// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include "CBackupRestoreNotification.h"
// User includes
#include "ASSrvAlarmQueue.h"
#include "ASSrvAlarmQueueObserver.h"
#include "ASSrvAnyEventObserver.h"
#include "assrvsystemstateobserver.h"
// Type definitions
// Constants
// Enumerations
// Classes referenced
class CASSrvServerWideData;
// ----> CASSrvAlarmStore (header)
* This object implements the logic for keeping a persistent backup of the
* Alarm Server queue in the file system. It also monitors for Backup/restore operations.
* When the AlarmServer.ini is to be backed up or replaced.
class CASSrvAlarmStore : public CTimer,
#ifndef __WINC__
public MBackupRestoreNotificationObserver,
public MASSrvAlarmQueueObserver, public MASSrvAnyEventObserver
, public MASSrvSystemStateObserver
static CASSrvAlarmStore* NewL(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData);
CASSrvAlarmStore(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData);
void ConstructL();
private: // FROM MASSrvAlarmQueueObserver
* @see MASSrvAlarmQueueObserver
void MAlarmQueueObserverHandleEvent(TASSrvAlarmQueueEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aAlarmId);
public: // FROM MASSrvAnyEventObserver
* @see MASSrvAnyEventObserver
void MASSrvAnyEventHandleChange(TAlarmChangeEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aAlarmId);
public: // From MASSrvSystemStateObserver
void MHandleSystemStateChange(TState aState);
private: // INTERNAL
* Access the server wide data
inline CASSrvServerWideData& ServerWideData() const { return iServerWideData; }
* Internalize (non-leaving) the contents of the Alarm Server queue
* and some settings from the backup file.
* @return KErrNone or other standard error code.
TInt Internalize(CASSrvAlarmQueue::TStoreOperation aInternalizeOperation);
* Internalize the contents of the Alarm Server queue & some settings
* from the backup file.
void InternalizeL();
* If Alarm changes were seen previously Externalize the contents of
* the Alarm Server backup to the backup file.
* @return KErrNone or other standard error code.
TInt ExternalizeIfRequested();
* Externalize (non-leaving) the Alarm Server queue & some settings
* to the backup file.
* @return KErrNone or other standard error code.
TInt Externalize();
* Externalize the Alarm Server queue & some settings to the backup file.
void ExternalizeL();
* Open the backup store (AlarmServer.ini) using the specified
* file mode.
* @return A file store object which encapsulates the backup store.
CDirectFileStore* OpenStoreLC(TUint aMode) const;
* Open the backup store (AlarmServer.ini) using the specified
* file mode.
* @return A file store object which encapsulates the backup store.
CDirectFileStore* OpenStoreL(TUint aMode) const;
* Restore the root stream dictionary from the specified store
* @return A stream dictionary object on the cleanup stack
CStreamDictionary* OpenDictionaryLC(CPersistentStore& aStore) const;
* Open the specified stream in the store
void OpenStreamLC(CPersistentStore& aStore, CStreamDictionary& aDictionary, TUid aStreamUid, RStoreReadStream& aStream) const;
* Retry a previously requested backup operation
void RetryStoreOperation();
void StartOfBackupOrRestoreL(CASSrvAlarmQueue::TStoreOperation aStoreOperation);
private: // FROM CActive
* @see CActive
void RunL();
* @see CActive
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
#ifndef __WINC__
private: // FROM MBackupRestoreNotificationObserver
void BackupBeginningL();
void BackupCompletedL();
void RestoreBeginningL();
void RestoreCompletedL(TInt aRestoreResult);
* Internal flags
enum TBackupFlags
* Indicates that the Alarm Server performing an Internalize, so
* the AlarmServer.ini file is in use. We are also not interested
* in changes to the alarm queue - they come from the Internalize
* and do not need to cause an Externalize.
EIsInternalizing = 1,
* Indicates that some change to Alarm data has been observed and
* that an Externalize is required.
* If RunL sees this flag it will try to perform an Externalize,
* and retry a number of times if an error is encountered.
ERequestExternalize = 2
void ScheduleExternalizeWithRetry(TUint aTimeMS);
private: // MEMBER DATA
* The server wide data
CASSrvServerWideData& iServerWideData;
* The number of retry attempts that have already taken
* place without success
TInt iNumberOfAttemptedRetries;
* Internal flags
TBitFlags iFlags;
#ifndef __WINC__
CBackupRestoreNotification* iBackupNotification;