Merge RCL_3 fixes with latest delivery.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Implementation of CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr
#include "ASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr.h"
#include "ASSrvServerWideData.h"
#include "ASSrvTimer.h"
#include "ASSrvAlarmQueue.h"
#include "ASSrvNotificationCoordinator.h"
Standard 2 phase constructor
CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr* CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::NewL(CASSrvNotificationCoordinator& aParent, CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData)
CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr* self = new (ELeave) CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr(aParent, aServerWideData);
return self;
Standard 2nd phase constractor
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::ConstructL()
Standard private constructor
CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr(CASSrvNotificationCoordinator& aParent, CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData)
:iParent(aParent), iServerWideData(aServerWideData)
Set the maximum number of alarms supported by Alert Server
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::SetMaxNumberOfAlarms(TInt aMaxAlarms)
iMaxNumberOfAlarms = aMaxAlarms;
@see MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::MATimerHandleAlarmExpired(TAlarmTimerEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aAlarmId)
if (aEvent != EAlarmTimerEventAlarmExpired)
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerWideData().Queue();
TASSrvAlarm* justExpiredAlarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(aAlarmId);
if (SoleNotifyingAlarmHasSoundPaused())
// If there's 1 alarm notifying and it has it's sound paused,
// then we'll snooze it and take it's place.
TASSrvAlarm* pausedAlarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds[0]);
else if (AllowMoreNotifyingAlarms())
// If the number of notifying alarm is less than maximum allowed
if (iParent.SetAlarmInProgress())
// Alert server hasn't replied to the previous alarm...
// set the alarm state to waiting to notify
// The max number of allowed alarm has reached, set the state of the just
// expired alarm depending on its exipry time
TAlarmId youngestAlarmId(YoungestNotifyingAlarmId());
TASSrvAlarm* youngestAlarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(youngestAlarmId);
if (justExpiredAlarm->OriginalExpiryTime() < youngestAlarm->OriginalExpiryTime() && !justExpiredAlarm->HasSoundPaused())
// The alarm that just expired is actually older than an alarm
// we're notifying about. This kind of thing can occur
// when somebody adds an alarm to the alarm server which is
// in the past, e.g a day in the past, and the alarm server is
// already notifying about an alarm which is 1 minute old.
// In this case, an alarm which we were notifying about should no
// longer in the notifying queue, therefore we set its state back
// to "waiting to notify" and then proceed to notify about this
// new alarm.
Return the server data object.
CASSrvServerWideData& CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::ServerWideData() const
return iServerWideData;
Set the alarm with the given alarm id to be the next notifying alarm
@param aAlarmId the id of the alarm to set to notifying state
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::SetAsNextNotifyingAlarm(TAlarmId aAlarmId)
// This function shouldn't be called if max # of alarm has reached
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerWideData().Queue();
TASSrvAlarm* alarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(aAlarmId);
// Update the alarm we are notifying about
if (iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Append(aAlarmId) != KErrNone)
// Now we can start notifying this new alarm. Because this class observes all
// state or status changes, we will be notified about the change and will
// update the Alarm Alert Server accordingly.
TAlarmState state(EAlarmStateNotifying);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (iParent.PreventUserNotification())
state = EAlarmStateNotified;
// Remove the alarm from notifying list
iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Remove(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count() - 1);
TBool CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::AmNotifyingAboutAlarm() const
return (iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count() > 0);
Locate and initiate notifications for the next alarm in the queue that is waiting
@param aUpdate if true, update alert server if next alarm is not available
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::FindAndExecuteNextAlarmAwaitingNotification(TBool aUpdate)
if(AllowMoreNotifyingAlarms() && ServerWideData().Queue().HaveAdditionalAlarmsToNotify())
TASSrvAlarm& alarm = ServerWideData().Queue().NextAlarmWaitingForNotification();
else if (aUpdate && !AmNotifyingAboutAlarm())
// Alarm server has no more alarm to notify, so update Alert Server
// visibility and flags
Check if the given alarm is in the alarm notifying list
TBool CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::AlarmIsNotifying(TAlarmId aAlarmId) const
if (iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Find(aAlarmId) != KErrNotFound)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
Check if alert server can accept more notifying alarm
TBool CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::AllowMoreNotifyingAlarms() const
if (iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count() < iMaxNumberOfAlarms)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
Returns the Alarm Id for the "youngest" notifying alarm, ie. with the largest (latest) OriginalExpiryTime.
TAlarmId CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::YoungestNotifyingAlarmId() const
// This function shouldn't be called if there are no notifying alarms
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerWideData().Queue();
TAlarmId youngestAlarm(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds[0]);
TTime latestTime(queue.QueueAlarmById(youngestAlarm)->OriginalExpiryTime());
for(TInt i = iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count()-1; i >= 1 ; i--)
TASSrvAlarm* currentAlarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds[i]);
if (latestTime < currentAlarm->OriginalExpiryTime())
youngestAlarm = currentAlarm->Id();
latestTime = queue.QueueAlarmById(youngestAlarm)->OriginalExpiryTime();
return youngestAlarm;
Determine if there is only 1 Notifying Alarm and if has it's Sound Paused.
@return ETrue if this is true. Otherwise EFalse
TBool CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::SoleNotifyingAlarmHasSoundPaused() const
if( iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count() != 1 )
return EFalse;
TASSrvAlarm* notifyingAlarm = ServerWideData().Queue().QueueAlarmById(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds[0]);
if (notifyingAlarm->HasSoundPaused())
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
Remove an alarm from the notifying alarm list
@param aAlarmId the id of the alarm to be removed
@return ETrue if the alarm was in the notifying list before removal. Otherwise EFalse
TBool CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::RemoveNotifyingAlarm(TAlarmId aAlarmId)
TInt alarmIndex(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Find(aAlarmId));
if (alarmIndex == KErrNotFound)
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
Remove all alarms from the notifying alarm list
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::RemoveAllNotifyingAlarms()
Return the number of the notifying alarm
TInt CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::NumberOfNotifyingAlarm()
return iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count();
Set all notifying alarm to Notified state
void CASSrvNotifyingAlarmMngr::AcknowledgeAllNotifyingAlarms()
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerWideData().Queue();
TInt count(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds.Count());
for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
TASSrvAlarm* alarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(iCurrentlyNotifyingAlarmIds[i]);
// Because we disabled the AlarmObservers, we have to
// manually remove the alarms