Bug 1790 - Remove static from definition of usage functions.
(object Petal
version 43
_written "Rose 6.5.9232.10"
charSet 0)
(object Class_Category "2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
quid "40B1D43200B7"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "MTZCfgAgentObserver"
quid "417E5D9E0285"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "NotifyTZStatusChange"
quid "418661990045"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTzDstRuleChangeNotifier"
quid "417E611102DE"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E6129002F"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CTimer"
quidu "417E611F02A0")))
(object Class "CSystemTzRulesCache"
quid "417E61CB014A"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E621A0301"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTZRulesCache"
quidu "417E61FF033F"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "SetDefaultZoneIdL"
quid "418662950171"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Protected"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTZRulesCache"
quid "417E61FF033F"
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "417E62ED0323"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::MTzDataAccess"
quidu "40B1D59903C5"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetTimeZoneRulesL"
quid "4186626B0103"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetDefaultZoneIdL"
quid "418662F902CA"
stereotype "virtual"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTzServer"
quid "40A1DCCE01F1"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "409F88A303E5"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CPolicyServer"
quidu "409F888A0154")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E5DA401BA"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::MTZCfgAgentObserver"
quidu "417E5D9E0285"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "NotifyTZStatusChange"
quid "4186617300A3"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTzSession"
quid "409F890B0127"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "409F895302CE"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CSession2"
quidu "409F8948005D"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "NotifyTZStatusChange"
quid "418661CB0065"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "doRegisterTimeZoneChangeNotifierL"
quid "418661D702E6"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "doCancelRequestForTimeZoneChangeNoticeL"
quid "418661E600F2"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTzChangeNotifier"
quid "40F5160A0058"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "40F5161603E2"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CActive"
quidu "409F86F50045"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "40F518140142"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF")))
(object Class "CTzConverter"
quid "40A487AF039A"
stereotype "active"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E54EE01CC"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CBase"
quidu "40D7E5240359"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "40A48BF80399"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TTime"
quidu "407FBECA00CB")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "40D7EAE80001"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::TLocalTime"
quidu "409F825F0036")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "41120A0F02C8"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzId"
quidu "411209EF00C4"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "ConvertToUniversalTime"
quid "40D7E78E014D"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "TTime&"))
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ConvertToUniversalTime"
quid "40F5049102A9"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "TTime&")
(object Parameter "CTimeZoneId&"))
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ConvertToLocalTime"
quid "40D7E79201DA"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "TTime&"))
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ConvertToLocalTime"
quid "40F504AD00A6"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "TTime&")
(object Parameter "CTimeZoneId&"))
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "NewL"
quid "4112110D02BF"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "NotifyTimeZoneChange"
quid "418616440076"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTzConfigAgent"
quid "409F83A9029C"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E5CC100CC"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::MTzDataObserver"
quidu "417E5C9D037C")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "417E5CF40254"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::CBase"
quidu "40D7E5240359"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "40F284690167"
label "loads time zone data provider from"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CTzDataProviderFactory"
quidu "40F284200290")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "4108F88D02D1"
label "notifies current zone change to"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
quidu "40A487AF039A"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "GetTimeZoneIdL"
quid "418660BE017B"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "SetTimeZoneL"
quid "418660D302E3"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ConvertL"
quid "41875E880119"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "GetTimeZoneRulesL"
quid "418661120360"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "GetForeignTimeZoneRulesL"
quid "4186612300D0"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "NotifyAutoTimeUpdateTimeOut"
quid "41866144014E"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CTimeZoneDataProvider"
quid "40B1DA3703B5"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "40B1D83B00F6"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::MTzDataAccess"
quidu "40B1D59903C5")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "40B1DA73021F"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CECOMTimeZoneDataProvider"
quidu "40B1D827028C"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "NewL"
quid "40B1DBC50088"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Association "gets time zone rules from"
quid "40B1D5B802AB"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "40B1D5B901A2"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::MTzDataAccess"
quidu "40B1D59903C5"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Reference"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "40B1D5B901A3"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "delegates time zone configuration to"
quid "40B35A9A03D8"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "40B35A9B01F4"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "40B35A9B0204"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzServer"
quidu "40A1DCCE01F1"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "provides interface to"
quid "409F83CD0377"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
quid "409F83CE0174"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzServer"
quidu "40A1DCCE01F1"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
quid "409F83CE0175"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")))
AssociationClass "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzSession")
(object Association "gets time zone rules from"
quid "409F83E900A9"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$6"
quid "409F83E902AC"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
quid "409F83E902AD"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
quidu "40A487AF039A")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
