author William Roberts <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:37:17 +0100
changeset 22 c82a39b81a38
parent 0 2e3d3ce01487
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414) Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.

* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  

#ifndef C_CFSCRIPT_H
#define C_CFSCRIPT_H

#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <f32file.h>

#include "cfcontextsubscriptionlistener.h"
#include "cfoperationservices.h"
#include "CFSecurityChecker.h"

class MCFActionHandler;
class MCFContextInterface;
class CCFContextObject;
class CCFContextSubscriptionImpl;
class CCFScriptSubscription;
class CCFScriptRoot;
class CCFOperationNode;
class CCFScriptEvent;
class CMDXMLNode;
class MCFPlugInOperation;
class MCFPersistentDataInterface;
class CCFPersistentData;
class CCFScriptInfo;
class MCFScriptOwner;

 * Client to ContextManager context object changes; subscribes all
 * CCFContextObject needed for the script. When the script's value changes
 * from EFalse to ETrue, the callback in CCFScriptHandler is called.

 * @lib CFScriptEngine
 * @since Series 60 2.6
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCFScript ): public CBase,
public MCFContextSubscriptionListener,
public MCFOperationServices
public: // Constructors and destructor

     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @param aStartNode contains XML node where the script starts
     * @param aName Script's name, filename or secure id from client thread
     * @param aScriptId is id for this script
     * @param aActionHandler is MCFActionHandler that is notified when
     *  notify action fires.
    static CCFScript* NewL( CMDXMLNode& aStartNode,
        const TDesC& aName,
        TInt aScriptId,
        const TUid& aOwner,
        MCFActionHandler& aActionHandler,
        TInt aLength,
        MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF,
        MCFSecurityChecker& aSecurityChecker,
        MCFPlugInOperation& aPlugInOperation,
        RFs& aFs,
        MCFScriptOwner* aScriptOwner );

     * Two-phased constructor that leaves object to the cleanup stack.
     * @param aStartNode contains XML node where the script starts
     * @param aName Script's name, filename or secure id from client thread
     * @param aScriptId is id for this script
     * @param aActionHandler is MCFActionHandler that is notified when
     *  notify action fires.
    static CCFScript* NewLC( CMDXMLNode& aStartNode,
        const TDesC& aName,
        TInt aScriptId,
        const TUid& aOwner,
        MCFActionHandler& aActionHandler,
        TInt aLength,
        MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF,
        MCFSecurityChecker& aSecurityChecker,
        MCFPlugInOperation& aPlugInOperation,
        RFs& aFs,
        MCFScriptOwner* aScriptOwner );

     * Destructor.

public: // New functions

     * Activates the script by activating the script root.
    void ActivateL();

     * Check that aOwnerThread has capabilities to do subscriptions
     * and operations needed by the script.
     * @param aOwnerThread is the script owning thread for security checking.
     * @return KErrNone if security check passed, KErrNotFound if
     *   all actions or contexts needed by the script were not found,
     *   KErrPermissionDenied if the aOwnerThread does not have sufficient
     *   capabilities.
    TInt CheckSecurity( const RThread& aOwnerThread );

     * Gets action handler (session) associated with the script.
     * @return a reference to action handler listening this script.
    MCFActionHandler& ActionHandler() const;

     * Gets script upgrade security level.
     * @return const TCapabilitySet&.
    const TCapabilitySet& UpgradeSecurity() const;

     * Request operation nodes to clean up persistent data.
     * @since S60 5.0
     * @param None.
     * @return None.
    void CleanupPersistentData();

     * Checks if this script has a dependency to the operation plug-in
     * implementation provided as a parameter.
     * @param aUid Provider uid.
     * @return ETrue if has dependency.
    TBool HasDependency( const TUid& aUid ) const;

     * Returns a copy of script info.
     * @return CCFScriptInfo*.
    CCFScriptInfo* CopyInfoLC() const;
     * Return owner uid.
     * @return TUid&.
    const TUid& OwnerUid() const;
     * Return script name.
     * @return const TDesC&.
    TPtrC Name() const;
     * Return script length.
     * @return TInt.
    TInt Length() const;
     * Return reference to the info object.
     * @return CCFScriptInfo&.
    CCFScriptInfo& Info() const;

public: // Functions from MCFContextSubscriptionListener

    // From MCFContextSubscriptionListener
    void ContextIndicationL( CCFContextIndication* aIndication );

    // From MCFContextSubscriptionListener
    TInt Client( RThread& aThread ) const;

    // From MCFContextSubscriptionListener
    void HandleContextSubscriptionError( TInt aError,
        const TDesC& aSource,
        const TDesC& aType );

public: // Functions from MCFOperationServices

     * Parses a xml node and returns a pointer to CCFOperationNode instance.
     * @param aParent is the parsed parent node for the aNode.
     * @param aNode is the node to be parsed.
     * @return a ptr to CCFOperationNode instance parsed from the given node,
     *   Note that the ownership is transferred. Leaves with code
     *   KErrNotSupported if the node cannot be parsed.
    CCFOperationNode* ParseL( CCFOperationNode* aParent,
        CMDXMLNode& aNode );

     * Gets id of the script providing operation services.
     * @returns script id of this operation services provider.
    TInt ScriptId() const;

     * Checks a script owners capabilities against given security policy.
     * This is typically called by the operation nodes when 
     * the CheckSecurity()-method for them is called.
     * @param aPolicy is the security policy.
     * @return KErrNone when security check passed, otherwise any of the system
     *   wide error codes.
    TInt CheckScriptOwnerAccess( const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy );

