Bug 1699 - Fix redefinition of uInt by replacing 2nd def with inclusion of 1st. Also fixed numerous other over qualification of method name and token pasting issues which cause GCCE errors.
(object Petal
version 43
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quid "40D96A130352"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis"
quidu "40D969B300E0"
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quid "4180BFFD0079"
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supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::App-Services/TzClient"
quidu "40D960CA0111"
supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
(object module "App-Services/TimeZoneDatabaseProvider" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
quid "40D9624801D1"
stereotype "")
(object module "App-Services/LocalisedNamesService" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
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quid "4112039F009F"
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quidu "411202FA03D9"
supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
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(object SubSystem "BASE/EUSER"
quid "41877121001D"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
(object SubSystem "SYSLIB/BAFL"
quid "4187712F02CD"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
quid "41877141027F"
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physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
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quid "418771F3008D"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::APP-SERVICES/BACKUPRESTORENOTIFICATION"
quidu "41877141027F"
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(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771F502B0"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/EFSRV"
quidu "418770FA028E"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE)
(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771F80214"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/ESTOR"
quidu "418771100250"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE)
(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771FA0168"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::SYSLIB/BAFL"
quidu "4187712F02CD"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE)
(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771FC0262"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/EUSER"
quidu "41877121001D"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE))
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)))
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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location (519, 746)
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size 12)
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Parent_View @2
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Parent_View @2
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size 12)
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Parent_View @3
location (443, 1402)
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Parent_View @3
location (443, 1321)
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size 12)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @4
location (215, 225)
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label "Client Interface to the Local Time Conversion and Configuration Services.")
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fill_color 13434879
width 644
height 269)
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location (38, 31)
font (object Font
size 12)
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size 10)
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Parent_View @7
location (2043, 786)
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Parent_View @7
location (2043, 711)
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Parent_View @8
location (1834, 43)
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|Provides an API for clients to request localised location names and the TZ Zone names these refers to.
|Licensees provide the underlining localised location name - zone name resource files
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height 463)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @10
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Parent_View @10
location (1980, 1098)
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label "<<ECOM Plug-in>>")
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size 12)
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(1141, 746)
(777, 746))
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @16
location (1437, 697)
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Parent_View @19
location (412, 725)
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