quid "40D7E577004C"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
quid "40D7E5770185"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TTime"
quidu "407FBECA00CB"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
quid "40D7E5770186"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$11"
quid "40D7E57900D9"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$12"
quid "40D7E579027F"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TTime"
quidu "407FBECA00CB"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
quid "40D7E579028F"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
quid "40D7E57C03C7"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
quid "40D7E57D029E"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
quidu "40A487AF039A"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$16"
quid "40D7E57D02AE"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$17"
quid "40D7E87B018F"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$18"
quid "40D7E87C0085"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::TLocalTime"
quidu "409F825F0036"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
quid "40D7E87C0086"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$20"
quid "40D7E8C501BF"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
quid "40D7E8C503C2"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TTime"
quidu "407FBECA00CB"
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$22"
quid "40D7E8C503D2"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::TLocalTime"
quidu "409F825F0036"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "gets and sets local zone in"
quid "40D83B14032A"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
quid "40D83B14032B"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$24"
quid "40D83B14032C"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TLocale"
quidu "409F828F0066"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "delegates zone change observation to"
quid "40F514F1024C"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
quid "40F514F20077"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzChangeNotifier"
quidu "40F5160A0058"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$26"
quid "40F514F20087"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
quidu "40A487AF039A"
is_navigable TRUE
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "delegates timezone setting to"
quid "4108F69A021F"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iSystemTzCache"
quid "4108F69B000C"
label "iSystemTzCache"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CSystemTzRulesCache"
quidu "417E61CB014A"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
exportControl "Private")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
quid "4108F69B001B"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$28"
quid "411209F90028"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
quid "411209F90373"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzId"
quidu "411209EF00C4"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$30"
quid "411209F90383"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$31"
quid "4112367103B7"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$32"
quid "41123672031B"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTimeZoneLocations"
quidu "4118881902E0"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$33"
quid "41123672032A"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C")))
(object Association "caches rules in"
quid "417E540101F8"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$34"
quid "417E540101F9"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
quidu "40A487AF039A"
is_aggregate TRUE)
(object Role "iCurrentRules"
quid "417E540101FA"
label "iCurrentRules"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzActualisedRules"
quidu "417E545600A1"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
Containment "By Reference"
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$35"
quid "417E59E801FC"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$36"
quid "417E59E90008"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$37"
quid "417E59E90017"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Time Zone Setting Client"
quidu "417E52C803D8"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$38"
quid "417E5A0901EC"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$39"
quid "417E5A0A0112"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzId"
quidu "411209EF00C4"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$40"
quid "417E5A0A0121"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Time Zone Setting Client"
quidu "417E52C803D8"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$41"
quid "417E5DBA00A1"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iObserver"
quid "417E5DBA037F"
label "iObserver"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::MTZCfgAgentObserver"
quidu "417E5D9E0285"
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$42"
quid "417E5DBA0380"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C")))
(object Association "delegates next rule change event observation to"
quid "417E6137033C"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iAutoUpdateNotifier"
quid "417E613800EB"
label "iAutoUpdateNotifier"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzDstRuleChangeNotifier"
quidu "417E611102DE"
exportControl "Private")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$43"
quid "417E613800FA"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$44"
quid "417E61E10235"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$45"
quid "417E61E10245"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTZRulesCache"
quidu "417E61FF033F")
(object Role "iRules"
quid "417E61E10246"
label "iRules"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzActualisedRules"
quidu "417E545600A1"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$46"
quid "417E621D01C8"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iOtherTzCache"
quid "417E621D03AD"
label "iOtherTzCache"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTZRulesCache"
quidu "417E61FF033F"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
exportControl "Private")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$47"
quid "417E621D03AE"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConfigAgent"
quidu "409F83A9029C"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$48"
quid "417E6273011E"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iTimeZoneId"
quid "417E627302F2"
label "iTimeZoneId"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzId"
quidu "411209EF00C4"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$49"
quid "417E62730312"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTZRulesCache"
quidu "417E61FF033F"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$50"
quid "418658CE00D4"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iRules"
quid "418658CE00D5"
label "iRules"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzActualisedRules"
quidu "417E545600A1"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$51"
quid "418658CE00D6"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTZRulesCache"
quidu "417E61FF033F")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$52"
quid "41866A2200DE"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "iRules"
quid "41866A2202F2"
label "iRules"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::TTzActualisedRule"
quidu "418669E703DB"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
exportControl "Private"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$53"
quid "41866A2202F3"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzActualisedRules"
