Bug 1790 - Remove static from definition of usage functions.
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version 43
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quid "40D96A130352"
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quid "4180BFFD0079"
label "linked with"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::App-Services/TzClient"
quidu "40D960CA0111"
supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
(object module "App-Services/TimeZoneDatabaseProvider" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
quid "40D9624801D1"
stereotype "")
(object module "App-Services/LocalisedNamesService" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
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visible_modules (list dependency_list
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quid "4112039F009F"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::Licensee Provided Localised Location Name Resource Manager"
quidu "411202FA03D9"
supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
(object module "Licensee Provided Localised Location Name Resource Manager" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
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physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
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title "Main"
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items (list diagram_item_list))))
(object SubSystem "BASE/EUSER"
quid "41877121001D"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
(object SubSystem "SYSLIB/BAFL"
quid "4187712F02CD"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
quid "41877141027F"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
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quid "418771F3008D"
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quid "418771F502B0"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/EFSRV"
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quid "418771F80214"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/ESTOR"
quidu "418771100250"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE)
(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771FA0168"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::SYSLIB/BAFL"
quidu "4187712F02CD"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE)
(object Dependency_Relationship
quid "418771FC0262"
supplier "Component View::Components Analysis::BASE/EUSER"
quidu "41877121001D"
supplier_is_subsystem TRUE))
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)))
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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size 12)
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size 12)
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Parent_View @3
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Parent_View @3
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size 12)
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Parent_View @4
location (215, 225)
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label "Client Interface to the Local Time Conversion and Configuration Services.")
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|Provides an API for clients to request localised location names and the TZ Zone names these refers to.
|Licensees provide the underlining localised location name - zone name resource files
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Parent_View @10
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @16
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