
void WaitingStartupAnimationStartL();
/** System state has changed to EmergencyCallsOnly. Skip the animations. */
void SetEmergencyCallsOnlyL();
* Check if animation should be loaded in advance and do it.
void TryPreLoadAnimation();
* Propagates fatal startup error state.
* @param aPropertyChanged
* (ETrue, if state received via property changed event)
* @return void
void SwStateFatalStartupErrorL( TBool aPropertyChanged );
* Returns value of iOfflineModeQueryShown.
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool GetOfflineModeQueryShown();
* Sets value of iOfflineModeQueryShown.
* @param TBool
* @return void
void SetOfflineModeQueryShown(TBool aValue);
* Return value of the__SIMCARD feature
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool SimSupported();
* Return value of KFeatureIdCoverDisplay feature
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool CoverUISupported();
* Checks if DOS is in Offline Mode
* @return TBool
TBool DosInOfflineModeL();
* This cancels the animation.
void CancelAnimation();
* Checks if boot reason is SIM changed reset
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool SimStatusChangedReset();
* For starting startup tone initialization timer when needed
* @param None
* @return void
void WaitingStartupToneL();
* Callback function of startup tone initialization timer
* @param TAny*
* @return TInt
static TInt ToneInitTimerTimeoutL(TAny* aObject);
* For checking startup tone initialization status
* @param None
* @return void
void StartupToneWaitStatusL();
private: // from MEikMenuObserver
* EPOC default constructor.
void ConstructL();
private: // from CEikAppUi
* From CAknAppUi.
* Handles a change to the application's resources which are shared across
* the environment.
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aType The type of resources that have changed.
void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
* Takes care of command handling.
* @param aCommand Command to be handled.
* @return void
void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
* Handles key events.
* @param aKeyEvent Event to be handled.
* @param aType Type of the key event
* @return TKeyResponse
virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
* Checks the validity of change and perform needed actions
* @param toState next phase state phase
* @return void
void DoNextStartupPhaseL( TStartupInternalState toState );
* First part of the startup phases.
* This part does some initial things and in the end
* calls DoNextStartupPhaseL() with parameter of next phase
* @return void
void DoStartupStartPartL();
* This part of the startup phases
* shows the welcome animation.
void DoStartupShowWelcomeAnimationL();
* This part of the startup phases
* shows the operator animation.
void DoStartupShowOperatorAnimationL();
* This part of the startup phases
* shows the user welcome note.
void DoStartupShowUserWelcomeNoteL();
* Returns EFalse if date, time and city
* queries are disabled for testing purposes
* @return TBool
TBool StartupQueriesEnabled();
* Predictive Time and Country selection support
* Returns ETrue when enabled.
* @return TBool
TBool PredictiveTimeEnabled();
* This part takes care of asking some values
* from the user in case of first boot or
* real time clock value is invalid
* @return void
void DoStartupFirstBootAndRTCCheckL();
* Shows the needed startup queries in first boot
* or when real time clock value is invalid
* @return void
void ShowStartupQueriesL();
* Last part of the startup phases.
* This part does some cleaning things and
* calls the Exit().
* @return void
void DoStartupEndPart();
* Check Real Time Clock status from the SysUtil
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool RTCStatus();
* Shows welcome animation to the user.
* @return void
void ShowWelcomeAnimationL();
* Shows operator animation to the user.
* @return void
void ShowOperatorAnimationL();
* Shows UserWelcomeNote to the user.
* It can be default animation, or user defined text or image.
* @return void
void ShowUserWelcomeNoteL();
* Shows Off-line Mode query to the user in case
* the device is being booted into Off-line Mode.
* Sends System Application user's answers via
* a Shared Data notification.
* @return void
void ShowOfflineModeQueryL();
* Check Off-line Mode status from the UI side
* @param None
* @return TBool : Off-line Mode status
TBool UiInOfflineMode();
* Shows country and city selection lists to the user.