quidu "417E545600A1"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "gets and sets local zone in"
quid "41866BA803C2"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$54"
quid "41866BA803C3"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CSystemTzRulesCache"
quidu "417E61CB014A")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$55"
quid "41866BA803C4"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TLocale"
quidu "409F828F0066"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$56"
quid "41875FDA0330"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$57"
quid "41875FDB03DC"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::SysClasses::TTime"
quidu "407FBECA00CB"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$58"
quid "41875FDC0004"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Time Zone Setting Client"
quidu "417E52C803D8")))
(object Association "connects TzServer via"
quid "419CBDE90243"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$59"
quid "419CBDE90244"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C"
is_aggregate TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$60"
quid "419CBDE90245"
supplier "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Mechanism @1
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Object "$UNNAMED$61"
quid "40F79653006D"
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "$UNNAMED$62"
quid "40F7965D02BF"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "40F7973400AE"
supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
quidu "40F79653006D")
(object Link
quid "41866FDE0026"
supplier "$UNNAMED$63"
quidu "41866FBB03DF"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "NewL( )"
quid "41866FDE0027"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1"
ordinal 0
quidu "4112110D02BF")
(object Message "ConvertToUniversalTime()"
quid "41866FFB02E5"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "3"
ordinal 2
quidu "40D7E78E014D")))
(object Link
quid "418670330056"
supplier "$UNNAMED$64"
quidu "4186701F0324"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "NewL()"
quid "418670330057"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2"
ordinal 1
quidu "41121126009D"))))
class "Use Case View::Use-Case Model::Actors::Sync Conversion Client"
quidu "353D5816026C"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "$UNNAMED$63"
quid "41866FBB03DF"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "418670F60308"
supplier "iCurrentRules"
quidu "418670CE0029"
messages (list Messages
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synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "3.1"
ordinal 3)
(object Message "[ruleApplies] ConvertTime( )"
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frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "3.2"
ordinal 4)
(object Message "ConvertTime( )"
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synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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(object Link
quid "4186712D03B4"
supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
quidu "40F79653006D"
messages (list Messages
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(object Link
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(object Link
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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ordinal 5))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
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multi FALSE)
(object Object "$UNNAMED$64"
quid "4186701F0324"
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(object Object "iCurrentRules"
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(object Message "doGetTimeZoneRulesL"
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class "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
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(object Object "$UNNAMED$66"
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(object Message "GetTimeZoneRulesL( )"
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quidu "418661120360"))))
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synchronization "Simple"
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(object Object "iSystemTimeZone"
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frequency "Aperiodic"
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sequence ""
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(object Message "[ruleApplies] ( )"
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frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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(object Message "( )"
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frequency "Aperiodic"
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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class "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
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quid "41877AAA029E"
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(object Message "NotifyTZStatusChange( )"
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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ordinal 3
quidu "418661120360")
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(object Link
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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ordinal 11
quidu "418616440076")
(object Message "NotifyTimeZoneChange( )"
quid "41877E9D0144"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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ordinal 16
quidu "418616440076"))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzSession"
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multi FALSE)
(object Object "$UNNAMED$69"
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(object Link
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quidu "418779380038"
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(object Message "GetTimeZoneRulesL( )"
quid "41877A2503C5"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1.1"
ordinal 1
quidu "417E559303C2")))
(object Link
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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(object Message "delete"
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frequency "Aperiodic"
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dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence ""
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class "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CTzConverter"
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multi FALSE)
(object Object "$UNNAMED$75"
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(object Link
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quidu "4187790A01CE"
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quid "41877A2F0368"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1.1.1"
ordinal 2))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::RTz"
quidu "409F82C301AF"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "iCache"
quid "418779750327"
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::CTzActualisedRules"
quidu "417E545600A1"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "iSystemZoneCache"
quid "41877A510145"
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(object Link
quid "41877A9A00AA"
supplier "iTzDataProvider"
quidu "41877A8C008A"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "GetFullTZIDAndRulesL( )"
quid "41877AF903C8"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence ""
ordinal 5
quidu "418657F70362"))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::2. Local Time Conversion - Analysis::CSystemTzRulesCache"
