Re-merge Symbian Foundation splash screen.
docml files included in Nokia Delivery.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// apparctestserver.cpp
@file apparctestserver.cpp
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include <basched.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <techview/eikon.hrh>
#include <eikapp.h>
#include <eikdoc.h>
#include <techview/eiklabel.h>
#include <eikfctry.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <techview/eiktbar.h>
#include <techview/eikmenub.h>
#include "appfwk_test_appui.h"
#include "apparctestserver.h"
#include "t_foreground.h"
#include "T_ProStep.h"
#include "T_OOMStep.h"
#include "T_BackupStep.h"
#include "T_MdrStep.h"
#include "T_Serv2Step.h"
#include "T_Serv3Step.h"
#include "T_MruStep.h"
#include "T_CmdlnStep.h"
#include "T_WgnamStep.h"
#include "T_ExeStep.h"
#include "T_NotifStep.h"
#include "T_CaptionStep.h"
#include "T_LocaleStep.h"
#include "T_RApaLsSessionStep.h"
#include "T_ServicesStep.h"
#include "T_ServiceRegistryStep.h"
#include "T_StartAppStep.h"
#include "T_StartDocStep.h"
#include "T_AutoMMCReaderOpen.h"
#include "T_ControlPanelTest.h"
#include "T_RuleBasedLaunchingStep.h"
#include "T_Capability1.h"
#include "T_Capability2.h"
#include "T_DataTypeMappingWithSid1.h"
#include "T_groupNametest.h"
#include "T_groupNametest_ver1.h"
#include "T_groupNametest_ver2.h"
#include "T_WindowChainingStep.h"
#include "T_AppList.h"
#include "T_SysStartApparcStep.h"
#include "T_ProcStep.h"
#include "T_DataMappingPersistenceA.h"
#include "T_DataMappingPersistenceB.h"
#include "T_DataMappingPersistenceC.h"
#include "T_ApsScan.h"
#include "T_EndTaskStep.h"
#include "T_RecUpgrade.h"
#include "T_AppListFileBootStep.h"
#include "T_AppListFileUpdateStep.h"
#include "t_largestackstep.h"
#include "t_mimecontentpolicystep.h"
#include "t_servicebasestep.h"
#include "t_updateapplist.h"
#include "t_forceregstep.h"
#include "t_clientnotifstep.h"
#include "t_nonnativetest.h"
#include "T_File2Step.h"
#include "T_File3Step.h"
#include "T_NonNativeAppsStep.h"
#include "T_IntegritySupportStep.h"
#include "T_IntegritySupportRebootStep.h"
#include "t_drivenotification.h"
CApparctestServer* CApparctestServer::NewL()
@return - Instance of the test server
Same code for Secure and non-secure variants
Called inside the MainL() function to create and start the
CTestServer derived server.
CApparctestServer * server = new (ELeave) CApparctestServer();
// CServer base class call
TParsePtrC serverName(RProcess().FileName());
return server;
CTestStep* CApparctestServer::CreateTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName)
@return - A CTestStep derived instance
Secure and non-secure variants
Implementation of CTestServer pure virtual
CTestStep* testStep = NULL;
// User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(5000000));
// This server creates just one step but create as many as you want
// They are created "just in time" when the worker thread is created
if(aStepName == KTestAppListStep)
testStep = new CTestAppListStep();
else if(aStepName == KTestForegroundStep)
testStep = new CTestForegroundStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_ProStep)
testStep = new CT_ProStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_OOMStep)
testStep = new CT_OOMStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_File2Step)
testStep = new CT_File2Step();
else if(aStepName == KT_File3Step)
testStep = new CT_File3Step();
else if(aStepName == KT_BackupStep)
testStep = new CT_BackupStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_MdrStep)
testStep = new CT_MdrStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_Serv2Step)
testStep = new CT_Serv2Step();
else if(aStepName == KT_Serv3Step)
testStep = new CT_Serv3Step();
else if(aStepName == KT_MruStep)
testStep = new CT_MruStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_CmdlnStep)
testStep = new CT_CmdlnStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_RApaLsSessionStep)
testStep = new CT_RApaLsSessionTestStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_NotifStep)
testStep = new CT_NotifStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_WgnamStep)
testStep = new CT_WgnamStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_ExeStep)
testStep = new CT_ExeStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_CaptionStep)
testStep = new CT_CaptionStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_LocaleStep)
testStep = new CT_LocaleStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_ServicesStep)
testStep = new CT_ServicesTestStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_StartAppStep)
testStep = new CT_StartAppTestStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_ServiceRegistryStep)
testStep = new CT_ServiceRegistryTestStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_StartDocStep)
