* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CFContextSourceManager class declaration.
#include <cfcontextsourcesetting.h>
#include "cfecompluginmanager.h"
#include "cfstarterobserver.h"
#include "cfstateobserver.h"
#include "cfstartereventhandler.h"
class CAsyncCallBack;
class CCFContextSourcePlugIn;
class CCFContextSourceSettingsManager;
class CCFContextSourceSettingArray;
class MCFExtendedContextInterface;
class MCFContextSourceUpgrade;
class RFs;
class TCFContextSourceInfo;
class TContextSourceInitParams;
class CImplementationInformation;
class CCFContextSourceCommand;
class MCFContextSource;
class TCFClientContextSourceInfo;
* Context source manager.
* Context source manager is responsible for loading all the
* context source plug-ins that are currently installed.
* @lib CFContextSourceManager.lib
* @since S60 4.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCFContextSourceManager ): public CCFEComPluginManager,
public MCFStarterObserver,
public MCFStateObserver
// Two phased constrcutors
IMPORT_C static CCFContextSourceManager* NewL(
MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF,
RFs& aFs );
IMPORT_C static CCFContextSourceManager* NewLC(
MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF,
RFs& aFs );
// Destructor
IMPORT_C virtual ~CCFContextSourceManager();
public: // New functions
* Installs a context source setting.
* Setting is stored for a plugin if install succeeds.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aSettingFile Setting file opened as EFileRead.
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source to
* receive setting.
* @param aClientThread Client thread making the request.
* @return None. Possible leave codes:
* - KErrBadHandle, context source not found/loaded.
* - KErrExtensionNotSupported, context source does not support
* installing settings.
* - Otherwise system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C void InstallSettingL( RFile& aSettingFile,
const TUid& aContextSourceUid,
RThread& aClientThread );
* Uninstalls a context source setting.
* Setting is removed if uninstall succeeds.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aSettingFilename Filename (without path) that was used to
* install the setting.
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source.
* @param aClientThread Client thread making the request.
* @return None. Possible leave codes:
* - KErrNotFound, specified setting file not found.
* - KErrBadHandle, context source not found/loaded.
* - KErrExtensionNotSupported, context source does not support
* uninstalling settings.
* - Otherwise system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C void UninstallSettingL( const TDesC& aSettingFilename,
const TUid& aContextSourceUid,
RThread& aClientThread );
* Uninstalls context source settings registered by a client.
* Uninstalls all settings ever registered by the client for the context
* source. Settings are removed if uninstall succeeds.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source.
* @param aClientThread Client thread making the request.
* @return None. Possible leave codes:
* - KErrBadHandle, context source not found/loaded.
* - KErrExtensionNotSupported, context source does not support
* uninstalling settings.
* - Otherwise system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C void UninstallSettingsL( const TUid& aContextSourceUid,
RThread& aClientThread );
* Handles context source command.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aCommand Context source command.
* @return None. Possible leave codes:
* - KErrBadHandle, context source not found/loaded.
* - KErrExtensionNotSupported, context source does not support commands.
* - Otherwise system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C void HandleContextSourceCommandL(
const CCFContextSourceCommand& aCommand );
* Registers client as a context source.
* Must be called for enabling client to receive source commands.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aPublisher Context source interface of the publisher client.
* @param aPublisherUid Uid (secure id) of the publisher client.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C TInt RegisterClientContextSource( MCFContextSource* aPublisher,
const TUid& aPublisherUid );
* Deregisters client as a context source.
* Must be called when a registered client cannot receive source commands
* anymore, i.e. when client session is deleted.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aPublisher Context source interface of the publisher client.
* @return None.
IMPORT_C void DeregisterClientContextSource(
const MCFContextSource& aPublisher );
private: // From base classes
// @see MCFInitialize
void InitializePhaseL( CCFPhaseBase::TCFPhaseId aPhase );
// from MCFStateObserver
void UpdatePlugInsL();
// @see MCFStarterObserver
void SetEventHandler( MCFStarterEventHandler& aEventHandler );
private: // New methods
// Releases plugin dependencies before deleting
void ReleasePlugIn( CCFContextSourcePlugIn*& aPlugIn );
// Call back function for asynchronous plug-in loading
static TInt LoaderCallBack( TAny* aLoaderInfo );
// Prepares plug-in loaders
void PrepareLoaderL( CImplementationInformation* aImplementationInfo );
// Execute function for plug-in load
void ExecuteLoaders();
CCFContextSourceManager( MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF, RFs& aFs );
void ConstructL();
private: // New methods
// Loads and initialized plug-in
CCFContextSourcePlugIn* CreateAndInitializePlugInL(
const TUid& aImplementationUid,
TContextSourceInitParams& aParams );
// Init starting phase
void InitDeviceStartingPhaseL();
// Init loading plugins phase
void InitLoadingPluginsPhaseL();
// Loads plug-ins and appends it into array
void LoadPluginL( TUid aUid, TInt aImplVersion );
// Configures setting folder to rom
// Returns ETrue if setting file found
TBool ConfigureRomSettingFolder( TDes& aFolder, const TUid& aUid );
// Configures setting folder to ram
// Returns ETrue if setting file found
TBool ConfigureRamSettingFolder( TDes& aFolder, const TUid& aUid );
// Searches the plugin setting folder from setting
// files and parses them
void ParsePlugInSettingsL( const TDesC& aFolder,
CCFContextSourceSettingArray& aSettings );
// Returns parsed plugin settings for a plugin
CCFContextSourceSettingArray* PlugInSettingsL(
const TUid& aImplementationUid );
* Gets context source plugin supporting MCFContextSourceUpgrade
* interface.
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source.
* @return Pointer to plugin's MCFContextSourceUpgrade interface.
* Possible leave codes:
* - KErrBadHandle, context source not found/loaded.
* - KErrExtensionNotSupported, context source does not support
* MCFContextSourceUpgrade interface.
MCFContextSourceUpgrade* PlugInL( const TUid& aContextSourceUid ) const;
* Copies setting file into RAM setting folder of a context source.
* Overwrites previous setting file by the same name if it exists.
* @param aSettingFile Open file handle indicating the file to be copied.
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source to
* receive setting.
* @param aClientThread Client thread making the request.
* @return None.
void CopySettingFileL( const RFile& aSettingFile,
const TUid& aContextSourceUid,
RThread& aClientThread );
* Deletes setting file(s) from RAM setting folder of a context source.
* @param aSettingFile Filename of the setting to be deleted. Use
* wildcards to delete more than one file.
* @param aContextSourceUid Implementation UID of the context source
* whose setting file(s) is to be deleted.
* @param aClientThread Client thread making the request.
* @return None.
void DeleteSettingFileL( const TDesC& aSettingFile,
const TUid& aContextSourceUid,
RThread& aClientThread );
private: // data
// Own: Context source settings manager
CCFContextSourceSettingsManager* iSettingsManager;
// Own: Context source plugin info array
RArray<TCFContextSourceInfo> iPlugIns;
// Ref: Context framework API
MCFExtendedContextInterface& iCF;
// Ref: File server session
RFs& iFs;
// Own: Array of context sources implemented by clients (no duplicates)
RArray< TCFClientContextSourceInfo > iClientContextSources;
// Loaders for plug-in loading
RPointerArray<CAsyncCallBack> iLoaders;
// Counter for loaded plug-ins
TInt iLoadedCount;
// Event handler, not own, can be NULL
MCFStarterEventHandler* iEventHandler;
//JNIA-849K7G Error
TBool iUpdatePluginsAllowed;