* This is shown in first boot.
void ShowCountryAndCityListsL();
* Shows country selection list to the user.
* This is shown in first boot.
* @return TInt
TInt ShowCountryListL();
* Shows city selection list to the user.
* This is shown in first boot.
* @return TBool
TBool ShowCityListL(TUint8 cityGroupId);
* Shows time query to the user.
* This is shown in first boot or when
* real time clock isn't valid.
* @return TBool
TBool ShowTimeQueryL();
* Shows date query to the user.
* This is shown in first boot or when
* real time clock isn't valid.
* @return TBool
TBool ShowDateQueryL();
* Gets default time and date from cenrep
* @param aTime
* @return void
void GetDefaultTimeAndDate( TTime& aTime );
* Returns information about is this the first boot happening.
* @return TBool
TBool FirstBoot();
* Mark first boot happened for the next boot.
* @return void
void MarkFirstBoot();
* Includes routines that are performed
* when global state change to EStartupSystemFatalError.
* This method is called only from DoNextStartupPhaseL()!!
void SystemFatalErrorL();
* Updates startup UI phase to Publish&Subscribe key KPSStartupUiPhase.
* @param aValue the new value to be written to the key KPSStartupUiPhase.
void UpdateStartupUiPhase( TInt aValue );
private: // ***** Member Data ********************************************
// The only window-owning control of the Startup application.
CStartupView* iMainView;
// Used for showing Welcome Animation. Owned. May not be NULL.
CStartupAnimationWrapper* iAnimation;
//used for showing Welcome Animation
CStartupWelcomeAnimation* iWelcomeAnimation; //owns
//used for showing Operator Animation
CStartupOperatorAnimation* iOperatorAnimation; //owns
//used for showing User Welcome Note
CStartupUserWelcomeNote* iUserWelcomeNote; //owns
//used for showing welcome animation
CPeriodic* iAnimTimer; //owns
//used for showing user welcome note
CPeriodic* iNoteTimer; //owns
//used for exiting application, smoothly without tricky errors
CPeriodic* iExitTimer; //owns
// Used for playing startup tone
CStartupTone* iStartupTone; //owns
// Used for waiting startup tone initialization
CPeriodic* iToneInitTimer; //owns
// Used for playing operator startup tone
CStartupTone* iOpStartupTone; //owns
// Used for following tone initialization time
TInt iToneInitWaitTime;
//used for telling if the user welcome note is animation
TBool iAnimation;
//internal execution state
TStartupInternalState iInternalState;
//is used for telling the application that
//splashscreen should be removed for showing the code queries
//or welcome note
TBool iSplashScreenShouldBeRemoved;
//is used for quarantee only one time continuing
TBool iStartupFirstBootAndRTCCheckAlreadyCalled;
//is used for indicating charger or alarm boot
TBool iChargingOrAlarmBoot;
//is used to inform if this is the first boot
TInt iFirstBoot;
//is used to inform if "clean boot key" is pressed during animation
TInt iCleanBoot;
//is used for telling if offline mode is supported
TBool iOfflineModeSupported;
//is used for telling if offline mode query is already shown
TBool iOfflineModeQueryShown;
//is used for telling if Starter has completed critical block starting
TBool iCriticalBlockEnded;
// The result of offline query
TBool iBootIntoOffline;
// fatal error during startup
TBool iSwStateFatalStartupError;
// Indicates whether it is allowed to start the UI sequence containing animation(s).
TBool iStartupWaitingShowStartupAnimation;
CStartupPubSubObserver* iStartupPubSubObserver; //owns
//is used for telling if SIM card is supported
TBool iSimSupported;
CStartupMediatorObserver* iStartupMediatorObserver; //owns
TBool iCoverUISupported;
TInt iCounryListIndex;
TTime iTime;
TBool iTouchScreenCalibSupport;
TBool iTouchScreenCalibrationDone;
// End of file