testStep = new CT_StartDocStep();
else if(aStepName == KTestAutoMMCReaderOpenStep)
testStep = new CTestAutoMMCReaderStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_ControlPanelTest)
testStep = new CT_ControlPanelTestStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_RuleBasedLaunchingStep)
testStep = new CTRuleBasedLaunchingStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_GroupNameStep)
testStep = new CT_GroupNameStep();
else if(aStepName == KT_GroupNameStep_ver1)
testStep = new CT_GroupNameStep_ver1();
else if(aStepName == KT_GroupNameStep_ver2)
testStep = new CT_GroupNameStep_ver2();
else if(aStepName == KT_Capability1)
testStep = new CT_Capability1();
else if(aStepName == KT_Capability2)
testStep = new CT_Capability2();
else if(aStepName == KT_DataTypeMappingWithSid1)
testStep = new CT_DataTypeMappingWithSid1();
else if (aStepName == KT_WindowChainingStep)
testStep = new CT_WindowChainingStep();
else if( (aStepName == KT_SysStartApparcStep) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp1L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp2L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp3L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp4L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp5L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestStartApp6L) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestGetAllApps) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestInsertDataTypeL) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestAppForDataTypeL) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestDeleteDataTypeL) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestServiceDiscovery) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestGetAppInfo) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestAppCount) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestCreateDoc) ||
(aStepName == KApparcStartupT_TestLocalisedCaptionL) )
testStep = new CT_SysStartApparcStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_ProcStep)
testStep = new CT_ProcStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_DataMappingPersistenceAStep)
testStep = new CT_DataMappingPersistenceATestStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_DataMappingPersistenceBStep)
testStep = new CT_DataMappingPersistenceBTestStep();
else if (aStepName == _L("T_DataMappingPersistenceC"))
testStep = new CT_DataMappingPersistenceCTestStep();
else if (aStepName == _L("T_NonNativeApps"))
testStep = new CT_NonNativeAppsStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_IntegritySupportStep)
testStep = new CT_IntegritySupportTestStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_IntegritySupportReboot1Step)
testStep = new CT_IntegritySupportReboot1TestStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_IntegritySupportReboot2Step)
testStep = new CT_IntegritySupportReboot2TestStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_ApsScanStep)
testStep = new CT_ApsScanStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_EndTaskStep)
testStep = new CTEndTaskStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_AppListFileUpdate)
testStep = new CT_AppListFileUpdateStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_AppListFile_Boot1)
testStep = new CT_AppListFileBootStep(1);
else if (aStepName == KT_AppListFile_Boot2)
testStep = new CT_AppListFileBootStep(2);
else if (aStepName == KT_AppListFile_Boot3)
testStep = new CT_AppListFileBootStep(3);
else if (aStepName == KT_LargeStackStep)
testStep = new CT_LargeStackStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_DriveNotificationStep)
testStep = new CT_DriveNotificationStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_MimeContentPolicyStep)
testStep = new CT_MimeContentPolicyStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_ServiceBaseStep)
testStep = new CT_ServiceBaseStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_RecUpgradeStep)
testStep = new CT_RecUpgradeStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_TestUpdateAppListStep)
testStep = new CT_TestUpdateAppListStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_ForceRegStep)
testStep = new CT_ForceRegStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_ClientNotifStep)
testStep = new CT_ClientNotifStep();
else if (aStepName == KT_NonNativeTestStep)
testStep = new CT_NonNativeTestStep();
return testStep;
LOCAL_C void MainL()
// Leave the hooks in for platform security
CActiveScheduler* sched=NULL;
sched=new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CApparctestServer* server = NULL;
// Create the CTestServer derived server
TRAPD(err,server = CApparctestServer::NewL());;
// Sync with the client and enter the active scheduler
delete server;
delete sched;
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
if(cleanup == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;