     * Gets context interface.
     * @return a reference to context interface.
    MCFContextInterface& ContextInterface() const;

     * Adds subscription to Context Framework to get indications of context
     * events.
     * @param aListener is a pointer to listener interface that will be notified
     *  of the specified context events.
     * @return None. If subscribing is unsuccessful, leaves with any of system
     *   wide error codes.
    void SubscribeContextL( MCFScriptListener* aListener );

     * Removes subscription from Context Framework, cancels indications of
     * context events.
     * @param aListener is a pointer to listener interface whose context
     *   subscription is cancelled.
     * @return None.
    void RemoveSubscription( MCFScriptListener* aListener );

     * Checks a context read security.
     * @param aSource is the context source.
     * @param aType is the context type.
     * @return KErrNone when security check passed, otherwise any of the system
     *   wide error codes.
    TInt CheckContextReadSecurity( const TDesC& aSource,
        const TDesC& aType );

     * Stores operation data into a persistent file. If the file exists
     * the old data is replaced by calling ExternalizeL for the operation.
     * @param aFile is the persistent file for operation data.
     * @param aOperation is the operation to be stored.
     * @return None.
    void StoreL( const TDesC& aFile, CCFOperationNode& aOperation );

     * Restores operation data from a persistent file. If the file exists
     * InternalizeL is called for the operation.
     * @param aFile is the persistent file containing operation data.
     * @param aOperation is the operation to be restored.
     * @return None.
    void RestoreL( const TDesC& aFile,
        CCFOperationNode& aOperation );

     * Deletes the persistent file.
     * Operation node must call this method for all persistent data files
     * it owns when Cleanup() -method is called.
     * @param aFile file name of the persistent data file.
    void Delete( const TDesC& aFile );

     * Check if there are actions to launch and launch them.
     * Should be called after script has been evaluated based on something else
     * than context indication, e.g. timer event.
     * Note that calling this from normal evaluation during context indication
     * results in executing script actions multiple times when script is true.
    void LaunchActivatedActions( );

     * Fires an action.
     * @param aEvent is the script event defining the action. Ownership is
     *   transferred.
     * @return None.
    void FireActionL( CCFScriptEvent* aEvent );

    * Fires a context source command action.
    * @param aCommand is the context source command.
    * @return None.
    void FireActionL( const CCFContextSourceCommand& aCommand );

     * Gets the security policy of a particular action.
     * @param aActionId is the identifier of the action.
     * @param aPolicy is the security policy which will be set by this method.
     * @return KErrNone if action was found, KErrNotFound if not.
    TInt GetActionSecurityPolicy( const TDesC& aActionId,
        TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy );


     * C++ default constructor.
    CCFScript( MCFExtendedContextInterface& aCF,
        MCFActionHandler& aActionHandler,
        MCFSecurityChecker& aSecurityChecker,
        MCFPlugInOperation& aPlugInOperation,
        RFs& aFs );

     * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    void ConstructL( CMDXMLNode& aStartNode, const TDesC& aName,
        TInt aScriptId, const TUid& aOwner, TInt aLength,
        MCFScriptOwner* aScriptOwner );

private: // New functions

     * Starting point for script tree creation.
     * @since Series 60 5.0
     * @param aStartNode node to start parsing from.
     * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise appropriate system wide
     *   error code.
    TInt ParseScriptL( CMDXMLNode& aStartNode );

     * Evaluates script with a context.
     * @since Series 60 4.0
     * @param aContext is the context used for evaluating the script.
     * @param aContextLevelDelay will be set to context level delay in
     *  milliseconds if required by evaluation, otherwise left untouched.
     * @return ETrue if any script operation was really evaluated, EFalse
     *   otherwise.
    TBool EvaluateScript( const CCFContextObject& aContext,
        TInt& aContextLevelDelay );

     * Adds new dependency in script.
     * The dependency is the implementation uid of the operation plug-in.
     * This link is needed since if the operation plug-in is uninstalled,
     * all the scripts which has the operation plug-in dependency must be
     * deregistered.
     * @param aUid Implementation uid of the dependecy.
    void AddDependencyL( const TUid& aUid );

private: // Data

    // Reference to context services.
    MCFExtendedContextInterface& iCF;

    // Reference to the action handler.
    MCFActionHandler& iActionHandler;

    // Interface for security checking.
    MCFSecurityChecker& iSecurityChecker;

    // Reference to parsing plugin operations.
    MCFPlugInOperation& iPlugInOperation;

    // Reference to File server session.
    RFs& iFs;

    // Script info
    CCFScriptInfo* iInfo;

    // The root node of the script.
    CCFScriptRoot* iScriptRoot;

    // Script subscriptions, owned.
    RPointerArray< CCFScriptSubscription > iScriptSubscriptions;

    // Script listeners requiring all context indications, not owned.
    RPointerArray< MCFScriptListener > iRequiresAll;

    // Script owning thread for security checking. Valid only during when
    // CheckSecurity() is called, other times pointer is NULL.
    const RThread* iScriptThreadForSecurityCheck;

    // Own: Persistent data handling for scripts.
    CCFPersistentData* iPersistentData;

    // Own: Array of operation plug-in uids
    RArray<TUid> iDependencyList;

#endif // C_CFSCRIPT_H