Merge RCL_3 fixes with latest delivery.
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "ASSrvTimer.h"
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
// User includes
#include "ASSrvStaticUtils.h"
#include "ASSrvAlarmQueue.h"
#include "ASSrvTimerObserver.h"
#include "ASSrvServerWideData.h"
#include "ASSrvAnyEventManager.h"
// ----> CASSrvAlarmTimer (source)
CASSrvAlarmTimer::CASSrvAlarmTimer(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData)
: CTimer(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iServerWideData(aServerWideData), iNextDueAlarmId(KNullAlarmId),
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::ConstructL()
CASSrvAlarmTimer* CASSrvAlarmTimer::NewL(CASSrvServerWideData& aServerWideData)
CASSrvAlarmTimer* self = new(ELeave) CASSrvAlarmTimer(aServerWideData);
return self;
* Request notifications when an alarm expires
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::NotifyAlarmExpiredL(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver& aObserver)
* Cancel a previous notification request
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::NotifyAlarmExpiredCancel(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver& aObserver)
TInt index = KErrNotFound;
const TInt error = iNotificationList.FindInAddressOrder(&aObserver, index);
if (error != KErrNotFound)
* @see MASSrvAlarmQueueObserver
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::MAlarmQueueObserverHandleEvent(TASSrvAlarmQueueEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aAlarmId)
const TAlarmId previousDueAlarmId = iNextDueAlarmId;
/* There two interesting events that we should look for:
* Alarm Queue Start Internalize - everything we know is now invalid
* Alarm Queue Head Item Changed - stop what we are doing, and see if/when
* the next alarm is due.
switch (aEvent)
case EASSrvAlarmQueueEventAlarmStartInternalize:
// stop processing alarm queue, (until a new head alarm appears)
// RunL could have started already (it waits for an Access Token)
// and would be processing an invalid head alarm!
iInvalidatedByInternalize = ETrue;
case EASSrvAlarmQueueEventHeadItemChanged:
// The next alarm has changed.
// head alarm is valid
iInvalidatedByInternalize = EFalse;
// Set ourselves up for the next alarm, assuming there is one.
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerData().Queue();
const TASSrvAlarm* nextDueAlarm = queue.HeadAlarm();
if (nextDueAlarm && aAlarmId != KNullAlarmId)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(nextDueAlarm->Id() != KNullAlarmId, ASSrvStaticUtils::Panic(ASSrvStaticUtils::EASSrvPanicQueueAlarmIdNull));
// Convert alarm time to local time
TTime dueTime = nextDueAlarm->NextDueTime();
// Get current time
const TTime now(ASSrvStaticUtils::UtcTimeNow());
// Expire now (if the alarm is in the past), or when the alarm
// is really due (if it's in the future).
TTime t = dueTime > now? dueTime : now;
// Update next due alarm id and original due time
iOriginalExpiryTimeForAlarm = dueTime;
iNextDueAlarmId = aAlarmId;
default: // don't care about other events
// Notify change
if (iNextDueAlarmId != previousDueAlarmId)
ServerData().AnyEventManager().MASAnyEventManagerObserverNotifyChanges(EAlarmChangeEventHeadQueueItemChanged, iNextDueAlarmId);
* @see CActive
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::RunL()
// Cache this, so that notifications can queue the next alarm with the
// timer.
const TAlarmId justExpiredAlarmId = iNextDueAlarmId;
// Set this back to KNullAlarmId indicating that we don't (yet) have another
// alarm to notify about. We must do this just in case there aren't any more
// suitable alarms in the queue, otherwise we will always indicate that we
// are notifying about an (already) notified alarm.
iNextDueAlarmId = KNullAlarmId;
// check that Internalize hasn't invalidated the head alarm
if (!iInvalidatedByInternalize && (iNextDueAlarmId == KNullAlarmId))
const TInt errorStatus = iStatus.Int();
// Time changed - RChangeNotifier for time changes only used if no alarm is set.
case KErrAbort:
NotifyEvent(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver::EAlarmTimerEventTimeOrDateChanged, KNullAlarmId);
// Ignore times set in the past
case KErrUnderflow:
case KErrNone:
if (!iInvalidatedByInternalize)
NotifyEvent(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver::EAlarmTimerEventAlarmExpired, justExpiredAlarmId);
// No timer reset if the date is close to the overflow range.
// This means that agenda will not get notified of time changes
case KErrOverflow:
// Fall through to error handler
HandleTimerError(justExpiredAlarmId, errorStatus);
NotifyEvent(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver::EAlarmTimerEventTimingError, justExpiredAlarmId);
// Notify change
ServerData().AnyEventManager().MASAnyEventManagerObserverNotifyChanges(EAlarmChangeEventTimerExpired, justExpiredAlarmId);
* @see CActive
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::Cancel()
iNextDueAlarmId = KNullAlarmId;
iOriginalExpiryTimeForAlarm = Time::NullTTime();
* @see CActive
TInt CASSrvAlarmTimer::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
// Ignore erorrs
return KErrNone;
* Notify observers about the specified event
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::NotifyEvent(MASSrvAlarmTimerObserver::TAlarmTimerEvent aEvent, TAlarmId aId)
for(TInt i=iNotificationList.Count(); i>0; --i)
// Notify observers
// TASSrvAlarm::MATimerHandleAlarmExpired() removes itself from the list
iNotificationList[i-1]->MATimerHandleAlarmExpired(aEvent, aId);
* Handle an error returned in CTimer::iStatus
void CASSrvAlarmTimer::HandleTimerError(TAlarmId aIdOfJustExpiredAlarm, TInt aErrorCode)
CASSrvAlarmQueue& queue = ServerData().Queue();
TASSrvAlarm* expiredAlarm = queue.QueueAlarmById(aIdOfJustExpiredAlarm);