Bug 1790 - Remove static from definition of usage functions.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Base container for multiselection containers
#include "gssenbasecontainer.h"
#include "gssensorpluginmodel.h"
#include "gssensorplugin.hrh"
#include "gssensorplugin_debug.h"
#include "gssensormskobserver.h"
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <gslistbox.h>
#include <gssensorpluginrsc.rsg>
#include <akncheckboxsettingpage.h>
#include <AknIconArray.h>
#include <aknconsts.h>
#include <avkon.mbg>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <eiklbv.h>
// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::CGSSenBaseContainer
// Default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGSSenBaseContainer::CGSSenBaseContainer( MGSSensorMskObserver& aMskObserver ) :
iMskObserver( aMskObserver )
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::CGSSenBaseContainer()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::~CGSSenBaseContainer
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::~CGSSenBaseContainer()" );
if ( iSelectionItems )
delete iSelectionItems;
if ( iListboxItemArray )
delete iListboxItemArray;
iModel = NULL;
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::~CGSSenBaseContainer() - return" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::ConstructListBoxL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::ConstructListBoxL( TInt aResLbxId, TInt aResMsId )
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::ConstructListBoxL()" );
iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxMultiselectionList );
iListboxItemArray = CGSListBoxItemTextArray::NewL(
aResLbxId, *iListBox, *iCoeEnv );
iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListboxItemArray );
iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
iSelectionItems = iCoeEnv->ReadDesC16ArrayResourceL(
aResMsId );
const TInt interactionId = InteractionId();
// Get current selections from CenRep
iSelections = iModel->SelectionListL( interactionId );
const TUint32 variation = iModel->VariationListL( interactionId );
TUint bitmaskpos = 0;
// Loop selections and delete disabled items
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSelectionItems->Count(); i++ )
TUint status( 0 );
TUint mask( 0x01 << bitmaskpos++ );
// Get value from member variable bitmask. It is updated when this view is launched
// and will be stored when view is closed
status = variation & mask;
if (!status)
// Remove disabled item from iSelectionItems
iSelectionItems->Delete( i );
i--; // Decrease index
// Add items to list box
iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iSelectionItems );
// Create checkbox icons
// Update checkbox icons according to previous settings
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::ConstructListBoxL() - return" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::AddCheckboxIconsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::AddCheckboxIconsL()
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::AddCheckboxIconsL()" );
CAknIconArray* iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
CFbsBitmap* checkboxOnBitmap = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* checkboxOnBitmapMask = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* checkboxOffBitmap = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* checkboxOffBitmapMask = NULL;
//CListItemDrawer is using this logical color as default for its marked icons
TRgb defaultColor;
defaultColor = ( ( CEikonEnv* )iCoeEnv )->Color( EColorControlText );
// Create 'ON' checkbox icon
AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
CGulIcon* checkboxOnIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( checkboxOnBitmap, checkboxOnBitmapMask );
// cleanup checkboxOnBitmap, checkboxOnBitmapMask
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOnBitmapMask );
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOnBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( checkboxOnIcon );
iconArray->AppendL( checkboxOnIcon );
// Create 'OFF' checkbox icon
AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
CGulIcon* checkboxOffIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( checkboxOffBitmap, checkboxOffBitmapMask );
// cleanup checkboxOffBitmap, checkboxOffBitmapMask
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOffBitmapMask );
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOffBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( checkboxOffIcon );
iconArray->AppendL( checkboxOffIcon );
CAknColumnListBox* castedListbox = static_cast<CAknColumnListBox*>( iListBox );
castedListbox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
// cleanup checkboxOnIcon, checkboxOffIcon, iconArray
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOffIcon );
CleanupStack::Pop( checkboxOnIcon );
CleanupStack::Pop( iconArray );
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::AddCheckboxIconsL() - return" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::OfferKeyEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CGSSenBaseContainer::OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::OfferKeyEventL()" );
TKeyResponse returnValue( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
case EKeyUpArrow:
case EKeyDownArrow:
// Send key event to Listbox
returnValue = iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
// Change MSK label if needs to changed
case EKeyLeftArrow:
case EKeyRightArrow:
// Listbox takes all events even if it doesn't use them.
// Stick with the default return value
// Forward key event to listbox
returnValue = iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::OfferKeyEventL() - return" );
return returnValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::UpdateCheckboxIconL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::UpdateCheckboxIconL( TInt aSelectedItem )
TRACE_1( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::UpdateCheckboxIconL() - Item: %i", aSelectedItem );
// Range of selected item is already checked by caller of this function
if ( SelectionStatus( aSelectedItem ) )
iListBox->View()->SelectItemL( aSelectedItem );
iListBox->View()->DeselectItem( aSelectedItem );
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::UpdateCheckboxIconL() - return" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::StoreSelectionsL
// Store current selection list to CenRep
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::StoreSelectionsL()
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::StoreSelectionsL()" );
// Send current selection list to be stored by model
iModel->SetSelectionListL( InteractionId(), iSelections );
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::StoreSelectionsL() - return" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::CurrentFeatureId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CGSSenBaseContainer::CurrentFeatureId( ) const
TRACE_1( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::CurrentFeatureId() - %i",
iListboxItemArray->CurrentFeature() );
return iListboxItemArray->CurrentFeature();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::SelectionStatus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CGSSenBaseContainer::SelectionStatus( TInt aPosition )
TRACE_1( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::SelectionStatus() - Position: %i", aPosition );
TUint status( 0 );
TUint mask( 0x01 << aPosition );
// Get value from member variable bitmask. It is updated when this view is launched
// and will be stored when view is closed
status = iSelections & mask;
TRACE_1( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::SelectionStatus() - return: %i", status );
return status;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::ChangeSelectionStatus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::ChangeSelectionStatus( TInt aPosition)
TRACE_1( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::ChangeSelectionStatus() - Position: %i",
aPosition );
// Set position bit to 1
TUint bit( 0x01 << aPosition );
// Get current status
const TBool status( SelectionStatus( aPosition ) );
// Set value only to member variable bitmask. Bitmask is updated to CenRep when all
// selections are approved by user
if ( !status )
// Set selected bit on
iSelections = iSelections | bit;
// Set selected bit off. In example, second and fourth are selected. Second needs to set off
// First take bitwice from selections, for example 0000 1010 -> 1111 0101
// Make OR operand to bitwise with selected bit (second) 1111 0101 -> 1111 0111
// Make bitwise again to set selections to original form 1111 0111 -> 0000 1000
TUint bitwise( ~iSelections );
iSelections = ~( bitwise | bit );
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::ChangeSelectionStatus() - return" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGSSenBaseContainer::CheckSelections
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGSSenBaseContainer::CheckSelections()
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::CheckSelections()");
// This function is needed purely for this component to work in S60 3.1 as it does not support MSK
// as well as S60 3.2 and onwards. The reason for this function is that in S60 3.1 MSK presses does
// not end up for this component, but the checking / unchecking is done in AVKON side and hence
// this component does not know the changes other way than with this function
TUint status( 0 );
CArrayFix<TInt>* selections = const_cast<CArrayFix<TInt>*> ( iListBox->View()->SelectionIndexes() );
if ( selections )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < selections->Count(); i++ )
// Set selected bit to 1
TUint bit( 0x01 << selections->At( i ) );
// Set selected bit on
status = status | bit;
#ifdef _DEBUG
TRACE_2( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::CheckSelections() - iSelections: %i listbox selections: %i",
iSelections, status );
iSelections = status;
TRACE_( "[GSSensorPlugin] CGSSenBaseContainer::CheckSelections() - return" );