quidu "417E61CB014A"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "iTzDataProvider"
quid "41877A8C008A"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "41877AA103D6"
supplier "$UNNAMED$73"
quidu "418778F001CD"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "NotifyTZFileStatusChange( )"
quid "41877B6C002F"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "5"
ordinal 13
quidu "417E5D5601E8"))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::LTClasses::MTzDataAccess"
quidu "40B1D59903C5"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)))
(object Mechanism @4
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(object Link
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quidu "418B88AA03C2"
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quid "418B88C001C0"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "1"
ordinal 0)))
(object Link
quid "418B894A0182"
supplier "zone"
quidu "418B89340182"
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(object Message "GetRulesL(aRules)"
quid "418B894A0183"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2"
ordinal 1
Operation "GetRulesL"))))
class "Logical View::Analysis Model::TZClasses::CReadOnlyTZDB"
quidu "40FBA87302D3"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "zone"
quid "418B89340182"
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(object Link
quid "418B89CA02FA"
supplier "sta"
quidu "418B89A801A2"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "[for all sta in range] GetRulesL(aRules, )"
quid "418B89CA02FB"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2.1"
ordinal 2))))
class "Logical View::Design Model::2. TZ Data Provider - Design::CTzDbZone"
quidu "40FFE0E20357"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "sta"
quid "418B89A801A2"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "418B8A540118"
supplier "ruleset"
quidu "418B8A4D033B"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "[ruleset] GetRuleL(def_rule, aRules, )"
quid "418B8A540119"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2.1.2"
ordinal 4)))
(object Link
quid "418B8AB00251"
supplier "sta"
quidu "418B89A801A2"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "def_rule = CreateSTDRule()"
quid "418B8AB00252"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2.1.1"
ordinal 3
Operation "def_rule = CreateSTDRule")
(object Message "[!ruleset] AddDefaultRule(aRules, def_rule)"
quid "418B8B670179"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence "2.1.3"
ordinal 8))))
class "Logical View::Design Model::2. TZ Data Provider - Design::CTzDbStdTimeAlignment"
quidu "40FFE058036F"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "ruleset"
quid "418B8A4D033B"
collaborators (list link_list
(object Link
quid "418B8D49021C"
supplier "truledef"
quidu "418B8D390289"
messages (list Messages
(object Message "[for all truledef in ruleuses] trule = Actualise()"
quid "418B8D49021D"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence ""
ordinal 6)))
(object Link
quid "418B8DE70337"
supplier "ruleset"
quidu "418B8A4D033B"
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(object Message "AddActualisedRule(aRule, trule)"
quid "418B8DE70338"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence ""
ordinal 7)
(object Message "[first ruleuse > actualisation_year] AddDefaultRule(aRules, def_rule)"
quid "418B8F1703A8"
frequency "Aperiodic"
synchronization "Simple"
dir "FromClientToSupplier"
sequence ""
ordinal 5))))
class "Logical View::Design Model::2. TZ Data Provider - Design::CTzDbRuleSet"
quidu "40FFE15302FD"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE)
(object Object "truledef"
quid "418B8D390289"
class "Logical View::Design Model::2. TZ Data Provider - Design::TTzRuleDefinition"
quidu "418B8D2F0392"
persistence "Transient"
multi FALSE))))
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title "9. Server-side Tz Rules Caching"
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items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @5
location (2178, 2153)
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|A single set of rules for the current zone and 1 other zone is maintained.
|The decision on having a separate cache for the current zone is because that will be the most used information.
|Rules in the cache will be maintained on a Least Recently Used bases.
|SetDefaultZoneIdL() is used as a template method to encapsulate the variability between the two classes
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location (987, 2453)
font (object Font
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Parent_View @6
location (396, 2131)
fill_color 13434879
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|This a transformed version of the TzRuleDefinition.
|The transformation changes the Rule into the actual Time (in the year of interest) when the change takes place.
|For any year, there may be any number of changes depending on whether there is a single, double or no change at all.
|A StdTimeAlignment with no associated DST rules is represented as single TTzActualisedRule for the period covered.
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height 656)
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font (object Font
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @7
location (77, 1785)
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Parent_View @9
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|Observes the CTimeZoneConfigAgent for changes in the information held on the current zone.
|It then informs CTzConverter, for the latter to purge its current zone rule cache.
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|This is the interface to the TZ Data Provider.
| returns a collection of TZ Rules for the given period and zone.
| returns a collection of TZ Rules for the given period and zone. Also supplies the full name of the zone
| Clients are responsible for the lifetime of the Data Provider. They must call this method if the object is no longer required. The method name allows ease of putting on the CleanupRelease stack.
| Instructs the data provider to free the rules to preserve space.
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|Factory for TZ Data Provider
| returns MTzDataAccess
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|Encapsulates a collection of Time Zone Rules for changing to Summer, Double Summer, or Winter.
|Also defines the period the rules cover.
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|Provides high Performance Conversion for the current selected time zone.
|Only one instance is required per client.
|It requires an installed active scheduler to manage its delegate system time zone change event observer .
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size 10)
quidu "418B8F1703A8"
anchor_loc 1
nlines 3
max_width 637
justify 0
label "[first ruleuse > actualisation_year] AddDefaultRule(aRules, def_rule)"
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line_color 3342489
client @482
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Focus_Entry @484
origin (2106, 1020)
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location (2481, 640)
font (object Font
size 10)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @506
location (2221, 512)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 6
max_width 484
label "Add default rule if the actualisation year is not covered by the first rule use in the list")
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 544
height 269)
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stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
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supplier @504
line_style 0)))))