Re-merge Symbian Foundation splash screen.
docml files included in Nokia Delivery.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// apaid.h
#ifndef __APAID_H__
#define __APAID_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <apadef.h>
#include <apmstd.h> // class TDataTypeWithPriority
// classes referenced
class RReadStream;
class RWriteStream;
class RFs;
/** The identity of an application.
An object of this type contains two pieces of information:
The application specific UID
The file name and extension of the application DLL
All persisted documents associated with this application have a stream containing
this information.
@see CApaProcess::ReadRootStreamLC()
@see CApaProcess::WriteRootStreamL()
@see CApaProcess::ReadAppIdentifierL()
@see CApaProcess::WriteAppIdentifierL() */
class TApaAppIdentifier
IMPORT_C TApaAppIdentifier();
IMPORT_C TApaAppIdentifier(TUid aAppUidType,const TFileName& aDllName);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
/** The application-specific UID. */
TUid iAppUid;
/** The full path name of the application DLL. */
TFileName iFullName;
TInt iTApaAppIdentifier_Reserved1;
/** Application information.
An object of this type contains four pieces of information:
the application specific UID
the full path name of the application DLL
the application's caption
a short caption; how this is used is up to the UI
@released */
class TApaAppInfo
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo();
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo(TUid aAppUid,const TFileName& aDllName,const TApaAppCaption& aCaption);
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo(TUid aAppUid,const TFileName& aDllName,const TApaAppCaption& aCaption,const TApaAppCaption& aShortCaption);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
/** The application specific UID. */
TUid iUid;
/** The full path name of the application DLL. */
TFileName iFullName;
/** The caption for the application. */
TApaAppCaption iCaption;
/** The short caption for the application. */
TApaAppCaption iShortCaption;
TInt iTApaAppInfo_Reserved1;
/** Contains the basic information about an application view.
An object of this type contains two pieces of information:
The UID that identifies the view
The application's caption.
Objects of this type are returned in an array populated by a call to RApaLsSession::GetAppViews().
@see CApaAppViewArray
@see TUid */
class TApaAppViewInfo
IMPORT_C TApaAppViewInfo();
IMPORT_C TApaAppViewInfo(TUid aViewUid,const TApaAppCaption& aViewCaption,TInt aScreenMode);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
/** The UID identifying the view. */
TUid iUid;
/** The application caption. */
TApaAppCaption iViewCaption;
TInt iScreenMode;
TInt iTApaAppViewInfo_Reserved1;
/** Defines an array of TApaAppViewInfo objects contained within a flat dynamic
An array of this type is populated with TApaAppViewInfo objects in a call
to RApaLsSession::GetAppViews().
@released */
typedef CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppViewInfo> CApaAppViewArray;
/** Application capabilities.
@released */
class TApaAppCapability
IMPORT_C static void CopyCapability(TDes8& aDest,const TDesC8& aSource);
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
void DoInternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream, TBool& aLaunchInBackground, TApaAppGroupName& aGroupName);
/** Defines an application's support for embeddability. */
enum TEmbeddability {
/** An application cannot be embedded. */
/** An application can be run embedded or standalone and can read/write embedded document-content. */
/** An application can only be run embedded and can read/write embedded document-content. */
/** An application can be run embedded or standalone and cannot read/write embedded document-content. */
/** An application can only be run embedded and cannot read/write embedded document-content. */
EEmbeddableUiNotStandAlone=6 };
/** Defines an application's attributes as a set of bit flags. */
enum TCapabilityAttribute
/** This functionality is deprecated from v9.5 onwards.
EBuiltAsDll = 0x00000001,
/** If set, the application provides control panel functionality. */
EControlPanelItem = 0x00000002,
/** If set, the application is not a native executable, and hence the "path" and "extension" (as well as the "name") must be provided in the app_file field of the APP_REGISTRATION_INFO resource. */
ENonNative = 0x00000004
/** Indicates the extent to which the application can be embedded. */
TEmbeddability iEmbeddability;
/** Indicates whether the application is document-based and supports being asked
to create a new file. */
TBool iSupportsNewFile;
/** Indicates whether the existence of the application should be advertised to the
user. If this is set to ETrue, the application does not appear on the Extras
Bar (or equivalent). */
TBool iAppIsHidden; // not shown in the Shell etc.
/** Allows the application to be launched in the foreground (when set to EFalse)
or in the background (when set to ETrue). */
TBool iLaunchInBackground; // Series 60 extension to allow apps to be launched in the background
/** Stores the application's logical group name. */
TApaAppGroupName iGroupName; // Series 60 extension to allow apps to be categorized according a logical group name, e.g. 'games'
/** Indicates the application attributes. One or more values from TCapabilityAttribute may be specified. */
TUint iAttributes;
// expandable class - add new members to the end, add them to the end of int/ext also, and increment the version no.
// default value for all data members must be 0
enum { EVersion=4 };
TInt iTApaAppCapability_Reserved1;
/** Packages the TApaAppCapability class.
@released */
typedef TPckgBuf<TApaAppCapability> TApaAppCapabilityBuf;
/** Filter used to define the subset of applications returned by RApaLsSession::GetNextApp()
class TApaEmbeddabilityFilter
IMPORT_C TApaEmbeddabilityFilter();
IMPORT_C void AddEmbeddability(TApaAppCapability::TEmbeddability aEmbeddability);
IMPORT_C TBool MatchesEmbeddability(TApaAppCapability::TEmbeddability aEmbeddability) const;
TUint iEmbeddabilityFlags;
TInt iTApaEmbeddabilityFilter_Reserved1;
The uid for the Open service.
const TUid KOpenServiceUid = { 0x10208DCA };
/** Application service information.
Encapsulates a service UID and associated opaque data.
An instance of this class provides information about
a specific implementation of the service identified by
the encapsulated service UID.
class TApaAppServiceInfo
IMPORT_C TApaAppServiceInfo();
IMPORT_C TApaAppServiceInfo(TUid aUid, CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>* aDataTypes, HBufC8* aOpaqueData);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
IMPORT_C void Release();
IMPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& DataTypes();
IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
IMPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& DataTypes() const;
IMPORT_C const TDesC8& OpaqueData() const;
TUid iUid;
CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>* iDataTypes;
HBufC8* iOpaqueData;
TInt iTApaAppServiceInfo;
/** Application service information array.
Owns an array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects.
@see TApaAppServiceInfo
class CApaAppServiceInfoArray : public CBase
IMPORT_C CApaAppServiceInfoArray();
/** Provides access to the encapsulated array of
TApaAppServiceInfo objects.
@return A generic array of TApaAppServiceInfo objects. */
virtual TArray<TApaAppServiceInfo> Array()=0;
IMPORT_C virtual void CApaAppServiceInfoArray_Reserved1();
IMPORT_C virtual void CApaAppServiceInfoArray_Reserved2();
TInt iCApaAppServiceInfoArray_Reserved1;